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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. The ideal thing would be to have Utah give up the Jazz name.... Not that I give a wot about the NBA.
  2. I just say, "I give at the office." If the majority of people in this country want our social welfare system to resemble Holland's, then I'll be as stingy as a Dutchman. I'm not giving MY cash so these people can eat and then get crowded in vans in November to go vote Democrat so they can take even more out of my pocket. They want to take by force, they're going to get less by choice. And yes, I get that I'm going to be called a heartless SOB, but screw it. I'm tired of everyone's hands reaching for my wallet.
  3. Woodward: Petreus got an offer from FOXNews' Ailes to run a presidential campaign in 2011. http://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/fox-news-chiefs-failed-attempt-to-enlist-petraeus-as-presidential-candidate/2012/12/03/15fdcea8-3d77-11e2-a2d9-822f58ac9fd5_story_1.html Even when someone says they aren't running for president... minds change. The CIA appointment took him out for 2012... and the affair leak from Obama's FBI took him out of the running for everything after. How convenient....
  4. Did I mishear it, or did the "twinnies" :barf: not call the Beekmans "the gays"? I'm by no means the PC Police, but c'mon, really?! I cannot drive stick. Just not something I learned or would be able to do. So, AJ, you'd better be a master of the shift or it's no dice! It's just each limb having its own independent thing to do --- right hand on stick, left hand on wheel, right foot on gas/brake, left foot on clutch --- that gets me. I am awesome at any number of task activities, but I just am not coordinated enough for it. I missed last week's episode of Holland. Will have to catch up on that, as I am half Dutch by heritage (my mum was born there). We've been logging some serious free time in the hospital as she had a major cancer surgery last week.
  5. I wouldn't vote to convict. Not after what happened to the Petit family in Cheshire. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheshire,_Connecticut,_home_invasion_murders I don't really care if the guy bludgeoned their eyes and ripped their fingernails out first. You go into someone's house, whatever happens to you is your own damn fault!
  6. Gotta temper any feelings of grandiosity by reminding ourselves that this was against the Jags. When Fitz and Chan's play calling, and Wannstache can actually compete with the 49ers, Steelers, GBs, and Patriots of the league, THAT would be something. They're not even close to being able to do so. I don't accept performances like this as any indication other than they can beat BAD teams. Whoop-di-do!
  7. That link isn't working. http://www.freep.com/article/20121202/BUSINESS01/312020116/AAA-wants-fuel-sale-stopped
  8. +1 Fitz has to put EVERYTHING he's got, including a leg swing, to chuck it 25-30 yards. And even then, it's a lame duck. Second coming of Kelly Holcomb. If a QB physically cannot throw the ball long in this league, it removes a huge part of the game that defenses have to account for against other QBs. He's a great guy, smart, quick, tough, has a huge heart... but he just doesn't have the strength/size to compete with the big boys, and his accuracy issues are killer.
  9. http://online.wsj.com/article/potomac_watch.html Democrats don't want a deal, they want to drive FORWARD! over the fiscal cliff. It's their wet dream --- $1.2T in Defense cuts and a serious paring of this country's military/influence. I think they're fully willing to absorb the accompanying social/entitlement cuts to achieve this... and they'll do their best to blame the Republicans for it, then simply pass more social spending.
  10. How about... if it's gotta be posted here... there's just one dedicated thread entitled "Hot For Teacher" and then in the individual posts, the link says "Ohio style" etc. Not that I give a flying f--- about the mods here after they censored and banned me for a bullstevestojan reason, but... this is starting to get annoying with so many threads.
  11. I've seen that with a card reader, I forget what program. There's aluminum housed wallets out there now that stop that by effectively creating a Faraday cage around the card so electromagnetic waves can't pass through.
  12. That kind of talk gets you banned by the mods here and you get shiny little warning points like me. Wasn't crass, wasn't crude, was actually discussing how another guy was discussing it. The topic of Ralph and That Fate Which Must Not Be Named are verboten. So, I guess I'll raise my extended hand, say "Seig Ralph and Beerball!" Ralph will live forever and ever, all is well, and let's not ask any questions or suggest that things could be run any better!!! because that's not even POSSIBLE!!!!!" Gotta say, tho, that when 60 Minutes did a piece on Mr. Kahn, I came away really impressed. He's not sitting on his 6 waiting for things to come to him, not happy to stick with 5-11 coaches or mediocrity rather than that cold comfort of Trying New Things, and not expecting people/government to throw $ at him... just because. He gets that he needs to earn it. He's out there pressing the flesh and working his butt off to make people want to be fans. And maybe he won't make a lot of money, but he's said he WILL NOT be abandoning the area and leaving fans in the lurch.
  13. Settle an argument with your wife. Yeah.... That'll happen after you get the middle-east peace deal completed.
  14. ACC will be voting in the a.m. and it looks like it's Louisville... or no one. http://www.accsports.com/blogs/david-glenn/2012112714123/acc-will-vote-on-expansion-wednesday-morning.php A-yup.
  15. My brother's gf's pit is a gentle giant of a pit. But I also got that from the owner of one who did a number on my left hand and on my pup's chest/throat last year. Until you've been on the business end of a pit bull attack, I'm just this side of saying a big STFU to near-unequivocal defenders who hide behind statistics. My dad was an ACO for 25 years and I did plenty of ride-alongs. All dogs can bite. I get that. Some breeds don't let go. The severity of attacks is concerning. And kudos to FA. That's not a very difficult choice if you've got coin and can afford to do it. The ending of "Charlotte's Web" always haunted me a bit. A friend should never die alone.
  16. And another of Mr. Romney from yesterday morning: https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc6/704862_10151175603486121_652292918_o.jpg?dl=1 Holy arm hair! If I were him and had logged all those miles, there would be no shame in just sleeping for a month.
  17. PYSC 156 : "How to Get Over Your Ex" is filled. Maybe you can over-enroll, tho....
  18. I'm sorry, but if a cellphone is going to disrupt an airplane's flight systems.... It's just another area where The Man has been so paranoid, technologically stupid, gleefully/pointlessly authoritarian and gives people who couldn't graduate high school a nice little faceless-government-imposed power trip.
  19. Actually, during GWB's term, that perk was rescinded, with him being the last to be guaranteed Secret Service for life. All following presidents, including Mr. Obama will ostensibly lose coverage at the end of their term, unless there is/are credible threats to their life. Seriously, tho, I think we can vouchsafe that any former prez will have at least one agent assigned to them. I'm just not sure why they ordered that rescinded, given this age of crazies.
  20. Ditto on the second paragraph. I was in Macy's getting some sheet sets in early September and there was a girl in there putting up trees and all kinds of Christmas stuff. Sacrilege! I put up the (artificial --- two things of lights went out last year and I just said screw it and cut them all off with wire cutters and ~3 hours. tree the Friday or Saturday right after Thanksgiving. It's artificial with a kind of frocking that I liked. Two strings of lights went out last year, two years after we got the damn thing, and despite changing out fuses, nothing, so I said screw it and grabbed some wire cutters and ~3 hours later (couldn't believe how intricate it all was) and a lot of white fluff stuff on the floor, it was devoid of lights. We picked up some LED strings on clearance and so we're going back to stringing them up manually. Also do some evergreen garland and lights around the lamp post near the driveway. Gonna be different this year, for a few reasons. A serious illness in the family not the least. I suppose some would pack it in facing this and not bother, but that's not us. We press on. and there is some comfort in the rites/rituals. BTW, we are a clear light family. Traditional. I just think colored lights are a bit tacky and better saved for New Year's.
  21. There is now a second accuser. http://www.eonline.com/news/364807/elmo-s-kevin-clash-second-accuser-cecil-singleton-files-sex-abuse-lawsuit-alleges-groping-and-more
  22. Even Poojer wouldn't. (I think.)
  23. So... someone should wear a three-piece suit and use a handful of hair product to pump their gas? "The West Wing" had a good turn with Alan Alda about the post-election period where the defeated candidate goes from HUGE crowds and ALWAYS having some decision to make and then the next day, the life they'd gotten kind of used to... and then having that just drop off a cliff. I imagine that Mr. Romney will take some time off and spend a deal of it with his family after pursuing the presidency for 6 years. And then... back to business. Doubtful there's more politics in his future --- maybe a cabinet post in a Republican admin. I also think he'd be a very good IOC President with Jacques Rogge being term-limited next year IIRC. Frankly, I don't know why he moved to California. Soon to be the highest taxes around, but he's got enough coin that he doesn't really have to worry about it until the Benbernake starts printing $400B/month in QE 10.
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