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RoyBatty is alive

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Everything posted by RoyBatty is alive

  1. I actually got a good chuckle out of that.
  2. All three of those teams are brutal matchups for the Bills and any of the three imo could survive. You get Derrick Henry on a roll and the Titans are brutal, same thing with Lamar.
  3. KC will play in KC the lowest surviving seed after the first wild card round. The Bills if they will will play the other one. If the Bills lose to the Colts then KC plays the Colts. They do not re-seed. KC will play the lowest surviving seed.
  4. Yeah the only problem with the Steelers are the damn obnoxious Steeler fans and their idiotic terrible towels will try to invade our stadium. I just hope with all the Covid protocol we can keep them out, certainly dont want to start a plague in Pittsburgh do we.
  5. 10 days in isolation, cutting it close, wouldn't permit any meaningful practice time for him
  6. Imagine if we obliterate the Dolphins and Tua has a terrible game (highly likely imo) and then he has to come back in one week and face it again.
  7. I know what you meant but i disagree, the Super Bowl is the culmination in the playoffs. Winning playoffs games is relatively meaningless if you dont win the ultimate playoff game.
  8. 9 straight playoff wins? Sadly no that is not true, that is the entire point. The most they had in a row was 3
  9. Those are valid points: limited draft capital is an issue Easterby is a problem and to his credit, unlike Bob McNair, Cal grew a set and said Easterby wont by GM, Easterby will be gone Not the same authority structure when the sole owner dies
  10. Yup, I think 8 teams playoffs per Conference is now in play depending on how the other 10 win teams win or not, just assume the Browns win one.
  11. The issue that created BOB was brain dead Bob McNair and he is gone. Cal McNair isnt much better but at least he is willing to listen to other people. 1) No state income tax 2) He is from Houston 3) Have solved the number one issue for a new GM, have a top notch QB 4) A lof of players are from Texas/South and would be an weasy sell IF they had a competent GM and HC
  12. I saw that game, barely recall it. Good to see the old game anytime. For those like me that didn't want to spend 20 minutes watching that, go to 8:20.
  13. No tailgating on campus is trivial to no tailgates on private property if nothing else who defines what is tailgating and a thing called rights? Are you going to be arrested if you and a friend are outside by the stadium drinking beers together?
  14. No Tailgating? Yeah right. How are they go to enforce that?
  15. Can you imagine the waiting line to be tested prior to the game.
  16. BARKLEY BOMB is it? I wouldnt even think twice about 'BARKLEY's BOMB" if it wasnt for Tim Graham's tweet. Those two in combination could in fact be a BOMB.
  17. Come on. You can suit there with a straight face and write he was out best WR DESPITE his drop in the end zone, one that would heave sealed the game for us?
  18. That is something I am not sure "we" will every know the full and complete story. I have heard some players of the era confirm that, and others totally deny it.
  19. The 90s Bills and how they approached the Playoffs is not exactly a winning endorsement imo.
  20. Play to win the game...within reason. A marginally injured player like Beasley, you sit him. Old vets that are hurting or fatigued, you sit them. The players you dress, sure as heck you play it like any other game, especially if you are on a hot streak like the Bills are.
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