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RoyBatty is alive

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Everything posted by RoyBatty is alive

  1. I life in Houston and love the Texans demise, i am about as big a critic of BOB as you can find BUT i wil say unloading the Oswelier contract was a masterstroke, maybe his best move ever.
  2. Sure. Want one of 32 slots where the owner pretty much let you run the show...in this case into the ground. THE Texans are the new Buffalo Bills under Ralph Wilson. No their own is not cheap but he a an idiot/lazy and a wimp. He doesnt stand up to Bil O Brien, rather sad to think about all the wasted talent there. JJ Watt is done but the most over publicized blowhard is stuck in Houston, the real shame was letting D Hopkins go for nothing and the total waste of D Watson..Watson has all the tools and work ethic to be GREAT...right now you can see in his body language he has, except sporadically, largely given up. Watson is gong to regress as A QB, he wont improve. I have seen the Texans owner at little league plenty, Cal McNair and it is sad to see how his loudmouth wife tells him what to do, he just sits there and takes it.
  3. We scored 24 points in a row to end the game highlighted by a Steve Tasker blocked punt returned for a TD.
  4. Again with the Fitz in the HOF nonsense...i thought that delirium had run its course
  5. IMO toxic idea when you start trying to categorize posts and assign penalties..esp politics which has infected everything/ You agree with a point however far askew from politics it is, as a moderator you might think, yeah, that is totally true, and think that is not really political and give no infraction. No accusation, simple human behaviour. You might as well go penalize "Teddy" or whatever his name is right now. One reason why i hardly visit shoutbox anymore, far too political, not much better than PPP.
  6. Good point about the drops, not sure how those are "scored". In the last two years when I saw J Allen throw up a contested ball i would automatically think oh boy here we go........ Now this year it happens and shockingly they are getting completed.
  7. Great to read. My only comment is maybe this huge jump isnt all due to Josh. that there have been a few balls thrown this year, that in prior years, would not have been deemed "uncatchable" or inaccurate, major difference is many of these balls have been caught this year. Why...Diggs having some normal NFL level WR #1 catches and Gabe Davis, netter tracking by all receivers and more effective use or rub plays. I give a lot of credit to Diggs, he is a very tough, strong and dedicated WR.. It has only been three games so very few catches in these category can makes a tremendous difference.
  8. Pretty good list. Overall I would be thrilled if J Allen finishes in the top 3. I have to think A Rodgers right now is better. Allen still does have too many erratic plays and horrible fumbles. I would drop Dew Brees, i think he has hit the wall. Also it pains me to say this but right now Cam Newton might be in the top ten.
  9. Guess who else is guilty of that big time this season..Deshaun Watson.
  10. For years i come to Bills message Boards crying and whining the "Bills got screwed" and the "Pats get all the calls" blah blah blah and for once, for ONCE the Bills to their cal and what are many Bills fans doing? Of course crying and whining about it. Lets go back to that absurd interception...what a terrible cal that was. A tie between an offense and defensive players ALWAYS goes the offensive and that weas about as much a tie as I have ever seen. And even IF there was offensive pass interference then you mark off the penalty but you sure dont reward them with the ball.
  11. Have to agree wit this for sure. Right Tackle for years was one of the Bills weakest spots. Recall Eric Pears followed by Cyrus Kouandijio followed by several years of Jordan Mills. Have to agree wit this for sure. Right Tackle for years was one of the Bills weakest spots. Recall Eric Pears followed by Cyrus Kouandijio followed by several years of Jordan Mills.
  12. In the second half that is a big understatement, but yes he had a tough assignment. The entire O Line after the Bills go to 28 seemed to disintegrate, the last quarter was particularly dreadful. J Allen running around like a chicken with his head cut off at time, not sure if it was his fault, the O Line , the receivers or a combination.
  13. What, except the second half. They and Allen looked horrific in thelast quarter absent that last drive and "generous" PI call.
  14. GOOD ONE. A new definition of the new era of 1% ers....the uninformed.
  15. I hope the Jets do Go on a mini run, as long as the lose again to us.... beat the Fins twice and lose out in the Trevor Lawrence contest
  16. 18-15 Bills. Should be a defensive battle as both offenses will struggle. J Allen comes off the his league leading passing as the Rams gets heavy pass rush on us. Rams also have a difficult time scoring esp if Milano & Edmunds play near 100%.
  17. Did the Patriots do that? Actually I dont recall BUT lets be honest, it isn't a bad strategy...unethical and underhanded but I can see the logic of trying that.
  18. That was the best Bills game IMO since the Super Bowl Era. That was also the Fitzpatrick peak with the Bills.
  19. Yes i think 99% of those that understand NFL lines know that. Thanks for Stating the obvious.
  20. Fitz in the HOF, lol. If by some miracle he lasts another 5 years and gets in the top 15 of passing yards all time then he has a shot, beyond that, give it up. Testaverde and Carson Palmer are in the top 15 and arent in the HOF and both had greater NFL success than has Fitz. Time for Bill fans to stop "adopting" Fitzpatrick as some kind of patron saint for the Bills, he has been on 7 other teams already and hasnt been on the Bills for 7 years..
  21. They are already favored against the Rams so there you go.
  22. No I never agreed to point 1. And i never said or intimated it is easier to hack a system and cover it up than bribe an official. Never said that at all so if you want to have an intellectually honest conversation great, if you want to make things up go at it yourself. No not at all, i gave you a plausible reason why, as so many crazed conspiracy theorists are asserting the kick was editted out. I dont know if it was and really dont care either way. But for some to allege the NFL: is up to something nefarious is laughable
  23. Where was it so WIDELY agreed upon it was incorrect, absent here and by Bills fans. Maybe he is dismissive because he can think objectively and is not blinded by his Bills fandom.
  24. Makes sense to me, unless you want to put on your tin foil conspiracy hat that the NFL went out of their way top remove the meaningless field goal kick that no one cares about except a handful of crazed Bills fans care about. I dont know what they replaced it with but sorry, Frank Gore a future Hall of Famer is a lot more topical right now than our rookie field goal kicker. that missed a non-material kick.
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