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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. Not that Dogen really told us much, himself.... The thoughts about the sideways flashes are intriguing. I'm just wondering how Locke was able to make a deal... seeing as he was dead. But it's worth consideration. I think Sayid's deal may be a separate issue from the Jughead-reset. Some theories say that the '77 version of the Losties merged into their actual '77 off-island bodies. And that this is the explanation of Jack's sudden fit and appendix rupture --- it was the consciousness becoming one (even if subliminal) and uploading the older Jack's memories into original Jack. That, then, is the reason behind the changes in the sideways flashes. I don't like sunny-side up. Way too runny. I'm a poached or over-easy kind of guy.
  2. If it helps anything, the casting material said that Mysterious Kid is 12-14, has intense, penetrating eyes and "has survived a horrible family accident." Just don't know enough about him yet to guess with any accuracy.
  3. Lots of action in this ep, which kind of makes commentary shorter.... An obligatory Jack hallway pass-by. Recurrent story of healing people off-island, yet with Jacob/etc. "exacting a heavy price." Juliet arranged for her sister's cancer to be cured, which came at the price of never seeing her again (tho, Juliet was not specifically told this). Now, Dogen's story about his son being revived from an apparent drunk-driving wreck. They fight, then Dogen arranges for Sayid to piss off MIB by "stabbing" him. On the other end of this exchange, MIB/Flocke is offering the contents of the magic box... whatever one wants most in the world, all for the low, low price of a couple of killings. Not sure if we're supposed to be drawing a parallel b/w the killings. Omar/Keamy are extortion artists (Keamy with quite a fondness for eggs. Hmm. I would've pegged him as a Jimmy Dean sausage kinda guy) who get theirs, as old island connections show up in the Jughead-altered sideways flash. Then, in the original 2007 timeline, Sayid kills Dogen and Lennon, representatives of something of an extortion artist himself (?), Jacob. Sayid set his brother up with Nadia in the sideways flash, even tho he still has feelings for her. Again, Sayid bails his brother out of trouble. Per the early entry on Lostpedia's rundown: Is this somehow connected in with the scale in the cave? Or wait. For every man (woman?) there is a scale? So, each candidate has a scale somewhere?. Hmm. The Claire-Kate interaction wasn't much like what last week's ep suggested. Kate only had 2 minutes, and seemed to sway over Claire that she did the right thing, given the givens. And so, a bunch of Temple-dwellers, including Cindy with the kids, trade allegiance to Flocke in exchange for their safety. Cue a curious look from Flocke when he sees a confused/bewildered in a "What the hell am I getting myself into?" Kate come out of the Temple with Claire. He seems to have doubts there. Ominous music there. Cuse and Lindelof said we should have a pretty good idea which direction everything is headed by the end of ep 6, but I must confess that even with the parameters of the predicted "war" it's anybody's guess whose side most of the Losties will ultimately be on. Ilana, Ben, Miles, Lapidis & Sun hide behind the Omega-like symbol in the hallway, and avoid the smoke monster. Jin is in the fridge in the kitchen. Likely that he borrowed the $ in the baggage from Keamy.... just a question of how he got out of customs, and where is Sun?
  4. Yep. De-pants him because he's saying there's an 800-pound elephant in the room that few others dare talk about. Yet when it's the opposite situation (e.g. the initial reporting of the Duke lacrosse rape case) that's the only time anyone can discuss racial violence, and then we can all pretend that it's only one-way. Cool.
  5. Maybe it was the "fried chicken" sign. Or did that do it for you? Paging Fuzzy Zoeller. Fuzzy Zoeller, please pick up the nearest white courtesy phone. Seriously, tho, crime under-reporting is a big problem in minority communities, e.g. the controversies about "NO SNITCHING" T-shirts. Some people associate police/courts catching and convicting people of their same skin-tone as bad for their skin color's image, even if they believe/know the person is guilty. Some people are just afraid... and rightly so... of reprisals if they do come forward. And for some people, they just don't want to miss a minute of "American Idol" while IDing perps at the station. These excuses, btw, go for all "races."
  6. Woo hoo! A cool $20M (and you know it's going to be 10 times that) for a view. Thanks for spending our money wisely, NY --- as ever!
  7. Keep it up and you guys might be able to watch the finale in sequence. My brother and s-i-l (now ex-s-i-l) watched the DVDs almost straight through over a couple of rainy weekends. >"Think we should load the dishwasher?" >>"Nah. Next disk." I can dig this viewing style. A lot of people prefer it over waiting week by week by week. What stinks for the show is that the numbers of people viewing in different ways (DVR, streaming, ABC archives, DVDs/Netflix) isn't really reflected in the Nielsens. Dank, "... Looking Glass" was the best ep (I have a heart of stone. I don't cry. And yet, I was tearing when that character died/sacrificed himself). Donkey Wheel was the best scene.
  8. Haven't you heard? A democracy doesn't require its citizens' participation. Everything just takes care of itself.
  9. Guide listing:
  10. He could always pimp out Mary Jane....
  11. Yep. So much happening in that ep. And to get even more detailed... Frozen Donkey Wheel = BEST SCENE OF TV EVER. The anticipation, the mis-en-scene / props, the musical score (which was just phenomenal throughout the series), Michael Emerson....
  12. Hell yeah! What I wouldn't give for that life? Food drops, 108 minutes of island time b/w 10 seconds of "work".... Get a ship-wrecked honey and that's the good life. Just kind of puzzled me... Des and Sayid are pretty smart dudes. Why couldn't they have rigged up something that would have tapped out the numbers every 108 min.? ... Kind of like that Simpsons episode where Homer becomes morbidly obese so he could work from home? AJ, I think you're missing one of the crucial parts of what made/makes the show even better --- the discussion. Just the "Did you see X in the background...?" bits that created all kinds of interconnections. This is probably the last TV show that I'm going to do this with.... The last that is a must-see, bake a from-scratch pizza every week, take the phone off the hook kind of show. Just the way TV is going. Sad to see that end. I think after it's over, we're going to be instituting a Thursday or Friday movie-night.
  13. Fully agree. That story on Gander was excellent. Even as a news junkie, I had never heard that before. Guess it just got lost amid all of the stuff that happened that day, then never saw air/paper b/c the people who were part of it didn't go looking for attention for what they did. In an age that is increasingly ME, ME, ME! !@#$ EVERYONE ELSE!, it lifts your heart to see people acting selflessly... it was like those planes touched down in the 1940s or early '50s. People ought to watch that piece daily, as a guide. And it sucks that many people here in the US only display this kind of courtesy in times of emergency/disaster. I also have to tip my cap for the coverage. I had never seen the biathlon televised before (I have my own opinion on why that is... and this goes for the mother network, at least; we're strictly OTA), and this go-round, they had excellent, varied day-time content that showed the whole events rather than highlights. There was some American-only/centric creep-in during some skiing events with Vonn, but otherwise, that was really dialed down from their historic offerings of all Bode Miller/Apolo Ohno/Picabo Street/Bonnie Blair/etc. all the time. Hope they keep this up for the summer games.
  14. Because Daniel Plainview drinks milkshakes --- that's why!
  15. Might want to bring in Austin Powers for a consult on Ginsberg....
  16. Yeah, but what about today? Something's only worth as much as someone else will you for it. I'd rather take the legit quarter. Might be able to get Montana for my state coin map....
  17. Yep, he was DQ'ed in the 10,000m. The coach said to take the inner lane. Kramer, who's 19, was going to take the outer until the very last second, when he did as the coach said, he lifted his skate over the dividing line (which would have been legal, had he gone into the proper lane) and finished the race. Finished with an Olympic record, then was told he was DQed. The coach must've felt like a complete ass. And to a certain extent, Kramer does too. I guess you could point to this as some Instant Kharma. Well. It happens when you're in the heat of it, you're skating at speeds like that, with as many laps as that. If he hadn't followed the order and was wrong, it would be entirely on him. Maybe Kramer should've stuck with his instinct, but he did as he was told by someone who is supposed to be paying close attention. And still, making one wrong move in the flow of competition is a lot better than the reporter sitting there for an hour and not knowing what country (dude was wearing an Orange suit that said Nederland all over it), what event --- and further, even --- what sport was going on right in front of her. Much different levels of stupidity, if you ask me.
  18. Yeah, I dig, but that's not how Jensen wrote it. That whole situation taxes my brainpower. Eloise Hawking is still quite a mystery.
  19. Jensen does a good write-up --- he's gotta be watching the eps in advance. I find it hard to believe he comes up with this overnight. Nice bit about finding the [Free?] Will. Some great dissection of the multiple father-son lines shown here. Confirmed that David played the same piece as young Faraday did last season. But I have a nit-pick, on p3: Uhm, Doc, Eloise Hawking sent Faraday back so he would do what he had to do to preserve the timeline --- she sent him back so should could kill him. Hence, her connection to Brother Campbell and the issue of sacrifice.
  20. I think they mean that a solar energy panel's output can be connected for the box to use it as its fuel source, vise conventional fuels. It wasn't mentioned that the unit has any photovoltaic capacity itself.
  21. Nope. Neither Desmond (as "HUME") nor 108 were visible/shown in the cave. As quoted above, 108 in the Lighthouse is assigned to one, "WALLACE."
  22. Doc Jensen's "Lighthouse" recap Didn't miss that he wasn't with (I assume it's) Sara anymore. I wrote that up until the start of this ep, I was wondering if he was. Trying to decide if there's anything to David playing the piano. Invites a comparison to the young Faraday. Have wondered for a long time whether this could all be a repeating pattern of people who've been on the island (that we don't yet know about) sending their kids to the island, those kids sending their kids, etc. on mission to preserve time/'save the world' much the way Eloise Hawking did with Faraday. For example, Hurley's father went away for "work" and showed up ~ 10 years later. We know little about Wayne, Adam Rutherford, etc. or maybe most importantly, Mr. Paik and his relation with Widmore. This may also tie in with the Lighthouse showing their parent's homes (Sun and Jin moved to an apartment). Don't know where I'm going with this, but it's been a thought rattling around upstairs for a while.... Wonder if, in the sideways flash, Jack has that scar on his back. Or if he has the "He walks among us, but he is not one of us" tattoo from "Stranger in A Strange Land." Did those things happen? Or did they happen differently? Claire didn't say when her father [Christian or MIB version?] told her this. Christian/MIB could have told her shortly after the freighter mercenary's siege, and it was a cool three years and one body invasion later that Flocke again told Claire the Others have Aaron. Jacob didn't specifically say it was a friend coming to the island. He said "someone" is coming to the island. Per Lostpedia's "Lighthouse" page:
  23. All this crap, I'm happy I can count on one hand the number of times I've gone out to eat in the last 5 years. I make it at home. I know what's in it. I know who made it. Hella cheaper (or, better ingredients). I know the meat is cooked safely (have had a couple incidents among the times when we did eat out, and it was not at low-brow places). And I know where to put blame if it doesn't taste good --- it's the garden troll's fault!
  24. You're correct. Either: a) Hurley says, "Dude, I'm spry!" or b) Hurley went out the passenger door b/c he had a reason for parking so close --- to force a Jacobesque interaction. It's just as relevant to think 'Why would Jacob have been sitting in a taxi outside a mental institution with an ankh-filled guitar case?' It's not about the practical particulars of the situation. It's about creating the meetings/interconnections.
  25. 12/12. That wasn't very hard for anyone who simply scans headlines and has even a rudimentary ability for guess-timation. People whiffed on these softballs. And, since this was among people who actively went to the site, this indicates they have some interest in politics. Which means, these people probably vote.
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