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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. Schaub is the 2007 version of RJ. Carr has gotten the sh-- beat out of him, even this early in his career. The couple of times I've seen him, he's looked gunshy... and lots of guys never recover from that.
  2. Nice extra-textuals. That's the thing about the show --- they pull in so much stuff from so many sources and connect it all together. Not knowing about it doesn't really lessen the show, but finding out about all the intricacies shows how much research and creativity the writers and execs put into it. Wasn't Bosch the one who used to beat his head against his easel for 'inspiration'?
  3. 1) D you mean that Locke's father will turn out to be the original Sawyer? 2) I'd say that quote gets a little dicey when the loved person lives on 'mystery frickin' island' and literally has a gun to her head. Sorry, but Jack was such a flake right there. 3) Wouldn't say that I don't like Locke. As the saying goes, he "is what he is." Brings a certain dynamic to the show, and if you believe the mumbo-jumbo, all of his actions are necessary. This is a man who has gotten jobbed SO much, it's hard not to feel some pity for him and some respect for that now that he's in his element, he's going after what he believes. 4) I believe that Walt and Michael will be back, maybe in the season finale, maybe next season, but they will be back. As for Bernard&Rose, their story as it relates to the island seemed to be wrapped up --- they're staying.
  4. Somehow, I think there may be other things that have led to such a change in %.... Maybe the fact that the rules have been bent over backwards in favor of the offense side of the game?!!? Moving the kickoff back will do nothing to change the fact that CBs aren't allowed to look at WRs w/o getting a 15- or spot-of-contact penalty. And why have such a rule exclusive to OT? Make a consistent change or none at all. If the NFL wants to truly make OT even-handed, it would adopt the college OT system. They keep meddling with things to no effect, and so, if you want to win in OT, you need to get lucky on the coin toss.
  5. Well, to compensate, I spend no time thinking about Anna Nicole Smith or Tom Cruise. Didn't get the impression that he was immune. But when Locke said something about Ben not healing as fast anymore, or about the cancer growing in the first place.... Ben was petty quieted by that, when his natural inclination is to interject some cunning response. Seemed to me like he knew Locke had hit the nail on the head. Not saying that Ben was surprised by some revelation --- he knows the 'island's healing power' isn't working anymore --- just that Locke had rooted it out so quickly. But then again, Locke knows by experience that what the island giveth the island can taketh away.
  6. Wow. Total surprise w/ Locke's dad pushing him out the window. (Notice the brand of Scotch, btw?) An 8-story fall onto his back --- yet another injury/situation where one of the Lostaways should have died and... somehow... didn't. It's interesting re: the conversation b/w Locke and Ben that the island's healing properties aren't working anymore for Ben. Is there an expiration date? Ben is a manipulator, Alex sez. Whoopidy gee, there's something we didn't know. But it's just the way he manipulates people. Master psychologist. But other than that, Locke's father is there, supposedly from the 'magic box' (along with all of the previous box imagery) where you can open it and whatever you want is inside... That box has been working overtime, it seems, and may not be confined to a 'box' per se, but the whole island, where if you're thinking about something enough, something will show up from that situation (usually has been an animal) either in waking life or dreams. I bet this has something to do with the monster; that its like an... etheral computer that can download people's memories so the Others can use that information. And what the hell was that b/w Jack and Kate? There's just an air that he does care deeply for her, but on the other hand, he wouldn't tell her jacksh-- then closes the door and says "I wish you hadn't come." What's the difference whether he comes back for her later or if he's there now? Is he going to bring an army or something? Pretty much everything that is needed to defeat the Others, if indeed they need to be defeated, is on the island. But that brings me to another thing following from whether they need to be defeated... so, we know the Others can travel back in time (the Desmond ep) and there's the whole theory that things will happen as they were meant to happen (with various ways of being done... but it will still happen. Take that any way you want. God's hand, hard determinism, free will or compatibilism), what makes anyone so uncertain that they can't also travel into the future? Perhaps they are the 'good guys.' Perhaps they are trying to avert an apocalypse.
  7. The ep everyone's been waiting for is on tonight. From the previews (and therefore, not a spoiler), it looks as if Kate's rescue mission is a day late and a dollar short --- the Others are going to let Jack get off the island/go home (not sure how this would happen... "Hey everybody, I was in a plane crash, and now I'm home! I'm sure none of you have any questions...."). Probably why he was yukking it up playing football last week. He says to Kate that he will come back for her. But, more than that, answers about what happened to Locke.
  8. If (big if) Hillary gets the nomination, she would not pick Wes Clark to be her VP, nor would he accept if she did. Lots of sh-- went down with him and Bill & his administration during the Bosnia war.
  9. I'm actually leaning toward Romney. I could really give a sh-- that he's Mormon. Whether it's cleaning up the Olympics, running his business, taking action during some major flooding and dam break in Mass. and then getting out of the way and letting the construction people do their jobs, and then w/ the Big Dig falling concrete ceiling ties he finally was allowed by the legislature to intervene and fire people (for the Big Dig, he gets way too much criticism for something he inherited and by law could do next to nothing about). Worked across the aisle to institute mandatory health insurance (even when covering the uninsured, something that actually made fiscal sense in Mass when you look at the numbers). He has always been a problem solver. That's what a president needs to be above all other things.
  10. Arnold has now set California's presidential primary to Feb. 5 up from June. New Hampshire moved theirs up earlier this year.... There's a good article here. I just don't like the acceleration of the presidential campaigning. It's getting crazier as every state wants to be the first to have a primary so pols will actually pay attention to them. The two candidates will be selected in early Feb, and then have 9 months to spew sweet nothings and fling escalating attack ads. Meanwhile, the candidates running for the nominations have less time to debate so people can actually have enough to base a decision on. It is good news only for early front-runners (who have a tendency to burn out once people learn about their ideas) and bad news for a lesser-known candidate who might have great ideas that no one ever hears b/c there's so little time for exposure. It is dangerous for democracy.
  11. If I ever get to be President, AD is going to be my press secretary. I wouldn't care if he agrees with me or not. Just for the pure-gold putdowns.
  12. Just thinking about Goth Claire, tho. Add yet another time one of the Lostaways have been in car accidents or had loved ones die in other accidents where they walk away. Another thing, re: the message on the bird.... Far be it from me to question the efficacy of it, but as far as putting a piece of paper on the foot with a quick tie, won't it kind of disintegrate when the bird goes in the water or if it rains, etc.?
  13. OK, I dig. That is probably the best way to describe it. So on a scale from 1 to 10 (10 being the hottest, o' course) she goes from a 15 to a 14.
  14. Mmmm.... I remain unimpressed. That white helmet does not look good with the dark jersey; the dark facemask doesn't mitigate anything, and looks severely out of place with the lighter jerseys. Yet another example of namby-pamby designers who are given an original to work around, they make 20 'tweaks' and thereby change it entirely so they can add something to their portfolios, as they did in the Bills 2001 redesign. When you bastardize details from 40 years of uniforms, remember that you get a bastard as a result. Also, blame our current monstrosities on Donahoe, but also give him credit for overseeing the throwbacks. Those are as near to a perfect redesign as it gets. No piping, no fuss, no frill; just pure tradition. I hope Russ Brandon (Marv has nothing to do with the business/marketing side) gets on the ball and a full-time changeover is in the works soon.
  15. Yes, we (or was it just me?) surmised from last season that Claire was Jack's half-sister via Christian (it was a possibility for the stewardess girl with the tailies... But come on, this is Lost). Locke knew about the C4 and pushed the buttons that he knew/should have known would self-destruct the house. Claire learned about Desmond's seeing ability. I just wonder about all that still. If Desmond knows what's going to happen (he knew exactly where the bird was), why can't he do things to get them off of the island? Or is it more of a thing that he has to wait for things to just happen as they were intended while knowing the future? Still, he keeps saving Charlie, tho. That 'Unstuck in Time' Desmond episode just blows your mind the more you think about it. Laughing playing catch with Tom (who throws like a girl, BTW. Could the reason that Kate 'isn't his type' be that he's got a man-crush on Jack? ). Seems like they have turned him. Or he knows he cannot escape b/c of the sonic Invisible Fence thing. What is weird is that all of the Others know all about the Lostaways' lives before they came to the island (and Locke might have killed Patch Guy to keep him quiet about his being paralyzed --- and holy crap does next week look awesome! Answers about Locke. This show is hitting its stride now). They know their capabilities, details of their past that no one could possibly expect to know, their psychological pressure points to get them to do things.... To wit, the Others wanted Kate and Sawyer not b/c they were 'good people'; rather, they were used to get Jack to do their bidding.
  16. Didn't say it'd be Maybury, but I'd say the crime rate would go down. And, yes, it'd take a while, as I said.
  17. 'Nooooo! Not my child!' Welcome to the excuse factory. Lemme guess. Mr. Blake is a Dr. Spock neophyte and the kid never got a spanking or saw a corner as a small child.
  18. Refining the interpretation of the 2nd Amendment by one of the higher courts in the land, thereby creating a precedent that, indeed, it does not apply to militias exclusively (which is stupid --- the National Guard, etc. get paid by the federal govt, whose orders you would be bound to follow) but to every qualified citizen. Yeah, that could be pretty big. Cold, hard liberty actually being delivered to the American people rather than taken from them, usually is. Watch as D.C.'s crime rate goes down over the next couple of decades. When handguns are outlawed only the outlaws have handguns. Now they'll have to worry whether the next person they rob/rape/murder might be shooting back.
  19. This is his schtick following many of my posts in the last 3-4 months. At first it was humorous, then it was annoying, now it's just pathetic that he actually spends time out of his life on this sh--. And if he weren't something of a joke and enigma here on the Wall, someone might actually enforce the Terms of Service agreement. He stalks a lot of people. But, whatever. Water off a duck's back.
  20. Can't say he was wholly wrong, especially pre-Bye-Week switch, but the OL-RB relationship is symbiotic. Add a RB who doesn't know the plays and gives less than a full effort, and of course the OL will look like sh--. Conversely, a great RB can make a sh--ty OL look like worldbeaters. One or the other can cause a D to play on their heels a little more. I'm going to say our situation was more column A than column B. And I'm going to say that the move that was made by the professional evaluators at OBD supports that, as well as the most important stat --- Willis's utter derth of TDs. I'd rather have a guy who will work his ass off to get better every day than a guy who thinks he can skate by with his physical 'talent.' We'll see who was right by next season.
  21. Federal Court Throws Out 30-Year-Old Handgun Ban In Washington, D.C. Score one for reading the the Constitution as it is, not as how gun-banners want it to be! Nevermind that this ban did absolutely nothing to stop D.C. from being the homicide capital of the country for decades.
  22. 100%! Actually, 50%. Unless Joe Klecko reproduces asexually.
  23. ... in the back seat of a limo. Every day. No joke.
  24. I hadn't heard about it. People could definitely get the wrong impression. In the common logic, ski mask + liquor store = robbery. Why the guy got arrested for it is just beyond me. It's a lot like the guy (in Ohio, I think) who actually got put on the sex offender roll b/c he grabbed a girl's arm to say 'WTH?!' after she still wasn't paying attention after he almost hit her w/ his car when she stepped in the road. The only reasoning might be that in times like these, we can't have police responding to bogus calls (read: a waste of tax $) that were prompted by the actions of idiots. But then, you'd have to jail everyone who calls 911 b/c they have a fuggin' headache. To me, there was no crime, and there certainly shouldn't have been a punishment, even CS. Jokes, freedom of expression, fashion and cold weather gear are evidently illegal in CT, don't you know.
  25. Which is why, except in rare cases, all the cool kids DON'T sign RBs for bigtime $. Cheap, adequate (or better) replacements can be found in the draft.
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