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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. JtSP, well thank you for that little synopsis. What it really has to do with this new bit of information, I'm unclear on, other than highlighting even further that presidential delay and handwringing lets terrorists slip through the cracks. From your earlier post, I guess you want the world to think Obama just has this innate sense of military readiness and capability and knew that going in and popping OBL in January, February, or March 2011 was going to be compromised by West Asian heat or a dog hearing the unusual noise from the retrofitted tails. Seriously? The president doesn't plan operational details, s/he gives the order to prepare to do X and then execute. Tell the SEALs to go in January and they'll assess weather, Pakistan military capability/response at that date, and literally a thousand other things and prepare for that specific timeframe and go in January. tell them February, they'll do it for February. To think that this president, who never served, has a deep understanding of military planning and tactics and this is why he refused for months to give the order, is absurd. If you're so galled by inactivity and hand-sitting on the part of Bush 43, and trumpet Clinton's choice to launch missiles while he had actionable intel, then why are you praising Obama in this case? OBL had a reputation for moving --- it's how he narrowly missed the Clinton strike, it was his M.O. for some time after 9/11 according to the intel we had from couriers and his driver who was in GITMO. We knew this, we had OBL under surveillance for what, 6 months, and yet we got typical Obama dithering. It did end up working because our military is the best in the world. They adapt to whatever challenge they're ordered. Obama's thing was a fear of replaying the role of Jimmy Carter to a T. And I hate to break this to you about your guy, but to be a successful president, when you have such a high-value target in your sights, you can't delay and hem and haw to the point where a cabinet member has to smack you upside the head to get you to nut up and take the shot. Time isn't on your side on these things. (Time is also not on your side for the economy to be saying, 'This is just one month's numbers. They need to be looked at in a broader view' and to keep saying this for 32 straight months.)
  2. Not as I've heard. An RN I know said it's one of the more physically painful ways to go, which can last for up to 3-4 minutes before water fills your lungs and oxygen depravation kills your brain. It's not like the movies (e.g. Eva Green in Casino Royale). At least with Mr. Scott's method, there's no prolonged agony. It's like flying for a few seconds and then *WHOOMP* it's over. If it were me, I'd probably go for sleeping pills or CO.
  3. Bragged his a-- off about how he was the Number 1 swimmer now, and got beat by a Frenchman in his final-leg relay spot when Phelps and crew had given him over a body-length lead. You're not the best until after the Olympics are over and you've proven it. Before such time, STFU. Lochte apparently now is angling to be on "The Bachelor" and wants "at least $750K." Any guy who does that show is a complete self-obsessed D-bag.
  4. Obama 'cancelled missions to kill bin Laden THREE TIMES after getting cold feet - until Hillary Clinton stepped in', claims explosive new book
  5. So, in other words (coming straight from a true-blue Democrat, mind you) something that would've reduced this country's debt burden, and where it was signed, sealed and delivered to Obama's desk and he got more than he asked for... he nixed. Sorry, America. Fiscal responsibility didn't fit into Obama's re-election narrative.
  6. Women in Trouble (he appears during the credits in this one) and Electra Luxx. You haven't seen these? Do yourself the favor!
  7. Either 8 years has NOT been kind or Playboy does so much air-brushing so as to qualify as more of a comic book than photography.
  8. You didn't think he could do Bert Gonzalez? ( Oh geez, I'm sorry but that was a great character!)
  9. You do mean ... "for homosexual encounter" ... right? Think they'd let that softball go by?
  10. On the state public safety committee? I'm willing to bet there were any number of officers, brass, and prosecuters who were/are MORE than willing to keep it quiet so they could have this vote by the short and curlies when it comes time for ANYTHING in their intere$t$.
  11. Why would I do that? I like boobies as much as anyone. Or more! The Brits are coming out with some really great miniseries. To be fair, Rebecca Eaton at PBS is contributing a fair amount into them as well. Moffet is really great at creating these yarns (he's also show-running Doctor Who, which reminds me that I need to start rewatching before the premiere next month) and I just loved how Andrew Scott played Moriarty.
  12. Well, the hypnotoad isn't dead... it's just like it's frozen in carbonite. For anyone who's skilled in Photoshop, could you help a dev/null out?!?
  13. Part and parcel to the farce that mothers love/care about their children more than fathers. You can't sit next to someone? Do we have to start constructing boys' rooms in addition to mens' rooms to take a leak? WTF? Where is the line drawn on enforcing gross and incorrect stereotypes, and to say nothing of the presumption of innocence... but actually judging someone guilty before a crime is committed? I would be !@#$ing pissed. !@#$ you Branson and Virgin.
  14. Looks like the clock is ticking for the euro and the EU. It may come first as booting out Greece, Italy and Spain --- when is anyone's guess. There's emergency meetings over the next three weeks with them and France. Link. Much of Europe will be entering recession soon, and France and Germany will be in 2013. It's stuck together with bubble gum and baling twine. As was said in the '70s into the '90s and into today... you need strong political unity before you have currency unity. According to officials, Germany is now on the line for $1T of liability and does anyone have confidence that the Greeks and others can make good? You can only tighten a belt so far. I can't see how continuing to bankroll their neighbors is going to be tolerable over the forthcoming year for Merkel to win re-election... but then again, there's a different kind of rationality across the pond. The fact that we're in it even to the extent we are through the IMF and our banking is sickening. Is this the point where Obama gets to say, "Gird your loins, gentlemen?" This is all going to end badly. Germany may be the country that brings the euro crashing down
  15. My own new chains are invisible! See??
  16. You'd literally have to strap me down to keep from trying to carry my dog down, or at the very least, going right back up once the "younger hiker" was safe and bring the dog back whichever way it turned out. I wouldn't be able to look at myself in the mirror otherwise. As I've posted before, me and my GSP were attacked by a pit bull / Cane corso and a boxer last summer. About five minutes in, the thought of making a run for it and saving myself crossed my mind for about half a second. I've got scars on my hand, but my little boy is still alive.
  17. And butter! HB Julia. BTW has anyone seen "Julie and Julia" (2009)? A little quirky, but quite enjoyable.
  18. Did he say that before or after throwing Fido on the grill? You know the reason Obama took so long on deciding which type of dog to get? He wanted to see which breed had the tenderest flesh. Wow. You would've thought the Dems would drop that story like a hot potato. But here they are, picking it up again. BTW, considering that you can actually see my dog smile as he leans out the window while I'm driving, he would f---ing LOVE being in a secured crate on top of the car.
  19. Treasury: U.S. to lose $25 billion on auto bailout Obummer and Dave in Nor-!@#$ said it's a success. And by their definition... It's even MORE successful now!!!
  20. I'm guessing that Walt can't exactly tell Skyler about this w/o getting a little red in the face vis. her argument that violence is inherent in Walt's new business, hence her wanti 'Flynn' and the baby to stay with Hank and Marie. I mean, while I dislike Skyler and her idiot methods, you can't disagree with her essential premise. Walt, for some reason, is ineptly trying to sell that from now on, little or no bad will happen and death won't be linger around... either that or he thought he could divorce the violence now that he's in charge, flying in the face of everything that had happened in the past year. This incident is going to have to make him rethink this. We revisit a little bit of the neuroticism and obsessiveness of "Fly" as Walt keeps pumping until even aft the train starts moving, despite the protestations of EVERYONE else involved. MIke saying to get out of there? Wave him off. Walt wants 1,000 gallons and 1,000 gallons he shall get no matter what it may risk or whom it may hurt. Not 900 gallons, not 990 as the guys get back in the train engine. One thousand! I'm Walter White slash Heisenberg, B word! Walt gets more and more erratic. And because Mike has guys to pay, risks are taken. One day, everthing will not magically fall into place. Walt is headed toward a bad end. Skyler has said she's in it with him. In my vision for how the series will conclude, I had thought before about Hank and Marie winding up taking care of the kids. More than a couple of days, tho and questions will be asked and Hank's antenna is going to go up no matter how Walt tries to fool him with the act. Chekov's Gun. If there's a gun visible on the set, it will... or should, according to this style of scripting/playwriting... have a purpose or be used in the story. WRT Newsroom and Sorkin... that's usually the point in a series run where he gets busted for cocaine.
  21. That last bit was Rio de Janerio's opportunity to give an intro to their Games in 2016. They picked a Carnival theme, obviously. As with the Opening Ceremony, this one racked of The Individual. And especially the British Singer Individual. In retrospect, I can't say that I'm all that impressed. The Olympics isn't a concert. You know? Just a thought.
  22. Actually, it sounds more like she was trying to say that so loudly into the phone in the hopes that his wife was near enough to hear. Not much better way to really f--- over a guy's life than something like that.
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