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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. WV's gonna get lost in the mountains! UConn, baby!
  2. His 'Live at Chicago' DVD is a great timecapsule for fans who didn't discover him until after he died.
  3. They can probably glean a little from him with tendancies of the WR corps, basic offense but how is this anything BB can't see for himself? You don't honestly think coaches show players all 52 cards in their hand --- especially when they know ~30 of these guys will be cut or on other teams!? There's a reason why they run vanilla schemes in the preseason. As an analogy, Shakespeare, etc. would give each actor only his own lines and the lines buttressing his lines for cues. That way, any one actor could not go elsewhere and get paid to replicate the Bard's play. I imagine it's the same concept here.
  4. I was a little miffed too. But it wouldn't be the first time that a genuinely nice guy, a funny guy, a guy you like and who has developed great QBs before just didn't get the job done. Maybe SW was out of coaching for too long. Maybe it wasn't a good fit. Sometimes it goes like that.
  5. I would actually like to keep the tip on my boner.
  6. The $110B I'm guessing is just for getting the basics back up and running. Not computed is the loss of property value, vehicles, people's material things, works of art, etc. for which that figure is chump change. And then most important and incalculable thing, people's lives. If they'd only put as much time and money in maintaining as they currently are in the Blame Game....
  7. Yep. For the most part, this place runs as my father said of our local association meetings back in the '60s --- "I would disagree with the president tooth and nail at the meetings... and then go to his house for beer and spaghetti dinner." It is exceedingly rare and precious for something like that to happen today. This is one of those places. I hope to make it for a home opener someday.
  8. What's most striking to me is that the girl's father seems abso-frickin'-lutely overjoyed that his daughter is going to be a single mother. B/c from the sounds of it, ML doesn't want ANY part of this. Then again, it's probably easier to be happy when you know the kid is likely going to have it made (to give him some credit, Leinart doesn't seem the dead-beat dad type (like Eric Moulds )) with alimony.
  9. Your initial generalization was what I was discussing, not NOLA's clusterf--k three-tier system. Who wants to spend $2B over 20 years to maintain? I mean, come on. It's just these big mowers, looking at sand, investigating leakage.... Maintaining just isn't sexy enough to devote real dollars to, even when the alternative is paying $110B to fix everything b/c trees weren't cut down, etc. You need to get Paris Hilton a job there so everyone can see how important it is! "The Levee Life"!
  10. Thanks for the link and the highlighting. But....but....but.... the illuminati here on PPP tell us that private businesses (inc. contractors) always have our bestest interests at heart. Government BAD!! Correction: You can pay now, or you can pay x10,000 later.
  11. Yup. He had the shot to be a starter against weak QB competion (tho, wasn't this in 2003 before TD settled on trading for Bledsoe?). He tucked his head back in his shell and actually chose to remain a backup. Not quite the attitude that I'd want from a QB on my team, be they #1 or #4 on the depth chart.
  12. There's a scientific study out now that reports taller people are smarter. You don't strike me as an outlier.
  13. With a brother stationed in a 'hot zone' that shouldn't be funny to me, but it is.
  14. Saw that last night. Someone just got themselves crossed off of the family event list.....
  15. Preach it, Rich! Euhus and Nance are football players. Don't be surprised if they get signed by football teams. When GMs start signing guys for spite, that's the time for them to start looking for a new job.
  16. In the Popular Mechanics piece, did you guys happen to notice it's written by one Benjamin Chertoff? That's right. His cousin is Michael Chertoff, secretary of Homeland Defense. He also wrote PM's 'Debunking 9/11' piece. I don't mean to say that Benjamin can't earn himself a living by writing. But you DON'T have him write a piece that purports to dissect the real problems of two of the biggest disasters in our history when his cousin is the one heading the department (Understood that HS was not around until after 9/11, and MC appointed later, it does reflect on the department). And that there's a lot of issues completely missing from the pieces... it begs the question. Was this piece bought and paid for by the govt too? When the media claims to be telling the Truth, do they smell the stench of their own bullsh-- as they prop up the establishment? When our leaders slam against other countries like pre-war Iraq, Russia, etc. for propaganda news that raises an eyebrow at best and is dubious at worst b/c of connections b/w the writer and said leaders.... don't they realize that when they do the SAME FUGGIN' THING, they come off as liars, hypoocrites and tyrants? Or do they (I guess correctly) assume that people are too tired from working their 60-hour a week jobs to really care that much? How are we different from every other country we view as bad b/c of the pervasiveness of their thought control over their people? We feel better than them b/c we have a piece of paper saying "Bill of Rights"? There's no such thing as credibility anymore. It is an alien concept.
  17. It would be like Bledsoe still saying, "This is my team."
  18. All the cool kids now wear Croc's Coastal Clogs.
  19. I read a few years ago in a first-person account that at the same time Gingrich was chastizing Clinton for getting a BJ, a Republican staffer saw him at their kids' soccer game. As the guy walked by Newt's car, there was a blonde head of hair going up and down in Newt's lap (at the time, he was married to a brunette) and he waved, pointed at the bobbing head, smiled and winked. If Newt runs, his explanations are going to make a lot of people's brains hurt.
  20. Nevermind that not having to "kill" the embryo implies that it is actually "alive." How can one say that you're killing something that will NEVER, NEVER, NEVER become an implanted embryo? When you need your fill of hypocracy, self-contradicting statements, false logic and utter buffonery all you need to do is listen to these morons in suits discuss it for 10 minutes. It just boggles the mind.
  21. Not everyone. The Catholic Church said they would still have problems with scientists messing (I think "manipulation" was their word) with a blastocyst. They also have a problem with IVF. And until Clement VIII liked coffee, that was an 'instrument of the Devil.' And they also threatened to execute Galileo for saying the earth orbited the sun. They are, shall we say, slow to accept science and fast to proclaim things being the Devil's influence. I'm sure other groups will put their 2 cents in that they don't like the length of the syringe or that the researchers should wear white scrubs rather than blue. It's the age-old problem of people who know very little about the situation trying to tell other people and consenting parties what they can and cannot do. Over 70% of the U.S. public agrees that federal funding of ESC research shouldn't be restricted as it is. I resent that it has to be something like this to appease the 20% who equate using leftover cells from IVF that will be destroyed anyway as 'murder.' What is happening is tantamount to the president ordering a stop to animal research b/c the small group of PETA wackos want to 'end animal suffering.' And I'd just add as a disclaimer that there is reason to be a little dubious of this particular company's claims. They've made statements before that turned out to be.... how do you say.... not true.
  22. Give him credit that he didn't take a pee on it.
  23. By the time it makes it this far north its strength should be dissipated. My corner was proclaimed as the county "Most Protected from Natural Disaster" in the entire country by Slate, when they went through records dating to time out of mind. Hope it doesn't do too much damage on its way up.
  24. May she slip with her blue mascara brush and give herself a full frontal lobotomy. Oh wait.... looks like it already happened.
  25. My current favorite is Rep. Jim Cooper D-TN. Fiscally conservative Democrat. Saw an interview with him on, uhh.... I think it was a PBS show... He was discussing the "Financial Report of the United States." Pretty damn mundane title, yes, but lots to be concerned about in there. His statement. Cash-accounting vs. accrual/long-term accounting.
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