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RoyBatty is alive

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Everything posted by RoyBatty is alive

  1. Ok now we are starting to agree, you have gone along way from free higher education to everyone to now STEM and vocational training for a lot of others.
  2. Not true just ask Eliz Warren, AOC or Bernie, it should all be free.
  3. Sorry but you live in some idealized fantasy world, not everyone can and or should go to college, some people dont care enough or arent smart enough, sorry , I know it is a bummer but a fact. Some of todays majors like "lesbian dance theory" are not making the world a better more enlightened place nor can many of these graduates get jobs in lesbian dance theory. How many 26 year olds that smoked dope all the way through getting a major in "film classics" are bartenders living with their parents saddled with debt......., a lot.
  4. REALLy? Apparently you dont think he is too bright or well educated. Maybe he has he an 75 IQ you think we should waste "the governments" (the taxpayers) money on him for higher education? I got academic scholarships, college loans and worked all through college including a graduate degree, didnt have my parent pay one penny. Why the hell should i as a taxpayer pay for someone else to go for free? Do i get the money back or time i spent working?
  5. Absurd, so let me get this straight, he wants them to decline so then he can really really take control later, is that how it works? As for your the Nazis werent real socialists non-sense, these are from the NAZI platform, the first 17 points are pretty straightforward common sense and benign but point 11 to 18.... banned investment income, confiscation of profits, nationalization of trusts, generous pensions, communalization of department stores, the end of land rent and speculation, and the execution of certain profiteers and lenders, pt 21 nationalized healthcare, pt 22 abolish the regular army , pt 23 control over the media and content (PC in today's age) 24 "common good before individual good" final point 25 strong central government to intrude into the lives of the citizens. Yeah you keep telling me Tump is the Nazi.
  6. Half arent looking for any real answers, they are looking for a gotcha moment. The Jim Acosta question was just absurd, setting up false premises in his question as fact and letting Trump respond which Trump would have none of.
  7. It would be 5 minutes of Joe bumbling thru on the teleprompter, 15 minutes of the other experts and a few softball lobbed questions. Over in 25 minutes. His handlers would be in total panic Joe might wander off the script the entire time. We would also see everyone with masks but Joe becuase he is special &entitled old hack politician his mask doesnt need to have his nose covered.
  8. He is pretty sharp but i for one am shocked that since Trump is such a racist he would allow an AA in high place in his administration. I would rather have him answer questions than Trump, at least when discussing medical/health issues.
  9. Oh I see, National Socialism, trying to parse words are you so let me get this straight, you think Trump stands for National Socialism? Yes or No? You do realize Hitler pretty much took control over the entire economy. Imagine what Hitler would do with this cv-19. If Trump was the Authoritarian person you claim he would have mandated all states do a lockdown, would have taken over companies to insure the manufacture of PPE, ventilators, masks, just like Hitler. As soon as he confiscated all the guns.
  10. Being a nationalist is bad? Oh so let me get this straight, you would have no problems with US companies selling ventilators, and PPE , masks to other countries will that pay more. Simple yes or no question. And you have no problem with China abusing the US?
  11. Trump is pro-war? Sure about that? The one notable guy who stood up against going intop iran. Anti-immigration, not true, he is anti-illegal immigration. Did you ever think what the status would be of border states in this country is the robust Mexican system was overrun with CV19? But hey, just let them in to a better and essentially free health care system. Pro-Authoritarian, he is a Authoritarian is he, the same guy that is being criticized for not mandating a national lockdown? Xenophobic, why because he is standing up to china for once, both politically gutless parties have let China abuse the US for decades. You do realize what NAZI party stood for, socialism. A lot of the things Trumps Tweets and shakes my head at in disgust but overall he is doing a great job. I dont lose any sleep over his ridiculous comments. What else you got?
  12. Senator Dr. Scott Jensen from Minnesota discusses how the AMA is encouraging doctors to overcount coronavirus deaths across the USA. Dr. Jensen received a 7-page document coaching him to fill out death certificates with a COVID-19 diagnosis without a lab test confirming the diagnosis. “Right now Medicare is determining that if you have a COVID-19 admission to the hospital you get $13,000. If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator you get $39,000, three times as much. Nobody can tell me after 35 years in the world of medicine that sometimes those kinds of things impact on what we do
  13. Only 700 out of 3700 got covid in that confined space not even 19%, i am no epidemiologist but that sounds awfully low (good )rate to me and not even 1% of infected died? And i assume it was a median to elder age group. Those number sound pretty good to me.
  14. What? Proven wrong? LOL, yeah ok declare yourself a "victor "if that means so much to you. . I just did the math, period. Maybe the death rate is a third to a half the national average in NYC as the rest of the country. The NYC death thing has been beat into the ground already. Now as far as as this, "somehow there is a massive death overcoat underway" i dont even know what you are trying to say, you mean overcount yes i do but i dont think i said or intimated "massive" . I did say and stand by were are overestimating the CV=19 deaths, not my theory at all, i have already stated my source, go ahead listen to it and tell me where she is wrong. https://www.citizenfreepress.com/breaking/cdc-admits-to-lying-about-covid-death-totals/
  15. I understand not extrapolating too much from only s mall sample size but actually with 5,000? or so people on the Diamond Princess i think is a pretty good case study, highly concentrated, median to older group (with with weaker immune system), what was the infection rate for that?
  16. You did the research, good for you, if that is a link, "official statistics" i couldnt get it to work. As i said, numerically, I cant get to that number, 547 per 100k, if that is what it says, sounds awfully low to me. The US overall rate is 864 per 100k, guess that just proves you live longer in NYC, lol.
  17. Interesting, good point, i don't know. I bet the median age i NYC is young, once you get old if you can, i think the appeal of the city is lessened, costs too high and you tend to leave for good for places like Fla. What is the adage, you dont want to die in NY, its just too expensive.
  18. I already did the math, 8.8 million people in NYC, assume life expectancy of 78 that is 309/day.
  19. Dont know. Very similar to deaths when "alcohol was involved". How many drunk drivers deaths are due to factors totally unrelated to the drunk driver? I bet a lot. If i am loaded and some sober truck driver blows through a stop sign and kills me it wasnt because of alcohol. I have heard stats on Medicare funding goes way way up for patients admitted with CV-19 and then how much more they get if they then on ventilators?
  20. Yes i doubt the 145 number, doesnt make any numeric sense, should be double or triple but whatever. Now your 3x to 4x number is something that i can believe in, at the peak of course. So one is 3 or 4 times more likely to die. And no i am not shocked at the NYC are getting hit hard, sheer population density saw videos (if accurate you can never trust anything anymore) of still jammed subways
  21. Factually inaccurate. If you contracted CV-19 and an hour later died of a heart attack, it was your heart that killed you, not Wuhan but if tested confirmed positive then you are listed as a CV-19 victim. Or if whoever signs the death certificate even "presumes" you ave Wuhan you go down as a CV-19 victim.Those are simple facts.
  22. Exaggerate much? I wrote and let me quote "fake news lol" that is an exact quote, not "FAKE NEWS FAKE NEWS" Care to apologize? You wont, you have this agenda, i get it. And i have admitted i was wrong multiple times on the deaths, going to keep beating the dead horse? Sorry, i find it hard to believe you, then this lady is wrong https://www.citizenfreepress.com/breaking/cdc-admits-to-lying-about-covid-death-totals/ and/or they are going against the standard as set by the CDC. Are you in the health care industry, you know this far a fact?
  23. Wrong, even confirmed AND "presumed" (again CDC definition) including antecedent & contributory factors count as a CV-19 death. Yes some would chug alone for a long time, not doubt. So if you happen to have the normal flu and die and arent tested it is highly probable you go down as a CV-19 death.
  24. I already have admitted my mistake, was it really necessary yo call me a "***** stick", want to discuss like an adult or engage in puerile name calling? And no i am not minimizing the pain, trying to discuss the realities instead of spreading panic.
  25. I did the math and yes my (from another source, fake news lol) 7k is way too high but was really talking metro but your 145 isn't close to accurate either, just in NYC alone for that 145 stat to be accurate the life expectancy of 8.8 million people just in NYC would be over 169 years old. Using 8.8 mil for NYC that would equate to a life expectancy of 137 yrs old.
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