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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. Just started re-watching from S1.... I'm see it so differently now. I'm ruminating on the idea that Locke has been 'possessed' by the Man in Black either since the crash or at least since "Tabula Rasa" when Locke first saw the 'monster.' Then again, it's not a simple possession, but it's downloaded his thoughts/events in his life (as we've seen with Smokey) and has incorporated that into playing Locke, or perhaps playing a part of Locke's consciousness. I dunno. There's so many tells that you see in the character now that reflect back to MIB. Things Locke says that have a lot more meaning vis-a-vis the Jacob-MIB scene. Locke knowing exactly when it's going to rain, having so much knowledge of the island.... I just think it's interesting to note that how the Others/Jacob tried to infiltrate the Lostaways, MIB may have done so much more successfully right under our noses. Part of that frustrated man that we all saw all along is a man/entity who's been there at least 250 years. Thoughts?
  2. Well, I'm not going to try to sound all high and mighty by writing something and then trying to justify its degree of soundness by saying "I'm a Y." I don't hate the Current Occupant just as I didn't hate the Previous Occupant. What I am against is shallow thought and outright stupidity. Your continued assertion in the second graf is the shallow thought. We don't know 'the half of much' about her at this point, and you're lofting her as a high ideal of centrism on weak evidence. Ms. Sotomayor's unanimous rebuke from the SCOTUS in her Knight ruling is some pretty hard evidence of the outright stupidity (and maybe something more than stupidity). See Section (a). As Tasini showed, her understanding of (and therefore, I conclude her opinions on) copyright law is shameful, especially as media is wholly converting to that digital archive format. Her long-range view on that, to put it plainly, sucked. Thankfully, Appeals and SCOTUS stepped in make sure freelancers get paid for their work. Note: I'm not providing this as an indication of her spectrum leanings. To be honest, I don't really care what they are. I don't really care about the 'wedge issue' social politics. (Except that one where the govt can use 'eminent domain' to take possession of my house and give it to someone who wants to build a mall so they can rake in higher taxes. And even then, that wasn't really a social politics issue. That was a gross overreach and misinterpretation of what the 'eminent domain' clause was originally established for).
  3. That's the point to which I was alluding, given your zeal to prove that Ms. Sotomayor isn't this or that based on words on a screen. I'm not paid to be your research assistant. But if you're going to come here and assert something, do better than Wikipedia and the faulty deductive logic of 'Bush I nominated her for federal court --- that means she's NOT far left, peoples!'
  4. Judges interpret policy. It is beyond their scope to make policy (or... it used to be back when people followed the Constitution in this country). Sure, they have a big role in determining how policy is used by creating precedents from their rulings in individual cases. In this way, you could say they shape policy... to use a metaphor they give a fine sanding to rough-hewn wood. And then based on those rulings, oftentimes, legislatures often go back and make more policy with changes, additions or clarifications. And then those policies are interpreted.... ad infinitum.
  5. Dude, you quoted from Wikipedia. No matter what entity edited that, it doesn't make it true. And I wouldn't exactly tout GHWB as being any kind of hallmark in determining a judge's position on the spectrum. He, who nominated Souter. The old axioms are axioms for a reason. 1) Don't believe much of what you read 2) Don't make simple assumptions
  6. It might help to have someone who won't just accept the losing. Then again, if TO tells the whole truth of what Jauron is once he sees it up close and personal, things could definitely get ugly. B/c many people don't like to hear the truth.
  7. ~2:08 in Obama so far = Bush repackaged.
  8. I've just been thinking about some of Doc Jensen's theory regarding Jacob's touching certain of the Losties. I'm not so convinced that it will be something where the characters will go back to that point (retaining all their knowledge of things that have happened). I think the touch may just have enabled the time-travel (and to return from the time-travel), especially for the O6. It's also interesting to consider that Jacob was interfering with their lives (or in Locke's case, his death), not allowing the universe to course correct... or actually, now that I think of it, the interference could be the course correction. In this way, we could see his intervention similar to how Desmond saved Charlie those several times. We still have gaps and there's a lot we don't know about Jacob and what he's done even in what we've seen c. 2004. Did Jacob touch Desmond in the jungle (OK, the whole Naked Desmond thing would get a whole lot creepier, but...)? In the flashbacks, Jacob touched Kate, Hurley, Jack, Sayid, Locke, Sawyer, Jin & Sun. Among the other time-travelers, we did not see Jacob touch Juliet or Rose & Bernard. Let me reiterate, tho, that we did not see Jacob touch them. Doesn't mean he didn't. Interesting that Juliet's was the only flashback of all those shown in "The Incident" that didn't have Jacob. They've held back on showing us things before, only to revisit that scene later and provide more info. Perhaps a young Juliet running out of the house meets Jacob. OTOH maybe she wasn't touched b/c she's not returning to 2007 --- which would go along with those of us who think Rose & Bernard are 'Adam & Eve' who also were not touched and not returning to 2007. He didn't touch Faraday, and he didn't touch Miles (again, that we know of). OK, so you're saying, 'Well, what about Sun? She didn't time-travel.' True. But that may be b/c she didn't re-create something from the 815 crash. All the other O6 and Ben were possessing, had done/were doing something from the original crash. Hurley had the guitar case (Charlie), Kate gave away Aaron (Claire), Ben was reading (Hurley), Sayid was in handcuffs (Kate), Jack had a letter (Sawyer), Locke was wearing Christian's shoes. Then again, Locke's body didn't time-travel (perhaps the dead can't). Sun seemed to be set --- she was holding her husband's wedding ring (Rose), yet she 'still had some work to do' according to grunge Christian. Perhaps she didn't meet the requirement. Dunno. This isn't complete yet, but it's a simpler alternative to Doc Jensen's theory. His theory would add a whole new level of confusing and probably consume a lot of time telling how those characters changed anything. I.e. Kate didn't put the toy plane in the NKOTB lunchbox and didn't kill her father, Sayid didn't kill for Ben, Jack doesn't marry Sarah? or he builds a better relationship with his father, Sawyer lets go of his revenge bent and conning, et al., misc. and etc. I just don't think they're going to go such a long route before they get into the "war" that's coming c. 2007. BTW - Lindelof and Cuse have said that the Dharma Initiative group is going to re-enter the picture in S6. There was an article mentioning that the U of Michigan's publicity office hadn't officially approved of its use in the show, but they're now rolling with it and per Darlton, Dharma will play a "significant role" next season. USA Today Link.
  9. Kinda sad to see "Pushing Daisies" come to an end. It was a fun series in the tune of "Amelie." Saturated colors, English-accent narration, quirky characters, a plucky response to the too-many reality-crime-drama shows. Got critical acclaim, especially for Lee Pace, but didn't seem to attract enough of an audience, tho the timeslot was a killer. It's just sad to see the state of network teevee. And we're OTA-only in my house, so it bites a little harder. Other than LOST, I don't have a must-see show on the Big 4, and most of our viewing is PBS. Among the new series, I'm not seeing anything that sounds even remotely interesting. Well-written non-chick-flickish (e.g. Brothers&Sisters, Desperate Housewives, Private Practice, Grey's Anatomy) non-crime drama is going the way of the do-do it seems. With Leno filling up the 10 slot it means there's even less. Seems like everything that once did well and supported itself with advertising is now falling on hard(er) times and is cutting back its product/costs.
  10. I believe the Courant ran one that was from '94 and it's not much better. You've just got to shake your head at multi-millionaires who go for ugly and crazy. At the very least, get hot and crazy.
  11. He went to UConn back in the day (before the D-1 upgrade). From the evidence they've already released --- they haven't announced their recent evidence --- it looks like they got the right people. It's sick what some people will do for a little bit of money.
  12. That's kinda been the widespread running theory for ~ the past season and a half. Darlton said in an interview to be careful about jumping to conclusions, but I think the finale kind of cemented it. This speculation first started in S2 where we found out Bernard was white (b/c of the black and white stones found with the remains) and their storyline with Rose saying that she never wanted to leave the island and Bernard thence saying he wouldn't leave either. The finale shows them living out this intention. All goes back to what happened with the bomb, if it caused a time-travel to 2007 (I don't see how they won't do this), how far its effects are radiating.... Then again, they could pull a fast one and make it any combination of the love quadrangle that's been built up w/ Jack, Swayer & Kate, Juliet. Wouldn't that be something if the bones are Jack and Kate... who were the ones who discovered/investigated them?
  13. +1 And then use the food bowl on Vick. Seriously, if we were to sign him I would burn all of my Bills paraphernalia and disown the team.
  14. Week 1 Mon, Sep 14 @ New England Patriots* --- Loss Week 2 Sun, Sep 20 Tampa Bay Buccaneers --- Win Week 3 Sun, Sep 27 New Orleans Saints --- Win Week 4 Sun, Oct 04 @ Miami Dolphins --- Loss Week 5 Sun, Oct 11 Cleveland Browns --- Win Week 6 Sun, Oct 18 @ New York Jets --- Loss Week 7 Sun, Oct 25 @ Carolina Panthers --- Loss Week 8 Sun, Nov 01 Houston Texans --- Win Week 9 Sun, Nov 08 BYE Week 10 Sun, Nov 15 @ Tennessee Titans --- Loss Week 11 Sun, Nov 22 @ Jacksonville Jaguars --- Loss Week 12 Sun, Nov 29 Miami Dolphins --- Win Week 13 Thu, Dec 03 New York Jets (Toronto) --- Win Week 14 Sun, Dec 13 @ Kansas City Chiefs --- Win Week 15 Sun, Dec 20 New England Patriots* --- Loss Week 16 Sun, Dec 27 @ Atlanta Falcons --- Loss Week 17 Sun, Jan 03 Indianapolis Colts --- Loss
  15. Right, the Ajira group. We didn't quite found out who they are, but they are friendly to the Others and Jacob. Ilana is working under Jacob, yet she does not know who Ben Linus is. That combined with the "What about me? >>What about you?" exchange gives me ideas. I'm thinking that Jacob never showed himself to Ben b/c he didn't see him as the Others' legitimate leader. In this way, he gives instructions for Ben to fulfill, but doesn't want to know him. No coincidence that Ben's and Locke's plotlines are similar in this way in the 'moebius strip' of S5 tracing closely with S2. But also, as Doc Jensen wrote, it seemed almost like Jacob was in on it... and let Ben kill him. Jacob has a bigger plan, that he formed in anticipation of his adversary's search for a "loophole" which involves those Losties that he touched in the flashbacks. Like the paragraph I quoted from it, the way Jacob said, "They're coming" and how Locke 2.0 got pissed at this bit of info... it's going to be awesome to see where this goes. Promo, if you want to be preemptively disappointed, go ahead. I just think it's a dumb way to take it. It's a story, they're telling it. We can come up with our own guesses, most of which will be wrong. Some things might not be explained, but it's like that in a lot of fiction and it's none the worse for wear. I have trust that they're going to end this in a really cool way. Has anyone heard if JJ Abrams intends to contribute toward the end of the series or is he going to continue to be hands-off and leave it to Darlton? Lapidus being a possible "candidate" is likely similar to how some of the Tailies were selected to join the Others. That bit about "Ricardus" was interesting. We badly need a real Richard flashback ep next season. Jacob's Tapestry.
  16. I'm not sure. Even now. It would seem that it's debunked. But the question is, now that Jacob seems to be dead.... what happens? Does someone take over his role? There's more to it. And again, there's something to Jacob's touching those Lostaways. What was delivered in that touch?
  17. I was also struck by the flashback we got of Jack's "5 seconds" story. He had spoken of it so highly in S1. It was like something that happened to him alone, and that it was his choice, his method to 'count to 5.' Instead, we find out that it was his father watching almost over his shoulder. That changed my impression of Christian. Early on, we were shown him at his worst and in later eps, he's come through as a better father than we've been shown or told.
  18. Required reading --- EW: Doc Jensen's "The Incident" recap Also some interesting thoughts on the nature of Jacob, the identity of the statue, and his Jacob's Quibbles Theory.
  19. I've yet to look to see what the tapestry read. Also, let me make note how strikingly similar Jacob's "tomb" layout was to Widmore's office. Yes? Locke was pushed out of the window by his father, shown in S3. The guitar case is another one of the Abrahms' "mystery boxes." We got no answers in regard to any of them.... Specifically, what the "magic box" is that Ben said, "whatever you wish for, when you open it, there it would be"; the box that Ben his in the motel vent; the contents of the guitar case.
  20. Seems possible that... well, sh--, let's just call him "Jacob's adversary" has reanimated or possessed the bodies of numerous island-goers. He does this by way of the smoke monster which downloads their thoughts, etc. I'm going to make a list: Coffin Locke Christian (? or at least, one of the two Christians - suit / grunge) The Frenchies in the Temple who Rousseau shot. Yemmy, Eko's brother This may be how young Ben was saved (and also why he went to it to be judged) Alex It's questionable whether it really was Jacob's cabin. The "Help me" apparition looked much more like Jacob's adversary than Jacob. But to run with something similar here, what does Jacob's touch mean? Not for nothing that he poked Kate's nose or that he intentionally brushed fingers when handing the pen and Apollo bar, or Sun & Jin's and Locke's shoulders. But my question would be, why did Jacob bring Locke back after the fall if he knew that Locke would eventually be possessed and kill him? In the whole "Lost is a Game" theory, the rule may be that in each cycle, the players cannot kill each other. But the loophole might be that they can get others to kill their adversary for them. Well, let's be careful. Jacob did not say that the killing and fighting was progress. He said that there's only one end, and that everything that comes before that is progress. One end might be that there's only one Armageddon --- one final end. Each time an experiment is conducted isn't the End, it just means that one experiment/test failed; but there will be more experiments. As we all know, each experiment --- even, or especially, if it's a failure --- always brings the experimenter one step closer to finding what the answer really is. It appears like next season we will be finding out about the Black Rock. I don't expect it to be extensive. Looks like the statue was destroyed long before '77 and the bomb. Ben said this as well (I know, I know. The running wisdom is to take everything Ben says, flip it to its inverse and you'll have the truth.) Just the timing of it... was the 'electrical anomoly' finished when Juliet seemingly set the bomb off? Did the bomb go off or was it a time-flash? Don't be so fast to remove Juliet from the series. There's only 17 eps left. She may be absent for a while, but I don't think that was the last we're going to see of her. I refuse to believe that. How great was that scene, tho?
  21. Thanks for the link. Yeah, it's like a repeating test of humanity. It's like a running feud b/w two brothers with completely opposite viewpoints of humanity. Jacob touches people to bring them to the island to see if people can redeem themselves. The black-clothed character is tired of the testing b/c no one ever passes. May not be good to attribute Jacob and black-robe man (could we call him Esau?) god-status. Jeez, this is going to be a lot to digest for the next 8 months. Yeah, that was awesome. I think that pretty much settles it for me that they are "Adam & Eve." I'd say that will be in episode 6.17. As for some other thoughts, it was strange seeing Ben being conned with the same motivations that he gave Locke to kill Anthony Seward, for Ben to kill Jacob. That he was just being used. Was also weird to see Ben actually be able to kill Jacob (and who can say for sure that Jacob is dead?), a being that seemed to have so much power to cure the sick, etc. It just gets into all of these sub-points of who caused what, who is one whose 'side', etc. I believe Jacob's "They're coming" refers to the '77 Left-Behinders, especially given Lindelof's interview stuff that the time-travel stuff is coming to a close in this ep.
  22. With the glut of talent at the S spot (not to mention 'tweeners), keeping Wendling on almost solely for ST looks less likely. He had several nice plays, as I recall being "impressed with that Wendling kid." But it's a crowded house. Coy Wire was one of the leading ST guys and they cut him and plugged in someone else, and we hardly skipped a beat. I'm tempted to say that April's schemes are more important than the actual players. The importance of ST --- and especially tackling phase --- looks to be getting taken down a notch with the new rules disallowing return "wedges," more liberal definitions on return blocking penalties, or bunching for onsides kicks. We'll see on camp. Only the best 53 (+8 PS) survive the cutdown. The NFL seriously needs to increase the roster size by ~2-3 especially as guys are getting serious injuries from being overexerted, pressure to play hurt/concussed b/c a team is short on players, and as the league is looking to subtract preseason and add to the regular season next year.
  23. Yuck it up, but, what's really the issue is How long are we going to continue with an outdated view of "race"? How long are we going to continue to treat select groups as different from everyone else where we all are obliged to check the little boxes of what sub-category we 'belong' to, as if we're checking off traits in a Linnaeus system classification? Not that "race" is really going to stand for too much longer. I think we're all going to be pretty shocked by what the 2010 Census says about this country and how much things have changed. Not only are the demographics changing, mixing and melanging... the attitudes about race are eroding. Scientifically, DNA analysis which shows that we are all a complete mix of "races." Younger generations are replacing the older and bringing totally different experiences and viewpoints. Why can't we really be colorblind and judge people solely "on the content of their character"? It may not be a perfect start, but fer chrissake we need to start. 'Will we burn in heaven like we do down here? ... Is there peace in the struggle to find the road to peace?' Well, people, Nov. 4 2008, we seem to have found pavement. Time for every man, woman and child to start walking for themselves. There are no excuses anymore. While we should all help each other along as we'd like to be helped, no one should be getting special privileges b/c of the color of their skin or what someone's great-grandfather did to someone else's great-great-grandfather.
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