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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. Not true. He has been adamanent all along that --- despite being married to a former Heinz --- he doesn't like ketchup.
  2. Looking at all of the red-shirts, did J.P. finally get a haircut? Great report, Jay!
  3. There's a fuggin' Hizb'allah gift shop in Beirut.
  4. I know the next target of our War President. Look at this, he's already got the media shilling for him! Sun Kills 60,000 People a Year.
  5. They're at home.... washing their tights!
  6. We don't have much time left, tho. I was in the supermarket early this week and the Enquirer's lede story was "Armegeddon Will Begin Next Month." Damn, I hope it's after the 22nd. I want to see what Madden '07 Superstar Mode is like.
  7. Pro Line helmets... the Real Deal, Same As the Pros Wear On-field... not the 'Full-Size' replica things... for $165?? Wow. You're the guy to call. But I'd want to see how the uniform situation plays out in the next few years before getting something like that. (Just FYI, Do they have a ProLine in the throwback?) And yes, those silver Sharpies look great on photos and helmets.
  8. By this logic, in war, you can say that every bullet that hits a tree, a leaf, water, the ground, etc., etc. doesn't count. If this is the standard then we were like 1:2 in Vietnam. It sure is representative to only count those plays which are executed perfectly in order to judge a QB! Nothing less than perfect conditions warrant judgment! Wait a minute! He forgot to subtract those plays where the QB smelled a bad odor from the center's backside! Better fire up that Excel spreadsheet again, K.C. This 'study' means d--k in the real world. Typical ESPN.
  9. Wade Phillips was really good at adjustments (defensive moreso than offensive). And he didn't even wear a headset. "You don't know what you got 'til it's gone..."
  10. a Youtuber who recorded both the CR original and then the FAUX News story where they edit out the goading and coaching by Colbert, and report it as if Wexler, seriously, said those of his own accord. Getting 'had' by Comedy Central would be a low point for most other news shows.
  11. Mmmm. Noticed that her brown dress with all the puffy stuff at the bottom made her walk like her ankles were handcuffed together. Sure did highlight her bum, tho!
  12. Why didn't she call on all people to not fly United? Why only black people?
  13. Hmm. Maybe we should send several cases each of duct tape and WD-40. One or the other fixes fully 87% of life's problems.
  14. Agreed. The way Steinbach will become ridiculously wealthy is by signing with a team that's desperate for his services. (Hopefully not us).
  15. 'Lock-box' was Al Gore. And just to be fair, look at the mess SS is in now.... A large part of the problem is that Congress dips into a sizable % of SS principle and interest to pay for general fund expenses. Let's be honest here; it's not so much a retirement payment program as a way for the gov't to tax people w/o the impression of a 'tax.' If SS payments were/had been in a 'lock box' all these years, where it couldn't be touched to pay for wax museums, __?__ Pride Parades, etc., the situation would be far less dire. I'm no fan of SS --- in fact, I'd do away with the largest ever Ponzi scheme in short order if I could --- but Gore's rationale wasn't completely off base. (Even if there was a 'Well, what's that going to help now?!' air to it; then again, when you get cut, the first thing to do is stop the bleeding.)
  16. Canada was well represented.
  17. So.... He didn't want to destroy Hizb'allah before he wanted to destroy Hizb'allah. Is this right? Or do I have the wrong Crackerjacks decoder key?
  18. Maybe Takeo should add him to his 'List.'
  19. No. He sits at his computer and creates 11 threads about it on TBD. Everything from how it's affecting his sleep patterns to whether he should go outside and ask the bombers if they're horrible people to how he hopes none of the shrapnel hits his Fit.
  20. That was a trumpet? Sounded like he was blowing/whistling through a straw.
  21. Good. They need some shock therapy. W/o a doubt, they pay attention to what the (football) topics are. Glean article ideas. Absorb some info/history. Etc. I too am just happy to be here among people who know the team and the game. And when I can contribute (usu. in stuff about kicking and ST), I try.
  22. Just like they would never let Sammy Morris go b/c he was the ST captain. Oh.... wait. This writer has also been fooled into the conclusion that Wire is *integral* to the ST unit. Wire had 10 ST tackles. Aiken had 24. Haggan was the ST tackle leader, and if Wire goes (and even if he doesn't) he should be named captain.
  23. Diagnosed mental illness is a laughing matter, don't you know? Or has People magazine's Hot or Not changed it again?
  24. I don't know if that's "throwing JP under the bus." You're going to make an argument that JP didn't sometimes looked lost? That he had the full support of the team? JM is stating the obvious about a rookie who was given the job w/o competition. It's how things shook down last season. And thing is, if you ask JP, he'd probably agree; in fact I think he has admitted that in his interviews.
  25. Now I'm hearing that the FCC is scouring tapes of past sports events to find if any obscenities got on the air in the background. Does it comfort you that they're spending time and money to make sure some drunk Braves fan's words to the ref don't go unpunished? Does one have an expectation of privacy in the nosebleed section? Apparently not. Yet the Current Occupant can let 'em fly. Bono can let out an f-bomb at the Golden Globes.... Oh wait.... No, we changed our minds. No. No, he can't. BTW, the fine for an obscenity just went from $32,500 to $325,000 in the Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act that Bush signed last month. Where else can one more easily simulatenously legislate morality and display one's hypocracy?
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