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RoyBatty is alive

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Everything posted by RoyBatty is alive

  1. Oh I bet we do. And how many years AFTER they stop playing are they any good? Maybe 3 or 5? How many would get injured? I looked up Kurt Kittner. He hasnt played pro ball since 2005, he is 40 years old. Yes I stand by my comment. We all want to THNIK that we still have it..very very few do.
  2. While it may "feel good" to vent like that realistically it will NEVER happen for a bunch of reasons. Which of the Titans has to pay? Is it part of the NFLPA aggreemnt, no. Who is going to pay for and handle all the resultant lawsuits? Great history. The Rochester Jefferson, who came up with that name?
  3. Yeah right. Just like University of Alabama could beat the worst NFL teams.
  4. I am starting not to care if it was or wasn't properly communicated to the players. How freakin stupid & arrogant would you have to be to go ahead and assume since you weren't told, after delaying one game, yep, just go ahead and mingles together.
  5. It would be an insult. Seems as though we have a lot of out of shape posters here.
  6. So why are you punishing the Pegulas? They didnt do anything wrong either. I doubt the Bills will get any network $ from this game if cancelled, unless of course you thin the networks are some sort of charity which you basically think the Pegulas are.
  7. This is all true. Now with as long as FG kickers that obviates the need for a punter and when you are too far, most NFL punters can punt it very deep and/or out of bounds. The need for returners has greatly diminished in the NFL.
  8. Idiot & arrogant tweet. If he was there he shouldn't stir that pot, he should either admit it or just stay silent.
  9. He has a real job and responsibilities unlike most posters here. I imagine Goodell is so lawyer-ed uo right now it will be a while before we hear anything.
  10. Damn right, this could get real ugly and non-=stop...a lawyers field day!
  11. I doubt it and sure hope not but dont count it out, too much $, emotion, and health involved. One player or one players family member or the NFLPA files a lawsuit then game on.
  12. Great point. For the first time in the ongoing debate, I think Alabama could beat a depleted Tennessee Titan teams.
  13. Well in reality how many do you need, 25? Maybe play both ways. Yeah it could be a joke of a game.
  14. Well that would be admissible in court. I would not be shocked if Tanneyhill being the offensive leader didnt set it up and gain access to the facility. There is probably a mountain of evidence of his involvement all lover the place, might as well "be honorable" now and admit it.
  15. No way would this be admissible evidence in any court except the court of public opinion.
  16. Those photos appear very clear and can be enlarged and easy to identify Titan player imo. Plus how are they all going to keep the "stories straight" as to where they were at that time, cell phone data, cars with tracking on them, etc. Threaten the players with bigger sanctions if they dont cooperate....if the NFL wants to get the evidence I dont think it will be hard at all.
  17. I agree with a lot of this, not sure he is our best player on defense this year ut he is up there and yes Weller did not truck him. We never know (can only guess) the the receivers assignments down the field but there have been a few plays this year where it looked like Hoyer's guy was wide open in the end zone such as the Nelson Agholar TD..
  18. Actually a few well written article, I dont think Josh Norman's agent could have done any better. If he really had that great an impact I hope they gave or at least considered giving him a game ball.
  19. Amazing this thing called the internet and Google, crunk: very excited or full of energy.
  20. Are you in elementary school, if so Great to see young kids here, You have good points which a lot of Bill fans will jump on.
  21. In that game if you want to see an incredible throw it is his TD throw to Ray Ray Mccloud at the end of the first half which i posted about an hour ago. That was as good an NFL throw as I have ever seen.
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