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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. And actually, the more I saw of it, the more it makes sense in the long term. They intend this to replace the dollar bill. Coinage is MUCH longer-lasting than paper money. No more paying people good money to first print the money, then a short time later, shovel rumpled, soiled, torn $1 bills into a big furnace and then pay people good money to stripsearch the shovelers on their way out and then have to pay.... I've actually got a quarter from 1950!
  2. It is this reason why I think McGahee's gone after next season, and after this season if he and Rosen-h-ass start grumbling about their contract. RBs don't last long in the NFL (avg career is ~2 years) and it's been shown a lot recently that a much cheaper rookie can come right in and an O won't skip a beat.
  3. How so? Bettis is 5-11 255 BL is 6-2 235
  4. Please say that David Crosby isn't involved in all of this.
  5. When you're nose-to-nose your toes are in it; when you're toes-to-toes your nose is in it.
  6. Well, granted that a number of the left's 'action-taking visionaries' in that time period were assassinated for said action-taking....
  7. ... No.
  8. People (including me) were thinking similar things about Matt Bernstein last year. He didn't get drafted. Marv really has to upgrade FB this offseason; it is as important as OL. And it can be done later --- maybe a comp pick. Shelton is getting old and, sorry to say, his skills are declining. I'm not sold on BL, and certainly not as early as that. I have been very impressed with Michael Cox from Georgia Tech in 4 games I saw. Hell of a blocker with a nose for clearing a path at the GL; also has good hands and has lined up as a TE.
  9. Not good news if you went to J-school (not like you go into it for $ anyway, but...). And if you thought the quality of news had hit rock bottom, it will now start to dig.
  10. A big giveaway was that RJ wasn't here when we had the new style jerseys. Drew introduced them in his first year here.
  11. Playing a team that was 9-2 and loaded at almost every position, I didn't think it would be as close as it was. We still need to be more consistent and put up good drives throughout the game rather than nailbiters. Our tickers could do w/o the Cardiac Kids bit. I can see the light for next season, which at week 8 was all but extinguished.
  12. Same thing as the video of Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam back in the 80s. He who is your friend today can easily be your enemy tomorrow. Reading Ben Franklin's autobiography right now, and he makes the point that it was in no small part the French & Indian War's (what that statue is in recognition of, tho Washington wasn't as distinguished in it as the avg. American is led to believe but it did gain him valuable experience) cost and ineffectiveness that lead to the Revolution when the king tried to get the money he spent here back through taxes. I suppose this is a theme repeated since the dawn of man; wage war now, and push the nasty-ass part of actually paying for it down the line.
  13. Let me guess the Republican response... "Well, this is different." Actually it's not pork. Most, if not all, of the money for the presidential libraries is raised by private donations. The reason for the above stink about the Clinton library was that, being private, the donor list did not need to be disclosed. The concern being that favors are gotten in return for a promised gift to the pres. library.
  14. Oh, come on! Can't I just be allowed to be a Connecticut homer?! Just this once? (BTW --- I was aware of the distinction; just being a smartass.) George Washington actually did spend 3 days in my town. According to the written accounts, he hated it.
  15. Ahhh.... but do they know that George Washington was not really the first POTUS? A history lesson for y'all.
  16. I think this is one of those cases where this site's First Amendment right ends where the rights of the informants and undercover cops begin. That is a veritable "Here they are --- go kill them." There was a thing in the Providence/SE Mass area about people wearing "NO SNITCHING!" T-shirts, worn by drug dealers and gang members involved in a number of murders. They were declared illegal. I would concur; it's an imminent threat. But the damage is done for the people already named. It's online forever now.
  17. Funny, I thought they sent a pretty big message....
  18. You don't know how right you are.
  19. Something I read the other day.... You can't be prosecuted for anything you do on the Senate floor?
  20. The only things left are a sex tax and an air consumption tax. And that's only b/c they haven't figured out how. Doesn't really matter who's in power. It may be the oldest axiom in American politics that Dems may pass these things in the first place, but Repubs are just as quick to spend it when they get their grubby hands on it. I would hope that the new round of fiscal conservative Dems will be enough to quash this or convince the leadership that this would be bad for America. This is one of the better incentives for using the Internet, which is convenient for shoppers, the stores, less crowding in stores, fewer people on the roads in bad weather near the holidays, and about 6,942 other reasons I don't have time to list or the willpower to think of right now.
  21. I was going to suggest something and then read that. He's one of those coaches. IME, saying something usually ends badly. Is this sponsored by a rec commission, school,...? Is there an AD that he answers to? Talk to that person about your concerns (and yes, someone who dismisses the need for 5-y.o's to hydrate frequently.... that's actually a physical concern, in addition to the age-appropriateness of the program) and ask them to attend a session. If he runs the whole show, I'd pull him out and shop around for a better coach.
  22. And ironically, it's one of the causes of so many guys having limp noodles. Link Thingy.
  23. Remember that game against My-yami when Ricky 'Puff Daddy' Williams pwned us on the ground.... and the Mammals Without External Genetalia still lost?
  24. Pay money to watch other people have sex? Yeah, this is going to be the extent of our GDP in about 5 years.
  25. Corrected. Good-to-Great DEs make plays, not get matadored out of them and occasionally clean up when the DBs have played shutdown. AS is adequate and is good at what his game is; and that's what he's there for. But stats showing the depth of non-support in rush defense don't lie. He is nowhere near a Total-Package DE.
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