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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. Probst is going to be putting out Kat's torch in two weeks, and 10-to-1 she'll start heading out the way toward camp. Reality just doesn't register with this useful idiot.
  2. Now breaking that ATF also facilitated the transfer of grenades and grenade parts. ATF's mysterious grenade smuggler case: new photos, documents turned over to Congress And just to remind you in case you haven't followed along, the concoctors of this program either are in or were promoted to D.C. in the DOJ/ATF/ICE.
  3. Do you get pissed when you hear Elvis sing "You ain't a-nothing but a hound dog-a / cryin' all the time" or when Seal sings about cigafettes? This instance appears to be adding an extra syllable to balance the chord. Gotta say, in my long experience of hearing about Sorry-Ass-Little-First-World-Problems, this makes the top five.
  4. I'm fairly certain Kim starts picking off some women next. Namely, Christina. I think she wants to keep Tarzan around for the Final Three so she can point to a token man who nobody liked and lamely say, 'I didn't target the men. Are you caaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraazzaaaaaaay?!?!? Look... Tarzan is still here! The game is afoot!' After Christina, who has played this game without being an * at any time, there is no one left who is the least bit likeable, for me. Tarzan for reasons previously pointed out. Sabrina tonight trying to circle the wagons for the women and glue Kat back together during the Kim-Chelsea-Alicia reward. "They left behind the two strongest players!" WHAAATTTT?! Kat is a vacuole. Alicia, who'd better hope she wins the million b/c if I'm a sp-ed parent, I don't want her anywhere near my kid. Did you hear that... she considers Christina to be a sp-ed student who does what she's told and is devoid of personhood. Seriously, YOU, Alicia! This game has exposed a lot of people for what they really are, but this See You Next Tuesday takes the cake. She is a self-centered, fat-assed, wanna-be gangstabitch. Kim, as others have said here, is simply the smartest doofus left. If anyone else had the slightest clue about how to play the game.... In reality, this wasn't a fair deck of cards from the start, what with Colton on the men's team. And then the women used and played him like a fiddle, combined with some simply staggering game choices that I needn't repeat. But the thing about these women, but Chelsea and Kim most of all, is that they expect you to stay quiet and just take it while they cut your head off. That may be the thing that pisses me off most. Chelsea's pretty hot, but now it's like that Northern Pikes song, .
  5. Fez, you get that as soon as you sign the sales receipt, the car loses ~ half of its value, right? Besides people who make a ton and have to think of ways to spend it, I have a bit of a hard time understanding why anyone buys a brand new car. Maybe it's just me....
  6. I meant that as in, how many times has a team been last, gotten the non-elimination, and the following leg with time to make up and a speed bump, they weren't eliminated. Is it quite common? I can't imagine so.
  7. I believe it's been mentioned in this thread, but just a note that the Will Ferrell drama "Everything Must Go" (based on a Raymond Carver story) is new to Netflix streaming. I think he does his best work when he gets out of the goofy characters. "Stranger Than Fiction" was a pearl. It's also interesting to note how much harder it seems for drama actors to do comedy well than for comedy actors to hit some performances out of the park when they go serious e.g. Sandler in Punch Drunk Love and Reign Over Me.
  8. That, and the non-elimination leg is basically a one-week extension. They've gotta make up all that time --- what was it... 3-4 hours? --- and they have the speed bump. From first place to dead last, that's gotta hurt. I sympathize with Bopper on the motion sickness thing, but didn't they look into the pills or patches for that? Damn. What's the record for teams coming back from the brink? Mark and Bopper did it this season, the Cowboys in the Second Chances season.... For all of Jamie and Nary's belly-aching, that was a challenge that clearly favored teams with a woman. It evens out in the end. Gotta say that the Army guy and wife (I still don't have names down) are hitting their stride at the right time. From not being *s on the U-turn (and/or saving it if there's another) and then just killing challenges, I've gotta say that they're probably who I'm rooting for most next to Kentucky. They've sniped at each other earlier when things didn't go well, but that's in the heat of the moment and while it's not an advisable relationship strengthener or anything, it doesn't seem to last too long. But contrast their style with Mark and Bopper's --- that was heartening to see them work through it. I can't remember one time of them arguing or putting the other down like the other teams will shout at each other when it gets tough. What's the deal if Mark's knee is really hurt? The medic said the brace was enough, but.... I would really hope that if they do get bounced next week, that CBS will kick them some funds to treat the daughter's illness. And for as much as the BP guys are denounced here, and how some have tried to cheapen everything they do by saying it was only because they thought Mark and Bopper were getting eliminated... they did donate their 1st place prize to that. Just because they're cocky, brusk, holding a grudge on people who lie/don't keep their word on strategy, whatever, it doesn't mean they don't have hearts.
  9. I'm fairly certain it's not "Sorry for what he did" as opposed to 'Sorry that the events transpired in such a way that he was forced to do what what he did.' My dog and I were attacked and bitten by a pit bull last summer. If I had a gun I would've shot it (as it was, it was put down a few weeks later). And while I'm sorry that a dog had to die, because I truly love dogs... if it's down to me and mine versus ending something that has the potential to kill me quickly, that's an easy decision. Not one that won't stay with you for the rest of your life... as Mr. Zimmerman's odd-ish recent behavior attests to. IMO he acted in the right, but it can steal your sleep and your life can still unravel. It was the happenstance of checking out a suspiciously-behaving person in your community that led to an altercation reportedly of the victim's initiation (as I've heard it, Mr. Zimmerman lost track and was returning home and then Mr. Martin doubled back behind a house and attacked). One properly-laid blow to the head can cripple or kill, as we well know from a game where players have the luxury of helmets.
  10. That was "As Good As It Gets" for the quote. And yes, Chelsea's quip of "That's just the game" is applicable to so many marriages/pregnancies these days. I'm not going to say all women do it/would do it or that all men are angels, but a good number of women have it instilled in them to trap a guy into working his ass off for her for the rest of his life because they've got the court system in their favor. See: Jim Nantz's divorce settlement as only one egregious example. There is NO way I will ever be getting married without a rock-solid pre-nup. And I wouldn't trust any birth control of unknown provenance. While they were *s with the stuff stripped from the truck in the first episode (I consider possession of stuff to be an honor/Golden Rule/Mutually Assured Destruction thing), the men broke many of the most important rules of the game. And then the producers got antsy and bailed on the men/women thing when the ladies struggled at the outset. A tribe shake-up has been a possibility once it was introduced, but to do it for One World where it was set up to be a man tribe versus a woman tribe was very cheap.
  11. Photos released this morning of the back of George Zimmerman's head 3 minutes after the shooting. This is a pretty hardened crowd here, but there are Graphic Warnings that go along with them. Several open wounds and blood running down. ABC also showed the first contemporary photo of Trayvon Martin that I have seen (where he's 17, not an 8-year-old), but then again I haven't followed the story that closely. "I AM TRAYVON MARTIN!!!" = Bashing a guy's head in because he looked at you funny. In a just world, the judge would throw the case out in pretrial hearings at a prima facia viewing of the evidence. But, it's an election year in Florida (and they elect their judges, from what I hear).
  12. I don't understand how the four that Tarzan talked to wouldn't have taken the automatic Top 5. Notice how the 'That's not the pecking order! Like... not at all!' was coming from those very 4. The second Kim didn't use the idol, you knew it was Leif. But yeah, a lot of them appear to be playing for 7th, 6th, 5th and 4th place. Kind of like Cochran last season, who betrayed his tribe to gain a certain extra week, rather than a contingent 5 weeks. Sheer stupidity. Kim is orchestrating it all, and most seasons that would be something, but here, that's not a big compliment. I'm wholly rooting for Troyzan because of his simple "I'm alone here" status and the societal truths he was saying at the start of the episode. Women marry, get a home and a car and college on the dude's dime and then they're like 'I don't need you anymore.' Yup. Seen it happen way too much for it to be a coincidence. This is the stuff women are taught from an early age for the past 30-40 years --- how to get "security." And guys fall in love either with the idea that it'll be different for them or with that thing between the legs and sense goes out the window. They are all sisters. A guy asking an honest question will get the wrath of an Alicia simply for asking that question; that woman is a seriously terrible human being. Sure, Troyzan's gloating went over the top. As Marv said, "Act like you've been there before." But anyone who can't appreciate the sentiments of someone in his position has obviously never faced a situation of the tyranny of the majority. He basically needs to win out in immunities because it seems clear, whatever the teaser, that the other people low on the totem pole in the women's alliance (and Tarzan) are too stupid to take a good thing when it's put in front of them. I'm ready for an All-Star season after watching this. Just... people who actually know how to play the game rather than count on the 1% odds that they'll be able to win an immunity challenge or two or three when their pecking order time comes 'round. Scrounging the $500 for shocks for his Jeep? If this dude is a "plastic surgeon," he's doing the surgery on the corner in the Jeep. Or, he makes plastic spork widgets for Walmart in an assembly line and is embellishing his resume. I would be surprised if this guy could tie his shoes, much less a suture.
  13. Do you subscribe to Day Old News or Behind the Times? This happened, like, last month.
  14. Gratuitous Chelsea picture from tonight's episode.... (OK, maybe not gratuitous, but certainly a nice view.) Even if Kim has her back, with the idol, it may not be enough to save her for long once all the men are gone. (But even then, she may keep Tarzan b/c honestly, if you are Kim, who do you want in the Final Three? I'd want to be there with Alicia and Tarzan.
  15. As I wrote at the time that came out, perhaps the league should first see if LA can support one team. Because even that is highly questionable. Yup.
  16. The men are now going to get picked off one by one. Because they're stupid and have been stupid the whole game. Friggin Tarzan tonight STILL voting for Jay, when iirc, his vote for Alicia would've tied it, right? I wouldn't put this so much on Kim being a mastermind so much as, again, the men being retarded. If they want to have any chance, they have to win out at immunities. Dude let go of the chain for a couple of pieces of chicken and his ass was walking down the path a few hours later. Unless you're supremely confident you're not possibly on the hopping block, you compete to win in immunity, no matter what Probst waves beneath your nose. Also, a green shirt for Probst during the immunity challenge? Were all of his blue ones dirty or something? Don't know how much Chelsea may have done herself in with those 'I don't want to vote them out when I just told these guys that I wouldn't' comments when they were talking shop. She eventually drank the Kool-Aid, but Sabrina and Alicia will have that as ammo now.
  17. And yet, in 2008, it was Romney and Huckabee that split what essentially was the Tea Party vote before there was a Tea Party. He found his support then among the very conservative, while McCain won the moderate / right of center vote. The numbers were in an article I read earlier today. I'm not in a spot to find the article again but this is pretty easily searchable. I don't see how he'll not be able to coalesce support there this time, now that he's the presumptive nominee. And again, to add to the subsequent comments, what Romney needs to do is say those little words "states' rights." His input kept the 85% Democrat state legislature from burdening Mass. businesses with horrific taxes for a single payer system. His view all along has been that the federal legislation should be limited and allow individual states to do what's best for them based on their healthcare infrastructure and demographics. Mass. with 4% uninsured and the highest per capita incomes in the U.S. didn't have the same conditions as some states that have 20% uninsured and a population that is less able to afford it. And yet, Obamacare essentially treats states as if they are the same. I've consistently heard it through the explanation that it was a compromise whose numbers were brought to some fiscal sanity when it became clear it was going to pass one way or the other, and that at least as it stood when he left office, it was working for Mass. I haven't really kept up on it since then, but I haven't read any dreadful reports in my inbox or heard bad things from people I know in that state. But like I said, conditions it he versus many other states are totally different and require separate solutions based upon what people in the states want or don't want.
  18. conner stopped posting? (At least... he stopped posting as conner.)
  19. This is a non-starter until the franchise changes hands. What will probably end up happening is an $80M - $90M renovation to RWS over the course of a new lease of 10-12 years. The new owner/s will wait until the end of the lease to decide their next step.
  20. Weekly Standard | America's Debt Is Greater than Entire Eurozone's (and U.K.'s) Combined Debt
  21. Just to note: Newt was speaking over the weekend that Romney is now virtually guaranteed to get the nomination and that he'll support him. So it seems all but over. There was one recent poll where Romney was +5 in Penn, and another where Santorum was +4. Regardless, Pennsylvania, with proportional delegates, was a state that Santorum needed to win by a wide margin (30-40 points) in order to retain even that 1-2% shot of carrying this thing to the RNC and hoping for a brokering. All the other 24 April states were going Romney and beyond that too with California being the whopper 172-delegate winner take all. Losing Pennsylvania w/o an excuse like this would have screwed his future aspirations. But as it stands he's the nominal runner-up, which historically shows he's favored in 2016 if Romney doesn't win in the general (several polls out today showing that Romney vs. Obama is a tie, and that he's in this deep this far out with all the advantages that the office brings, doesn't stand well for Barry). Anyway, this comes about a month-and-a-half to two months late for Santorum. I understand why he did it. He had things he wanted to talk about, wanted to get his name out there, no matter what the math was saying. But it was getting awkward and going further had the potential to damage the party. It would be interesting if the party holds him to any accountability for producing fractures.... On another note, tho, Mr. Santorum's youngest child, Bella was released from the hospital yesterday, and while the campaign has been nasty at times, I sincerely wish the best for her. Santorum talks the talk on abortion, etc. but give credit where it's due, he also walks the walk. Then again, I (and ~70% of the electorate) go with the idea of stare juris on Roe that defined it as a private matter and left for people (women) to decide for themselves. As I said, I don't want a president who seems to want to be a pastor-in-chief. That's not government's function. There are a number of other possible candidates who would get my support. Mike Pence, Mitch Daniels, Susanna Martinez....
  22. Also by the employment stats, those people who've fallen off the unemployment roll and those who've decided to stop looking for work because it's a waste of time... well, the administration and the media who want another term for their golden child like to pretend that those people dropped off the map.
  23. Yep. An average of $12,000 of regulatory expenses to hire one person in this country --- note: this is before a salary/wages start being paid --- and the problem is that there's too little regulation.
  24. Actually, to my surprise, Sheryl Atkisson of CBS News has been one of the principle reporters breaking stuff about Fast and Furious. If she doesn't win a Pulitzer, then they need to stop giving them out. But generally speaking, yes, these kinds of stories are more and more originating online and then the MSM begrudgingly gets in on it. Well... if there's no missing white women that week.
  25. So basically, all that happened last night was an amp-up of ire and the teams bunched up a lot, time-wise. You know, Rico may think they're *s, but the BP agents were right. I don't know about you, but I don't like being lied to, even with small stuff. It's an indication that someone will lie about important stuff, too. But really, how silly/stupid are the FBI girls being about it? That bit last night in the tent set-up where they claimed to be at a disadvantage b/c they were the only team w/o a man was crap. It was crap. They picked their team, they need to deal with it. Vanessa either can't ride a bike, they were too dumb to check if the seat could be lowered (it looked like there were knobs under the seat...) or pooh on AR for providing bikes that aren't suitable and can't be adjusted to be made safe. Sure, there's a thing of 'This is it, they're all the same, and figure it out or you're done' but come on, this is a safety thing. They're provided cars with adjustable seats.... Just sayin'. Bopper looks out at the African plains and exclaims, "This is beautiful!!!" then half a second later, he spits his gum out of the window with a big *ptui*. You stay classy, Kentucky!
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