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UConn James

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Posts posted by UConn James

  1. 7 minutes ago, JMF2006 said:

    Vontae did it in 90* above zero ;)


    Brown melted down in freezing temps ;)


    BTW I was ready to quit just sitting in the stands that day man was it hot.


    It was must have been really hot down on the field.


    Besides that you could clearly see Davis couldn't run anymore and got roasted on a few plays.


    At least he had the dignity and respect to take his stuff off in the locker room.

    Yeah, at least Vontae left quietly and with some dignity.

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    • Haha (+1) 3
  2. I graduated from UConn and my name is James. 

    My mum’s side of the fam was from WNY, and I’d go out to the farm during summers to help with haying etc. and that was during preseason time in the early-mid ‘90s and I got stuck on the Bills. Ironically, perhaps, my close cousins in WNY are Cowpukes fans.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Brianmoorman4jesus said:

    I hate the blue end zones lol I’d love to see red back. Something about the outline in the writing of the blue looks terrible to me.

    It would look better if there weren’t an additional white outline outside of the red. Just abut the red to the blue, I’d suggest by filling that white outline to red to make the red outline thicker. Instant improvement.

  4. 2 hours ago, Peevo said:

    I honestly think last Sunday was the first dry game of the year.  


    I know it's outrageously expensive to build a dome, but if you're spending $1.5 billion, why not just spend $3 billion and get guaranteed conditions 8 / 9 games a year?

    It would absolutely NOT cost $1.5B extra for a dome or retractable roof.

    Most estimates I’ve seen for retractable are that it would add $300-$500M. It would not add significantly to ticket costs and when factoring in fewer repairs / maintenance over the life of the thing… at that price I just don’t see why this is even an issue for something that will hopefully last 50-60+ years. Protect the investment and make it more usable with a roof that can be closed if you want during the season and then in winter closed to the brutal weather that beats up concrete.


    Lucas Oil Stadium with retractable cost $900M in today’s dollars ($720M then) for the whole thing ~15 years ago. 

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  5. Would that they might use this to correct obvious wrong calls or non-calls for pass interference.


    But no, the ref union gave the directive to refs on the field to give a huge 🖕🏼to the competition committee, teams, and the fans by almost never changing a PI call last year, no matter what the video showed. 

    Either their egos can’t handle being wrong… or they just want to retain the ability to change the entire course of a game in one inscrutable immutable judgment call. And the league is fine with it; in fact, the league uses this to massage game outcomes.

  6. 37 minutes ago, Doc Brown said:

    From an ESPN article back in April....


    The furthest they are willing to go is allowing the existing replay official, who already sits in a stadium suite but is limited to assistance on plays that are reviewed, to advise referees in a handful of other "specific, objective aspects of a play when clear and obvious video evidence is present," according to the rule.


    What can the replay official weigh in on?

    • Penalty enforcement, proper down, spot of a foul, game clock or possession
    • Completed or intercepted pass
    • Touching of a loose ball, boundary line, goal line or end line
    • Location of the football or a player in relation to the boundary line, the line of scrimmage, the line to gain or the goal line
    • Down by contact (when a player is not ruled down by contact on the field)

    If I’m not mistaken, this also was used to impose a penalty on Carolina for the 12 men on the field penalty. None of the refs threw the flag, Josh was incredulous for like 10 seconds, there was some mulling about as everyone was just like 🤷🏻‍♂️, the teevee guys did their thing of saying yeah he was still on the field at the snap and then a flag was thrown like a minute after the play, seemingly once word came from either the replay official or NY or both.

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  7. This thing needs to be built for two realities, for what things are going to look like 40 years from now.


    1) Climate change / global warming. Wetter and warmer. More weather extremes. More rain and snow. 

    2) The addition of another week to the NFL season to bring it to 18 weeks, and possibly a second bye week if the league is smart wrt giving players rest and allow for changes in scheduling as COVID looks like it will become an endemic thing. This pushes the season into late February.


    3) The concrete from the renovation just 10+ years ago is already failing. The weather in the region just beats up things that left in the elements. Plastic seating gets ☀️ and bitter cold and gets brittle. Heating elements in chairs break down. Turf lifespan is reduced. 

    4) If they’re already planning on putting coverage over the seating to protect fans from weather, that will require much of the structure that a retractable roof needs.


    When you’re building something this big and rare, build it right.

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  8. 20 minutes ago, Buftex said:

    Not going to say that Sanders is over the hill or washed up or anything like that....but for whatever reason, some of Allens' worst passes have gone to Sanders...like he is trying to force the ball to him, so he doesn't feel left out.  I am sure there is a bit of that with all the receivers from time to time...and Sanders certainly doesn't seem like a "diva".  Davis is up an coming... he continually comes up big for the Bills, in his limited role.  Let him play more!

    Took the words out of my mouth.


    For whatever reason, Josh’s deep passes to Sanders this season have almost never seemed to hit. Whether that’s Josh overthrowing, under-throwing (he does put a lot of balls at receivers’ feet), or if it’s Sanders being too slow or difficulty tracking the ball, the connection hasn’t been there. IIRC, they say that Sanders is great in practice, but that absolutely hasn’t translated to games.


    Gabe, otoh, has been pretty 🔥 when he’s been given chances / targets.

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  9. Sanders wasn’t what we needed. He’s only taken snaps & time from the development of Davis. And as much as  they may rave about Sanders in practice, he has been woeful at being in position on the deep throws and the drops.


    But yes, we absolutely need a guy who can make the leaping / contested catch on more float-y passes… that our own defense has been burned by so frequently (the Hail Murray and like every pass in the Pitt game).

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  10. 50 minutes ago, thenorthremembers said:

    They could go get Tyler Linderbaum in the first round, use him as a Left Guard next year and then switch him to Center when Morse's contract is up after next season.   Regardless, Mitch is going to have to take a paycut to stay around.  11 million for an average center is not going to cut it with the low cap.

    I haven’t seen many college games or watched them with scrutiny, but Linderbaum (Iowa Hawkeyes) vs. the Michigan DL last weekend… he held his own and the center of the line was actually pushing forward / not getting blown back into the QB which is something we haven’t seen in Buffalo since forever. NFL protections are different of course but hoping Beane takes a good look there. Center May be the second most important position on any team.

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  11. Little faith that this coaching staff actually tries anything different. They’ll wait until we play some also-ran or a beat-up team like Nawlins and believe that things are fixed.


    AW’s play against Myyami in the final game last season was fairly impressive but take it for what it’s worth and also don’t expect them to give up on their 3rd round picks — Beane / McD have to give more chances to prove themselves right, just like the Cody Ford experience of hammering a square peg into a round hole.

    • Agree 1
  12. Quote

    On that sack Williams gave up, Sanders was open for a big play:

    He may have been open, but how often does he actually make a catch? He’s a step below Brown’s production and reliability, even by last year. Signing Sanders only delays Greg Davis’s development. 

    They say Sanders is great 🔥 in practice. Too bad he comes up small in the games either with drops or not being fast enough, or as last night a couple of times, not even putting his arms out to attempt the catch.

  13. 2 hours ago, Mr. WEO said:

    If only TVs had volume buttons.....

    But for those who still want to hear the sounds of the game / crowd?


    The ESPN app had a feed of Wimbledon matches several years ago where there were no commentators. Just the little score ticker and relevant graphics that came up. It was wonderful not having someone all up in your ear and trying to control your thoughts. It was like you were just another spectator at a match and just watch it in peace.


    Would that they could enable that for sports broadcasts. The Next-Gen-TV / ATSC 3.0 for over the air broadcasting has a number of features including for audio. Wonder if that could be an option. 

  14. The dream would be to get the Davis kid from Georgia to pair with Ed at the other DT spot. He’ll likely be long gone by the time we pick, tho.


    No slight to Harry, but that’s a big step down from Star, who is a step down from elite himself. We should be preparing for an overhaul of the interior DL in the off-season, jetting Butler and possibly Addison.

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