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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. They determine that set overall number for every player that they then fill the various skill sets to reach. Haven't gotten Madden since 2003, so that's the latest I'm drawing on (older, different more practical interests, have little time and skill for the new video games that require real investment), but... part of it is a defect in how they program it. The game cannot distinguish that Albright might be a 97 on the long-snapping duties, yet a 56 if you would put him in on the normal OL. They put his number low across the board b/c they don't want him to come up as the best OL when he obviously is not. And LS is such a small # of plays that they just arbitrarily assign it to the best OL you have (in 2003, it was actually Fat Mike, who irl wouldn't be able to bend over even halfway in order to snap). In fact, that's the perfect word for how Madden decides the ratings --- it is absolutely arbitrary.
  2. Outgoing senator considers move Chafee is now mulling changing party affiliation, whether that means becoming an independent or a Democrat. In my mind, as I stated above, the only thing that cost him the election was the ® next to his name --- that it would decide who controlled the senate rules, agenda, chairmanships, etc. He and Whitehouse did not differ so much in their policy ideas/stances. I don't know... There's the mindset that people simply voted, even across party lines, for a corrective change or counterbalance, but that this pendulum will swing back once the perceived problems (Iraq, chiefly) are expected to be resolved with this new congress. But does anyone think this was an indication of a larger-scale disaffection that might prompt a certain chunk of people to permanently shift parties? I think if the Dems can show America any sense that, with control they can bring an end to the Iraq situation and keep a very focused, narrow agenda, they could keep that control. Their problems have come when they try to be everywhere, do everything and get off on unpopular tangents like gun control (heartening that many of the Dems who won this time are pro-gun centrists, i.e. Heath Shuler, Webb, Tester, Casey). 1) Come to some resolution in Iraq. Whatever that is.... 2) Work out the kinks of, and provide more funding for NCLB, seeing if it can be gotten from shifting it from inside the bloated Dept of Educ budget. 3) Roll back the tax refunds in a time of mega-deficits. Cleaning up after the mess will never get you credit or make you friends, but for long-term fiscal stability, it has to be done. They need to reach people about the depth of the problem, which this admin's own GAO comptroller has been jumping up and down about. 4) Do something about health care in a baby-step toward universal coverage to see how it could work on a national scale. Say, nationalized prenatal screening, an adaptation of what Jim Kelly has pushed for in NY. The reason people are scared about Universal Health Care is they don't know if it can work, and hell, even the proponents don't know if it will work here. You can point to Canada's, but they don't have nearly the infrastructure we do, nor as big a problem with insurance companies raising the costs of health care exponentially. Trying it on a very small scale could determine the fiscal feasibility once and for all.
  3. Ditto. I think he's got some good ideas to introduce in the primary. Just think it'll still be too soon for him to get the nod. And the Dems need to stop running senators. Could definitely see him as a VP choice.
  4. True, that.
  5. It's been posted before, and no, it's not real.
  6. That's the only way they can catch up on the production; it takes something like 11 days to turnaround one episode. Would that they could snap their fingers and it's done, but it does take time and work to make the show. Also, it's the only way to appease the people who said that jumping back and forth w/ the repeats was annoying and made following the story difficult. This was the best situation/compromise that could happen in the real world. Can't have your cake and eat it too.
  7. As I'm seeing it, Jack saw Kate and Sawyer together and, not knowing they're on a seperate island (his plan is so going to backfire), he's forcing them to let Kate go. Note that he didn't say anything on the walkie-talkie about letting Sawyer go free. The flashback was to show the similar situation... she loves a guy, thinks she's doing right and then realizes that she can't pretend to be the housewife and has to run. On the island, the circumstances are a little different: she's kind of being forced to run by Jack, who isn't aware of the whole situation. What I don't get is, how does he intend on getting away... or does he? Can't hide or go back to the deal Juliet tried to broker. I don't think the show is any worse in terms of quality. The novelty has worn off (it wore off before S2 started). Like sex with the wife, it gets boring when it mostly stays the same and when you have to wait so long for it to happen (which is the point that so many people are indeed just waiting for the DVDs, it's better all in one shot). I wouldn't say this is the writers' fault. This is the nature of episodic television. I do, however, think the time-change to 9 p.m. was bad for the show. Now when you start watching it, you're already a little drained/veg'ged. There was something so immediate when it was at 8. Well, they had to include some resolution to Eko's death, and how to tie it in to Locke's story. The last thing I remember of that was the 'Jesus Stick' writing telling Locke to go north. Was that how it left off? I was distracted cooking dinner last night so I'd need to watch it again.
  8. So, you admit that you're guilty of having defended things you don't even believe in. Birds of a feather flock together... until they lose elections. You realize, of course, that the people who won in those same glory-year elections are the ones you are now calling fake conservatives? Oh wait, you didn't realize that b/c the Kool-Aid tastes good and you're trying to rewrite history. My bad.
  9. Link.. From what I have read of him, I think he'd be a good candidate for the Dems. Centrist, from the mid-west, and has executive experience. You'd be surprised (or not) how much this counts, both in an understanding of executive matters/knowing how it works, and for the voters to trust a candidate, which go hand-in-hand. Dems haven't won with ex-senators; if the voters of the party are smart they would pass on Hillary and her baggage. I, as a registered-Indep. observer, don't think she will get the nomination. Two years is an eternity in politics, and being in the thick of things in the morass that is the Senate and the immense spotlight on her.... I think she chokes. Vilsack would also have the advantange of having the opening primary in his state, which is a helluva momentum-builder. With him and Wes Clark, there will be a couple of candidates I could actually see myself voting for in a general.
  10. If you say it, it must be so. Doesn't matter who the candidate is or his/her positions. I'm glad you've cleared that up for all of us non-elites.
  11. Nope. Green endzones was a decision TD made. Iirc, the company that made and installed the current turf went out of business a couple of years ago. FieldTurf© is where it's at for the rest of the league, but we had to be different. I also miss the red endzones.
  12. Ask me 10 times, and 10 times I would say that this is the case. Can't blame them for following the American Way.
  13. In his response to the first item, he said that he doesn't feel the need to be truthful. As he said Rumsfeld wasn't going anywhere, they were vetting Gates. This man has no problem with lying straight-faced. In some instances, I would say this is a desirable trait for any president. But the Current Occupant has taken it on full-time.
  14. Nail, meet head. If you watch those shows about people who are hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt, that is essentially what we are dealing with. After being on our way to a measure of fiscal freedom in the '90s, we're back in worse than ever. As a metaphor, Washington has maxed out all the credit cards and will soon be applying for the 26.99% APR ones. And tantamount to the woman of the house going shoe-shopping, we actually got tax refunds as our deficits are spiraling. We are in big trouble. And the people who are saying this are drowned out by Washington continuing to pretend there won't be a problem when the bills come due. Wanna know how so many governments collapse since time out of mind? There you go. May not be a bad thing, tho.
  15. See, first of all, there is NO concensus on when a fertilized egg actually becomes "life." I know I'm talking to a brick wall here, but what makes you think that you have the correct answers and other people just don't and that you need to force your beliefs on other people? Abortion is a choice; life is full of individual choices for which we each have to deal with the consequences. Don't pretend with this gambit of 'saving them from themselves.' Legally, this was decided back in 1973 with the 'Don't want to have an abortion? Don't have one' option. The law needs to work for both sides, and the definition of 'murder' is just too important to be doing it willy-nilly, state-by-state, which is why it went to the Supreme Court. Why don't we have a national referendum then? (But you don't want that, b/c polls show that you would be defeated ~70-30). If this latest crap passes, what's next? Tell me. Because they'll need something else to talk about. Will it be that plastic surgery is immoral? Will women be forced to wear burquas? Must everyone wear brown head-to-toe on Wednesdays? Will men not be able to get vasectomies b/c there's all of those innocent lives dying right there in their nut sacks?
  16. I really couldn't give a sh-- about a language bill, but how is that different than the idea to have 52 kinds of political parties? So we can have a 6-foot-long paper ballot like South Africa's? VERY NIIIIICE!, Dr. Cox.
  17. Oh, come on now! I see people all the time outside of the clinics holding signs that read, "Kill those fetuses DEAD!" And when you compare their ID cards to the voter rolls? All Democrats! Masons hire Masons b/c they're the only ones who know the supersecret handshake and have the hammer birthmarks. Does this kind of 'discrimination' also apply to how so many head people in the admin are Skull & Bones? Screw that. What I want to know about is "Men cannot have strictly male jobs (like firemen)."
  18. You were wondering before how someone like Lincoln Chafee could get axed? You just provided the answer. And, some people believe in the theory of 'Gridlock Government.' Less gets done when there's contention. And I would argue that's not a bad thing.
  19. There are some spots where a station will broadcast a game featuring a popular player originally from that area. To wit, while Flutie was starting in Buffalo, the Boston station I get OTA would always air the Bills games when the time didn't conflict w/ NE's. I'm not sure of a Jets or Pats connection to Texas, tho. Perhaps the station just thinks it'll be a better-matched/exciting game. This choice scenario, however, requires there be no NFL local mandate for a viewing area, which seems kind of rare.
  20. My brain started hurting with "[no] current species mutating".... That right there tells me you have NO. !@#$. CLUE.
  21. NFL TV maps. Bookmark this.
  22. Chafee was about ready to cry like a little girl during his concession. He was a good representative, but he made the wrong decisions where it really mattered. Voting him in would have given the Republicans control of the rules, chairmanships, and the agenda. Lots of people called him a RINO. If he really did disagree wholeheartedly with many of the party, he should have run as an independent and stayed unaligned once there. Chafee's father was VERY popular in RI --- that's how Linc originally got in, on his father's name, even tho he had been a Democrat. Whitehouse was a popular former AG in the state, also with high approval ratings. But, FYI, ratings mean bupkiss when people know what electing you will mean. I think it would be wise for the admin to put Chafee in some position or other; it would be a shame to let his experience, calm decision-making and full willingness to work across the aisle go to waste. And it's something that will be especially useful to the WH in the coming Washington environment. And I patently disagree. People aren't stupid. They are entirely rational. You may disagree with what they choose, but then, they'd disagree with what you choose. The rationale may sometimes be simplistic, but don't confuse it with being illogical or that people 'don't know what's good for them.'
  23. Mehlman is a Q-Tip with big lips, and I don't think he believes half of what he says. After whoopings like this, there is almost always a purge at or near the top. I'd be surprised if he hangs on to January before "Deciding that he wants to spend more time with his family."
  24. He's slated to be confirmed by the lame-duck session, yes? As for the press conference in general, Bush seemed very tense. I've watched almost every one he's had in 6 years. Today, he was talking louder, more brusk, high-strung, and his voice was an octave higher.
  25. As I've read, the new PM is intent on building up the Canadian military. They're going to need it w/in the next 20 years wrt protecting their fresh-water resources and rights/access to the Northwest Passage. That is turning into something of a free-for-all w/ the US, Denmark via Greenland, and Russia all making claims there, for potential oil supplies underneath and for shipping as global warming opens it up.
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