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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. I think he's the dude who played Chandler on "Friends."
  2. IIRC, we need to have ~3% growth in GDP each year to stay flat, to account for the population increase. This is like the number of people at a party going from 10 to 15 and bringing a 10-inch pie instead of a 9-inch pie. Sure, there's more pie, but there's more people.
  3. You can't make this up. Newt hasn't gotten much support from elected Republicans who served with him in Congress and know him personally. Probably most of all because they know his nomination would make for a sinking tide among moderates and independents. But Gingrich did pick up the support of a former Congressional colleague last month: Duke Cunningham. Yes, that Duke Cunningham. Link
  4. Too amusing not to share... Newt Gingrich Pointing At Things Condescendingly: The Fifteen Fingers Of Newt
  5. On the whole, exploring the cosmos with unmanned vehicles and satellites is probably the most efficient use of $ at this point in time, combined with more research on technology that would make extra-planetary living easier (i.e. travel/transport of materials by supermagnet 'elevator,' artificial gravity, etc. We're still at a stage where a spacewalk and changing a camera on a satellite is a Big Deal, cost a ton of money and which almost went awry because of one stuck bolt. What does it profit to colonize the moon for what everyone knows would cost many times that estimate? What would we do there? What's the purpose? I don't mind the boldness of it so much, but especially considering that we don't have a commissioned shuttle to do manned travel into space at present, the timeframe is in no way realistic. And then again, there's the $ thing where we're already $1.2T in the hole annually. We have a hard enough time with life on earth.... (BTW, when moon statehood occurs, would we get to rename Congress the "Intergalactic Council"?)
  6. I'm not saying this to gloat.... But the look on Newt's face and the awkward pause after Romney said, "Have you checked your own finances? You have investments in Fannie and Freddie." (To go along with the prior statement that Romney's finances are in a blind trust (I believe it's been in this since he became governor), meaning he exerts no control over how the trustee invests them. Newt can't say the same.) Newt didn't know whether to stevestojan or go blind, so he split the difference, closed one eye and cut a fart. Regardless, Santorum made a great point that this source/amount of personal income stuff is a total distraction to the real issues that are before us. I get that when a candidate gets attacked on something like this, s/he pretty much has to respond; Romney has said that he was successful in business, lives off the dividends, pays all the taxes he owes on all of these monies, gives a sizable portion to charities, and it's the height of stupidity for a fellow Republican to ask him to apologize for any of this. We've established these facts. Everyone knows them, just like everyone knows Newt cheats on and divorces his wives. It's time to drop this as a main discussion point. BTW --- What's everyone doing in 2020? Who wants to live on Newt's Moon Colony / the 51st state? Really, dude? Really? Bribe (with public money) for votes much?
  7. Yeah. You know. Especially after the dude admits that he's no expert on it. --- Good job, DiN! You put a post about taxes in the thread marked "Taxes and Charity" rather than starting another thread titled "Taxes." Next, you can work on putting your Legos back in the blue bin.
  8. Oh come on. You know he'll be right back under a different name. He's probably created the profile already, just so when the inevitable happens he can sidle up a couple of days later and say, "Whhaaaa? I've been on this site for 6 months. I have no knowledge of this Dave guy of whom you speak!!!"
  9. Captain Kirk > Captain Picard > Captain Hindsight
  10. UConn James is so heartless that no one has the guts to insult him.
  11. I wonder what happens when it gets up to the P spot....
  12. And yet, I was told by a mod (who isn't very political and doesn't frequent this forum) that if Dave pulls that again.... His posts were merged by that mod and I took mine down on my own, except for the one that I think has good satire potential. The point was about the Terms of Service on TBD against crusading and starting new topics/flooding the board when it's obvious they're already being discussed in an existing thread. Starting four threads that are all about one dude's personal finances inside of 48 hours? Crusading. And dude, we aren't even out of primary season yet!
  13. NYT piece This guy is saying that allowing applause for primary debates makes for more interesting television, and yet the lines that draw the attention the most: Since Newt demands an audience reaction to prime his pump and provide a laugh-track-like leading for viewers, he will fall just as flat in the general election debates as he did the other night.
  14. Two items: Gingrich, Offstage Doonesbury 1/25 Keeping in mind that it comes from Trudeau, but that's a question that I just don't think Newt's campaign team and Calista herself will be able to answer successfully --- and I mean successfully as "doesn't rely almost wholly on the crutch of religion and sound like complete bullstevestojan" when it finally gets put to her. Don't think it's not going to be asked once the spouse traditionally gets their sit-downs in a general election. When candidate wives don't have parentage, job or some other life story to talk about, it can damage a campaign very quickly. Think Teresa Heinz-Kerry. Calista's main life accomplishment has been being an adulteress for 6 years. That will not play well once it enters the discourse (more than it has) in true Washington "Welcome to the NFL!" style.
  15. I did that. Would that Dave might have that similar courtesy about the four threads about how one dude in the race: 1) has a lot of coin, 2) Pays the legal 15% taxes on that amount of bread, 3) doesn't think that the institutions and the people who work there who store his and everyone's money are comparable to Ed on the Terrible Person/Entity meter, and 4) is not liked by some people within his party because he earned a lot and is living on the derivatives. I know Dave is one of those equal opportunity outcome people who desire that, through the miracles of taxes, everyone will ultimately make $60,000 a year, no matter whether they're a CEO or a professional couch potato. Try to distinguish yourself and make $60,000.50, and he'll want jack-boots at your door to collect those four bits to put it toward a $4M federal study of the proportion of wild rudbeckia to dandelions in dormant volcano zones.
  16. Mitt Romney is a wealthy man... but why is Dave starting multiple threads attacking him for it? This isn't the "Mitt Romney has a lot of money" board. And we're only in the third week of primary season. What's the over/under for his daily thread-start count once the general starts?
  17. Junior checking. He has to have his mum sign below him every time he wants to buy a pack of Bubble Yum. Let's see if Dave has more money in his account that Warren Buffet's secretary!
  18. As my 4-year-old niece says, "Really?? REALLY!!??" How many Mitt Romney Evil Rich threads are you going to start? Just on the front page I count four emanating from your maw. Grow up.
  19. Jesse should know all about ripping off black people. And speaking of ripping, is he still busy "ripping Obama's nuts off"? I thought he'd gone back into his hole after that bit was caught on tape. Maybe he's popping out to see if there's a shadow.
  20. So when "Wrong hole!!" was screamed... that was from aj thinking the garbage disposal was in the right-hand sink, right?
  21. And then there's the whole 83% increase in gas costs. But that probably has nothing to do with it... ask him, he'll tell you. Not all that different from him taking credit for fewer border crossings. Uhmm, dude, they're not coming here as much because the economy sucks so bad, and because Mexican and other countries' banks aren't accepting US Dollars as readily b/c of its weakness. This is like torching your house and then boasting that you've now stopped people from wanting to rob you. !@#$-tard!
  22. In a whole two drafts under Nix, what makes you so confident saying that he doesn't pick Best Player Available in round 1? That goes absolutely against everything I've read and heard of his draft philosophy. Yep. That Welker guy in New England... no one worries about him anymore!
  23. I'm just going to note here.... You get that the salary cap only takes into account the highest 53 salaries of players on the team, right? So when they have 80+ guys in the offseason and camp, not all of those count or will count toward the cap. It's exceedingly rare for a late pick or an UDFA to count toward the cap.
  24. If it were me, I'd take a flame thrower to that court house.
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