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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. Well, as long as they're purple....
  2. One was caught on tape in the Hartford, CT, area as well. Link This should be an automatic 'Go To Jail For Life.' But no. It's catch-and-release with sex offenders. They can be "rehabilitated."
  3. Hey, what the hell!?!!? Didn't I tell you to keep those thumbs out of your ears????!!!! Jeeez....
  4. You know, it's WAY over-used, but in this case it applies with how I look at Seinfeld now --- 9/11 changed everything about that show. Whenever I catch a bit of it in syndication, it's like a time capsule now. These four totally narcissistic self-ensconced people. Maybe I would see it differently in 50 years, maybe later generations will be able to appreciate it w/o connecting it to that day and everything that went on... but I doubt it. The city, which was itself a character on that show as much as the Island was a character on LOST, in reality proved that either everything had changed or it wasn't that way to begin with. I can appreciate that they really applied the meta-criticism themselves and accepted the mantle that it was a "show about nothing." But at the same time, it really confined itself to its own very small corner of history.
  5. Yeah, that damn near confirms it. How does your 'I have a high pain tolerance' sound now, in hindsight?
  6. Go to the doctor or clinic. Tell them you think you have an ear infection and it's starting to hurt. They'll look with an otoscope and see what's up. If it hurts to any degree inside the ear, my guess is it's infected; and it'll hurt more at its own pace, but that gets exponential fast, and any pain in the face isn't something you can just forget about. If it is, they'll probably write you an Rx or give you a sample of something like drops and/or a Z-pack and suggest a warm water bottle (you know... the red rubber ones) to take the edge off a little. Whether it happened because of the sea water [James shrugs and says "Meh"] or it's something that's been brewing for awhile and you're mis-attributing it, I would start wearing wax or silicone earplugs in the water. And don't use Q-Tips.
  7. Medal-winner in Mitt Romney veep stakes won't be known until after Olympic Games : Ohio Sen. Rob Portman (3:1) and ex-Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty (8:1) head list of likely running mates Probably will be Portman.
  8. To wit: Q-Tips of Mass Destruction by Rod Moser, PA, PhD.
  9. After which, you gently flush it with lukewarm water with one of those ear bulb syringes. The water combining with the peroxide... uhmmm... well, it's been awhile since chemistry class... but it deactivates/neutralizes the peroxide. And no, this isn't bad. Using peroxide every so often to fizz away wax buildup is fine. But don't mistake, wax in the ears is a good thing. It should fall out naturally in small bits/balls --- that is the sign of a healthy ear. I don't know whether it would help with "salt in the ear" tho, if that is the OP's actual problem. A trip back out through the ear canal and/or Eustacean tube drainage probably should have taken care of any sea water before it evaporated and left salt deposits.... Don't f'ing use a Q-Tip. They are the root cause of many ear infections. The skin inside near the eardrum is like paper-thin. Even being "gentle" you irritate that, it becomes red and damaged and prone to infection taking hold. This is straight from ENT doctors.
  10. I don't remember the exact course, but during the settlement, their insurance company pointed that out and the judge basically like 'What the ---- does that matter? The dog attacked and bit them.' The owners destroyed the dog about two months after the incident. I wrote socialized by the Facebook pictures they had of it with people and other dogs; I get that this isn't a diagnosis but it's just a judgment call. Allowing the dogs to be in a situation so as to come across the road at us was pretty stevestojanny, but I get the impression that they weren't terrible owners otherwise. My father was an ACO for 20 years when I was young and I often went along, just to qualify. My opinion of pit bulls / cane corsos / fighting breeds has definitely been imprinted. I don't see why anyone would want one other than to show off how tough they think they are. And all too often, even if they are trained and such there come moments where they are too much dog for the owner to handle. You see the papers and read about kids and even adults being mauled and killed. I respect your beliefs, as I've read numerous times here. But as I wrote, until you've been on the business end of an attack by one of these, you're talking theory. I normally hate gov't intervention like soda bans, etc. but I think these breeds ought to be ordered out of the genepool. Familiar breeds might bite at similar rates or whatever the statistics are, but the thing is that when a Golden or a poodle or a lab bites, it's usually quick and a nip. When pit bulls and fighting breeds bite, they don't let go. More like... Tom would go all Hannibal Lecter vs. 'Multiple' Miggs, and calmly coerce the lad to swallow and choke to death on his own tongue.
  11. Thinking about it the other day, and with the S4 finale ending as it did, with everything tidied up, all the operations ceased, and what appeared at the time like a clean break and that Walt and Jesse could go their separate ways --- to me, that just ensures that we're not going to have that kind of finale where these characters just walk away, b/c we've already seen that. I would probably end the series --- the final scene --- with Walt Jr. watching a breaking news story about whatever had just happened in the denouement (the penultimate scene having left some questions that are answered by the story). That would just seem like a great way to end it all. Because we all watch these stories every night and there's rarely, if ever, any kind of extrapolation or closer look into the nitty-gritty. Just would be a great point in how all we (the everyday American) get is a sanitized view.
  12. Pit bull and a boxer attacked me and my pup on a scenic back-road. Really thought they were going to kill him and possibly me. Ended up with hand bites and my dog had some pieces of torn flesh in ~5 minutes before the owner heard the shouting, came outside and pinned them down. And come to find that these were socialized, obedience-trained dogs. Alaska Darin et al. come here and say that they have to be taught to fight or not taught anything. And I used to agree with that. Suffice to say that my view of pit bulls/fighting breeds changed utterly that day. Until you experience the business end of a pit bull or other breed whose instinct, once it's on, is to bite and not let go your opinion is ing WORTHLESS.
  13. Link No hypocrisy here.... Obama derides Romney for outsourcing when he had stepped away and was CEO in name only, but... he will accept campaign cash from the people at Bain who did the outsourcing post-Romney. Still, I remember a time when damn near every politician said globalization was the cat's breasts. Money in a globalized world is like a beautiful woman --- you need to treat it right or it goes elsewhere. How does the left not get this?
  14. Actually, I would chalk up last year's win to rattling Brady and that offense. George Wilson completely laid out Edelman with a hit you could hear and that was the tone of the day. Brady was flustered and threw... was it 4 INTs? As Kyle Williams said leading up to the game, 'We may win, we may lose, but by the end, they are going to feel and know they just went through Hell.' That was a defensive victory. Up 'til there, it was always a given that Brady would be throwing for 400 yards and Welker would toast you. Well, as one poster's sig line here reads, everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. Fitz and the offense was able to capitalize on a horrid Pats* defense, especially their pass D which was last in the league. Looks like they may have reloaded, tho. The game plan should still be to beat them up, take advantage of their OL losses, get to Brady and shake him up. That's how we won, that's how the Giants beat them in the SB.
  15. It really doesn't matter who is the president. If the military wants to get involved somewhere, we get involved. See: Obama nosing into Libya while we still had two fronts. If the military doesn't want to close GITMO, GITMO doesn't get closed. If the military wants to hold Bradley Manning in solitary confinement, despite every liberal/progressive saying that he's a "hero" then there he is. If the military wants to start using drones more and strike inside of countries like Pakistan, Yemen, etc., then it happens. If the military wants to launch STUXNET, it does. If a president, especially one with no military background, says no to something the rank and file military wants to do... that's dangerous ground. There won't be much of a difference.
  16. It's entirely possible that Gus will be back via flashback. Spoiler-y (then again, this news was released last month in a Gilligan interview): Next week will introduce a character that is a (now-)former associate of Gus Fring.
  17. He added regulations that took pre-wage/salary costs for employers up to ~$12K per year. He got passage of the ACA, which means that employers with over 10 employees graciously get to pick up the tab for health insurance. I hear that this policy makes businessowners want to stop looking at their spreadsheets and get out there and hire, hire, hire so they can have the privilege of paying for more healthcare. Rather than approve the Keystone pipeline that would reduce fuel and energy costs, Pres. Obama courageously said 'No' because... why would anyone in business want less expensive fuel sources? We can get by for another 50-100 years until alternative energy / fuels are widely available and perform as efficiently as traditional sources... right? And if we get four more years, just imagine how much more he could do for small businesses!!!
  18. Wonder what he's going to do WRT the forthcoming $200M renovation....
  19. Hey, no fair!! I had it first!!!!
  20. OK, but would a direct call to an evidence lock-up warehouse be the same as calling a police department?
  21. Maybe go out on the deck and scream "Let's go Buffalo!!!! WOOOOOO!!!" But otherwise, I'd act like I've been there before.
  22. The perfect summation of the president's mindset.
  23. As I understood it, Mike was calling to confirm whether they'd searched and seized yet. He was pretending to be a postal regulator and inquiring about a postage meter that was ostensibly in Gus's office at Pollos Hermanos, where the laptop was. He got confirmation that APD did have a meter, so they know the office has been searched and the laptop is sure to have been taken into evidence. It was also a mechanism of finding out which law enforcement agency had possession of it. If they followed up... well... do you really think a government desk jockey is going to be that curious and actually show that kind of initiative that means they have to do more work? That would be a first, to my recollection. Even if they did call back, could also easily chalk it up to being a wrong number, etc. and that's the end of that.
  24. I would add that the first few years of Two and a Half Men before it became a kind of meme of itself. Jon Cryer is an excellent straight-man with the physical comedy. Another that I just thought of is Ed --- the bowling alley lawyer --- that starred Tom Cavanaugh and Julie Bowen. It wasn't everyone's cup of tea, but I have to admit I enjoyed its quirkiness.
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