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RoyBatty is alive

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Everything posted by RoyBatty is alive

  1. Wrote on here a few days ago Texans would likely cut Shaq Lawson and Andre Roberts. Roberts is old and has virtually no potential trade value.
  2. You have a good imagination. Odds are more likely it would just be another downtown stadium, the majority of them are largely forgetful and grossly under utilized. Buffalo is NOT a tourist destination. Architects I have meet always have grandiose plans and dreams. Be thankful/grateful we MIGHT get a new stadium in OP.
  3. Was last year really a "success"? Not sure about that, yes we had a "full season" moving games around, it certainly impacted the Bills and I would assert in a negative way. It has to be expensive to continually cancelling/moving games and help us if we cant field a real team or be competitive much less forfeit. And cancelling games from empty/next to empty stadiums is one thing, move games around with fans in attendance the cost and complexity skyrockets.
  4. Interesting. A lot of these rabid posters are screaming "just follow the rules as they are stated" regarding NFL protocol/rules etc and yet at the same time can't even apply that to their own behavior in the TBD message board. It is real simple, follow the rules.
  5. Brandolini's law huh, imagine that, I learned something on the BBMB, thanks, that is a good term.
  6. Exactly, "reportedly proposed" big stretch from that to attempting to.
  7. Oher teams do, we seem to be the team getting all the publicity about it. I just heard on CBS sports radio a total of 25 players have been fined for new covid violations.
  8. This will hit most teams. I believe there have been a total of 25 fines levied against unvaccinated players for covid violations...and we are in a "bubble" thinking it is only going to hit the Bills, it isnt. An unnamed player certainly wanted to voice his opinion, now EVERYTHING he does and the other Bills will get 10x the scrutiny. I have only heard the names McKenzie and Beasley, who are the other 23 players? And why were those particular names leaked and who leaked it?
  9. Was that his violation? Seriously?
  10. No, I was asking why he/she is calling Mckenzie "McKittrick"
  11. They even had the third down train whistle. Diggs is spot on but Sounds high for N Harris,
  12. Roberts is their 7th or 8 wr and they have KeKe Coutee (spelling?) doing the returns, Keke is talented BUT had some incredibly badly timed fumbles last year.
  13. Tremaine can no longer use the "young" excuse, his fourth year, he has to live up to all the incredible potential he has.
  14. Devin had a hell of a game, I would be thrilled with this result.
  15. Imagine getting cut from the Houston Texans, talk about a humbling experience.
  16. Speaking of returners, good shot the BBMB favorite returner, Andre Roberts get cut from the Texans. Another ex-Bill on the Texans bubble is Shaq Lawson.
  17. Yep, it is time, no way way past time for Bills fans to stop reminiscing about 25+ years ago.
  18. One of the more idiotic and pathetic comebacks I have ever read.
  19. Yeah I never got why.
  20. I understand the logic but a 1st would be awfully hard to pass up, unless it was a first from a really good team like the Chiefs.
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