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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. Oooo! Nice! That's one where you get mentally associated with vacation. Not bad.
  2. Sh--, I believe the plural is Zubazes.
  3. Red sky at night, sailors' delight!
  4. Otherwise... you would've done your duty as a Bills fan and sacked him, right?
  5. To clarify, one store manager went PC and then corporate went common-sense. I see this no differently than my views in the thread about a pharmacist who refuses to sell birth control items or Rxs in a store that carries them. You either perform the whole job, which includes parts that you may not personally or religiously agree with, or you do another job or find another field of work. This was part of the job description when she applied, right? She could reasonably be expected to have known that some people buy bacon and beer at the supermarket and that she might have to touch them, right? We should not be expecting employers to have to cater to their employees' every whim about moral problems they might have about customers' purchasing decisions. They stock it, you handle it or you do something else. Kudos to Wegmans head office for not wimping out. Why does this reek of someone angling for (specious) grounds for a lawsuit/$ettlement?
  6. Some updates on the show: It will be two more seasons of 8 episodes each. I don't know if this has been shared here before, but it's the first time I'm seeing it set in concrete. They are filming S5 currently. Gilligan and his writing team have a rough outline of what they want gor the major characters and the end of the series. Link
  7. NYT | Life of the 'Body Man': Garrett Jackson
  8. By 2019, we will be spending more in interest payments on the national debt than we spend on the Department of Defense. $600B in interest payments! Not even touching the debt principle! Link I look at that graph and think, 'How are we not totally, totally screwed?!?' Like... Harvard-PhD-philosophy-student-with-half-a-million-in-debt-and-the-only-job-he'll-ever-find-is-McDonald's screwed. But keep talking about secret clubs, MSM. That's what the national consciousness needs to think about. Because Economy This, Debt That won't get your boy re-elected, will it?
  9. You mean, count the people who still don't have a job but who've run out of unemployment? In the articles touting month-to-month lower unemployment rates (neatly coinciding with layoffs+99 weeks), you can almost see the reporter jumping up and down wearing an 'Obama 2012' T-shirt. 'See? See? He's putting people back to work!' Not fast enough to even keep pace with the number of young people who are joining the workforce, but whatever.
  10. Well, besides the "Do-nothing Congress" that has been doing or trying to do things (note the story that came out the other week that revealed it was Obama who walked away at the Eleventh Hour from debt reduction legislation where the Republicans had agreed to billions in tax increases to go with spending cuts. That was going to be bad for Obama's re-election narrative, so....), by Dave in Nor F^€£'s regurgitation of the talking points memo, they're evidently going to try a "The devil you know..." argument. Around October, we'll probably be hearing from them about how Romney is part of the Zombiepocalypse and/or has cooties.
  11. Dude, you liked "Before Sunrise"? That's a 150-point deduction on your Man Card. And a Man Card only has 100 points.
  12. Let me tell ya, Santorum isn't making any friends among the rank and file for this crap. Book deal? Probably. Speaking fees? Out of the question. 2016/2020? Nope. He had his say, he talked his bit. I can respect someone who enters the race to do give voice to issues they care about. But when it came time to bow out gracefully, he's staying in the back corner of the stage juggling balls, chasing ferrets and taming fleas. He has no grace. And even people who supported him started to say that it's time and switched their votes. He's not getting them message even when it's loud in his ears. I don't think people want a president who refuses to get the message. He's going to get embarrassed on the 24th. I don't know what he's expecting at the nomination convention, but it definitely isn't the narrative that's bouncing around in his head. He's sharing sentiments with Newt "Moon colony = 51st state" Gingrich. That's when you know it's time to stop drinking so much Dimetapp.
  13. According to a leaked league memo, teams will only be allowed to wear 3rd jerseys twice next season. They will only be allowed to wear them during Sunday afternoon games. No wearing them in prime-time. And no wearing them once the "flex" scheduling starts (week 10?).
  14. I don't get it. If I wanted a polo shirt with a collar, I'd buy one.
  15. Roger Ebert has been posting a lot of 'Available on Netflix Streaming' movies/reviews on his Facebook page. Not saying that I agree with him 100% on taste, but it's a quick, handy reference and suggestion sheet.
  16. From what I've seen, Seattle is making a small color change in the logo (grey in one of the rear panes) and go to a darker helmet and from what I hear, will have a 3rd jersey featuring the grey. I wouldn't call that "completely changing" their look. The Nike event is going to be at 11 a.m. ET. There might be a few tweaks, but I'm not expecting anything earth-shattering.
  17. If it does leak, all fingers would point to Kagan. That said, I don't think it will.
  18. Hey, less yapping, more sexually attractive females!
  19. AJ, didn't you say that last season?
  20. They had ~ a 300-acre dairy farm east of Rachacha. I'm still available for an angus farmer family friend here in the Quiet Corner, but the haying fields are disappearing one by one.... Plus, more farmers are just moving to the round bales. "Marshmallows of the cultural landscape," as Garrison Keillor calls them.
  21. With his 'Even if it was poop, the boiling water would disinfect it,' Tarzan gave away that it was indeed poop stains in his underwear. The gentleman doth protest too much. If I were Chelsea, I would've just gone apeshit on him. How is this dude a plastic surgeon? (Unless, of course, he's operating out of the back of a station wagon. That I could see.) Really enjoying how Troyzan is playing this game, and I'm rooting for him, Sabrina and Lief, even tho as Probst said, he was the worst person to send first in the reward challenge. Troyzan's idol find basically can put him in the final three if he doesn't absolutely up. But it will be interesting how the idols (the other being in the Kim-Chelsea and women alliance) are played against each other. Right now, (and especially if they win another immunity) the women can essentially own this game if they choose. After last night, the men's side is so divided it's not funny. Jonas goes into tribal when they'd all agreed on Kat, and he spills the beans and says he's voting for Michael. Holy stevestojan, dude! He may have done a lot around camp, but that's not something you can keep around. Nevermind that he has a kind of annoying voice, I can't decide b/w someone with Down's or a deaf person when they talk. Not ragging on these disabilities too much (I have hearing problems myself).
  22. And to get to Dayman's point of why waste time and resources by repeal (estimates say that repeal will cost in the hundreds of millions), I would say... Well, whose ing fault was that? They passed something that enough people warned would be unconstitutional that they might have listened, but no. They passed something so they could say they passed something. Again, I reflect --- how would Obamacare being struck down measure WRT a defining/overarching moment of a presidency? Fifty years from now, how is this country going to remember the Obama Years? It would be for spending a lot of $/increasing the debt more than any other president and that he spent a lot of time, political capital, and public treasure on passing something that was ruled unconstitutional. Just thinking about the historical impact while we're in the moment. Would it be on par with a censure or is it roughly equivalent to getting publicly face-slapped?
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