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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. They'll defend themselves until the last one of them dies, huh? Reports are, now, that they're killing among themselves. And, get this, CNN is making a distinction b/w "moderate pirates" (those who want to surrender) and the more committed "radical pirates." Are there such things as "moderate terrorists" too? How simplistic / categoristic can they get in dumbing down news? Also a little disconcerting that the USS Howard took photos of the assault last week and evidently, did bupkiss. Then again, I don't suppose they can do anything b/c it's not their ship... not even a U.S. ship. But a second then again, how eeriely similar is that scene to the Cole bombing? And with such cargo on board, there had to be a threat (or should have been) that the pirates (how could they assume it was not AQ at that point?) would use those weapons against the Howard?
  2. I would only say that encouraging F&F and irresponsible home buyers at that time by even hinting that the govt would back bad loans would've made for an even worse situation. Even if the tide was coming in, how could he have said anything else than 'No bailouts!'?
  3. I'll take "Lowering Expectations" for $1,000, Alex. Pre-emptive move that if she does as badly in the debate as in her interviews so far, it's not her fault. It's her preparers! It's the debate team! Sarah isn't responsible for what Sarah says (or, doesn't say) or thinks. And if she holds her own, she's the next Babe Ruth! It's gotten so bad that they sent McCain on with her as a guide and it still managed to be a clusterf--k.
  4. Did someone check under the couch? This is the sh-- that really gets me shaking my head. Friggin' Wall Street is like Monopoly money. One day it's there and then wup! you just lose a trillion dollars. Gone. Just disappeared like a fart in the wind. But, who knows, maybe it'll be back tomorrow. Wall Street is to economics what astrology is to science.
  5. Link This is actually the first I've heard of this here in the state (can't get the CT teevee market, weird as that is, and 'I am less well-read than the average bus driver' ). The article says the so-called "direct initiative" is used in 31 states. So, I'm wondering what the general thoughts on it are. I believe this is the avenue that California used to recall Gray Davis? Per the article, the feeling is that this would force votes on politically charged issues, e.g. same-sex marriage. Incidentally, in the article, supporters of both sides seem in favor of the constitutional convention (reference: CT already allows civil unions), which would add language allowing for and --- one would suppose ---outlining the process for invoking the direct initiative and the other machinations. But like opening a can of worms, there's sure to be other topics. On its face, I think I'd support something that the people could use when they have politicians that fail to address serious issues. One sure sign to read is that it seems many politicians, special interest groups, union groups, etc. are lining up in opposition to the direct initiative, saying that it will clog up the system. The cynic in me thinks it's only natural that they'd oppose anything that might infringe on their cohorts' accumulation of power that's been wrested away from the People over time out of mind. So, I'm asking for those in states with 'direct initiatives' and those with knowledge... What is its worth? What to expect from it? (Probably, not much).
  6. Don't quite get why this hasn't been arranged yet. Maybe it's in the works. Time was these sh--bags' blood would be drying in the sun right now. Don't tell me that they're actually allowing negotiations. They need to be made an example of. But, you know, that's not how big countries have to operate these days --- they need to apologize to the hijackers for making them commandeer the ship... like an "attractive nuisance."
  7. Greer is gonna get a fat UFA contract. Mark my words. Sucks that we'll be losing him, but his stepping up this year --- along with Youboty --- will be a big reason we go as far as I think we're going to go!
  8. More Fey-as-Palin on SNL.
  9. IMing through the first presidential debate. A running commentary that I just had to share. On a serious note, my brother wears two of these for guys in his unit that he served with/commanded. Am I the only one who thought/think this phenomenon --- other than for guys who were true friends/fellow soldiers of the deceased --- is remarkably crass, even for American politics? "Look, I know of a dead soldier! And this is a little piece of metal around my wrist! That means my opinion on military policy is right!"
  10. My old Boy Scout troop leader sold him the land the camp is located on, and ran the camp for some time. It's a pretty competitive process to be a volunteer there.
  11. My father worked security at his HITWGC nearby during the celebrity galas they'd have. He met Mr. Newman several times. One of those times a car came down a blocked-access road, the window rolled down and the driver said, "Officer, I've had a long night and I'd just like to get home." He didn't give some ignominous "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!?!" schpiel as if he was the most important person in the world. (My father said to him, "Ahhh... Well, you're not on the list, but all right, go ahead." with a sh--eating grin). Many times, Mr. Newman would stop in at a local convenience store in town, pick something up and stand in line. Most people wouldn't look twice at him in a baseball cap and sunglasses, but also b/c he was much shorter than anyone would envision from the silver screen. He liked just being an ordinary person that was possible out here in the sticks. His wife Joann Woodward has also been a great benefactor to the town's library. In the end, I think his legacy will be as much his camps as for his acting. And tho I'm an avowed agnostic I truly hope he's meeting some of the kids whose pain he tried to ease. RIP Mr. Newman. You did a lot of good.
  12. ... Unless you're Michigan (they went to the Rose Bowl last year. Seriously!) or one of the other perennial favorites that depend on historical performance rather than current year performance. If you're not one of the teams everybody always has a crush on, you have no chance. An 8-team playoff, as many propose, still means that most teams have no chance, but it can ensure that the best of those 8 teams wins, rather than the best of the top two whom the media / vague computer formula hearts.
  13. First off, Obama, despite some gaffes, showed that he can at least keep pace with the big dogs. While some here are chastising him about his several "I agree with..." comments, I don't see what the big deal is; two people can't agree on some issues? There needs to be diametric opposition? Didn't hear nearly as many "ahhh"s as some people here are saying so I don't know where you're getting that from. Noted also that answer to the "what would you cut" question was all things that he would fund, and felt, too, that McCain missed a big opportunity for a zinger there while everyone was watching. That Iraq talk was right out of the 2004 election --- Obama failed to make that relevant to today and the future, point: McCain. Probably should have said something that he was worried, especially wrt Iran, a McCain admin with past wordage in mind, would repeat such a mistake. McCain, as expected, just looked uneasy up there. Very impersonal. He made several attempts at humor that the debate's format ensured fell flat, and times when he was giving a line that supposed to be followed by canned stump speech applause were just plain awkward. Early on, he was trying too hard. Also, he made mention of height difference b/w North and South Koreans and then dropped it w/o making any point at all --- WTF was that about? Entirely out of left field. Wasn't impressed with his "Obama just doesn't understand..." comments, when it was pretty clear that Obama has a firm grasp of the issues, only problem is he doesn't happen to agree with McCain about all of them; big difference b/w "not understanding" them. Brought out the old standby of "most liberal voting record" charge that the Republican candidate has used quite often in the presidential debates --- which one is the "most liberal"? They can't all be.
  14. My point being of course, that not only is Palin out of her league, she's not even playing the same sport!
  15. Or at least have subject-verb agreement. Palin's sentences meander like Connecticut back roads. She starts in one thought and then switches midstream. At this point when she goes into big interviews like that, I imagine her heart is about in her throat and just getting words out seems like an accomplishment, whatever order they're in. For her sake, I hope she gets over this. But holy crap, to say she is out of her league is like saying a Little Leaguer isn't prepared to make a jump to the NFL.
  16. Yep. How similar to this situation to the Lee Evans vocalizations last year? Front office/coach says they're making a decision for the better for the team and when individual members criticize that decision, it can ruffle feathers. How dumb does Lee look now? TE is head and shoulders above where JP was at this point. I don't mean to say that TG will be their savior. Just, especially at that high a level of the profession, people should stay in their lanes. It's not the players' call who plays the game, for good reason.
  17. I think it was a college game last year when a guy was flagged for a personal foul and the ref actually said, "15 yard penalty on the defense... giving him the business" as he motioned to the crotch area. That was a memorable call. They referenced it in a game the other week with the same ref.
  18. That's pretty bush league, promising to do something that's already been done for a while... by the opposition and her own running mate as two of the sponsors. Tells you to how much depth she's been briefed or is aware of what's happening on the national level. McCain has the Republican B-team running his campaign, and it looks like Palin has the D-team. (Full disclosure, I'm going to be voting for 'None of the Above').
  19. Especially considering how he sat on his time outs at the end, I'd be shocked if he's not fired this week. Could have put his team in position to get the ball back with some seconds left if their D forced the issue before the final FG. At least give your team a chance, even for a kick return (as they got at the start of the game). He just stood against the wall and took it. I don't imagine Al or the Raider fanbase will react to that kindly.
  20. Must be doing something right! Gets their D distracted, too.
  21. Just have to wonder if he's dogging it out there. This sh-- keeps up, I'd like to see Walker back at LT and Chambers at RT.
  22. Nah. Trent can't improvise when a play busts. Only JP can do that.
  23. Greer's certainly playing for a fat UFA contract. May not have so many ints, but he's showing great things in coverage this year after having a solid last year as well.
  24. Well, that wasn't exactly my original point, but whatever. The govt is not making money from the sale of the boxes, they are offering coupons to get people to convert to digital willingly and without raising too much of a stink. You're right about splitting hairs, altho that isn't so much the case as much as you're wrong about what is causing what and to what purpose and effect. If Channels 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 are still broadcasting analog in a market (I get all of these channels), the FCC very well can't sell the VHF-low spectrum. Therefore, the push was on for stations to move to UHF or VHF-high, broadcast in digital, and then eventually shut off high-power analog broadcasting, which will finally happen in Feb, after quite a delay b/c stations had dragged their feet in installing expensive digital equipment (I don't think they were jumping for joy over "Free spectrum" as you say. They have to pay for the power to send out the signal for both analog and digital, dividing of their engineers' time, advertisers probably not willing to pay any more when there will be no net gain in viewers,... I could go on and on about the detriments. Anywho, the converter coupons were intended as an incentive for people to be prepared for the switch to digital and not be able to have much bitching rights. Otherwise, the charge would be leveled that the govt sold public property (the airwaves) and left said public out in the cold w/o any help. One thing they didn't want to see was little old grandmothers (seemingly, the target audience of all the digital conversion commercials) on the local news after a storm saying they didn't know about the bad weather b/c their teevees didn't work anymore. Hence, the coupon program so they can sell VHF-low or use it for public safety comm, and eventually sell the upper UHF band.
  25. I'm going to guess that Jesse is too busy still trying to cut Obama's nuts off.
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