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RoyBatty is alive

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Everything posted by RoyBatty is alive

  1. Fair & honest response, i sincerely appreciate it. I am very proud of most of what he has done, the things that really matter like policy decisions and the economy, second to none. And he has done it with 80% of the MSM, 100% of the democrats, 50% of the republicans, and the "deep state" ALL doing what they can to sabotage him. He was the first president to clean up the ancient and faulty NAFTA trad agreement, grow a set and stop the trade abuse by China, First Step Act, clean up the VA make them accountable for once, a lot of huge positives. His biggest fault has been the deficit, he has been totally unable to stop the political beauracy from obscene spending. Look at yourself, as far as I can tell you have basically dedicated your life to demonizing him, obssessed with hatred and negativiety...a pretty bad way to go through life IMO. I can predict almost exactly your reaction to anything he does. Like your WW III prediction when Trump grew a set and took out the Iranina general that was responsible for hundreds of dead and mamed US soldiers. Now some of Trumps tweets he things he says, I shudder at but thenagain at this point i stopped caring about some of his chidish comments.
  2. Serious question. Are you proud of Joe Biden being the apparent de-facto Democratic nominee?
  3. Good man Virgil, very nice of you.
  4. Great listen, I agree with One Buffalo hear the comments about how run down our facilities were pre-pegula. Heard something similar recently about the Bengals how dumpy their faiclities were and guess what, they are the ONLY NFL team without an indorr practice facility. Guess you are going to practice in the lements be it 80 degrees or 5. That alone is enough for a lot of players, esp warm weather guys, to not go to Cinci.
  5. Can you imagine a Biden Trump debate? At least with 7 or 8 different Democrats on the debate floor so far he he has limited exposure, imagine a full hour of Trump attacking him. It wil be so embarrassing to watch
  6. Never going to happen. Jerry Jones has his core to win THIS YEAR and that means keeping Cooper, Precott and Elliot one mor year.
  7. Clearly you dont understand reading comprehension, i thought the show was old and tired, and ran its course long ago. You disgree fine by me. I Havent seen it in years.
  8. I didnt even realize that show was still on, that it had jumped the shark years ago. Yes i can relate to the Jets plight, at least i dont have to go to another state for a home game and listen to that incredible obnoxious J E T S JETS JETS JETS.
  9. You are clearly more knowledgaeble about the situation than I but again, waiting till the final day they could trade him, under the gun, speaks mismanagment to me. I give Belcihek credit for always letting popular stars walk maybe a year too early (according to the fans and media) and getting prime compensation for it. I also blame him for only getting a 2nd for Jimmie G. What we he be worth now 2 1sts?
  10. Well then IMO the Pats (de facto GM belichek) played the entire contract situation wrong, should have never gotten to the point where they had a gun to their head. We dont know what teams were intersted but I doubt Belciehk was worried about Jimmie G going to Cleveland,. Going to AFC East teams, Balt, KC, yeah i could see that. SF didnt get a good deal, they dot a great deal.
  11. Good one, that was just plain simple robbery. Tuck rule they went through the charade of making some imaginary rule.
  12. 1) Flutie was one of the most overrated QBs of al time and was toxic in the lockeroom. 2) Steve Tasker is NOT as terrible announcer as he is mae out to be. 3) WGR reporting on the Bills is NOT the end of the world. 4) Ralph Wilson did NOT order Wade to start Rob Johnson. 5) The Misuc City Miracle was in fact not a forward pass 6) The Bills choked their first Supoer Bowl and were wildly outcoached.
  13. Always suspected the Patriots and 9/11 was potential "marketing" as the Tuck Rule was the single most outrageous on the fly manufactured rule ever, in any sport to change the outcome of a game. Maybe the '68 USSR-USA Olympic basketball game fiasco could match the absurdity of the Tuck Rule.
  14. I think you contradict yourself, there aint no way they should have given up on Jimmie G, certainly not for a second round pick. So either Belichek's hand was forced or it weas one of his biggest peronnel blunders ......hardly near perfecion.
  15. Well if is he is feeling it right now just what as the angry entitled Biden re=-emerges. He will get a few non-softball questions, typically from regular citizens, and he turnes nasty instatnaeosuly, how dare you question him! He wil challenge them to puch up contest, call them fat or a lying dog faced pony soldier. Biden is goig to loss his cool in any debate versus Trump and Trump with toy with him using his childish inuslts.
  16. Yep, and they have been totally happy/complacent neong party #2 and let the Media and Democrats deominze and walk all over them. Look at Bush, the outrageous things they said about him, he never had the balls to stand up for himself, it wasn't "presidential". Now you have Trump who really wasnt much of a Republican to begin with, he is going in the opposite direction from virtually ever other mainstream republican, when he gets attacked, he just doesnt defend hismelf, he attacks and hits back twice as hard. IMO he far too often goes way way overboard but at least the man does or trys to accomplish what he says.
  17. Spot on. one of the first major conferncse they had to cancel because they couodnt agree on what type of band to have, they all wanted something different and from there things got worse. I call myself a Libertarian but wouldnt join the Libertarian party. Reality of the Libertarian Party is all it does is syphon off votes that 90% of that would have gone to the republicans .
  18. Worst is the crowd applauds, if I was there i would have had difficulty controlling the laughter
  19. Biden claims he was arrested in South Africa trying to see Nelson Mandela. God I hope he wins South Carolina so he wil continue on the campaign trail, this is just hilarious watching him.
  20. Sorry but this makes next to no sense. By your logic, you would we be happy if we were the only team in the NFL that didntpick up a bunch of UDRFA? After all not even draft picks. Of course you would be uspet, you are always looking for diamons ion the later rounds and UDRFA. More competition the better oh and pleayrs do get hurt as well.
  21. Excellent and couldnt agree more with most of what you say. Actually depends how you define "peak". In the 1930s Baseball by far was #1 followed by Boxing then hiorse racing. Now it is football, basbeall and basketball. The concept of a "stadium" is rapidly becoming an anachronism, like shopping malls. Why go to a crowded, overpriced stadiums used 10-12 times/year esp with TVs getting larger & higher defintion and all the amenties of home/sports bar. One of the reasons i dont think there wil EVER be another NFL sized stadium built in WNY. And yes CTE is going to accerlartte football's demise. Only a matter of time before Colleges start paying foobtal olayers which means they are de-facto employees which means the CTE lawsuits in college are inevtiable. Fewer and fewer parents/kids want to pariticpate in football. Only thing i disgaree with is your fantasy football take, i think it has been a boon to the NFL, people watch just for fantasy and TV revenue is the #1 driving force.
  22. Yup, I am pretty confident good ole Baker wil have total respect & confidence in AVP and breathlessly hold on to each pricelss tidbit of information AVP has. Browns, LOL.
  23. I would avoid Brown for right now, i cant imagine the Bills arent picking up a WR in the first 2 rounds (proabaly rnd 1) and if not getting an elite WR to compete with brown.
  24. Yes it does which seems low to me, even if the Bills get another RB to split time with DS. I would have a tough time coming up with 22 RB in FF ahead of him (no doubt some "expert" will come up with 23 and "prove" me wrong).
  25. I thought S Houcshka (?) might make it, obviously dpends upon how this specific FF rates kickers. Knox might not even start. With all the $ we wasted on Kroft & Lee Smith wont be shocked if we go TE FA again. Thought Singletary might be able to rank higher.
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