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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. UConn James doesn't know how to drive stick shift.
  2. In Minnesota, the age of consent is 16. The article does not explain this. Her sentence is likely under the guise of a "... by a person of authority" statute. Ninety days + 15 years probation + registered sex offender + losing her job = Was it worth it? Exactly what I was thinking. Same neck.
  3. As to the Marine... well, when you're going somewhere, you've gotta check the laws. And if you don't like the laws, don't go there. As to the Texas article, yep. After what happened in Cheshire, criminals should not have any right to claim that deadly force wasn't required during a home invasion. If anyone breaks into my home while me and my family are there, I'm just going to assume that their intent is rape and murder because anything else means you're placing your family in jeopardy. I will never vote to convict anyone in such a situation after what happened to the Petits.
  4. Well... you wanna partner up for AR:21 then? I'd have to learn to drive standard, too. (I know. I know. It just never happened.)
  5. How Detroit's tax rates are too high and too low [Note: "too low" according to city officials, who want more $ to piss away] -- at the same time So, if my arithmetic is correct, that would be ~$19K in yearly fees and taxes?... for a home that is seriously undervalued WRT what it would cost anywhere else. Sounds like a retirement dreamland!!!! I mean, the mill rate here in CT which is one of the highest state+local tax burden rates in the country --- indeed a state directly to our north that is nicknamed Taxachusetts has lower rates than we do --- is 30 mills. Where the hell all that money is going to?
  6. It's not just red tape. It's the ambiguity in much of the laws. D.C. is absolutely podunk in this, from the permit being a yellow piece of carbon-copy paper with two passport photos stapled to it, to an officer answering this woman's questions about the reality of transporting her gun with such things as she'll have to hope that the officer believes her when she says she's going to a range and that she should plan ahead so she doesn't have to stop anywhere (e.g. for gas) on her way. There seems to be a very real sense that if you cut too loud a fart while transporting you could get arrested at an officer's whim because the wording of regulations is so gray. Link
  7. Despite the terminology, it's really not that advanced. Propagating basil by detaching a stem and putting it in water until roots form in 5-10 days probably has a fancy name too.
  8. And these are the same people who want to give you a full rectal examination, need to know your life history and literally interrogate your family veternarian, and require you to put up a fence if you want to adopt a dog. We had had three GSPs each living 12+ years very happily, in a big yard in a fairly rural area and they were 100% on the leash or our enclosed deck when outside. About two years ago, I was looking at a standard poodle. And it was just a lot of bullstevestojan. I finally had enough of these groups and bought another GSP from a breeder. them. They will never get a red cent donation from me. I don't know what their angle is, but for sure they aren't in the business of actually finding good homes for pets. Stories like this don't surprise me a bit when they're so damned fussy about letting animals go.
  9. He's here for attention. I probably shouldn't have responded in the first place even with what I wrote, but....
  10. It's damned difficult to get a permit in D.C. Emily Miller wrote a series of articles in the WashTimes about her odyssey, starting last October and she finally got one on 8 Feb. after spending several hundred dollars in fees and "countless" hours dealing with the rigamarole designed to discourage citizens from legal ownership.
  11. Says the dude who displays a link/picture/video fail within the same post. You forgot $4+ gas prices.
  12. Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Don't be this guy. Just don't be this guy! Did anyone force you to click on this thread? go away then. What the goodyear!? Gotta say that I was thoroughly annoyed at the Kentucky guys' accents by ~10 minutes in. What the hell was with the dude getting sick? Agreed on that stupid 'hate Border Patrol because I'm half Mexican' quip. Why would you hate the Border Patrol for doing their jobs and enforcing the laws of our country that every other country with the same or harsher restrictions on immigration/citizenship/foreign workers/foreign ownership of businesses and property always get a pass on from people who feel the USA needs to apologize and bend over for everyone else? STFU or leave, douchebag. To repeat, I'm none too keen on giving them a chance to win another million bucks, same as they did with Ethan last season. I wish Bruckheimer/CBS didn't use AR so heavily to promote/house-ad their other shows.... AJ, if you're afraid of heights then I guess it's not worth our time to apply to AR as "Virtual Friends" if neither of us could bungee jump or skydive....
  13. After having been turned off by the concept when they first announced it, I've gotta say that I enjoyed "Sherlock" a lot. The guy who plays Jim Moriarty in the last ep is a great character. But yes, Brit teevee is doing it a lot better than American. We're heavily into cops, lawyers, family/friend comedy and reality and pretty much anything else just drowns. I can't explain for the life of me how people can watch multiple iterations of the same exact theme of crime and punishment, comedy centered around sex and sarcasm, and "talent" shows. They are such cheap problem-solution narrative and mindless entertain-me-with-cover-song crap. The few good series on today are on cable. If you're not watching "Breaking Bad" something is seriously wrong with you. At least the Brits try things. I didn't know Doc Martin was on streaming; it's airing on one of my local PBSs, and it's watchable enough, but week-to-week is just not how I like to watch shows. I'm also hooked on Doctor Who (Netflix has the first 5 seasons of the resurrected run).
  14. Don't you have some bull semen to collect?
  15. The pages of Jack's copy of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue are already stuck together, despite his mom's written warning on the cover.
  16. Then they'd just kill each other over something else. They'll make meth and hard drugs in more quantity, and send them north for people who want an even bigger high. It's like the dude who used to jerk off to his imagination, then when that doesn't get him anymore, uses the Sears catalog, then Victoria's secret, then Playboy, then hardcore, then pornos, then gonzo, then kiddie porn. Each step just leads to a higher threshold.
  17. DC Tom, still a pedantic supercilious fornicating anal orifice.
  18. All you putzes can't even keep up a simple insult thread.
  19. Was there an explicit 'We chase them together, and we each get one?' I was making dinner during that segment, so concentration was divided. Even so, the guys went for scorched-earth first with stealing the supplies. They're just operating under the same rule the guys started, tit (Chelsea's please!) for tat. Look for a line drawn in the sand brokering of sharing supplies next week in exchange for giving them a chicken, or else it just goes on this way. Was she legally forced to give it to one of the guys (that was a long-winded paper that accompanied the idol)? Did she have the option of just re-hiding it or essentially just pocketing it so it wouldn't be found?
  20. Sorry, but when the cro-magnon-face guy stole almost everything the girls tore off the truck, the idea that anything is "owed" to either tribe went out the window. And now they have fire with the flint so it's moot. If the guys want to play by the rule that Might Makes Right, they need to live by it when they don't get the breaks, too. Right now, it looks like a number of the women are playing the strategy game at a higher % for when the merge happens (e.g. the black girl giving the gay guy the idol. I'm sorry, I don't mean to offend with terms like this; just, no one knows names this fast and least of all me). And in other seasons, that's totally stupid; you play as competing tribes first and then after the merge, and then you play the merge. But that's the thing this season. With them living all in the same camp, we're going to see which strategy works better --- more nearly short-term as the guys are playing or the more nearly long-term.
  21. Maybe they should put one at their southern border as well. You know, because that's where CBS News (hardly a bastion of pro-gun sentiment, don't you know) has proved that 90 percent of the guns in Mexico enter through, during their coverage of the BATF's Operation Fast and Furious scandal. (Seriously, if Sheryl Atkisson doesn't win a boatload of Pulitzers for her work on this story, it will finally prove the extent of rot and agenda in the MSM.) And it would be an even higher % if our own government stopped selling AK-47s directly to the cartel.
  22. High Real Unemployment Data Reflect Poorly On Obama No matter how they try to push the narrative of recovery, the raw numbers can't fool anyone except those who want to be fooled. Employers are not hiring because they are scared stevestojanless of social-economic mandates and over-regulation (that adds ~$12K+ in tax/overhead responsibility before a wage is paid) makes it impossible to add more people. When the only solution in the administration's Bag of Tricks is to raise taxes even more... like the limbo bar, we have yet to see how low this thing can go. What they're selling as "good economic news" is 99-weekers being kicked off the unemployment insurance rolls. But still, they're churning these out every month as if this is evidence of Recovery rather than a canard.
  23. But the real test to how far these marriage laws will go is when some 5th grader wants to marry a pouch of cherry-flavored Capri Sun.
  24. Oh dear. Make no mistake, that is an act of pure love. I'm a softie for dogs, so I imagine that I'd want to do the same but common sense dictates certain things. The caption indicates that the dog was on the ice, not that it fell through. It sounds dumb to ask but could he not have called the dog back... but then I'm guessing he probably did. My little boy is on his leash 100 percent of the time when outside.
  25. Tom is not a historian. Historians get paid $1.6M by FannieMae/FreddieMac. Ask Newt Gingrich, he'll tell you.
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