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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. Well, if you believe the guy who spoke a few weeks ago --- I think he was the Comptroller of the GAO? --- in short order, this country is going to be f--ked economically. We buy sh-- on credit cards, when all's said and done, Iraq and Afghanistan will have cost about $2T, our trade deficits have tanked in the past 20+ years.... Deficit finance is how things are getting done. We've spent and spent and spent and at the same time cut taxes after Clinton. For whatever else you have to say about him, had us on the right path re: national debt, and with a Repub. check-and-balance, a measure of fiscal responsibility w/ balanced budgets. In the relatively near future, the bills and interest we are accruing now will be due. And to fix the problem, it's going to have to be: 'Tax and no-spend.'
  2. ... and maybe a little to do with Pinto Kenny's.
  3. I think 'catchescannonballs' is where Tom Tomorrow gets the ideas for his "This Modern World" cartoons.
  4. And if Kermit is to be believed, it won't be easy, either. I'd have to agree just using simple demographics of the city. Altho, NE's fandom is probably as much, if not more --- I think all of the NE states have populations over 95% ethno-white. Not quite sure what the point of this is. Is the guy arguing that a mathematical statistic makes him uncomfortable? That if you're not 'among your own' you should automatically not feel safe? What can you tell them --- either move there to even it out or move away to where you do feel 'comfortable.'
  5. One I just let the answering machine pick pick up: "Do you hate Robo-calls? So do I. Do you want them to stop? So do I. In fact, this could be the last one you hear. I'm Rep. state party chairman... and this is my promise to you --- help elect Republicans and we will work to eliminate Robo-calls forever." The thing, tho.... THIS WAS A ROBO-CALL!!!
  6. Link Take a look at the picture and try to recreate it if you dare.... and only if your toilet is in excellent working order.
  7. Add the R.I. Senate seat back into it, too. One of the latest polls had Chafee up by 2%, another at the same time from someone else had Whitehouse up by 3%. Despite what you said a few weeks ago, and said by omission here, this one is going to be really close.
  8. If we don't get a TD here, it'll just go to show how bad it is on this O. That field position was gift-wrapped.
  9. And just think, this is with 2 weeks to prepare!
  10. Until we get to the 4th Quarter where we run the "Break, Don't Bend" Defense.
  11. As I posted upthread, the GameCenter also said, "Brett Favre. Aborted"
  12. Just saying that if that's the main thing your DL is counting on to pressure a QB, you're in trouble once the games start counting. I'd be fine with Schoebel if we had a legit DE opposite him (and, well, I'm fine with him anyway, just accept that this is his game). But we have Schoebel-Lite on the other side of Schoebel.
  13. Not disagreeing that Schoebel can finish a sack if the QB still can't find someone by the time AS recovers from getting matadored wide left. He is the king of the coverage sack.
  14. For those of us w/o TeeVee, what happened to Willis?
  15. Unfortunately, he's like Otto in "a Fish Called Wanda" re: 'the middle part'.
  16. I'll take the guy who wants to play on a team, and has the stones to actually believe his contribution can be the difference, rather than pussyfooting and signing with a team like Indy who has guys who can make up for his shortcomings b/c he knows he's not good enough, despite the Media touting them as the Second Coming.
  17. No, you just said that you would wildly overpay to get two players to either stay or come to Buffalo b/c they are "great players" who can 'win games for us.' That you would give them more money than any other team who is even more desperate than us for help. Nevermind that their numbers don't justify such contracts for 2 players in a team game. That we need to just throw money at anyone just to get them to possibly consider playing in... Buffalo of ALL places, implying that this is a sh--hole franchise in a sh--hole city. Why don't you just wait to cheer for a team until the L.A. Goths start play in 2016 with black lipstick and white facepaint in their official uniform, entering the stadium to "Smack Your Bi--- Up"?
  18. The NFL.com GameCenter reads, "B.Favre Aborted."
  19. See, the point is that the 'Ignore' feature doesn't block other people's responses to you and your stupid 'I'll take Nate and T.O. for $60M, Alex' crap.
  20. WTF is a "Daquixer" anyway? Or is that 'Da' slang for 'The' and 'Quixer' to be translated by a derivation from Quixote? Because I can certainly see the whole jousting with windmills thing with him.
  21. That was his second good play of the year.
  22. I would disagree with that last sentence. We don't have hard-and-fast numbers, but I get the sense that pre-invasion, 50-100 headless bodies weren't found in the streets every day in Baghdad alone. We could produce a litany of greivous atrocity the world over --- some of it in the United States --- even just since the worst in human history 60 years ago. We cannot police the world; it blows up in your face. The faster both the left and now the right learn this, the better.
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