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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. Right you are. Tom even said Michael 'traded one island for another (Manhattan).'
  2. Several people, including myself, surmised that at the time... just the way he said that. I believe Lindelof/Cuse confirmed that Mikhail died from the grenade blast. Likely that he will appear in flashbacks. That's something I was wondering about too. I don't have the means/time to compare the two ladies or look at the picture of the boy. Bear in mind, just b/c Frank's, Daniel's and the other woman's were flashbacks... are we sure that Miles' flash was a flashback, or could it have been a flashforward? I forget. And guys, WRT Danielle and Karl... remember what Ben said to Michael yesterday. Ben doesn't kill innocent people (ala how Michael killed AL and Libby); in a literal way, he's right. Ben has other people do his killing for him. Tgreg, I don't think the pilot that we saw was played by Greg -?- now on Heros. As was shown last night, it was just a body dug up in a graveyard. But we've also got a question of who staged the 815 plane: Ben or Widmore? Ben has the file with receipts, etc., but it all seems too wrapped up in a bow.
  3. I'd be very surprised if those cuts weren't first at least run by Bobby April, who's the Asst HC in addition to ST. Wire & Haggan might be considered losses, but then again, Wire was out for much of the year and we held up pretty well. And you have to reload your backups every now and then --- 'dem's breaks. Wendling and Fox had a couple of nice stops on K/PRs late in the season, iirc.
  4. Richardson has been angling for the VP slot... probably was from the start. Stayed on the hedge until now, hoping that he could be a kingmaker for whichever was ahead. He's played his card for Obama and it'll be interesting to see how much cachet he brings. BR would be a solid VP choice for Obama.
  5. Same thing has happened wrt medical records for various celebs. This world is full of Nosy Parkers if you didn't know. All of the breaches were likely nosy employees who may or may not have been looking for some odd dirt or blackmail fodder (I personally doubt there was any malfeasance intended). It's likely been told to them that they are not to do searches outside of their parameters... they didn't think they'd get caught... and now the MSM and the legal system are going to come down on their asses. That's the thing with making everything so easy to search and retrieve in the Google Age. Sucks for them that they get fired or face prosecution for something so stupidly petty.
  6. Yeah, likely would've happened off-screen. Frank asking what happened, then getting an answer we already know (That answer being a big ) isn't the kind of streamlining the Lost writers go for unless it's necessary, and it ain't, b/c we aren't to that point in the story... yet. As I wrote in the pre-TSW-crash thread, I'm sure there's something coming with the pilot in a Frank flashback, as Greg what's-his-name-now-on-"Heros" is scheduled to appear this season.
  7. Point 3 is incorrect. Women can conceive on the island, just as Juliet says, they all (9) die during the second trimester. Sun conceived on the island, got back to the mainland and had her baby. It seems to be some specific point of development that the island's properties attack in fetuses. I'm also uncomfortable accepting the theory of the 'copies.' Logically, it could go that the people onboard 815 all time-traveled to 1988 as their 2004 self (likewise, Desmond time-traveled forward and required the 'constant' to delineate/separate the altering realities). Then, Ben staged the 815 crash, complete with the ring-less pilot. Locke (and perhaps Rose --- we don't know for a fact she is healed, which Bernard was quick to point out last week) was healed by some force existent on the island (Jacob?) and Ben, who'd enjoyed health all those years in the island's semi-static time zone, got cancer. Very interesting stuff otherwise.
  8. . How does it give prosecutors "another hammer"? They have the 5 year mandatory sentence that they routinely drop in plea... hence why certain groups call for enforcing the laws already on the books rather than having to make up lesser-punishment new ones.
  9. If he wants to have a snowball's chance of winning, it's what he needs to do. Presidential losers have a history of not adequately mending fences w/in their party. JMac hoping that he can cut in on the Dem vote and steal the election that way is borderline retarded. If the Maverick streak doesn't subside, it'll be a blowout.
  10. Yep. So much for justices deciding each case based on the merits of the case, rather than a prejudicial belief on the topic. GUNS BAD!
  11. Supreme Court tackles gun control: Justices signal support for individual ownership Umm, I'd say he's swinging in a certain direction....
  12. Can't believe people continue to meet with this * and give his slander and grandstanding credence.
  13. And you don't think that's not the very next step if this BS law is upheld? Way to dance around the concrete questions and focus on some or other inanity, as they teach at law school. AD, the 'Collectivists' love to pretend that the "(to) the people" phraseology throughout the BoR applies to each person individually rather than individuals-as-part-of-groups, until it gets to this. Funny me, I always thought the 2nd was written in plainly clear English. And to the asshat above who said that 'strict constructionist judges' are somehow in a pickle on this issue, please go to your elementary school of attendance and get your money back.
  14. Word is that CBS will be showing the non-cliffhanger, wrap-up ending. Don't exactly know how they're going to do that in 1 hour. But if they can, then why the hell haven't they done more like that throughout the series? First of all, this is a show where American cities are nuked; not the most inviting topic for family viewing. Then, people are off-put by storylines that develop then get cut off --- so the story unfolding that you just spent an hour watching became moot and they were right back to where they started (to wit, the ep with the journalist this season --- you think 'Hey, the word might get out' and then bam, 'heart attack'). An 'inverted V' storyline sucks and it drives viewers away in droves. They took a series that had some potential and applied way too much brake and spent too much time into character dev and 'talk' in a show that needed action.
  15. Picking Lieberman would be a death knell for McCain's bid. Conservatives are already leery of JMac; picking a guy who used to be a (and is currently caucused as a) Democrat as his VP would ensure the conservative vote stays home. Big mistake if he doesn't pick a running mate who's in line with the party core; as that is he'll have a hard time winning, if he picks across another liberal or RINO, he loses in a landslide. I wouldn't complain about losing Lieberman tho. Connecticut, in his time in the Senate, has routinely gotten back ~ 40 cents on the dollar from what we pay in federal taxes --- and for tony CT, that's no small figure. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Lieberman.
  16. Dude, that happened in Season 2 on the raft. Simple solution: no like-y, no watch-y.
  17. Yeah. Ask Rosen, he'll say the same thing. Almost like you rehearsed it.... [Coffee cup drops. Slow-motion frame shot of Lakesider looking down at the shards with a quizzical look / furrowed brow. Print on bottom of cup reveals: "Powered By IP.Board © 2008 IPS, Inc. Licensed to: Two Bills Drive" Lakesider looks around at the bulletin boards, seeing year-old names like Lynch, Patrick Willis, Adrian Peterson, McGahee... something about a free hot tub... Sabres in Round 1 of the NHL playoffs.... He realizes the story he'd been reading for the past 2 hours was entirely fabricated from events that happened almost a year before. Slow motion continues, as Lakesider starts yelling and moving toward phone.] [Focus on legs of ofiba/Kaiser Rosen on pavement, walking with noticeable limp. Gradually, the limp fades.] [Pan to ofiba/Kaiser Rosen's face, where he takes one last puff of a cigarette before tossing it to the street and entering a blue 1998 Ford Taurus registered to Ralph Wilson.] ofiba: "The greatest trick SDS ever pulled was making the world believe he didn't exist. *poof*" [ ♫♪ "Usual Suspects" theme music ♫♪ ]
  18. Then... why would Jack tell Kate that they have to go back, if there's no way to get back if Ben's the only one who knows where it is? Logically, that doesn't make sense. I think it may be one of the Dharma/Widmore group that had a hand in rescuing the O6. Possibly Frank, who was supposed to be flying 815 and therefore had some connection with Los Angeles as the blurry article said. Highly doubtful it's one of the other Lostaways making it back covertly, one of the O6, or Ben. Or could it have some connection to the black lady that Miles visited to get rid of the ghost (the camera paused on the picture of the guy for too long not to mean something)?
  19. Look at the Nielsen ratings.... Doesn't look good. Doing noticeably worse than it did last season. I just think it moves too slowly for most viewers. I watch Lost and that show moves slow. Jericho moves s...................l................o.......................w and it's only come on in actually interesting me the last two weeks with me wanting to see the J&R guy get his; even that should have been done in one ep. The writers knew they were under the gun and didn't tighten anything in the script. SciFi Channel may pick it up, as they had talked about it when Jericho was first slated for cancellation.
  20. Not meaning to be so grim here, but the actuarials don't take into account individual health history. McCain has a long history of melanoma, prostate problems, whatever it is that swelled both of his cheeks (looks similar to Jerry Lewis), his Vietnam injuries --- difficult for him to raise his arms, and knee problem... to say nothing of what happened in his Hanoi Hilton stay. When he's on stage, on TeeVee, he looks pale and old. Not saying that's what people should base their vote on, but you'd be wrong if you think voters won't consider his age and health. Subsequently the issue of who he picks as a VP is pretty big. A lot of 'experts' say this is what doomed the Dole candidacy. Half of the battle for the presidency is fitting the image; then again, right now, we're narrowed down to three who break the mold.
  21. Coke Classic or Vanilla Coke (don't know why they pulled it), back when I used to drink one every day. Pepsi-anything and diet-anything tastes like crap to me. Now, it's ~ once a month when I drink soda. Real test of willpower when you get addicted to the caffeine like I was. My dentist said she'd kick my ass if I didn't stop (she's my cousin). Just ruins the teeth. I try for cranberry juice, water, and tea.
  22. Word from another LOST podcast is that after this week's ep (a Michael-centric ep titled "Meet Kevin Johnson," evidently filling us in on what's happened since the dock) the series will be on writer's-strike-induced hiatus until 24 April, and it will return to the 10 p.m. time slot. Wasn't exactly the plan, but at least we get a full season.
  23. Not really. He told Claire that no one else must be allowed to raise Aaron and that it was her good influence alone that needed to be present, otherwise.... ?? We have been led to believe (by his own admission) that this guy is a fraud and not psychic, but that his daughter --- whose drowning/waking from the dead Eko was sent to investigate --- is. She might have related her visions to her father (she might have done this as part of his business) re: Claire & Aaron. We don't know what transpired that Kate has custody of him... if Claire gave him to her with instructions, if Claire is dead, if another pyschic (Miles) said it would be OK for her son to go with a murderer.... That's for a future chapter to answer.
  24. Weekly Standard: Romney Is McCain's Best VP Option Pretty good argument made. I might actually support this ticket, as I think this country needs someone w/ Romney's economic and 'miracle turnaround' experience. McCain says the economy is his weak suit. Can't have that unfilled in the times we're now facing. But then, there is the acrimony built up b/w them during the campaign. That was so last month tho, and the axiom rings true that politics makes for short memories and strange bedfellows.
  25. sloth, I think your LOST prediction tagline has been ruled out. When I think about it, I just flash back to that comic book with the glass-dome thing. As if that dome is really some kind of small time bend that occurs b/c of (per the Desmond ep) radiation or magnetic anomaly. Transportation with electrical systems, compasses, etc. on them that pass through the field at any point other than the safe coordinates (i.e. the one Daniel provided Frank) get FUBARed, crash or wash up onshore.
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