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UConn James

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Posts posted by UConn James

  1. Six missed kicks, including two extra points, in Nebraska-Colorado State. There've been two in the Texas-Texas A&M game.


    The question stands.


    Is this year statistically different from any other or am I just seeing it more as I'm watching it more? I'll snoop around for NCAA-wide stats but I don't know if it's all compiled like that....

  2. Texas was kicking an EP. It was either blocked or shanked and landed in the end zone. A&M fell on it, and the refs awarded Texas a 1-point safety.


    Double You Tee Eff? I missed the explanation, but I don't think that would have helped... This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard of.

  3. Yeah....that Bush....increasing the CIA's strength that was cut to shreads by Clinton and trying to implement the Commissions recommendations. And according to the article I read about it...doing it with exsisting funds.


    What a bad leader!  :w00t:



    I wasn't bashing for the desire of a stronger CIA. I was bashing at the Republicants in Congress who wouldn't pass the recommendations of a bipartisan commission that did an excellent job in telling us where the weaknesses are. Bush publicly says he supports them. But he can't deliver, even when it's not going to take more money and his party controls our entire gov't!?


    Nov. 3 was a severe overestimation of how much "political capital" he's got in his wallet. Which in some areas (not this one tho) is fine by me.

  4. Well...here comes black Friday again.....time to hear in the news how Mr. NoLife waits in line at Wal-Mart at 4:30am to get the chance to trample and kill some poor soul while racing to grab the 39.00 crappy DVD player on sale there.  I wish people would just get a life...... I get so depressed watching idiots running in the stores when the doors open I cannot believe how our society sinks to new lows.  :w00t:


    My wife and I are done with Xmas shopping...thank GOD!!!!



    "Precious, previous silver and gold / And pearls in oysters' flesh...."


    The materialism of this country knows no bounds.

  5. Alice's Restaurant

    By Arlo Guthrie



    This song is called Alice's Restaurant, and it's about Alice, and the

    restaurant, but Alice's Restaurant is not the name of the restaurant,

    that's just the name of the song, and that's why I called the song Alice's



    You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant

    You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant

    Walk right in it's around the back

    Just a half a mile from the railroad track

    You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant


    Now it all started two Thanksgivings ago, was on - two years ago on

    Thanksgiving, when my friend and I went up to visit Alice at the

    restaurant, but Alice doesn't live in the restaurant, she lives in the

    church nearby the restaurant, in the bell-tower, with her husband Ray and

    Fasha the dog. And livin' in the bell tower like that, they got a lot of

    room downstairs where the pews used to be in. Havin' all that room,

    seein' as how they took out all the pews, they decided that they didn't

    have to take out their garbage for a long time.


    We got up there, we found all the garbage in there, and we decided it'd be

    a friendly gesture for us to take the garbage down to the city dump. So

    we took the half a ton of garbage, put it in the back of a red VW

    microbus, took shovels and rakes and implements of destruction and headed

    on toward the city dump.


    Well we got there and there was a big sign and a chain across across the

    dump saying, "Closed on Thanksgiving." And we had never heard of a dump

    closed on Thanksgiving before, and with tears in our eyes we drove off

    into the sunset looking for another place to put the garbage.


    We didn't find one. Until we came to a side road, and off the side of the

    side road there was another fifteen foot cliff and at the bottom of the

    cliff there was another pile of garbage. And we decided that one big pile

    is better than two little piles, and rather than bring that one up we

    decided to throw ours down.


    That's what we did, and drove back to the church, had a Thanksgiving

    dinner that couldn't be beat, went to sleep and didn't get up until the

    next morning, when we got a phone call from officer Obie. He said, "Kid,

    we found your name on an envelope at the bottom of a half a ton of

    garbage, and just wanted to know if you had any information about it." And

    I said, "Yes, sir, Officer Obie, I cannot tell a lie, I put that envelope

    under that garbage."


    After speaking to Obie for about fourty-five minutes on the telephone we

    finally arrived at the truth of the matter and said that we had to go down

    and pick up the garbage, and also had to go down and speak to him at the

    police officer's station. So we got in the red VW microbus with the

    shovels and rakes and implements of destruction and headed on toward the

    police officer's station.


    Now friends, there was only one or two things that Obie coulda done at

    the police station, and the first was he could have given us a medal for

    being so brave and honest on the telephone, which wasn't very likely, and

    we didn't expect it, and the other thing was he could have bawled us out

    and told us never to be see driving garbage around the vicinity again,

    which is what we expected, but when we got to the police officer's station

    there was a third possibility that we hadn't even counted upon, and we was

    both immediately arrested. Handcuffed. And I said "Obie, I don't think I

    can pick up the garbage with these handcuffs on." He said, "Shut up, kid.

    Get in the back of the patrol car."


    And that's what we did, sat in the back of the patrol car and drove to the

    quote Scene of the Crime unquote. I want tell you about the town of

    Stockbridge, Massachusets, where this happened here, they got three stop

    signs, two police officers, and one police car, but when we got to the

    Scene of the Crime there was five police officers and three police cars,

    being the biggest crime of the last fifty years, and everybody wanted to

    get in the newspaper story about it. And they was using up all kinds of

    cop equipment that they had hanging around the police officer's station.

    They was taking plaster tire tracks, foot prints, dog smelling prints, and

    they took twenty seven eight-by-ten colour glossy photographs with circles

    and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each

    one was to be used as evidence against us. Took pictures of the approach,

    the getaway, the northwest corner the southwest corner and that's not to

    mention the aerial photography.


    After the ordeal, we went back to the jail. Obie said he was going to put

    us in the cell. Said, "Kid, I'm going to put you in the cell, I want your

    wallet and your belt." And I said, "Obie, I can understand you wanting my

    wallet so I don't have any money to spend in the cell, but what do you

    want my belt for?" And he said, "Kid, we don't want any hangings." I

    said, "Obie, did you think I was going to hang myself for littering?"

    Obie said he was making sure, and friends Obie was, cause he took out the

    toilet seat so I couldn't hit myself over the head and drown, and he took

    out the toilet paper so I couldn't bend the bars roll out the - roll the

    toilet paper out the window, slide down the roll and have an escape. Obie

    was making sure, and it was about four or five hours later that Alice

    (remember Alice? It's a song about Alice), Alice came by and with a few

    nasty words to Obie on the side, bailed us out of jail, and we went back

    to the church, had a another Thanksgiving dinner that couldn't be beat,

    and didn't get up until the next morning, when we all had to go to court.


    We walked in, sat down, Obie came in with the twenty seven eight-by-ten

    colour glossy pictures with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back

    of each one, sat down. Man came in said, "All rise." We all stood up,

    and Obie stood up with the twenty seven eight-by-ten colour glossy

    pictures, and the judge walked in sat down with a seeing eye dog, and he

    sat down, we sat down. Obie looked at the seeing eye dog, and then at the

    twenty seven eight-by-ten colour glossy pictures with circles and arrows

    and a paragraph on the back of each one, and looked at the seeing eye dog.

    And then at twenty seven eight-by-ten colour glossy pictures with circles

    and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one and began to cry,

    'cause Obie came to the realization that it was a typical case of American

    blind justice, and there wasn't nothing he could do about it, and the

    judge wasn't going to look at the twenty seven eight-by-ten colour glossy

    pictures with the circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each

    one explaining what each one was to be used as evidence against us. And

    we was fined $50 and had to pick up the garbage in the snow, but thats not

    what I came to tell you about.


    Came to talk about the draft.


    They got a building down New York City, it's called Whitehall Street,

    where you walk in, you get injected, inspected, detected, infected,

    neglected and selected. I went down to get my physical examination one

    day, and I walked in, I sat down, got good and drunk the night before, so

    I looked and felt my best when I went in that morning. `Cause I wanted to

    look like the all-American kid from New York City, man I wanted, I wanted

    to feel like the all-, I wanted to be the all American kid from New York,

    and I walked in, sat down, I was hung down, brung down, hung up, and all

    kinds o' mean nasty ugly things. And I walked in and sat down and they gave

    me a piece of paper, said, "Kid, see the phsychiatrist, room 604."


    And I went up there, I said, "Shrink, I want to kill. I mean, I wanna, I

    wanna kill. Kill. I wanna, I wanna see, I wanna see blood and gore and

    guts and veins in my teeth. Eat dead burnt bodies. I mean kill, Kill,

    KILL, KILL." And I started jumpin up and down yelling, "KILL, KILL," and

    he started jumpin up and down with me and we was both jumping up and down

    yelling, "KILL, KILL." And the sargent came over, pinned a medal on me,

    sent me down the hall, said, "You're our boy."


    Didn't feel too good about it.


    Proceeded on down the hall gettin more injections, inspections,

    detections, neglections and all kinds of stuff that they was doin' to me

    at the thing there, and I was there for two hours, three hours, four

    hours, I was there for a long time going through all kinds of mean nasty

    ugly things and I was just having a tough time there, and they was

    inspecting, injecting every single part of me, and they was leaving no

    part untouched. Proceeded through, and when I finally came to the see the

    last man, I walked in, walked in sat down after a whole big thing there,

    and I walked up and said, "What do you want?" He said, "Kid, we only got

    one question. Have you ever been arrested?"


    And I proceeded to tell him the story of the Alice's Restaurant Massacre,

    with full orchestration and five part harmony and stuff like that and all

    the phenome... - and he stopped me right there and said, "Kid, did you ever

    go to court?"


    And I proceeded to tell him the story of the twenty seven eight-by-ten

    colour glossy pictures with the circles and arrows and the paragraph on

    the back of each one, and he stopped me right there and said, "Kid, I want

    you to go and sit down on that bench that says Group W .... NOW kid!!"


    And I, I walked over to the, to the bench there, and there is, Group W's

    where they put you if you may not be moral enough to join the army after

    committing your special crime, and there was all kinds of mean nasty ugly

    looking people on the bench there. Mother rapers. Father stabbers. Father

    rapers! Father rapers sitting right there on the bench next to me! And

    they was mean and nasty and ugly and horrible crime-type guys sitting on the

    bench next to me. And the meanest, ugliest, nastiest one, the meanest

    father raper of them all, was coming over to me and he was mean 'n' ugly

    'n' nasty 'n' horrible and all kind of things and he sat down next to me

    and said, "Kid, whad'ya get?" I said, "I didn't get nothing, I had to pay

    $50 and pick up the garbage." He said, "What were you arrested for, kid?"

    And I said, "Littering." And they all moved away from me on the bench

    there, and the hairy eyeball and all kinds of mean nasty things, till I

    said, "And creating a nuisance." And they all came back, shook my hand,

    and we had a great time on the bench, talkin about crime, mother stabbing,

    father raping, all kinds of groovy things that we was talking about on the

    bench. And everything was fine, we was smoking cigarettes and all kinds of

    things, until the Sargeant came over, had some paper in his hand, held it

    up and said.


    "Kids, this-piece-of-paper's-got-47-words-37-sentences-58-words-we-wanna-



    officer's-name-and-any-other-kind-of-thing-you-gotta-say", and talked for

    forty-five minutes and nobody understood a word that he said, but we had

    fun filling out the forms and playing with the pencils on the bench there,

    and I filled out the massacre with the four part harmony, and wrote it

    down there, just like it was, and everything was fine and I put down the

    pencil, and I turned over the piece of paper, and there, there on the

    other side, in the middle of the other side, away from everything else on

    the other side, in parentheses, capital letters, quotated, read the

    following words:




    I went over to the sargent, said, "Sargeant, you got a lot a damn gall to

    ask me if I've rehabilitated myself, I mean, I mean, I mean that just, I'm

    sittin' here on the bench, I mean I'm sittin here on the Group W bench

    'cause you want to know if I'm moral enough join the army, burn women,

    kids, houses and villages after bein' a litterbug." He looked at me and

    said, "Kid, we don't like your kind, and we're gonna send you fingerprints

    off to Washington."


    And friends, somewhere in Washington enshrined in some little folder, is a

    study in black and white of my fingerprints. And the only reason I'm

    singing you this song now is cause you may know somebody in a similar

    situation, or you may be in a similar situation, and if you're in a

    situation like that there's only one thing you can do and that's walk into

    the shrink wherever you are, just walk in say "Shrink, You can get

    anything you want, at Alice's restaurant.". And walk out. You know, if

    one person, just one person does it they may think he's really sick and

    they won't take him. And if two people, two people do it, in harmony,

    they may think they're both faggots and they won't take either of them.

    And three people do it, three, can you imagine, three people walking in

    singin a bar of Alice's Restaurant and walking out. They may think it's an

    organization. And can you, can you imagine fifty people a day, I said

    fifty people a day walking in singin a bar of Alice's Restaurant and

    walking out. And friends they may thinks it's a movement.


    And that's what it is , the Alice's Restaurant Anti-Massacre Movement, and

    all you got to do to join is sing it the next time it come's around on the



    With feeling. So we'll wait for it to come around on the guitar, here and

    sing it when it does. Here it comes.


    You can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant

    You can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant

    Walk right in it's around the back

    Just a half a mile from the railroad track

    You can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant


    That was horrible. If you want to end war and stuff you got to sing loud.

    I've been singing this song now for twenty five minutes. I could sing it

    for another twenty five minutes. I'm not proud... or tired.


    So we'll wait till it comes around again, and this time with four part

    harmony and feeling.


    We're just waitin' for it to come around is what we're doing.


    All right now.


    You can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant

    Excepting Alice

    You can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant

    Walk right in it's around the back

    Just a half a mile from the railroad track

    You can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant


    Da da da da da da da dum

    At Alice's Restaurant

  6. I can't recall a bigger waste of space than Troy Vincent.  Not only is he not playing.....but his mere existence effectively killed JP Losman's development for this season.



    Right on. TV is like your brother-in-law living in your house who drinks all of your beer and then breaks the toilet. :P

  7. Actually, my wife thinks his character is based on me.  She's convinced of it.  :P


    I don't even know what "Due South" is.  I'm so out of the loop!



    Sue them for appropriating your personality. :w00t:


    Actually, DS was on in 1994, about a Canadian Mountie who goes to Chicago to get his father's killer.... Cop-buddy show. Great writing. Ring any bells?


    Due South description

  8. I watch that and Scrubs (as far as network TV goes).  When Blue is off the air, it'll just be Scrubs.  I started watching it because Dennis Franz was on another cop show and the early writing was very good - I've stayed with it out of loyalty, though it's been more disappointing than engaging.  Occasionally I catch Arrested Development but it hasn't garnered a coveted place on the TIVO Season Pass Lineup. 


    Other than that: Mail Call, some History Channel stuff, once in awhile back-to-back MXC, Rescue Me, and The Shield .



    Let me guess, you're a big fan of Dr. Cox. Is that where you get half of your putdowns?

    I watched it last night for the first time in a while. That "Murray!" line just got me. I almost did a spit-take with my oj.


    Did you ever watch Due South? I think you might like it.

  9. One good album? "Sketches" certainly is not bad considering most of it was recorded in the time JB was given to do 2 Songs with his new Producer...And he was already branching WAY out for a 2nd studio recording IMHO...


    Remember too, JB recorded almost everything "Live" including the main vocal track...I mean, he was just getting started so we'll never really know what he was capable of...But what he did in a short time was pretty darn good...


    You're 100% correct about the Chicks and Buckley...My current GF was choking back tears the 1st time I played her "Lover, You Should've Come Over..." It's no coincidence what happened after that! My best seduction tool...Jeff Buckley music! B)



    And that new producer, Tom Verlaine, was craptacular. He was planning to ceremonially erase all of those tracks with his band and have the producer from "Grace" come down to Memphis. They arrived later in the night when he drowned. He never intended to have the tracks on Sketches actually released. I haven't yet gotten it and don't know if I will. (I have downloaded "Satisfied Mind" tho. Very poignant.)


    I enjoy JB'S live-ness compared to most of today's stuff. It's all over his music. I dare everyone to try singing along and see how tired your jaw is, and how you're sucking wind after just singing his title track! (BTW, he carries that "Hallelujah" note for just about a minute and a half over three octaves, IIRC. The recorded version of the song was done in one take.) That he did entire shows of this is amazing.


    And yeah, the chicks dig JB. :P. I actually remember in high school, and this is before I first heard him, the absolute hottest chick in the world who I deigned to eat lunch with in junior year spent the hour crying at about the same time. She's now a music education major and playing D-I soccer somewhere.... Wow. Those are some good memories.


    Sorry if I'm rambling about it, I just enjoy the music and don't get the chance to discuss it with like-minded people.

  10. I don't mind funding DNA studies of bears in Montana...especially in comparison to some of the crap the government funds (can I have my $6 in tax money back that I contributed to the Starr report now?)



    Yeah, we might find out about the scent attractants or how to create a tastier Griz when we have to go all Jerimiah Johnson....

  11. Add in the state spending for federal issues....


    Here in CT, the Republican Gov. Rell (who took over when Rowland left office amid corruption scandal), yesterday announced that we'd spend $750,000 to come up with arguments for why the sub base at Groton shouldn't be closed.


    There's going to be mentionings of "importance to the state's economy" blah blah blah.... This is something Rep. Rob Simmons' political future is tied to in Eastern CT and he needs to walk away with the impression of all of the credit. So, his friends help him out behind the scenes with public money, to try to influence military planners who are going to do what they're going to do no matter what.


    If it were such a bipartisan issue, why couldn't they assign this project to advanced POLS classes at the state's public universities, like UConn? Maybe give students some real-world experience AND save money at the same time. Maybe that makes too much sense.

  12. I had never heard of him before I posted on this forum soliciting music recommendations.....a few people mentioned him, so I went ahead and picked up a copy of Grace. The whole albumn is very good, and he's amazingly talented......his rendition of 'Hallelujah' is so emotional that I never tire of listening to it. Now that I understand the lyrics better (reference the story of King David), the song is a masterpiece in my mind. He did not author it, but he made it all his own in his delivery.



    I was who seconded "Grace" at the time. They've since done a 10-year anniversary release, expanded with B-sides and a DVD with his four music videos and a short documentary-style "Making of..." He was going to be one of the greats.


    That said, there's a lot more to "Hallelujah" than you're taking from it. The man's own words:

    "Whoever listens carefully to "Hallelujah" will discover that it is a song about sex, about love, about life on earth. The hallelujah is not a homage to a worshipped person, idol or god, but the hallelujah of the orgasm. It's an ode to life and love."

    -- Jeff Buckley


    I don't know if I should recommend reading a lot about his life and death b/c it can become an all-consuming thing and leave you with more questions than you start with. Connections to the mythical Orpheus, E.A. Poe, Rilke, etc. "Mystery White Boy" was apt, that's for sure.


    JB: In Words


    The FAQ section is extensive.

  13. Our office is sending some care packages to the troops overseas.  We have some ideas from websites and newspapers but I was wondering if any of the military members on this board had some ideas.  Anything that would be hard to get over there or that's really needed, that kind of stuff.  Thanks in advance for any ideas.



    First, make sure the packages are being sent to a named soldier and address and not "To Any Soldier." They announced those packages just can't be delivered this season.


    The common stuff I've packed for my brothers is baby wipes, beef jerky, chewing gum, some magazines/newspapers/paperback books, other odds and ends pertaining to their likes. And make sure to include a note or letter explaining that you appreciate what they do, no matter what your feelings about the President or the reasons for war.

  14. I see that Drew was already calling it a day and heading back to the locker room.  :D



    Could there be a whole read on this picture like the back of the Sgt. Pepper's album? The one where b/c Paul was the only one turned around, people said he had died.


    Really! Look at it! Hear chants of 'DREW IS DEAD!' :flirt:


    In addition, Jonas is half turned to us, which can similarly be read into that he's about to leave us....


    The future of the team is still looking forward, tho.

  15. gawd, the election was over 3 weeks ago and you guys are still grumpy.  well, at least you realized the futility of contesting the presidential election and moved onto something else.  but keep focusing on this kind of stuff and not on why you guys lost, that'll help your chances in 2008 :blink:



    This isn't about being a sore loser.


    The people who wrote the constitutions put the delay b/w voting day and inaguration day in there for a reason, as well as the mandatory recount measure. And there isn't any one "standard" b/c it's different voting machine types. Count them again, properly, per instructions of the elections director, who's saying the GOP lawyers' arguments to stop the recount are wrong.


    Fulfill the constitutional requirement. Whoever gets the most wins. If the loser makes a stink after the recount, then it's sour grapes and being "grumpy."

  16. OK...I'll bite. When referencing "partners," why is this considered code for homosexuals? I live in a home with my girlfriend. We share expenses, we plan budgets, not to mention our lives together. Are we not partners?



    No, you're just living in sin. Cavorting together under the same roof while not married!


    Heathen! :w00t:

  17. I buy that a little... No president again will be assassinated, they live too much in a "bubble."



    I'm sure that's what the Secret Service was thinking after Mr. Bush was handed a dime by a guy who slipped through security in his inauguration.... And this man had done that a few times before to "prove" his point.


    How will a "bubble" protect against a well-planted low-grade nuclear device? Three RPGs fired at Marine One and two decoys on the way to Camp David? A whole host of other scenarios....


    He may not be the guy that 49% voted for, but a president is a president.


    You risk a lot, especially nowadays, for simply openly expressing your ideas.

  18. It seems that in general, many of the people who are the most vocal about their "rights" are those who are not, and would not place themselves in a position to risk anything for them. Makes it easy to stand on the soapbox.



    Well, JFK, RFK, MLK stood on soapboxes to defend people's rights and were murdered for their troubles....


    John Kerry had the stones to run for an office where 1 in 4 have been attacked/shot, and 1 in 10 (more if you buy that Zachary Taylor was poisoned) have been assassinated. Anyone who runs for President, and other major offices/positions, should at least have respect b/c of what they're risking.


    Simply speaking your opinion, even in a democracy, is a risk.

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