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RoyBatty is alive

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Everything posted by RoyBatty is alive

  1. Of course, that specific point wasnt about density and there is no such thing as mathematical perfection in comparing the two, have to use broad assumptions.
  2. 10.3% death rate? What? So you divided deaths by number of covid cases, borderline meaningless. Test everyone in both the cities and then you could have a more valid comparison/point. The population of NYC is 8.3 mill, Stockholm just under 1 million so lets be generous and say NYC has 9x the population and assuming your death numbers are correct the equivalent deaths in Stockholm would be 21,456 (9 times 2,384) versus total NYC covid deaths of 23,662. There is a lot more than naively totaling up covid deaths, with these lockdowns comes tremendous increases in depression, alcoholism, drug abuse, to say nothing of the economic collapse.
  3. Uh i see, you want to use the population density of just NYC not the entire state but at the same time you want to use the entire country of Sweeden. Be intellectually honest and use the death rate per million in NYC and its population density versus the death per million in Stockholm and it population density.
  4. You are wrong and simply cant admit it. You are quoting this from almost two months ago, near the peak of the Florida Covid problems. No one said Florida is doing "great", they said Florida is improving and Florida has done much better than New York State. Simple facts, either you can accept reality or not, I dont care either way.
  5. Maybe you should actually look up a source of info that isnt almost two months old, like near the peak of the problem in Florida but hey, i get your agenda.
  6. A lot of people are going to answer that on. What or on whom are they going to focus all their bitterness and anger at?
  7. The non-stop Trump obsession continues.
  8. As a Bill, i would go either Know or Davis. Singletary would be in the discussion if the threw to him more.
  9. Well gee that is putting your rep on the line. Best case is they go to the Superbowl, worst case is JA gets hurt an Bills miss the playoffs.
  10. You sound very angry. Getting personal and using derogatory/denigrating terms really helps out your argument.
  11. Well stocked teams with good roster depth can afford to do things like the Bills did this year. Who knows how Fromm will turn out. I wont be shocked if in a few years we end up with a good trade/draft pick for him.
  12. Totally true. Death rate per million people in Florida is 481, in New York it is 1,684.
  13. This thread is still going? Where is McAddict when you need him.
  14. LOL, Yeah i dont think the Texans will be very active poaching players. The active poacher is going to be Belichek. He is well organized, i bet he has a grade on almost a very players in the NFL AND he has a lot of whole this year to fill.
  15. In the alleged hot spot of Houston that current rate with 6.4, last week it was 8.6. My money is it drops below 5% in a few weeks. New Covid hospitalizations were under 100 yesterday, the first time under 100 since mid June and down from a peak of 446. You would never know it based one what you hear from the press.
  16. Interesting. The Press was all excited to announce how terrible Houston was with Covid about 2 months ago. ICUs are 99% filled to capacity blah blah blah. What they neglected to say is most Hospitals in Harris county actively manage how much spare capacity they have in ICUs. ICUs require more trained people, more equipment, tighter protocal & controls and are super expensive. When hospitals have a lot of unused ICU capacity they are losing money. The actively expand and contract ICU capacity all the time but is certainly does get people excited when they hear that ICUs capacity is at 99% which was the goal
  17. What? who are you talking about?
  18. There will be plenty of poaching, that is for teams that have a competent GM.
  19. As an unproven rookie he might struggle with both BUT the difference is he can at least get the leg for 50+_, at this point i dont think Hausch does at all so for long field goals aren't an option for the Bills with just Hausch. As close as NFL games are at least be able to try a long field goal is a massive potential advantage.
  20. Exactly. Hausch is probably something like 85% solid up to 49 yards, unproven Bass might range from 35-85% up to 49 yards. Beyond 50 Hausch is borderline 5%, Bass is probably 33%.
  21. LOL. You can challenge me all you want but i am not going to waste more time on this idiocy of a "proof" and yes I could create one about as vapid and worthless as yours.
  22. Is this a troll job? Since when is Bojorquez supposedly some great position punter..he is as likely to just shank a punt as any current pro punter there is. As for your elaborate formula, "ST Player1, ST Player2, ST Player3, ST Player4 x .50 (50% increase in convertible field position points) - CB4 x OL4 = 33% Increase in Points" Did you laugh at out loud when you wrote that? Amazing with all the sophisticated computer algorithms and analytics in football you have hit on o pure mathematical genius!!
  23. the only possible reason to keep two punters is if you think there is a high probability one of them will get sidelined with Covid this year.
  24. He will do what Fitz always does. He will go through about week #6 before his arm goes dead, that is when fitztragic emerges and he sits.
  25. So educate me, what are some of these "terrible" things Barstool has done?
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