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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. And I think that defining moment has to happen this season in order for him to transition comfortably into next season. Can't have the same lingering fart waft of failure as coming into camp this season. He will lose most any chance of being the future QB if he doesn't show he can elevate his game. Fans won't stand for it for next year to be like this, and you have to think Marv will not risk the future for the kid w/o having a strong backup plan heading into next season. Ten games left. B/c if doubts creep in the offseason, mark my words, it's going to be like Tim Couch.
  2. The President is in Greensboro, North Carolina, today. So when you're done here, you can go over there and wash his balls. The windows on Air Force One need a good licking too.
  3. Each coach comes in here saying they're going to do things differently, use different schemes, return to conventional ball-control football.... whatever the least tired buzzword is in an effort to CHANGE. And they all wind up doing the same $%^&ing things and making the same %^&^ing mistakes. Over and over and over.
  4. "Deny access to space"? The United States govt has officially jumped the shark.
  5. Or when the guy was arrested in Canada a few years ago for the stick-swing to the head. If that scene had occurred on the street there would have been arrests. Not suspentions. What is it that legal jurisdiction ends on the playing field? That was in NO way part of a game. This is a slap on the wrist SIMPLY b/c of the money involved, and these primadonnas learn early they can get away with damn near ANYTHING. The violence trickles down into society, and pretty soon people wonder why they can't walk outside anymore. We need to stand up to thugs, not make excuses for them b/c they wear our teams' laundry.
  6. Also mentioned in the article... Second page goes on to explain a little further about the second sentence, that any talk about how said agenda might be affected by things not going their way has been quashed. Sounds about right for this admin. Interesting question about how Bush the man would react. I'll just say, invest in Just For Men.
  7. Not quite true about FOX. They have most of the games they broadcast in HD --- which still puts them ahead of CBS which does 3 of 7 in HD --- but not all. And to be fair, FOX has had a smaller slate of games offered. Still doesn't excuse the networks for dragging their a$$es on converting to all digital broadcasts. They had how long of a warning from the FCC, and most of them just started upgrading with a couple of years 'til the deadline. Seems to be going faster now tho. NFL TV schedule map
  8. Where's a bawling Ray Lucas when Nate needs him? Where's a limping Dante Culpepper when our Defense needs him? Every team we play should be required to sign either of these guys the week before we play them. Roger Goodell, make it so!
  9. They smacked my alma mater pretty good.
  10. If this is legit, I give it a big .
  11. I don't think they are differentiating, just estimating the # of people who've died as a result of the war. And insurgent violence is part of the war.
  12. Something that has puzzled me about Alex is that, as Rousseau said, she was kidnapped by the Others as a baby. How would Alex be expected to have such compassionate tendencies if she was always raised by people with less than stellar ethics? This is something that really stumps me. How does she know that what the Others are doing is wrong? i.e. letting Claire go b/c they were going to cut her open to get the baby. Morals are taught, not intuited. And in terms of Alex helping out the captives, I would submit that hers was an unsuccessful 'conversion.' And another thing --- why keep calling her 'Alex'? exactly as Rousseau named her? Pehaps there are multiple Other encampments on the island.
  13. The whole time, I was yelling, "Shoot her!!" No one ever lies when they say they're not your enemy. They weren't bad people who were going to cut Aaron out of Claire, yeah? Like the other poster, I'm getting tired of the Others always coming out on top (unless seriously overmatched i.e. Ethan). Amen. 1) With the discussion from Alex, it appears Karl is a legit captive, not an Other plant. 2) For some reason, this scene reminded me of Boone's game "Theresa falls up the stairs, Theresa falls down the stairs" and also looking at another flashback that goes to childhood, Jack's scene where he stands up to the guys beating up his friend, Mark Silverman (later his best man). There has been an undercurrent of how the Lostaways acted or were treated as children. Charlie was expected to be the savior through his music, Sayid was bullied by Nadia, Kate trying to run away w/ Tom.... 3) Very possible that it's Jae Lee's seed. Especially since the doctor said Jin was sterile. I, for one, think that JL had some help jumping. There are people following Jin around on orders from Sun's father. 4) I agree with Sawyer. Juliet, especially having seen her w/ Jack, is the kind of person who is nice as pie if you do as told. But don't cross her; she's all business. Just the sense I get.
  14. If you think it has jumped the shark (I don't really get where it has reached its peak and started to go downhill), there's always the CH+ button on your remote.
  15. Hasn't read it, but he "questions" it. How is it so difficult to believe that a comprehensive study of casulties could be done? They talk to the people who handle the bodies, look at their records.... With tortured, headless bodies showing up over 100 a day just for the last couple of months, in Baghdad alone.... Not saying the study is perfect or that anomolies can't occur, but does that mean a hard count should not even be attempted? That was a rich moment. Pres. Bush saying something "isn't credible."
  16. Well, some people just seem to get pissed at the incrementalism that LOST has become to them after Season 1... Only, it has always been incrementalist. There's something that happened to our attitudes in the first offseason; the show is old hat and we want to know everything now now now. If you are one of those people, like Steve, I'd suggest you put your time to better use, b/c it's going to continue like this. Last night's ep is a continuation of a Sun-centric ep from last season, where she learned English with the guy, but we were relieved that she didn't have an affair with him.... and now we find out that she did, about 2 months previously in island-time (remember in their world, it's still 2004 for them, which is easy to forget. Tho it was reinforced w/ the Red Sox clip). Enter the possibility that Sun's baby is not Jin's... in fact, more than that since the doctor said Jin was sterile.... We have so far this season been exposed to different, uglier sides of characters we had come to admire. Jack's question "Why would you stay here?" is apparently going to be much of the plotline this season. Why are people complaining about this? It's what the writers are doing, with a definite purpose. For myself, I will continue to enjoy the slow ride.
  17. Don't kid yourself. It's ugly now, but it will get uglier and will last for a long time --- retribution killings spiral bigger, not smaller.... I would prefer the version where our kids aren't stuck in the middle of it. Personally, I think the Repubs are purposely blowing this election. They let the Dems come in, bring the war toward some kind of conclusion, they can save face by continuing to call the Dems 'cut and run' and fobbing this admin's poor decisions off by saying they didn't have enough time to make it work. By sacrificing now, they can have a shot at the presidency in '08 by being able to point to mistakes the Dems make when they're in charge of something. B/c let's face it, the presidency is what matters. In turn, Dems will temporarily get to feel like they have some kind of control. The story of the caricatures of American Politics will go on like it has for the last 50+ years. And in the back rooms where macropolitics is decided, the Big Two will clink glasses and enjoy 20-year-old Scotch.
  18. For 1), I just don't have that hope. Like I thought at the time, the president's biggest mistake was in not seperating each group to its own province. What he envisioned as a diverse Iraqi society cannot work for the same reason it wouldn't have in the former Yugoslavia. These people are killing each other. I am resigned to 2) and while it doesn't do us any favors for our standing, it has to be done. This admin stepped in a big pile of sh-- and continue to insist they can't smell anything.
  19. The alternative is that staying there also "is going to do *nothing* for us in the future." My brother was a hoo-rah Bush-Great Republican from the start; Air Force Raven Team --- he has been everywhere, done everything from crawling down sewers in Kuwait to guarding Laura's Bush's shoes down to Crawford. Loves the military. But last night, his words: "This is worse than Vietnam. These people [the Iraqis] will never get their sh-- together." To which I replied, "Well then, in the future you better watch how you vote." The Maliki gov't has been craptacular, even given the givens. We are losing time fast.
  20. Way to go out on a limb there. If only we had 16 games vs. the Lions.
  21. I've said this for a while about the FB position, and Shelton specifically. He can bust some good blocks on a lot of plays, but there's waaay too many mistakes and a goodly number of complete whiffs over the years. There's a reason he was sitting on his couch on Sundays for a year, even after he had fully recovered from surgery. Expect an upgrade in the offseason. Should have happened this year, but I think he was held onto for continuity.
  22. I get the Providence channels and I wouldn't say that by a longshot. Last poll I saw was 44-42 in favor of Whitehouse, well w/in the MoE. Chafee has the family name in RI; his father was a very popular (Dem) pol in the state. The advertising is probably what's to be expected with two candidates who're pretty close to each other in viewpoints. Whitehouse is running campaign ads that are mostly party-centric --- that speak of regaining control of the Senate and that to change the direction of the country, the leadership needs to change. But this is after he staked out his key issues and where he stands during the primary season. Chafee has been running low-ball ads featuring his soft voice and calm demeanor, where in spite of speaking for 30 seconds, he says nothing at all... "For months I was attacked by the right for being too liberal. Now I'm being attacked by the left for being too conservative. That puts me in the middle. [Fingerpoint toward the camera]. With you. It's only through clear thinking that the country's problems will be solved...." blah blah blah 'I approve this message.' He doesn't feel the need to actually say anything concrete. No joke, the commercials in RI are more than 50% political campaign ads. They're laying down some serious coin.
  23. Surefire way to pick a partisan out of the crowd: 'I object to this type of journalism because...because...because... it really hurts my side!'
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