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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. Leinart's arm is better than Chadwick's.... not that that's saying much. He doesn't have a cannon either. He can be very successful in the right situation. But more important, ML doesn't get rattled and turn into a little girl when he gets hit a couple of times.
  2. I'd have the same hope, but there's several kids in the candy store with money burning holes in their pockets. And I just don't think Ralph is among them. And if I just mixed a metaphor, then so be it.
  3. Eleven INTs, solid pass coverage, coming from someone who's had to watch the Pats every week since forever .... He is a great 'nose-for-the-ball' CB and while he certainly benefits from the cast around him, that becomes something of a moot point in FA. I'd love to have him on my team. But his price tag is going to be more than Clements'. Deservedly so. While a lot of Nate's worth is in his own mind, AS's is on film and in the numbers.
  4. All right, everybody! Start reading "Silas Marner" in five... four... three....
  5. Link What happened in Mosul was what's happened in war since time out of mind. While you're there in large numbers, you can control a lot of what happens; when most of your forces leave, what would have happened if you were never there will happen anyway. This admin thinks if they just bang their heads against the wall one more time, a door will magically appear there. They didn't get the message from the voters. But as I predicted before the election, this is all posturing so all of the polticial sides can go to their comfortable corners. Repubs threw the election so they can blame the Dems for 'cutting funding and not supporting our troops' and leaving Iraq 'before the job was done,' but at the end of the day, the real power brokers charged with keeping things status quo will meet in the back rooms and clink scotch glasses. The mess is cleaned up and either side can blame the other. Nothing changes.
  6. They may take our lives, but they'll never take.... OUR FREEDOM!!!!
  7. Don't give them any ideas. They have a woman president, you know.
  8. So now they want to take away the one thing we have left that they can't do? How is this an issue in public, i.e. men's room | women's room? Put toilets in the men's room and we'll still piss standing up. How is that more sanitary? At least w/ urinals, the duties of the chamberpots are kept relatively seperate (apart from the 'Who dookied in the urinal!?'). Also, this is an anotomical question --- sitting scrunches up the tubing, no? Any guy who actually does this should turn in his Man Card. They should just be grateful we don't piss in the sink, like at the Ralph. The only thing I give a to while in the restroom is guys who brace themselves with one hand placed high on the wall. What is that?
  9. See, he could do everything right, but my point through this whole thing has been, if the other party involved doesn't do #3 also....
  10. Our civil liberties will not go in one fell swoop. They will go piece by little piece.
  11. Get a pair of big'uns in the middle, and we can call it the 'Buffalo Cover-2' rather than trying to run another team's scheme that's tailored to their personnel, their division and most of all (I think) their climate. Teams won't be passing in Buffalo as much as they run, especially late in the season. Vive le difference.
  12. KMart was bought by Sears; I think it was last year. Unlike a omplete takeover, they've allowed the KMart brand name to stick rather than switch all of the signage to Sears. Wouldn't surprise me if they decided to consolidate, as they need to cut costs to pay for buying them, as that is how profit is made.
  13. Yes it does. But you're misrepresenting what "freedom of speech" is. You are equating it to 'You can say anything you want w/o consequences.' In reality, FoS just guarantees that the govt cannot put you in prison for what you say (besides making a threat of violence). It doesn't mean you can't be fired from your job for what you say, ostracised from the community or that people must continue doing business with you. FoS is like the freedom to jump off your roof and fly --- you can try it, but there are consequences. The important point here is that this book offers real, physical proof of bias. Every time this judge hears a case involving illegal immigration in any way, it provides immediate grounds for appeal. The reason why nominees for SCotUS (i.e. Roberts' confirmation, memorably) decline to answer such broad questions on their philosophy is that it gives the appearance of prejudice. He had the right to write the book, but not w/o professional consequences. What those consequences may be, I don't know.
  14. Oh look, I have my own little stalker.
  15. [sarcasm] Yes, that's what's being advocated. [/sarcasm] We all make choices --- thousands every day --- and we all have to accept the results of said choices. No way to go back in time and change them. Unless this was random, it looks like DW or someone he was associated with PO'ed the wrong person, with tragic consequences. What happened, happened and no one ever said life was fair. We all act like we're close to invincible, but we have so little control over what happens. Hopefully the police catch the reponsible person(s), but like the Ray Lewis incident, I doubt the public will ever learn one quarter of the truth. All due respect, but on the grand scale, no, they don't. Different faces, different places, different implements, but the same mistakes made at the dawn of man will still be made at the dawn of the Apocalypse.
  16. I'd say that insurance companies have just as much or more to do with it than the govt. How do you think Aetna, Cigna, et al. afford their huge buildings in Hartford? And the $500,000 rare mohagony meeting-room desks (my uncle was one of the people who built them)? That WalMart is offering more choices for people and more competition for Rx is only a good thing. Another thing I've heard about is having practioners actually at pharmacies who can prescribe for low-level conditions, i.e. ear infections, poison ivy, etc. for a nominal fee rather than someone having to go to a $100 doctor's visit just so s/he can look at you for 2 minutes and give you an Rx in handwriting that no one can read. That makes SO much sense, it boggles the mind why no one has done it before. Could really help streamline things for a system that's just getting overburdened.
  17. It is real. Worse than the Madden curse, and we do it to ourselves! So, with this in mind, who do we propose to go on a new banner? Or should there be a player picture at all? I think a nice all-text banner would be nice.
  18. Are you effing dense? First, I used that phrase in quotes b/c that's the common usage describing those players. There are many degrees of 'character.' On the low end, let's go with Osama bin Laden. On the high end, let's say.... Ghandi. I'd say players like Lee Evans, Aaron Schoebel, etc. that Marv likes are higher character than people like Kobe Bryant, Lawrence Phillips, and the like. Why? They've never been involved in any kind of trouble. They do their jobs, go home, and you otherwise don't hear a peep. I'm getting castigated by you b/c I appreciate people like that? That I appreciate Thurman Thomas handing the ball to the ref rather than acting like a fool? I'm not slamming DW. He seemed to have turned things around quite a bit from his youth. But if you opened the myspace link, there's photos on there that show he still did the club scene. Nothing wrong with that; this is the land of the free, but as Bill said, and he should know, that lifestyle and hanging around with that crowd assumes more risk than driving straight home to wifey every night. Regardless, that didn't make him a 'bad person' b/c he chose to do different things. Mountain-climbers aren't 'bad people' even tho what they do is extremely risky. He didn't 'deserve' to be shot; I don't think anyone here said anything like that. And.... and you know what? I'm tired of explaining myself to you. I have better things to do.
  19. God, every time I watch their games I think to myself, 'I shouldda gone to USC!'
  20. Why, did it scream, "... And then we're gonna go to MARS!! And SATURN'S SECOND RING!!! YEEAAAHHHHWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!" over its audio system?
  21. In the NFL, if you win the toss and 'defer' you would kick to start the game, and the loser of the flip decides what they want to start the 2nd half. Unless you're Baltimore, whose D can score as much as their O, no coach in his right mind would think of defering. Never understood why the NFL does it this way. It pigeonholes the winner of the coin flip, when by logic, the winner should have a better choice --- if they want to receive it to start the first half or to start the second.... as the college flip allows.
  22. His throwing the ball at Barringer after the 4th Q catch was low-ball. And the guy was hurt, too. Pick him at your own peril; he'll get you a lot of yards, but he'll be getting a lot of 15-yard penalties on Sundays, and will be a major distraction. The refs called a hell of a game. They get so much gruff when the screw up, they should get some credit when they do a good job.
  23. I don't know what the dispute is about either. What you just wrote is a summation of everything I've written on this. But what would you know, Bill, you're just a cop. BlueFire staked a position put words in my mouth and now, in the face of all contrary evidence, is trying to defend it with all the vigor he's learned from the best bullsh--ters he looks up to on PPP.
  24. I never said DW was Ed. Why don't you go exercise your wrist while staring at your Vince Young poster? There's a reason why the Texans logo is a !@#$ skull.
  25. I knew those were contacts (or Photoshop?)! No one has eyes that blue, even me. All of that enhancement stuff gives me the heebie-geebies. Like on that earthquake episode of "Fresh Prince of Bel Air": I'm stuck in a basement Sittin' on a tricycle Girl gettin' on my nerve Goin' outta my mind I thought she was fine Don't know if her body is hers!
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