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RoyBatty is alive

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Everything posted by RoyBatty is alive

  1. I hope all you ignoramuses labeling California QBs as bad realize that a guy named Tom Brady is from CA. As is Aaron Rodgers, John Elway, Warren Moon, Norm Van Brocklin, Dan Fouts , Jim Plunkett etc etc etc.
  2. My most pathetic memories of going at the Ralph was how nice and warmth the bathrooms were but the again the air was heavy with the warm humid vapor of piss from hundreds of men, 80% of them drunk. And i for one have no problems using a urinal trough, it makes things go so much quicker/ I recall;l trying to estimate by the number size and sobriety of each guy in the line which would be quickest. and no one looks at your junk and i certainly never wanted to look at someone else.
  3. So Brady at 51 will be in the SUPER BOWL,,,asinine
  4. He is playing baseball. An NFL would be crazy to pick him in RD IMO, too much risk, besides the fact he is short (spare me the Bress and R Wilson sagas). And ironically the more he drops the money becomes increasingly small...in other words he is destined to play baseball.
  5. What he/she thinks really isnt relevant, if there is this statistical evidence post some for all of us.
  6. I think he was 100% wrong to blame color on his benching, period, he sucked as A QB. He has had three places to start as a QB and couldn't hold the job, that is all the evidence I need. So yes that is how he "felt", sure he can express his "feelings", you are correct about that but i stand by if he feels he was benched because he was AA he is/was 100% wrong.
  7. interesting I am sure you will get a lot of negative feedback although i thin your comment is too strong but i recognize what you are getting at, lets be honest, too many people think only whites can be racists.. Tyrod pulling the race card was 100% wrong BUT he said it once out of frustration, overall he was a total quality man as far as I can tell.
  8. Oh my god you are correct, my bad. Funny how things change in uyour mind. I do recall an Philadelphia Eagle did that about 5 years ago as did a New York Giant.
  9. So the NFL has already de facto blackballed the guy. Does that mean if he gets drafted he could be looking at an immediate suspension? For actions not even taken while in the NFL? Yep but in todays age, that person on the ground could have been identifying as a male.
  10. Yes it was absolutely egregious what he did, i can only assume he has gotten a pass on that because the no call PI overshadows everything. It was one of the biggest coaching blunders of all time. Only thing i disagree i thin the Rams would have had more like 50 seconds left depending upon what play the Saints ran (not passed) and how quickly the refs lined them up. They were at the two minute warning. Rams had two timeouts. The Saints gave them the ball back running off a total of 19 seconds and the Rams still had a timeout left. And on fourth down they could have take a delay of game as 5 yards further back from such a short FG is meaningless in the NFL. He threw on first and third down, almost totally inexcusable. Recall when the Bills finally beat the Pats at home and Fred Jackson had the smarts & the balls to stop at the one instead of scoring a TD and giving the Pats the ball back. That kind of logic escapes coaches like Peyton and Rex Ryan.
  11. Rex worked more on some of his pre game press conferences with his skits and jokes than he did with the team.
  12. three and a neutral zone infraction plus two Offside declined and/or negated.... more the year before that. Both Clowney and and Hughes together it the issue. And they tend to come at the worst time, usually on third down in critical situations where they are trying to get a jump. Actually that is just a die note, i dont want Mario #2 here, i dont think he will be worth the $. Whatever team picks him up end up with the winner's curse.
  13. Oh my god please no to Clowney, 1) he will cost waaay too much and 2) he and Hughes on the same line would be a very bad combination, both have a hair trigger on off sides and jumping the gun
  14. Actually that is a very salient point. The halftime show for a TV audience is i would say 95% different from actually being in the stadium. The Super Bowls I have been to half time is PAINFULLY long and you have to be entertained and I have actually enjoyed them. Now when at hoe or a party, too much else to do , eat, cook, drink, converse, etc and i can barely stand to watch the halftime show on TV most times.
  15. He last played 16 years ago, everyone has gotten materially bigger since then. Jeff Wright played NT at 273 lbs for the SB Bills, but such comparisons to today are apples and oranges imo. So who is your #1 players, Bosa?
  16. What ref is this in reference to and somehow the Bills are responsible for him getting fired?
  17. Lets put it another way, until their is on offense which is truly "unstoppable" or a defense which cant be scored upon, there wil always need to be a balance.
  18. the Pats though did relay o a high powered offense at the end of the game, final three drives marched down the field three consecutive times.
  19. Since so many Bills fans are convinced there is no way the Rams will win, i think the Rams have an excellent shot.
  20. Ok Tom, what happens if you get an Alex Smith type injury, you are sure you wouldn't consider retiring then.
  21. Redskins should consider Alex Smith's replacement now. He is 34, the earliest at best next season he will play he will be 36, that is if he ever plays again. Redskins should strongly consider getting a Qb this year.
  22. I remember this when it came out, it was on the radio constantly.
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