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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. Only because a foot of snow can hide a multitude of sins.
  2. SiC, RWS is decidedly not public property. Erie County, etc. may have chipped in, but like someone who gets a gov't grant to start a small business, the building does not then belong to the gov't. Ralph can do what he wants. Maybe, ala Duke U, they could keep RWS and call the playing area Hunter's Field.... It would be a great thing to do to keep Hunter in our memories, and for broadcast announcers to mention at every game that might prompt/remind people to donate to HH and other charities.
  3. That's .25 in the Swear Jar for you too!
  4. Duke got a vote?!? They were 2-9 last year!! We beat them by a field goal in what should have been a blowout. Proof positive that polls mean jack schitt. Not much love for the Big East.... Louisville at 14, Pitt at 25.
  5. Umm.... The USPS has been given lots of big bailouts over the years. In recent years they have been self-sufficient and turned a nice profit a couple of years ago w/ changes they made, advanced machine sorting and a partnership w/ FedEx for one thing. Budgets are reduced, and then they'll be in trouble next year too. But it is a gov't program that has a certifiable purpose; the guaranteed daily delivery system and infrastructure required to enhance commerce and capitalism. They do a great job considering their task.
  6. Who's demonizing adoption? Roberts has to duck from both sides. A certain fringe element is claiming that b/c he did pro-bono work in a gay-rights case striking down Colorado's anti-gay Amendment 2 in the '90s, (which is something he did not report in his CV) that Roberts must therefore be gay himself. Take a gander in the Free Republic boards. "He went to an all-boys school! He wrestled! He played Peppermint Patty in a production of 'You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown'! He has a 'late-aquired wife'....
  7. I've heard the reason Novak walked off was the "Who's Who in America" book on the table. There was a question coming that he didn't want to hear and couldn't answer w/o looking like a lying schmuck.
  8. I saw the link on the front page and my face immediately went to a . Hunter's suffering has ended, tho, and the world is a better place for his having been among us. Condolences to the Kelly family.
  9. Actually, the real problem is when both sides continue to spin in the "what's wrong for you is not wrong for me" circle. Like when the right and Russia cry about Nightline airing the interview with Basayev, yet when Jean-Marie Le Pen is interviewed about why the Nazis were great.... that's no big deal. Why did they look into it? NYT tries to turn over every stone. They deal in information, even if it never sees ink.
  10. Hmm. I always like the view in the Berkshires and when I went thru in June, the roads were in pretty good shape. The rush and traffic of the cities is over, you put some driving jazz or classic rock on and coast. Tolls are usually about $12-$15, total. Just watch out for the vending machine sodas on the pike --- a 20-oz. bottle that usually costs .75 was $2. Highway robbery.
  11. 90 West. It's a really nice drive once you get past Springfield. Especially on a clear summer day.
  12. Well, it's easy to blame it on a party membership, it's a cop-out in a real explanation. It certainly plays a part, but much less of a share than most people assume. I don't not vote for Rob Simmons b/c of Tom Delay. I think voters judge the individual and their own beliefs. Lieberman is sane? That's news to me. In the '04 primary he got pretty out there. I guess that's what sleep deprivation does to you.
  13. If you read all of those, you're more 'informed' (whatever that means as being the product of today's media) than most people. NPR has some good reports; and what I love is they let the subjects of the story speak for really long turns, so there's no chance of a Jayson Blair deal and it's not edited down to the tell-utterly-nothing soundbites of most broadcasts. Myself, I'm now less well read than the average bus driver.
  14. Well, I think it puts another gram in the critical mass that Ohio proper shouldn't be called a true "battleground" state. But for a district that elected the previous Republican by a landslide, Hackett made it pretty darn close - 3,500 votes short against Schmidt. Then again, he did lose to a woman who was in pretty deep in ethical issues... and at the end of the day, reading a lot of her quotes (and don't get me wrong, I can accept a person of any party who thinks for themselves) she really does seem a hollow, cookie-cutter Republican. Can't say I agree w/ Hackett's critical stance on Bush's GWOT strategy, but admit that the man sure earned his right to say it, and he'll be deployed on another tour in Nov. In the national media, it was made out that he was bascially a single-issue candidate. What did him in? Was it that people supported the war, or that they were unsure of/disliked his other issue stances, or rather the lack of them being clearly defined?
  15. Anyone watch the ending scene in the rerun tonight when Jack resucitates Charlie? Also in the ep, Jack was going along on covering up his father's drunkenness in the operating room causing the death of the patient; he later "revises [his] statement" when he finds out from the review board that the woman was preggers. The whole Jack beating on Charlie's chest was obviously tied in that he wasn't going to give up hope when others think it's too late. But there was a certain thing where the choreography of the recusitation was like a birth. That first gasp of breath. Watch Charlie's hands, they look like a baby's reaching out at Jack, grasping. Then Kate joins the fracas, sobbing in the role of the new mother. Also in the context that this was a rebirth for Charlie.
  16. I remember the Chargers' squad always being among the best stocked, along w/ the Iggles'.
  17. Hey, I wrote a post a couple of months ago pondering on Jin's watch=handcuff with a whole Faulkner reading tied in and not a peep. That was good stuff, people! Good stuff!!
  18. Back to the Roberts confirmation process, I think Garrison Keillor hits the nail on the head here. Kerry needs to STFU and stop grandstanding as if it's his party, b/c it's not. The Old Scout: The Inexorable Ascent of A Harvard Man
  19. MSNBC was just reporting varying degrees of injures, but NO fatalities.
  20. There are reports of a few people jumping out of the exits.
  21. Probably mid/late September. They started filming the new season a few weeks ago. I don't think the re-runs are even halfway thru. (Psst! Nice avatar! Best SNL skit ever. I heard a while ago they were going to make "The Continental" into a movie and then nothing materialized....)
  22. Grrr!! Put me in coach, I'll take their %$^&ING HEADS OFF!!!! (That stupid angle Preaileu took gives me proof positive that I am glad he is gone).
  23. In addition to being one of the top CBs, he's none too shabby at PRs, either. The CB position by nature is one of the hardest to fill with a top-notch player, it required such finesse and athletic ability. And it's especially important now, with the rules shift, to have one that is that good b/c so many others are playing at a Chris Watson level. DL players just need to rush the quaterback or play kill the man with the ball. I wouldn't make that trade-off, plus there's the little detail that we don't have that choice to make at the moment. You keep what you've got.
  24. It was a 14-y.o. boy who shook his hand, right? Had he just been in the bathroom/Port-A-Potty for an unusual amount of time after having seen the Jills?
  25. It's a difference of opinion over the length and breadth of the First Amendement. Let's leave it at that. 'Night.
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