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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. What's making it difficult for you to respond is that you're trying to tiptoe through your philosophical field of bullstevestojan. The 'tacit endorsement' of the SCOTUS ruling didn't come out of Romney's mouth. And in all the mess that is politics and media today, the actual words/writings/doings of a candidate is about the only thing I somewhat trust as to what they really think. The campaign flaks, the pundits, the MSM... they have very little credence. Romney is calling it what the SC's majority ruling itself called it --- a tax.
  2. Care to provide a link to these instances? Should be easy since they're so numerous.... I live in NE CT and have always watched Boston news via antenna. I never saw Romney say that the Mass plan should be used nationally. He always said it shouldn't and can't because of basic differences of demographics, infrastructure, geography, income, etc. Granted that he said parts of the Mass law could be used in federal legislation. Parts is parts. Hey, my laptop and digital camera have an SD card slot; that doesn't mean my camera sh/could have a quad-core and surf the Internet. Not NEARLY the same as giving it steroids, adding in ginormous tax increases, creating another massive bureaucracy in 2,700 pages that no one read, out-and-out bribing senators, and adopting it. The USAToday op-ed libs like to link to doesn't say what they want to think it says.
  3. Lots of top seeds getting smoked so far. Nadal, Federer was on the ropes before gutting one out, Wozniaki, now Maria gets ousted. With his half of the draw pretty much cleared, this has to be Andy Murray's best chance to fulfill on being the Great British Hope. If he can't do it this year, he's not going to get a better shot. And to my eyes, I don't think he's on; just a body-language thing.
  4. Why does it have to be reconcilable? Reconcilable to what? The Massachusetts health care plan was tailored for Massachusetts. There are some measures that might be applicable to other plans, but Romney said at the time and since that the Mass. plan shouldn't and couldn't work in other states or at the federal level, for the same reason Peter Dinklage's tux would not fit on Andre the Giant. Two words he has to say during the debate: States' Rights.
  5. +1 Sam Gash didn't have much in the way of stats, either. I don't think anyone in the NFL would say that he wasn't a hell of an asset when used in the right system. But then again, FBs have gone the way of the dodo as spreads and 5-wide have become more the norm. Bear in mind BillinNYC's post on how Buddy Nix has been building this team and what it means WRT CoreyMac. Bill was arguing that we may be seeing less of the spread and more of a run offense, balance-wise, especially toward the later season (where IIRC, three out of the last four games this year are at the Ralph). If this is Channix's vision --- and I'm not saying it is b/c, as for myself, I don't believe Chan is going to veer much from the type of offense he ran last year where he had them throwing much too much --- it bodes better for CM. We'll have to see.
  6. For me, it'll always be Calvin & Hobbes. But for ones running currently, C&H creator Bill Watterson is a HUGE fan of "Cul de Sac" by Richard Thompson. (Ever the recluse, Watterson even surfaced publically for the first time in 16 years with a painting of the character Petey which he donated to a Parkinson's charity for auction*.) I discovered it late last year and, tho I'm a late-comer, it's been a gem. Especially the strips where Alice takes to the concrete manhole cover dais for a special performance. * --- Richard Thompson unfortunately has Parkinson's and earlier this year had several guest cartoonists come in for a week each while he was undergoing treatments.
  7. Can someone make some popcorn? Looks like someone is itching to get banned so he can start using the new handle he created ~6 months ago.
  8. Actually, this writer says Roberts' decision cut the Commerce Clause right across the hips. American Thinker: The Chief Justice Done Good by Dov Fischer, adjunct professor of law at Loyola Law School One can argue that the hundred-year era of citing Wicker and slipping things in under Commerce is now largely over, and that these measures will have to be called what they are --- TAXES. Let's see how many pols touch that third rail. WRT the second quoted graph, no matter how many Democrats stay away from the DNC in North Carolina, anyone running for Congress with a D behind their name is irrevocably tied to Obama, Obamacare and the 'I'm only going to eat the rich!' promise that every tax-and-spender soon breaks.
  9. So there's a bit of showmanship. I dunno. That kind of stuff works wonders getting women to watch Dancing With the Stars.... No matter what kind of stuff comes up, vouchsafe that it's NEVER far from most peoples' minds that the economy is reeling / nowhere near where it should be even after the recession b/c businesses are scared stevestojanless what redistributive entitlement Obama is going to railroad through next.
  10. AJ et al: IIRC, AMC re-upped BB for two seasons of 8 eps each to finish out the story. I know people have a tendency to cluster artificially shortened seasons together under one number, but literally and technically S5/this year is not the end. Which... I dunno. Since there's not much BB left, I prefer the scenario to be two smaller snacks that I can enjoy each bite of, rather than a whole meal where you stop tasting the food after the fourth bite. I think Gilligan made the right call in this regard. YMMV.
  11. Its sale was facilitated by the government, who (as I understand it) looked on as straw buyers for the cartels went thru a dealer who was authorized/instructed by the govt to sell these specific guns to these purchasers. A distinction without much difference.
  12. Watched that on ESPN3. Crazy. Rosol caught Nadal having an off day. When he broke Rafa in the first game of the 5th set, after the roof-closure delay, it's like Nadal was just thinking about what he was going to say to the media. Rosol was hitting like a madman too, to be fair --- returns were clocked in the mid-90s. He must've been working off endorphins there. Wonder whether it will affect his next match e.g. blowing his wad and having nothing left. Frankly, it had been an off day for myself as well. All day, stevestojan just kept going wrong. Seriously, this has been the longest day EVER.
  13. Looks as tho it will be ~10:15 - 10:30 before the Obamacare fate is handed down. There are two other rulings being released first.
  14. Why? So labor unions can contribute end without end amen and corporations can't? Unions are people but corporations aren't? If there were a detente on this point, that would be something. ON EDIT: Not something that should be in the Constitution, but it would be something. As it stands, neither side will relent because the other side won't put their knife down first.
  15. That's the rumor. And, as I said in the OP, not that there's anything wrong with that. This kid really is to be admired in every way. Academic accomplishments, athletic abilities, he stays out of any kind of trouble. It's sad that there are some people who skulk around and do this kind of stuff hoping to get their mealy fingers on a little bit of money in exchange for remaining silent about something that shouldn't have to remain quiet. If the rumors are true, I think RG3 can handle it with as much class as he's done everything else and be a pioneer for a community that has been (understandably) pretty afraid to reveal itself in pro sports.
  16. Whatever year "No Country For Old Men" was released. On that movie alone.
  17. The 13th-seeded Gilles Simon really stepped in it this morning.... Simon doesn't like equal prize money in tennis Some are saying that the women have more rallies per point. Bullstevestojan. My response on the page: (Honestly, I normally don't comment on Yahoo stories because it's sewer-like in there) No doubt --- and by this I mean there's NO DOUBT --- Mr. Simon is going to either be kicked off or decide to resign his new seat on the ATP Player's Council. Because heaven knows they can't allow a dissenting opinion / judgment that has basis in the facts and inequity on almost every measure of the balance scale of the (singles, at least) men's game vs. the women's.
  18. Caught ta little of the Tsonga-Hewitt match this morning. Hewitt's definitely lost a couple of steps. But Tsonga could be primed for something within the next couple of years, even being On par with Nadal, if he can reach the next peak WRT fitness... and most of that being court speed. He's got amazing reaction time with some highlight-reel volleys and stuff where you're like 'How did he do that?!' but it's just a matter of how they say... the difference between quickness and speed.
  19. Uhh... I wouldn't say that. LB is the most suspect area of this team, both starters and depth. Guys have been shifted around from the positions that they have played --- Barnett is on the outside, which requires more lateral speed --- and have/had physical size for the 3-4, which is a bit bigger (15-20#) than it is for the 4-3 IIRC. OTOH, it's marginally less reliant on the LBs, so there's that. All things being equal, tho, the switch back was definitely the right move, even before we signed Super Mario and MA. TheLBs were dropping like flies the whole experiment. Better to have some beef up front take the brunt.
  20. If Glenn can come in and be even half the rookie that Wood or Levitre were, it'll be a major upgrade at LT.
  21. Bit o' Wimbledon hodgepodge... The last British bird left at Wimbledon: Rufus the hawk who's employed to put pigeons in a flap
  22. Link Wow. RG3 made the right decision involving police. Doesn't really matter what it is, blackmail never stops. Well, actually, if it's info re: serious criminal activity and someone has evidence then they've got you by the short 'n' curlies b/c you can't really go to the cops.... This isn't the case here --- rumors are that it's a case of "Not that there's anything wrong with that" (not that there's anything wrong with that).
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