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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. Cisneros was the only one I could find. Another (Espy?) was fully acquitted. The ideology machine that spurns out pages like "The Clinton Crime Family" is much more enamored of spewing baseless accusations re: Vince Foster's death (BTW -- I attended a talk by Henry Lee, where he showed case photos, many of them stomach-turning, and gave descriptions of numerous cases he's worked on. I challenge anyone to actually look at the pictures of the scene and explain how it clearly wasn't a suicide rather than quote Rush Limbaugh's conspiracy theories as gospel. And by the way, if you're not easily bothered by stuff like that, I urge people to meet Mr. Lee; guy would make a fortune in stand-up comedy), the FBI files in the WH, campaign contributions and a photo with a guy later arrested for drug dealing, Ron Brown's 'assassination' and the like. Many of the very things the current administration does out in the open and vocally defend. If these people weren't so blindly partisan, they'd take the sites down in shame. So far, I count four Bush officials who've been arrested: Scooter Libby, Thomas Noe, David Safavian, and now Claude Allen. Maybe future presidential candidates would be well served to NOT make promises that their WH will "bring back honor, ethics, and blah blah blah" to the office. As if it ever was any of these things under any president, or ever could be just b/c a certain party is in power. Thing is, time after time, the lemmings in this country actually buy this bullsh-- and vote for either of the Big Two's nominees which virtually ensures that they had to claw, canoodle and carouse with truly bad people on their way there.
  2. No sh--. Where else is going to go that would give him a better shot at a starting job, or a you'd-better-be-ready #2? Green Bay, if Favre retires? San Fran? It's an excellent situation for a QB with a few years of experience and a drive to show what he's got if he has it (which last year led me to the conclusion that Volek didn't have it and he knew it and stuck in Tenn, and I think his play proved that right). Holcomb is what he is, and JP, while I want to believe he has it and will root for him to step up this year, hasn't earned much so far. And both are the previous GM's guys, which as much as Marv is courteous when he answers questions in the media, they may not fit the style of football he wants.
  3. Well, to be fair, it's kind of like everyone who said/predicted that Mussolini and Eichmann were going to be executed before their trials even started. Not that it's going to be rigged, just that things don't get to this point only to have the judge say, "Oh, our mistake. We're very, very sorry. You're free to go!"
  4. Handy magazine usually has some good ideas, but they have a pretyty barebones website and I think you need a subscription # to access. Lots of places online when you search through Google, many say FREE but many/most charge a nominal fee. You also have to key in on what exactly you want to make. I'd recommend going to Lowes or HD's book section and thumbing through the woodworking sections. Some have really good plans, and a one-time $15-20 is better than spendig $5/per plan of something you may not like once you download it.
  5. Maybe, just maybe, this is the same type of thing as when Dorenbos was cut before last season in favor of Schneck(?). We wound up paying more, but look at what this small change spurred for the STs, Lindell in particular. If this is a sign that we FINALLY get serious about getting back to the running game we need here (and I think Marv does see this), then stand aside. For all those freaking about the money, it's doubtful that Royals even finishes that contract out, and it's probably backloaded. (See: Jay R., Dave Moore, Mark Campbell)
  6. Andrea Davis Well, Marv is 128 years old.... Nah. Still no excuse.
  7. And, save for a backup LB, that just about wraps up the Browns FA moves.... The only question left is, will they get home and try everything on and look in the mirror, or will they stare at a lot of QVC boxes and think, "$20M for this stuff?!?! What was I thinking? What have I done?"
  8. You mean those two times I didn't vote for him? But hey, why not make it BUSHBAD! vs. CLINTONBAD! That's always interesting and productive.... Considering that you have NO CLUE and this wasn't meant to be partisan rather than a 'How the fecking feck do people like this think they won't get caught?' (tho, sadly, I guess this answers itself...), you might be the one to try shutting up. Where's that :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: smilie when you need it?
  9. Claude Allen Honest question, how does this administration rank with the number of people who've been arrested while (or in this case, very shortly after) on the job? When you're picking and working your closest advisers, don't you think you'd know something about their character? I'm going to quote from Campy's blog: "I sometimes think I’m the only person who remembers that Bush ran in 2000 claiming that he would restore dignity, honor, and integrity to the White House. Wonder whatever happened to those things — a little too inconvenient perhaps?"
  10. Iraq officially brought back the death penalty this past week when they hanged 13 insurgents. Hanging is too good for Saddam, tho. Is there any speculation when his trial is going to be done? 'Course if everyone who's got a grievance with him needs to testify, they'll be at it for a long time.
  11. Hell welcomes another soul. I believe this is the third death-in-cell at the U.N. jail in the past year for members of the ethnic cleansing brigade.
  12. I've got one called the "Lancaster Co. Amish Cookbook." There's a lot of great American staple recipes in there (esp. the pies section)... but I think they're all on the Crisco payroll. "The Bread Book" by Anthony Blake and Her Name Escapes Me Now.... Really well written, step-by-step instructions and photos. For anyone serious about bread, this is recommended. Their Ole Bollen recipe is the best I've seen. One I picked up last year, the "Hartford Veterans' Center Recipe Book." Nicely put together by mostly 'Nam vets who get together on Monday nights. It's got a picture of a P-38 on the cover(!) so how can you pass that up? Excellent stuffed pepper recipe and three for catfish.
  13. I wear shower-shoes/sandals around the house lots and often to the store and whatnot. They're comfortable, and I could really give a sh-- if people don't like them. But no, I don't wear socks with them b/c that's gay. The kicker at Yale wears them year-round. Might be the only D-I kicker left who kicks barefoot. Sandals toughen up the feet to the weather. Cool article here.
  14. People honestly think that this issue is casual enough to risk having it change willy-nilly, back-and-forth depending on which party is in power in a state house in any given session? THIS CRAP WAS DECIDED IN 1973, SUCH THAT IF YOU DON'T WANT AN ABORTION, DON'T HAVE ONE!!!!!! CAN WE PLEASE GET ON WITH THE REAL BUSINESS OF THE NATION? Furthermore, I'll tell you exactly what this and the Kansas legislation is: 1) A desire to kick the tires of the new Supreme Court, if this stuff even gets that far, which I highly doubt. 2) A bid to wrap up the vote of a certain, however small, percentage of the electorate that will base their vote purely on self-righteous moral/religious grounds. For politicians, this is the easiest vote they ever got because they don't need to earn it and they don't need to buy it.
  15. Does this negate their amateur status? They are receiving money/reward for their performance in an athletic competition. Then again, the IOC lets NHL players strap on the skates.
  16. I knew someone was going to be all gutter-minded with that, and I figured, "It'll probably be duey...."
  17. Really? Well, I wouldn't be particularly saddened if someone targeted that church with a Molotov cocktail. Disgusting.
  18. Not disputing that it played off of the story leading up to it. And in fact, Jack was ready to sign off on his father's version of the surgery until he heard from the panel that the woman was pregnant. I think it all melded. The resurrection for Charlie, redemption for Jack... and that Jack was finally able to save the child. In a certain way, you could see the noose as an umbilical cord. Look at the positioning of the actors. Kate with her legs in a V, Charlie gasping and grasping like a newborn and Jack being the delivery doctor/father figure.
  19. *Ahem* What? I'm just clearing my throat.
  20. Lana, there's no new ep until 22 March, I believe. Bummer that they do this, but you just have to get used to it. I'm guessing this ep will be shown again before that. Right. And I think the "him" Zeke and Ethan were talking about was the issue of what to do with Charlie. He was strung up by someone. And, to continue with the baby theme of this whole show, apparently, the scene where Jack (and Kate) revives him is shot and acted such that it resembles a birth. Anyone think Sun's possible child would be "special" too?
  21. Nice to see Kellen Winslow Jr. back on his bike.
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