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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. Dude. There's like 20 major league baseball players who have made in the last 10 years what took Romney a lifetime. Do you demand to know what tax rate Ralph Wilson (who is worth many times more) pays? Seek professional help. Nevermind the question, why did this need a separate topic? Oh right. Because you're a !@#$ing idiot.
  2. Dave, I normally abstain from ad hom statements outside of the "Insult the previous poster" thread, but here goes. You're a piece of ****.
  3. Because for Dave in Nor-!@#$, opinions are emoted rather than decided.
  4. ABC Exclusive: Gingrich Lacks Moral Character to Be President, Ex-Wife Says Ouch.
  5. "Totally separate"? Meeehh. Sure, they live in different houses... but they're very close cousins.
  6. Center for Public Integrity story Huh. I thought he said his administration would be different.
  7. Because it's not a matter of whether "we" benefit from soaking the rich. That's not what the framers had in mind. Jefferson had that little notion that people (let's not get into that era's definition of people at the time) should be allowed to keep what they earn. Because by and large when that's the case, people get off their asses and get productive as all hell. The income inequality pattern was not unforseeable. That's kinda natural as "the rich" become afraid to spend their $ because they don't know what this president will introduce next. So, it sits in accounts and the middle class quietly disappears because there are fewer jobs that "the rich" want done thereby producing less income. Class-warfare-conscious administrations then persuade the Fed to start printing $ to encourage "the rich" to spend their money because inflation is eating away more than they're earning in the bank. Only, inflation affects the bottom-tier as well, and shortly only serves to move decimal places to the right. Throttling up on the Laffer curve is not the answer.
  8. Nor is it like MLB All-Star game balloting. You know... for guys who make the equivalent of Romney's lifetime accumulated wealth in a 6-year contract. Then again, at the rate the Benbernank is printing, it's all going to be Monopoly money anyway.
  9. As Doonesbury's own intrepid reporter Roland Hedley says, "Twitter is the first rough draft of gossip."
  10. Says the dude supporting the guy who's going to be running the first billion-dollar presidential (re-election) campaign. Not including whatever PACs or SuperPACs surface for Obama. You know... four times Romney's accumulated lifetime wealth from 40 years in business, Obama's going to spend in 6 months. Not surprising given the givens of how this president has spent our money.
  11. I realize this may smack of a "X is bad, but Y is worse!" argument that is so lambasted here.... Not my intent here, but just as a point of comparison there's an article out tonight reporting that John Kerry paid 13% on his income of ~$5.5M in 2003.
  12. Captain Caveman is the poster boy person for Low T.
  13. When Captain Caveman took the Jeopardy test, Trebeck slapped him upside the head!
  14. Now I'm not going to come in here and try to say that Romney started from Square One, but to act like it was all given to him is asinine. He applied himself in school and graduated summa cum laude and worked as an analyst at Bain for 10+ years before he was put in charge of Bain Capital and helped build companies like Staples, Domino's, Sports Authority, etc. through capital investment. There are people in similar shoes that earn 8 figures in speaking fees for not many more engagements. Now there are people who want to poo on his success. you. He earned it. Since he entered public life, Romney took a $1 salary as governor in Mass. He wrote a book whose entire profits went to health care charities. His finances have been held in a blind trust. Again, this is not a means to portray him as something he's not, but he didn't enter public life and politics to get wealthy. Romney pays more taxes in a year than most people ever will in the course of their whole lifetimes. And I'm sure he pays the full rate determined by the IRS according to his income. What the hell is your problem with speaking fees anyway? Jealous because that spending is coming privately rather than the U.S. Govt picking up a tab? Conferences like that generate money in local economies when Democrats do it as well as Republicans. Why don't you poo-poo the millions Al Sarpton makes from being on the board of Pepsi, etc.? Get off it. Why does it feel like you want an apology from him because he earned a lot of money? Read the title of that book, Dave in Nor-!@#$. I know you've become accustomed to a certain level of presidential mea culpas in the past three years. But if you're expecting Romney to be sorry for his success, you'll be getting NO APOLOGIES. I'd normally say 'Go to Cuba' but even there, the level of Communism you espouse has dropped off. Looks like you may have to go to either North Korea or build a time travel machine to go back to Mother Russia, you !@#$.
  15. I was thinking of an explosion after it crashes. Perhaps a device in a black-box type of container that can be triggered once they know the craft is down in hostile/unrecoverable territory. Or is that not technologically possible or practically feasible? If they did bring it down via hacking communications, what're they going to be able to do now that they know what its design and components are?
  16. What I don't get is that if these crash infrequently as a percentage... given how many of them we have and/or will have according to force projections, why are they not equipped with an explosive device to protect the design and the information they collect? Or are they, and it malfunctioned due to the crash? This would be funny if this weren't Iran.
  17. tgreg wrote the screenplay for "L.A. Without a Map."
  18. The way Nix was talking at that presser, they want Freddie to pass his physical in March and then in training camp before they get anything worked out on an extension/renegotiation. Knee injuries for RBs aren't anything to screw around with. You know, Freddie's been great for this team and it's a shame that he never seemed to have any leverage when it came time for his contracts. If he can prove he's healthy, I'm sure the team will be willing to throw some more coin his way to make him happy. But paying a guy for what he's done for you in the past ain't the way the NFL works. If there's some hangup on the knee, that's not something the Bills (or any team in similar circumstances) can afford to be heavily invested in.
  19. Just bobbled another punt. If he's still in there next time (if there is a next time) the HOU ST coach is completely stupid.
  20. Does this mean John Edwards is a true bleeding heart liberal? Probably needs a valve job. Really, most of this stuff ain't such a big deal these days. They're just playing the game.
  21. By the time he's out, the only jobs left in America are going to be singing/dancing and porn. Might as well get used to it....
  22. mead is still rocking a myspace.com page.
  23. Yeah, but you know how that town got its name, right? 'We don't drink, smoke, nor !@#$!'
  24. Don't forget Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. She's crazy and stupid enough to get a stevestojanload of votes among the Dems. Tho, she may be content enough to stick it out and spew her own personal brand of retarded in Congress for the next 30 years, Pelosi-style.
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