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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. It's not unlike Chan's cutting of Trent Edwards two(?) years ago two games into the season. I know I've seen it before, but just can't remember who the back-up FG holders are. Rest assured that they do plan for this in camp and practice in case a guy gets injured. Not to say there absolutely won't be hiccups.
  2. Gotta give Chan props on this. Stuck with Moorman for as long as he could on the fumes of past performance and nice-guy status (and don't get me wrong, Moorman IS a great citizen!!!) but in pure football analysis, too long in retrospect. Moorman hasn't been hitting his spots for a couple of years and his inside-the-20 stats absolutely cratered. I'm assuming they're going to bring in Powell.
  3. Wow, those are nice. Clean. Classic. Simple. I loved these throwbacks from the moment I saw them and that hasn't changed a bit. I don't get why they did the navy trim outline in the claim that it was done for TV (have they seen HDTV?). And yes, it just confirms how stupid and ugly the unfinished collar decision was from a design standpoint. They should have stuck with one color to complete it or, as here, simply used the same color as the jersey. I suspect with a very high degree of certainty that it was made from a Nike/NFL/Bills decision to do something different so fans who want to stay up to date (foreign concept in WNY) will plunk down coin on the new Nike stuff. I had been looking at getting a customized (with MY name on back, so it doesn't get outdated in two years) Reebok blue throwback jersey that was on special, but the available sizes were WAY too big. I may look into one of these.
  4. http://spectator.org/archives/2012/09/25/how-carter-beat-reagan How Carter Beat Reagan | Washington Post admits polling was "in-kind contribution", NY Times was agenda-polling I'm sure it's sooo different today. Oh, wait. I went to J-school with some of these folks. No it isn't. Polls mean jack squat.
  5. She's been laying into Brown for the vote to continue oil subsidies, which he says is about the only thing keeping prices from rising to $6-$8 per gallon (you know... just a less than where Obama's energy secretary wants them) rather than the already outrageous $4. Privately, I think we ought to tell the world that if we don't gets cheaper oil, they don't gets food from the world's breadbasket. They get to cartel energy and reduce supply for a while to put the squeeze on, maybe we should do the same. But... I guess that's being uncompassionate. Wouldn't want to remind anyone how important we are, or starve the people who want to kill us, so we'll keep delivering free government wheat, corn and rice to all and sundry. [/rant] Anywho. Helping Big Polluting Corporation BAD. Unless they give you boatloads of cash so they don't have to fund union pensions. That should go over well with her core constituency. Not that it's going to stop the people who'll bend over backwards to explain this and/or the Yellow Dog Democrats who populate Massachusetts.
  6. Guys, this is a presidential polling thread, not one about Islamic terrorism. Let's stay on track here please.
  7. It's probably originating from Uranus. (Sorry. It just had to be said.)
  8. It all goes toward character and what they did when they didn't think anyone would ever look into what they were doing. I see a pattern of activity that she believes she can skirt the rules and get away with it because of her affiliation and the populist ideology that she preaches. If she were on the other side with her opponent using a fake minority heritage claim to help bump up hiring brownie points at Hahhhvadd and now violating the spirit if not the letter of the law, she would be harping on these every minute until 6 November and/or demanding that her opponent drop out of the race. Just to note: CT's own Susan Byciewicz (?) had her own flap about this law license stuff and it did not turn out pretty for her. I watched the debate live on WBZ-4 last week. That was the first question from moderator Jon Keller. Is character important? Brown emphatically said yes w/o specifically referencing Warren's Native American claim. Ms. Warren obfuscated and never really answered it. This is someone who's going to be in the upper house of congress for 6 years. People don't want duplicity, and that's why Scott Brown has gotten so many endorsements from lifelong big-name party Democrats.
  9. Against the Chiefs and the Browns. I'm not hating on Fitz, but he needs to be consistent. With this OL, he needs to improve against top competition and not just the dregs of the NFL. If there's no consistency and he can't cut the errant "Who the hell was that pass to?" and limited-distance problem, we need to move on and get a guy who can make all the throws at whatever distance.... It won't matter that they didn't go to Harvard and all that. Our QB for the next 6-8 years can't be so limited in this passing league.
  10. That's called out-kicking your coverage. Other than that, two shanks. It's very early in the season for Moorman to have a dead leg or lose the touch that he had seemed to regain during the preseason. He's a respected veteran presence and a nice guy, but his play isn't helping the team.
  11. 2) A mostly dreadful day for Moorman. If he didn't shank it, he outkicked the coverage which led to a longish 30+ return. It's one thing to win a competition in preseason for a 32 year old who's been in decline for three seasons. Not a good sign if he's getting a dead-leg and losing his touch this early in the season. 11) Nick Barnett. And yes.
  12. FWIW, during halftime highlights in the late game, Cowher just said it was a shoulder sprain.
  13. I think that may have been tongue-in-cheek. Would have been more effective if he said Keith Richards, tho. This is a long list: Roy Orbison Jim Croce Jeff Buckley Elvis Otis Redding
  14. Also, wait until he hears that SJ jumped up in front of the screen, lifted his outer shirt up, and revealed an undershirt that read, "The Neighbor Killed Her!!" (Not an actual spoiler. I haven't seen that, and probably won't from the sound of it.)
  15. You mean... that Jesus of Nazareth existed. Calling him Christ = the divinity part. And no, even for non-super-naturalists, atheists, etc., I'm hard pressed to name offhand a group that has serious backing that denies the existence of the man. They do quibble about his story as presented in the bible / the stories attributed to him. To me, it would be as if Socrates' students got together after his death and decided... this man was so smart and a great teacher, and yet his end so sad that we need to say he was the Son of God or Demi-god and go out and sell this story so no one will question his teachings, and you don't question even what Jesus DIDN'T say but what this or that one says he said or says this is what was meant, because you don't question God. (The Catholic Church later doubled --- no, tripled --- down in this and said Jesus WAS God as part of the Holy Trinity. The first order of it was for millenia to revert to the Old Testament view of women and try to demonize Mary M. because they were jealous of the power she had and they wanted a paternalist society where men decided everything. I'm not a raging women's studies' major guy who wears polyester and kicks himself in the nuts (in fact I'm quite a misogynist because most women are stupid and crazy) but the farce of male domination in most church societies is painfully obvious in creed and deed. The apostles and later writers really didn't have to go this route of divinity for the message of love and forgiveness to spread. Look at Socrates' influence in thought even today. But, that's what they either convinced themselves of or decided would sell best, and so that's what they did. PBS's Frontline had a nice little series a few years back titled "From Jesus to Christ." http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/religion/
  16. AJ, agreed on the three-tribe note. It should make for a much "fairer" / less predictable merge. What has once been a given due to the numbers game (and even the order of the pick-off can be predicted), it's now probably going to be like a European-style parliment where there's going to have to be a coalition to get a majority... with the ever-present threat of a dissolution if something happens. I just can't wait for Angie to lose that shirt full-time. Holy moly!!
  17. WRT Zane, the phrase "Ugly, fat and stupid is no way to go through life, son!" comes immediately to mind. Zero preparation for the physical game. Running around like a kid in a candy store who says he's going to buy EVERYTHING / making an alliance with EVERYONE on Day One and thinking that this alone is going to carry you for however long... and then telling someone??? And thinking that it won't get out that you've overextended yourself?? This is what's wrought by having only the first clue on how to play Survivor. Step One: Make alliances Step Two: ???? Step Three: Roll naked on a million $. (BTW, "The Amazing Race" upped their prize to $2M. Especially after taxes, a single million ain't what it was even 10 years ago.) Angie. WOW. :woot: Returning Russell is !@#$ing moron #2. Spouting off on how leadership = death in the game and then he goes all General Patton toute suite and flubs strategy to boot. An apology at tribal is not enough. There are people who don't know what their weaknesses are, and you can forgive that, but people who do know their weaknesses and then cogently jump right back into those weaknesses... BTW, Leadership does not necessarily kill in Survivor. STUUUUUPID leadership kills. The Peter Principle applies on the island as much as it does IRL. Russ reached his level of incompetence at the first immunity challenge. He is not long for this game. Fire Guy is just wrecking himself out there. The fire incident wasn't some fluke. This guy just can't avoid injuring himself because he just can't calm the !@#$ down. The two celebrities, who had hoped to keep their identities secret and blend in were both sussed out right away. I think Jeff Kent's would hurt him more than Facts of Life woman, especially given how she lost everything she got from that show. As Fire Guy said, I think pulling back her over shirt and revealing her true identity would likely help her a lot.
  18. A phrase of the 2004 election was that "You don't switch horses midstream." The difference here in 2012 (just like in 1979) is that the horse we're riding has died in midstream. Stay on the dead horse, you drown.
  19. The Jefferson Bible was constructed by him cutting out the lines that ascribe supernatural powers, etc. http://articles.latimes.com/2008/jul/05/local/me-beliefs5 His penning law that details religious freedoms for people to worship as they will w/o reproach has literally -all to do with his personal religious beliefs. I think you're the one who needs to do some reading, dude.
  20. Romney can't remember his effective tax rate for the last 10 years? Liberals scream bloody murder. The president can't remember that the national debt just passed $16 T while he was speaking at the DNC? No big.
  21. I've always heard that this last bit involving "time travel" w/o aging involved orbiting a black hole (at such an orbit/distance/speed so as to avoid getting sucked in) and then eventually leaving that orbit. The argument holds that the orbiter wouldn't have aged much, but hundreds/thousands of years would have gone by on Earth. It's not time travel as some think of it, but it does get the gist accomplished and while it'd bedamn difficult, will fail with disastrous effect if some little thing goes wrong and is probably a technological impossibility even trying to think. about what kind of technology is yet to come, it is theoretically possible, according to Hawking et al.
  22. I'm "all over the place on this"?!? I'm not the one who's engaging in this double-agent?/ triple-agent? stuff. That's all you. We've got two videos released on the same day from both candidates on the topic of wealth redistribution and getting the conversation back on the topic of the economy after it's been muddled in the Arab Autumn for the past week. I'm going to go out on a limb and say they're connected. My money says the Romney camp or surrogates released them both, and they have a plan on where they're going to direct the conversation, that is aimed at people who either think too many people are on these programs, that there ought to be a cut-off point for them, and also hold a hand out to people who don't want to be on these programs but have had to swallow their pride in the Obamaconomy and who would get right off of them when a guy who actually knows how the economy works and how jobs are created can get things going where Obama has utterly failed, and pissed away trillions doing it.
  23. I think the OL is finally good. enough that if the Fitz of the last half of last year and the first game this year continues to show up, or even if Fitz simply does all right / not bad.... We could finally be in a position to draft a QB high and not get 'im killed and turned into a gunshy kitty. Don't get me wrong --- I want Fitz to be the guy. But we can't let the window close while waiting for him to become a QB who can make all the throws. Seriously, if he physically can't Throw a 20-yard spiral with any degree of accuracy, then what the hell are we doing?!!
  24. Boludo --- Unless, of course, Vince Wilfork is on the other side and goes offsides, unabated, to get in one last cheap-shot.
  25. Or what happens to Social Security in... when was it? The insolvency date keeps getting adjusted sonner and sooner... as Obama and the Democrats are content to kick the can down the road. The way they talk is as if the entitlement tsunami isn't going to hit.
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