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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. 1) Romney got where he was by working his ass off, first to learn and then to accomplish. You may think money earned from a life in business isn't as pure as a bank account filled with dollars from being a plumber. If you're here to demonize someone for entering a line of work where the reward is high because the risk is high... go to hell. There was a guy in an article yesterday who wanted to sit down with Romney to talk about things and asked when would be a good time. Romney said he was going to be very busy for quite some time getting a lot of awesome people from his campaign good jobs. That is the measure of the man, even in defeat. Mitt Romney is a respectable man, which is more than I can say for how you've come here to peacock. 2) Jobs numbers that are still below the Mendoza Line 48 months after the recession --- the longest any recovery has taken --- is not steady progress. By your estimation, the Bills last few games have been progress toward making the playoffs, huh? 3) Last I looked, there is no discrimination class for political affiliation. As much as this guy is rubbing peoples' noses in it, it's entirely possible that he'd been holding off on letting those people go until it became clear that the policies that got us to this point would be continuing. A business can only keep people on as long as it's profitable or at least is a wash. There's no guarantee of a good job except in Mother Russia and Liberal Utopia Land. Costs driving up overhead? People will be let go. Sorry. And even if he is being purely an asshat, it would mostly be in reaction to the asshatry among the liberal electorate's election-cojones. It's like everywhere you go, self-identified Progressives are telling everyone how it is now, what's going to happen and who'd better do what. Or what? How Papa John's owner John Shnatter lives in a "castle!!!" and should just take a 14-cent hit on every pizza his company makes --- to wit, per the Payton Manning commercial, Papa John's is *giving away* 2 million pizzas in his most recent promotion --- to pay for ACA. You want him living in a cardboard box so PJ workers can get all the benefits and shoulder no more of the burdens, especially if this whole $0.14 x 15 million is bad for business. And then where does it stop? 'Oh, come on. Give 'em free dental too. It's JUST 10 cents more per pizza!!!' And then free hair plugs. And then.... From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs. Obama got this largely because of the same "you don't change horses midstream" mindset that saw Bush II get a second term. Well, 2016 is going to be wide open, with many quality candidates stepping forward who didn't want to go this time b/c they saw the writing on the wall and determined it was still too soon. This election was certainly not a mandate.
  2. That's the thing of it. You don't say that publicly unless someone is threatening to release it themselves, ala David Letterman.
  3. Yeah, sitting doing nothing really isn't going to help. It may well be something he feels he can't recover from professionally if it was in-house or whatever the details are. But there's enough out there WRT his talking about the embassy attack and murder of Amb. Stevens and three others, just before the election. It's standard procedure that immediately after the election, the president gets resignations from his (or her!) entire cabinet and head muckity-mucks. That way there's less direct confrontation, and publicly, people who are let go can save face professionally.
  4. You're right. This... or any... administration should be taken for its words, rather that its deeds. Any mention of whether Operation Fast and Furious would constitute illegal weapons trade? Thousands of AK-47s paid for with tax dollars, delivered directly into the hands of Mexican drug cartels, who've used them in multiple murders, including a U.S. Border Patrol agent. Oh... wait. Let's just forget that happened, that the regional directors of it were actually promoted to D.C. ATF, and that Obama used executive privilege so no one can find out the depths of this thing. Will the U.N. have an executive privilege thingy?
  5. With a number of distractions (not least of which is my mum in the hospital with "the C word") I missed several episodes up until this week and I'm now quite lost WRT alliances and such. Wow. RC got pretty hot once the rolls came off. Penner was the set target last night... until he won immunity. Then Mr. HurtsHimself. Then Jeff. Then Malcom. Then Pete. And then... the weirdest tribal I've ever seen with two people revealing they have idols, and one who bluffed that he was going to use it that night. Jeff got voted out, which sent Malcom's eyes darting and had an 'Oh stevestojan' look, so I gather Jeff was in his alliance and someone turned? The preview shows that FactsofLife will be switching alliances --- which gives her ~ an 86% chance if being voted out next week. Abi.... besides being loud, stupid, and easily fooled, does she even know how to play this game? Nice peach, tho.
  6. We'll see if he's still so appreciative of all those somebody elses who built that when there's routinely too much month at the end of the money.
  7. Let me just add that as a Republican, I do support civil unions/gay marriage/whatever states want to call it. I think my party is on the wrong side of this, at least from a legal and constitutional standpoint because of the 14th amendment (equal protection), and hardly less so because the demographics say that this is going to happen. We should be on the right side of this, but there's a particular Crazy Baptist Minister set in the party that wants to impose this religious doctrine to the bitter end. I'm not saying that everyone needs to like it. People can still personally think it's immoral. But we live in a country that was grounded in legal freedom and live'n'let-die even for things we don't agree with. It's going to be a heck of a thing to try to move on from, tho. And it has the capacity to off-the-top alienate 10% of the electorate.
  8. 1. If Romney couldn't make it out of the primaries doing that, I'm not sure that person exists. 2. How on earth can they reconcile changes like that with what's on the record? As I wrote in another thread, I think, given what we've seen of the early demographics and trends, the best shot Republicans have in 2016 is Susana Martinez.
  9. Again, if they tax people making over $250K at 100% ... it STILL would not pay for the annual budget continuing resolution deficit, nevermind begin to do anything about the $16T debt. Their promise is a house of cards. They've fooled enough people to win an election by pointing at the ancillary 'wedge' issues. Now it comes time to govern when their math just can't hold up to the promises they made. It didn't take long in CT either. Dannell Malloy was elected governor in 2010 saying that he'd pay for the $3.5B debt and his campaign goals by eating the rich. He then sailed through his Democrat legislature and got a $2B increase in spending. Now, we have all of these "rich" people who make $50K a year getting ~$2,000-$3,000 more taken out of their checks as income taxes. My hardcore-liberal teacher cousin posted on Facebook when it happened and was like "WTF!?!" But I have no doubt this dude will be reelected because there's a D next to his name. The largest tax increase in state history --- and sadly, there's been a long list of these as the Dems in Hartford keeps upping the ante and a downgrade in living conditions and scraping by just becomes the 'new normal' so the govt can continue to piss away money on useless stevestojan, on free school lunches that kids just throw in the garbage, on rehabilitation services as ~10,000 inmates were released from prison, on feel-good infrastructure/transportation projects.... I don't think I can stay here anymore. Getting priced out. Even with a job, you just can't make ends meet b/w property taxes, income taxes, and all the costs of daily life, and in two years being forced to buy health insurance I can't afford or I get taxed even more. But... how and where the !@#$ do I go to escape this... that's someplace I would want to go that actually has jobs? The real rich can afford to get out, (and they WILL! which will leave the middle clas holding the check for what they just bought). I really can't. Anyway, this is the small-scale of what's about to happen on the big scale when the numbers don't add up. Right now I'm about at the point where we just let Obama drive over the fiscal cliff, default, and try to start over. It's gonna hurt bad. But that may be the ONLY way some people will WAKE THE !@#$ UP to just how precarious --- Greece-like --- a situation we're in. "A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the Public Treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits from the Public Treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy always followed by dictatorship." --- Alexander Fraser Tyler We're almost there. Won't be long now.
  10. The prolonged scorched-earth primary did nothing to help. The 47% video hurt, even tho people didn't quite get exactly what Romney was saying there... and he could've explained it a lot better. But it still amazes me that public figures, in this day and age, still don't act as if a camera is on them 24/7 because one likely is. Along with not taking a stronger Libya stance, Romney really whiffed in the debate question about what has been the most mischaracterized thing about him in the campaign. That was the time for a sound byte. That was the time to say, 'You know... Every day I'm getting painted by Obama and the Democrats as something like a cross between Richie Rich and Uncle Scrooge. Well, for one thing, as Ann says, they're more animated than I am. But I fundamentally reject the president's idea that the economy is a zero-sum system and that for someone to have money, others have to be without.... ' Instead, Romney went into something about his religion. Speaking as someone who's supported and respected him for a long time, I literally did a head slap at that answer. But, would anything have changed if a few things were tweaked? Obama still had the overwhelming advantage of office, a media that is in the bag for him and refuses to ask (or, as "60 Minutes" did, refuses to broadcast until the 11 1/2th hour) tough questions or any of the other reasons gone over on these PPP pages many times. The best chance in the election was to make it about the economy, and Romney was that candidate. Despite all the Intrade odds of 80% chance of Obama reelection, a sacrificial lamb Romney was not, tho. He had a chance but for the same reasons he was picked to fight, he came into the ring with several areas that Obama attacked and got some [cheap] points on. Santorum, Gingrich, or Huntsman would have done better on the economy score? I hardly think so. Looking ahead, at a quick first-blush glance of the demographics and exit polling, it was a women problem, and a Latino problem. What's the answer? I'm not sure. But any Republican plan going into 2016 ought to include Giv. Susana Martinez (New Mexico) in the equation.
  11. Where're the exit polls?!! I want my crack! Now!!
  12. And the soon-to-follow chorus of Tingles and Toure pointing to the camera, gesticulating, and screaming "Racism!!" Next week, Toure will be back to his standard, "Butter your toast beforeyou put jam on? That's racist!"
  13. I, for one, think this is a terrible idea. Politics should stay on PPP and off of the main board. Even on Election Day. It just sends the wrong signal WRT posting habits. Or do you just enjoy the hypocrisy that's allowed as a mod/admin?
  14. "Garbage yards" as I've always heard it, is when you're down by like 20 in the 4th quarter and your QB is making non-defended completions of 10 yards as their D plays heavy contain and safeties slightly deeper. You know... like Fitz got against the Jets in the opener.
  15. I'll see that and raise you! If Fitz is starting Week 1 next year, I will be done with this team. A quarter-century fan. Done! I'm tired of this stevestojan of sticking with limitations, sticking with a known mediocrity who doesn't have the tools and physically can't make the throws / arm is Kelly-Holcomb-shot, and rarely even trying to field a decent QB. I did some outside chores today and missed the whole game. That has been unthinkable. But I was more than OK with it. Like 'Didn't get kicked in the nuts' OK.
  16. OK. Maybe they should remember that it's generally the Republicans that have the guns. Come to my house to do harm, Obama will be buying lots of ACORN flags to drape over closed caskets. As happens in riots, tho, they'll really only manage to burn their own community and kick themselves in the nuts.
  17. Judging 2012 support based on 1990 numbers, when the league's popularity dominance, not to mention its cash intake, has literally skyrocketed since then is completely disingenuous. And for the poster who requires proof that the Billsnare moving imminently.... Well, no. That's not what anyone's saying. But the next available franchise that can possibly be moved without creating too much of a ripple will be going. The best case would be that the Chargers, who need a new stadium and aren't going to get it in SD, move a few miles north --- best for the fans, best for the league. But make no mistake that LA will make a grab, and we have an owner who's in his mid-90s and has repeatedly gone on record as saying that the Bills will be sold by his estate to the highest bidder. We don't really need evidence, we have those two facts that loom closer with every day. A lot of how this chess game all plays out is going to depend on the luck of timing. And Lady Luck is a fickle b----- especially for this team.
  18. The way things are transpiring just puts me into the mindset of inevitability. Even if there's a twelve-year lease tomorrow, it will be broken the second the next owner takes possession. And for all the talk, I just don't see how a guy committed to keeping them in Buffalo can buy 'em. Whether that's due to $ issues, LA people simply opening up a bidding war until Golisano or whoever simply caves, or the required two-thirds of NFL owners don't approve of a sale to a Buffalo-committed owner. Sorry for the pessimism, but that's what I get when I think with my head and not with my heart.
  19. Pete, I believe. We got power back overnight. There was a light on in a house nearby that we know doesn't have a generator, so I unhooked ours, threw the switches and flipped the main back on. Lights! Internet (cable) came back shortly after. We survived, as ever. Lots of wind. Very strong gusts even here in NE CT, which generally has a nice buffer and our unique spot which is surrounded by hills on three sides. Whitecaps on our lake... but I got a picture of some damned fool who was !@#$ing kayaking at about 4 p.m. right before the height of the storm. Trees were blowing fierce and I'm really glad that our power company had come around this summer and cut lots of trees, including a huge hulker V-notched red oak in our front yard. Seriously, it had a 6 1/2 ft. base and was 128 years old, according to the ring count. It'd been losing branches for a long time and had a serious cavity right at the notch where water collected and come to find out, went right down to the base. That water freezes, splits the tree and takes down power lines it would've been a cold mess. Averted. Some people have been pissed about the cutting. It's fine by me.
  20. I just made this soup tonight: http://www.biggirlssmallkitchen.com/2012/03/the-naptime-chefs-chicken-sausage-ravioli-soup.html Your base is the onions and sausage. It will stick to the bottom of the pan and turn a dark brown. That's great. That's what you want!!! Then you throw in a bit of wine and it comes off easy as can be. It's not !@#$ing dirty. It's cooking. It's caramelized. That's where the flavor is!!! Why bother washing a pot that's literally going to instantly get dirty again? I'm also a neat-nick such that people call me 'Felix Unger'... and I hate making more dishes than is absolutely required because We don't have a dishwasher... but the time to clean is after. I'm normally extremely softspoken and patient but when someone messes around with what I'm doing in the kitchen and just gets in my way, I'm just like "GTFO!!!!!!" and I really don't care whose feelings I may hurt. Usually, it's a more tactful "You know what? I'll take care of this. Why don't you do ____?"
  21. Much too soon to be saying things like this. And the naked bravado/machismo might be something if Biden (or even his son Beau) served in a fighting capacity, at least there would be *some* rapport there.... But as it stands, complimenting a grieving father while trying to sometime use the attack as a political tool for reelection and sometime deflect the growing criticisms --- as more and more facts come out about what actually went on WRT the administration watching the attack live in the WH Situation Room and as Panetta says, not sending in reinforcements because they didn't understand the situation. http://p.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/oct/25/panetta-benghazi-attack-occurred-too-fast-for-us-m/?page=1 Is it just me, or does it require perfect intel to understand that a U.S. Ambassador and three consulate workers are going to be killed without military help? !@#$ you Panetta, Biden and Obama for sitting there and watching. !@#$ing spineless pieces of ****! They were allowed to die because if anything went wrong, it might damage reelection. Images of U.S. helicopters mowing down murderous thugs surrounding our embassy just clashes with this administration's marketing. And yet, Biiden's still trying to rub off some cachet with some tough-guy words. !@#$ HIM!!!
  22. I'm not seeing anything about snow. Temps here in CT throughout this thing are still projecting 60s as a high and 50 as a low. It's going to be wind and rain.
  23. Bayonets! I'll grant that Obama's probably not intentionally lying. He's just !@#$ing clueless about the military. Infographic: https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/561792_500560579957078_368077649_n.jpg?dl=1
  24. Gotta say that Romney was channeling Reagan last night. Tough but cool.
  25. So, let's just go over something here.... Obama said that AQ has been "decimated" and terrorists are "on the run," we've made friends with all the world, and terrorists have gotten the message that when they attack Americans, they'll be brought to justice.... the most important national security risk for the future is.... terrorism. Wait. Are they decimated... or are they America's biggest threat? I'm sorry, but a nuclear Iran --- as Romney said --- would make no compunction about bombing Israel and from there, EVERYTHING goes to stevestojan INSTANTLY the whole world over, not just isolated pockets of opportunistic attacks.
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