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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. "...prided herself on high morals and principles"? You mean such high principles as "I'll cup my naked breasts in a photo shoot while having my bikini strings as if they're about to let go any second.... but I won't drink Aquafina!" Let's be sure about something here. What she does for a living is just slightly short of prostitution. This Neo-Morality cultured by magazines and movies is what makes the younger generations dress suggestively and act recklessly to the point this society is devolved to today. Everyone else does it, so...
  2. The Reagan quote kind of became obsolete by 1992. Is there some other wall that needs tearing down? Sure, it's historical, but that's the thing. "Ask not...." is something that stands the test of time and is a central tenet of what made/makes this country great --- to wit, that America was founded on sacrifice for the benefit of the whole rather than the 'where's mine?' mentality (which, sadly, has taken a choke hold in the last 15 years). The JFK era is on the cusp of not really mattering who was in what party b/c it's so far removed from today's context. If someone put a gun to my head and asked which party Truman, Eisenhower, etc. belonged to, I'd have a 50% chance of living.... party doesn't matter. What they did mattered, what they said mattered. Some presidents' most famous quotes stuck to the there and then, some aimed higher. Without a doubt 'Ask not...' is remembered more, and deserves to be remembered more than the other piddler quotes proposed. "I did not have sex..." will not be remembered 100 years from now; it won't matter 100 years from now. But JFK's line will still be a truth; he had a great speechwriter.
  3. All of the above. RG, T depth. Draft. DE & DT. Draft, possibly FA. CB. If we can re-sign Nate for a realistic contract, great. If not, should be addressed by 1 or 2 FA signings and existing depth. A young true FB. Michael Cox from Georgia Tech is a player; will likely be a late-rounder or UDFA b/c teams just haven't been taking FBs in the draft. Also, now is the time to start picking up some LBs to groom.
  4. Quite the air-cast as he was walking to the tunnel/stairs thing. I'll take the Focker's word for it. Seau's forearm got caught right in the middle of Benson's feet. Now that's what you call a 'Break But Don't Bend' defense
  5. Was that a serious bend in the middle of his forearm or did the camera angle make it look worse than it is?
  6. Yup. Switched to LG. Peters has upgraded the LT spot, and has really shored up the left side, more than an "experienced" OL in Gandy.
  7. I'd say that JP has officially earned the right to strut on Monday and Tuesday morning.
  8. Well, you could argue that. I see a league that has tilted things in favor of offenses and fast scoring... such that it requires scoring in response or a running game that eats up the clock. Simply getting the lead with 4 minutes left often isn't enough in the modern game. Kudos to the OL, and those who had the gumption to make the switch; they've played much better and will get better as Pennington develops. Mike Gandy at LT... you are the weakest link!
  9. Dr. Spock would say that JP had a self-esteem problem for ~8 weeks. Fairchild must have stopped using a red pen to make corrections. Either that, or he figured out how to use his OC's radio after pulling his head out of his butt.
  10. How about a little love for Rian Lindell? Figgie in the clutch! Suck it, haters!
  11. Not saying he's to blame for anything. But charging back to get a win when it's all on the line IS something I desire in a QB.
  12. If JP wants a job here next season, he'd BETTER f-in' get us a FG try here.
  13. Or does Del Rio go for 2? He's done it before, yes? ... or not.
  14. Quick! Someone Blackberry this to Perry Fewell!
  15. belinda
  16. It used to be an internal direct-line to God, like the red phones b/w the Kremlin and the White House. God got too many "Could you do something about this athlete's foot I've got?" calls and decided to phase it out.
  17. Congratulations, AD. It must be a proud day for you. You may have something there. If God and his processes are so well designed, then it begs the question... who was his Intelligent Designer?
  18. Sorry, but the fact that you've never ever heard of Don Quixote before now says a lot about your level of attention, education, curiousity, and bridging from that, your intelligence. And no, I don't mean this as a 'diss' --- just as a sad fact not exclusively reserved to you. But whatever, your English teacher can give everyone A's so you can all have intact self-esteems, go to Yale, start your own charities that garner 5 turkeys for a soup kitchen and go on the Today show for it (if you are attractive), then sulk in the corner when you find out that real life doesn't meet your expectations.
  19. I do have you on Ignore. You even make that impossible, by posting your repetitious crap in EVERY. Fvcking. Thread. So when people respond to you trying to figure out if you're just misguided or a complete moron, I have to sort through it in the quotes sections.
  20. Lots of good suggestions here. A playoff system would make college football fully 694% better.
  21. BJ/CTM/DCT, you may as well go outside, find the nearest stone and conduct this same argument. You would fare better. Mr. Quixote can't pass up a windmill when sees one. I'm waiting with baited breath for him to get banned for his Nate Clements crusading.
  22. In his last released film, "A Prairie Home Companion" I watched him and Garrison Keillor interviewed on Charlie Rose about it, which sold me. It's a movie about the last performance of a radio variety show, essentially the one of the same name on NPR. Keillor, who wrote the screenplay, said it was a film about death. Altman disagreed. (I agree with GK, and it now brings a bit more poignancy to the film, especially the ending with the angel of death.... ) It is a little heavy on the singing (good songs, tho, especially the dirty jokes one ) but I recommend it. It seems so rare that a director actually looks for the artistic and whimsical moments. Altman wasn't a director who had to have everything just so. He let people do their jobs. In the extras, they had an interview with Kevin Kline (great in this film) about this. Bob would be disappointed if he had to tell/suggest to an actor how to deliver a line, what mannerism to do as they spoke --- he expected them make their own decisions. RIP, Bob.
  23. I would generally give them the thumbs down. Unless she's a really, really, really good writer and then, only if she keeps it brief. “Winter is coming, which simplifies everything and shows you that the essentials of life are heat, food, shelter, plumbing. The rest is decorative. The life that your wife writes about in the Christmas letter, the life of steady accomplishment and upward movement on life's graph, is mostly fiction. The reality is that we are all in over our heads. I am and you are. God help us. And so far He has. It could be worse.” -- Garrison Keillor
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