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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. It says diaper bags must be accompanied by children. What about older fans who need them?
  2. That explains how 'Dan-o' Jr. inherited that bottle nose. But I'm more concerned about dolphins who take a dump in a woman's closet hamper. That's just unsanitary.
  3. Well, they're both like a dolphin in that they have no external genitalia, so I'd say it's a draw there....
  4. He may have had some interceptions, but otherwise Kurt was what Coy Wire is today. Only, Kurt hurt teammates when he dove on the pile five seconds late. I remember when he did that to Phil Hansen once, drove his helmet right in his lower back and Phil turned around looking like he was going to jump Bogart all over someone.
  5. So what you're trying to say is, they're screwed.
  6. Read: The Sabres want more than 50 people in attendence. I had my cousin get some tickets to the Broncos game on speculation, and I'm going if I-90 is at all driveable.
  7. What you look at as her being exploited by certain parties, you could also say she is exploiting them for her own purpose -- more effectively getting her message out. It's symbiosis/mutual parasitism (not to imply a negative connotation). Wasn't targeting you in my statement... A lot of people are sounding positively pissed that she didn't set herself up to fail. So she hired a PR person. Whoopdy-doo.
  8. Why don't you have "UDONKEY" or somesuch put in the name plate then?
  9. I can see it now in the SF Examiner: 'Glaucoma Epidemic in Raiders Camp.'
  10. <Gasp> You mean, she put her time and effort into something she believes in? You don't get more un-American than that!!! Disagree with her for her ideas, I do, but why are you people ragging on her for not wanting to fail? She has just as much right to spew as everyone else... in fact, moreso.
  11. Also, Randy Moss is spouting off proudly about how he still smokes maryjane "once a blue moon." Too bad Wicky wasn't traded to Oakland; they could be smoking buddies, set up a hemp shop and braid each other's hair.
  12. I was just reminded of how great that "I Never" drinking game scene was. And I completely missed the first time I saw it that Kate admitted she'd been married. It may be old hat, but Locke said that his sister Jeanie died when she fell off the monkey bars when she was young. Monkey bars, the Rat Trap game, which involved ladders, etc., he demoed for the kid in the store.... The ladder in the hatch.... There's a certain ladder/machination theme there. I just want to see the Hurley-centric ep again. Might clear a few things up for me. But it'll probably just be like the first viewing with me going, .
  13. The spirits of Abraham Lincoln, MLK Jr., Sir Winston and JPII respond in unison, " . "
  14. To wit: "The new findings were detailed in a peer-reviewed paper appearing in the May issue of the journal Nuclear Engineering and Design." Pretty cool when someone in any field actually does something potentially revolutionary rather than just talk and spew.
  15. Something I really liked about him last year was when Ralph started griping in the papers, MM basically said 'Respectfully, Mr. Wilson, shut up and let me do my job my way.' And then he did it. A lot of other rookie coaches might have caved.
  16. I don't doubt that, but the statement struck me as incredibly callous, even for him. Like "I sincerely apologize for that remark" callous. But he doesn't do things like that, ever; admitting you were wrong is weakness. There's a way to hold your position and still be courteous. Most people have to learn this by age 6.
  17. Then there's Paul Hackett, who ran for Congress in a Repub-thick Ohio district (and lost 52-48) by really lashing into Bush and the reasons and execution of the war. He served one tour, and despite his own feelings, it's his job and he's going back in November.
  18. There's the Neocon definition of compassion, which is a quality that you say you have while you're giving a speech. And then there's the actual definition of compassion, which is a quality that requires real action. If you remember Marv's quote in this vein....
  19. I understand that. What I don't understand is how Bush's PR people could let him utter a sentence like, "Yaknow what, I've got a life to live" when the thing being talked about is, Mrs. Sheehan's son doesn't.
  20. 33. OK, this actually happened to me.... Don't wait for three hours in the library for a study date then, when you get up from your notes b/c you figured "What the !@#$? I'm here," and look over the partition, there she is, then still proceed to the downstairs to study.* *'Study'ing to consist of two phone calls from her boss (she was a stripper), informing that her anti-depressant makes her "get all wet" driving down the highway and she just wanted to cheat on her boyfriend (who she suspected was cheating on her), and finding out that she was really, really stupid.
  21. Cool news. Purdue's put more people into space than Eli Lilly.
  22. The latest word, from administration officials no less, are now pretty resigned to the fact that Iraq will have an Islamic Republic in which the clerics will be the judges according to the Islamic Sharia, and they will have the final say in how many rights women are granted. Dean is grandstanding for sure, it's his job to be inciteful just like it is for the RNC chairman, but when have you known strict Islamic law to be beneficial to women's rights? The constitution isn't done yet, so it's early to be discussing it, but the whispers coming out aren't that inspiring.
  23. Moulds will be here for a long while. One thing, tho, is that JP does seem to be connecting better/has better timing with Lee Evans. I fully expect this to even out as he gets more PT.
  24. Wray and Gilchrist.... '64 AFL champs. They would've beaten the Packers, too.
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