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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. And even for Vinatieri, even after Indy paid him a boatload, was it this year or last that he had a string of games where he looked just terrible. Kicker is a much more difficult position for an average joe to understand what went wrong on a miss. And there's so much that goes into the kick. Probably the most import is the snapper. Not for nothing that RL's average jumped when Dorenbos was dropped and first-rate Mike Schneck was brought in, and that there were problems when the FO let the green Dan Neil take over, who flubbed two snaps in one game --- IIRC, it was that same Cleveland game everybody is harping on. Moorman is one of the best holders in the game, and he and Lindell work together very well. Notice how that's the usual response. 'Just sign someone else.' I want a name. And the problem with signing inexperienced kickers is that you don't know what you're going to get. If you make a move based on one preseason, be ready for it to backfire once the big boys play full-time and the pressure cooker increases. Every year, they bring a guy or two into camp. Mostly it's to not wear out the starting kicker's leg. Partly, it's to give an audition in the case of finding a phenom or a safety valve in case of an injury during the season. The fact that league-wide there is rarely an 'open competition' for kicker during camps might tell you something. But for the 'Off with his head!' crowd, it won't tell them much. Bobby April has gone on record that 'booting it out of the endzone' is not what he expects or wants. One of his biggest praises of Lindell is the exacting placement of the ball on KOs based on the coverage assignment. And let's not forget Lindell on off-sides kicks --- remember that game where he kicked and recovered the ball? RL may not have fooled that actor on the "Lie to Me" commercials, but he sure sold the Seahags on it in Week 1 last year.
  2. Bobby April, as far as we know, has made zero overtures to Russ et al. to find a replacement. In fact, the only thing April has done is beam that he has Lindell for placement of the ball on kickoffs (Remember how we've had the #1 ST in the league several times recently? Yeah. He's a part of that), and he's not that bad on FGs either. Had some misses last year. It happens. But he's also playing in some nasty conditions. Bring a lot of the warm weather kickers up to B-lo and watch their numbers tank... plus they'd be useless in STs and all the gadget stuff that April likes to do. Bottom line --- if Bobby April is good with Lindell, I'm good with Lindell.
  3. Hmm... I think I just found my nephew's Christmas present. From some pics of the interior pages on Amazon, that looks awesome.
  4. No, indeed. As I wrote, the FCC wrote a presser around the time of the transition re: use of DTS repeater towers in affected areas. Your location seems like a prime example where it could be used. This is a B&E article from 2005 on the topic. Then again --- and I don't intend this to be mean-spirited (I'm fairly rural myself, as much as you can get in NE) --- Olean is like "the ass end of nowhere," especially as digital OTA goes. It's questionable which TV market (DMA) the area belongs to to make a DTS request --- Nothing seems to qualify in PA. Erie? Buffalo? Both of those markets likely don't have stations very much able ($) or interested (again, $; failing a strong devotion to the public service) to get that area into the digital fold of things... without some kind of help from the FCC/federal government that forced the switch. I think this story might be worth the OTH checking it out. Perhaps contact the congresscritter and Buffalo & Erie station managers. Find out if the govt owns / accesses any towers that might be suitable for a DTS (they need not be as tall as the large antenna farm towers) and whether they would allow broadcasters to install transmitters. Might be a dead end, but it would be worthwhile for the newspaper to at least ask.
  5. Pirates of the Caribbean?!?! Yeah, there's that. I recognize what he's done. I'm also someone who thinks a lot of Mr. Wilson's meddling with the team caused many of the problems. But his stone hasn't been carved yet. I will reserve gratitude only if he does his best to ensure that the team stays in Buffalo (I'm cool with the 1 game/year in Toronto continuing, if necessary). The way he's gone about it, it's like he found a rare, precious jewel but when it was time to do the deed, instead of passing it down, he sells it, leaving no legacy, no 'inheritance' so to speak. Just a really old house to pay to maintain... or demolish. If the team does relocate after Ralph passes, from the other side of the ocean, you might see that he bled a region dry. A man worthy of honor in the community makes preparations rather than foment uncertainty. Sure, after he's gone things can go to hell a thousand different ways, but it's an irresponsible man who doesn't at least try to set something up for his works to continue. TO didn't deserve a token key. But any way it cuts, Ralph doesn't deserve a key. On one hand, if he lets whatever happen happen, he'll be a step above Art Modell in my esteem; on the other, if there is a more clandestine plan in the works and he has done his part to ensure the Bills remain in Buffalo, then he will deserve a 50-foot statue. It's still Ralph's choice to determine how he will be remembered.
  6. A much better web site to use for this is www.tvfool.com. It annoyed me to no end that Antennaweb was the one all of those conversion messages were hawking. It's a piece of sh-- and it tells you just about nothing. TVfool gives you so much more info, more nearly accurate potential channel listings, dB requirements, magnetic or compass readings toward the towers, etc. You may well be one of the affected populations, from what I remember of how far out in the environs you are. DTV reception is limited to the curvature of the earth, ~ 60 miles (good tropo can extend this, but it doesn't happen often). That sucks for the woman who bought antenna and boxes.... But having been in Army comm., she really should have known about the 60-mile limit, and to have done her homework before buying it. For the small number of people who are now totally w/o TV reception due to the change (and who got channels previously), I think there should be some federal assistance for cable/sat --- at least for installation costs, or paying for the bare-bones cable service for a set time period. Note that this should still come out of the $19B Congress picked up by selling access to the public's airwaves. Or, it would show a great public service example for the DMA stations of the region to build or get access to a DTS repeater tower (does the govt own a tower in the region?) to extend coverage into the affected area. From what I read, it won't be high-def but it would be a digital signal. You might pass this note on to the reporter and maybe generate some pressure so your area's citizens aren't left in the dark or be forced to shell out hard-earned for pay TV just to get a picture on their tubes.
  7. For your next mission, if you choose to accept it, you are to infiltrate Gillette Stadium, obtain videographic evidence of Bill Belichick sacrificing stray kittens to Satan, and whack Tom Brady's other knee. Zero residual presence. Good luck. This message will self-destruct in 5 seconds. . . . . . ===Pfffttt===
  8. Is it properly grounded? I only say that b/c back when I was young, we had a satellite service (OTA-only now and happier for it!), problems arose frequently. Bad weather or not (but in bad weather it was unwatchable). Come to find out years later that the tech grounded it to the copper house water pipes. Unfortunately, these pipes switched to plastic before they went outside. No real ground. It was just an assumption made during the install that I think is what screwed it the whole time we had it. They kept blaming trees that were 200' away, when it would have been best to go over the install thoroughly and ask questions. Other than that, it may be a matter like Mike above of aligning the dish better, or troll the sat forums for your specific problem. G' luck.
  9. Nice to see you, Tgreg. We've really missed your input here. Are you still LOST-pure? In the comparison that Lindelof made, if Locke = Snape, then Hurley = Harry Potter. I believe that JKR said that she originally planned to have Ron die; and she only finally changed her mind during the writing of the final book. Continuing the analogy, Charlie = Ron. Watching "Through the Looking Glass" still gets me. Charlie was/is such a great character. Another thought I've been having recently, regarding the energy/electromagnetism, the voices, etc. And I got around to it, what is the electromagnetism inherent on the island (and presumably at other spots around the world, according to Issac, the healer who Rose went to)? Well, first, let me expound.... We are energy. Our bodies are electric (thank you, Walt Whitman, ye knew not how right you were) from our heartbeats to the +s and -s of the sodium-potassium pump that basically charges all of our cells. Our neurons fire electrical messages to our brains. Reading what some of the whispers were (thanks for that link DrDank), some of them said "sis" in the ones with Shannon after Boone had died. It's like the energy of the dead is still there, it's flowing. In the 'LOST is a Game' theory, it could be like... the players who've finished their game still being able to watch and act on the current players --- kind of like how in LIFE after you finish and their are still players playing, you can still spin the wheel --- I believe they call it playing the lottery. Anyway, think of it... Ghosthunters in the real world use EMF equipment to detect ghosts. The wellspring of the electromagnetic energy in the Swan could come from those who've died on the island (or it could be a larger group than that) and are still present in an undercurrent beneath the surface. Run this by Miles' gift. He can somehow read the electromagnetic energy of the dead to communicate with them. Hurley, among others, can see the electromagnetic energy take form. Locke/Locke's body was a receptor of the electromagnetic energy of the MIB. It might also help explain Richard, and even Jacob, living so long, the extraordinary healing powers, etc. It is pure energy healing them (especially, it seems, for Locke) and keeping them alive, up to a certain threshold. Dead is dead, as Ben said, but then again, dead does not mean the end of the game or the end of energy. I've been thinking about this for a while now, stringing together some deeply philosophical ideas I've had for a long time after taking chemistry, biology/botany, and throwing in some Shakespeare, Vonnegut, Asimov and Kafka.... and finally decided to share b/c more and more it addresses the most basic property of the island --- its energy. Lindelof a while ago said that there will be some things we never find out about the island, but that some of the questions people often ask are almost self-same to things that aren't given answers in other works. As he made the case, no one really asks What is the nature of the Force in Star Wars? It just is; perhaps a real explanation isn't even possible. You just have to take some things as they're presented.
  10. There's a site called "LOST Spoilers" that's a good read during the hiatus. Right now they're posting some clips and snips of Cuse and Lindelof, and what some of the actors are saying. One interesting tidbit: And a Michael Emerson (Ben) snip: You know, I was just thinking a moment the other day (I know. I shouldn't do that). In terms of the whole "LOST is a game" theory.... The title of the series is 'Lost,' not 'Won.' Just something to think about.
  11. Nice. Don't think anyone will turn down another hour... and to think that probably right now they're working on rough scripts. I believe filming has historically started in August/Sept. for the January start. If I hadn't gotten the DVDs before that would be tempting now. Combined that's less coin for them all in Blu-Rays than the regular DVDs as/when they came out. Will probably get S5 in BD (we've had it for half a year now and I still haven't seen a BD in the thing to test it out). ----- I am now thru S3 in the re-watching. A couple of things to note: 1. Locke told Eko that he saw the monster as a bright, white light. I assume he was speaking about the time he was hunting boar. I wonder if that has anything to do with how the finale faded to white. Could there be two monsters, or rather, could the monster serve two different controllers' interests? 2. The Others seem to still be getting Dharma food even after the Purge, when Dharma had to have known something wasn't right. And the drops would indicate they know right where the island is. Why didn't the food drops stop? I have my own theory about this. It's that the Others are exactly the thing Dharma wanted to happen all along, and it has a lot to do with Daniel Faraday. Let's think here. The Others knew the past and they apparently know the future --- they were building the runway in the precise spot for Ajira to land. They know everything that's going to happen... they just need to act it all out, play the part, and make it happen to fulfill the universe's course of events. I think Juliet is still working in this manner; she may have had feelings for Sawyer, but she was/is on her own 'long con' mission. 3. Originally I thought it was just Ben being Ben that he took Locke to Jacob's cabin and Locke saw the MIB. What I think now is that the Others knew all along that Locke would be the MIB. Note the details. They'd been testing Locke since he was a boy, but it wasn't to determine if he was the next Other leader. It was to determine if he was the MIB. The more I watch again, the more I think MIB has been deep-seated in Locke since birth. All the evidence goes into a collective, how Locke carries himself, the things that nobody else would cope with in order for MIB to preserve the loophole. How he often talks about things that happened so long ago --- e.g. Michelangelo --- that MIB might have been more familiar with from his own mortal life. And another thing. Could the MIB also be named 'Jacob'? I think there's a distinct reason they withheld his name.
  12. It wasn't just in their final years. They gorge(d) pork just as much as the other side, if not more. The only time Republicans preach fiscal restraint is when they're not at the trough. Ditto on the pendulum. We're now seeing the effects of Bush swinging it further to the right than it's been in a while --- on the backswing, the pendulum will swing further to the left than it's been in a while.
  13. If that's not a veiled shot across the bow, I've never seen one. Palin will have a tough go if she does re-enter elective politics. As a fiscal conservative and post-Republican, I can definitely say that it's her type that drove me out of usually supporting that ticket. They're liars who don't want to reduce spending; they just want to spend our money in different stores. Tired of the pony show where they have no substance, not many accomplishments, and no ability to form a rational argument --- not to mention a rational sentence. If that party wants to get anywhere, they need to focus on people who have business success and have shown they can turn failure around. B/c in 2012, I think that's where we'll still be, if not worse than it is now.
  14. In the same vein as William Jefferson... pretty much, he would have to stop being black. That might do it. And however that might sound in a PC sense, it's the truth and you know it.
  15. I can't wait to see what a tome like that might do to the English language. Even as someone who'd never vote for her, at least Hillary can speak in fairly grammatical sentences when she's in front of a camera. The same situation drops Palin's IQ to ~ 40. I don't know if McCain would have done better w/ another VP choice, but bizzaro Palin sure didn't help, especially among the independents. It was rather sad last year to see a respected statesman sing an early an swan song b/c he was pressured into picking her as VP rather than his first couple of choices (e.g. Lieberman) b/c they didn't 'poll well' among the base. As far as Palin's political future, it's gone. She's officially quit a governorship b/c it was too difficult. Will she quit when it gets too difficult to be a ________? And even this killer point is down the list of attack arguments from any future election opponent. If it is her intention to work behind the scenes as was her vague statement... well, her camp might find out that the flavor of the month changes frequently.
  16. It never ceases to amaze me. If you have money in the bank to afford to be a sugar daddy and are looking for a mistress, at the very LEAST go with HOT and crazy. And it's not too hard --- go to the nearest university and they'll 'bout line up for you. Going for ugly and crazy is just plain stupid. Sahel Kazemi
  17. Best thing for her and for the GOP would be for her and her family to quietly go away.
  18. Umm, the Jets did it. And this year, the 49ers unveiled new unis that are a slight tweak of the Montana-era ones.
  19. I heard that Dick Jauron is getting Bill a CB. Happy b-day!
  20. +1 (But, minus the "appreciat[ing] a song or two" part). My TV is going to be turned off until the Saint Michael lovefest stops. Truth is, the world has one less pervert. No loss there. There was a time I used to be constantly amazed seeing people fawn over celebrities who are among the scum of the earth. Then I realized that fully 2/3 of the people in this country skate along on the surface of life, totally oblivious to anything going on that won't directly impact them in the next 5 minutes.
  21. Just to clarify from above, no one was using the Wildcat / Single Wing formation in the NFL until My-yami. Whatever Mularky was running, it wasn't Wildcat. Any claim that he's been using it for 10 years is dubious. If he means his little 'gadget plays' (that more often than not failed in the Bills Offense), he should say 'gadget plays.' I'm far from saying MM is a meathead (and tho I'm glad he's no longer the Bills' coach, I wasn't and am not a fan of DJ either), but it's a little douche-y to compare end-around-QB/HB-options to Wildcat. The objective of getting an advantage through on-field chaos is the same, but the o-line formation (from left to right: TE, G, C, G, T, T, TE) and execution is totally different. My cousin's husband, a high school coach downstate who uses the single-wing/Wildcat spread, was interviewed and quoted in an SI piece about it last year.
  22. Apparently, he groups all 'gadget plays' under the name Wildcat.
  23. You also have to consider what kind of wife you have.
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