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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. Caption the photo. (Miniscule spoiler-age. Appears to be a photo from "Ab Aeterno") Link "You didn't get the McCutcheon!!?!? Are you freakin' kidding me?! Did I not make a list for you? Go back!"
  2. A posting from Doc Jensen... Good read, as usual. And plenty of spaghetti strings thrown on the wall. I do concur with his sentence: Comes a week later (not blaming. Didn't see it myself), but a great catch of "Recon" being analogous to "The Other Woman." Spot on.
  3. FWIW, there's another theory that Desmond is behind the locked door on Widmore's sub. And, "Eloise Hawking" would be a great name for your next female canine. I believe we're going to be getting a standard poodle (note: not the "toy" breed) in the next few months. Alternately, I'm planning on "Ruff Ruffman" (from the PBS Kids show "Fetch!") for a male. I'm preferential for a male (they just have better attitudes / easier to train), but being able to call out to "Eloise Hawking" would be totally kick-ass. Do any of the other character's names really translate to dog names? "Ben Linus" is a 'Mehhh....' in my book. But I can't think of any others offhand.
  4. We assume that he was crying b/c some part of him connected a very sad outcome of which this was beginning. Whether this was for his role only (being the sacrificial lamb for his mother preserving the timeline) or if there's something more to the story... such that Smokey = Faraday's consciouness as Doc Jensen started to theorize last week. Read my last post on page 15 of this thread that expounds on that idea. I mean... why did Widmore keep Theresa going all these years? Paying for her medical bills, 24-hour care, etc.? She's important. As an addendum to the post linked above, some are theorizing that she is behind the locked door on the submarine. Theresa would be an ace up Widmore's sleeve in any negotiation if indeed Faraday's consciousness is the monster. He is Eloise's son, by Charles Widmore. That's never been called into doubt. The production crew did all they could to Jeremy Davies to make him (and Henry Ian Cusik as Desmond) look younger in the '96 flashback. They gave Faraday long hair. He also had a line in the Thai restaurant with Eloise re: 'Haven't I done enough? I'm the youngest PhD graduate in Oxford's history....' and such. So, yes. The implication is that he was ridden hard to learn and get to where he needed to be... by what some might call a "crazy mother."
  5. I'm told that my grandmother, who died when I was very young, used to laugh when she heard the name. "Fess" in the French-Canadian patois means "ass."
  6. So, while she was working on a movie where a family acted in one the most graceful ways possible, Mr. James was acting in one of the least graceful ways possible. And what the eff is it with all of these whores lately, bragging on what married guy they !@#$ed? What the hell?!!? When exactly did this become some badge of honor? This is a pretty screwed up society we've manufactured. Divine Brown wasn't a transvestite, she was just an ugly prostitute. I believe you're thinking of Eddie Murphy wrt the tranny hooker.
  7. Holy crap. You'll probably be watching the finale real-time with all of us.... And, oh yes, the "black smoke" plays a very important part in the series, especially right now in S6. Keep on keepin' on.
  8. Those are all questions and observations that cut straight to the heart of what the last half-season should be, especially the re: the nature of Jacob. Further to the "Black Rock vs. Others bit... Yellow-fonted for possible spoiler: I have read a rumor that 6.15 will feature none of the cast regulars; it will be a run-down of this 1800s Black Rock storyline, which will purportedly be introduced with Ab Aeterno. To me, this question has usually come back to the New Otherton buildings. Namely, Ben's secret chamber within the secret chamber that he used to summon the Monster upon Keamy et al. Before it had taken the FLocke form. Also, that the tunnel section holding the nuclear bomb was built perfectly abutting Ben's house. Richard broke through ~ 6" layer of laid stonework, then a layer of cinder block. Color me dubious that all of this could have gone undiscovered, or DHARMA built right over it. And the building of that was before Ben lost faith in Jacob, it was before Ben's time entirely. New Otherton was already there when he and Roger arrived. In my estimation, it smacks of much more complex connections among DHARMA, the Others, MIB/Monster and Jacob than has been revealed.
  9. And holy crap. When Jensen hinted at the beginning about his last-page theory, I was thinking the same thing.... MIB/Smokey = Daniel Faraday. Or at least Dan's consciousness. As he writes, the fragment that we got really fits in with the Faraday-Hawking story. A crazy mother, "growing pains," from a woman intent on sacrificing her own son. She didn't even try to save him. Where, if she had just told him, "Hey. When you storm into camp, watch out for the blonde with the rifle on your 6. That's me." He could have lived, and perhaps the Incident could have happened all the same. See, we get the story of Abraham about to sacrifice Isaac on Mt. Moriah, but what about Isaac's feelings on the matter. One might assume he'd have a problem being treated like a lamb and having his throat cut and body burned. What if God hadn't interrupted? Might you not be pissed at your mother/father and his God? Where do they get off? If this is it, it's a pretty sweet storyline. Remember how Dan's brain was fried from his time travel self-experimentation? Well, his body was fine. But perhaps, bolstered from his experience with Desmond c. 1996 in creating a constant, he plugged in some numbers and transported his own mental stream to a time far off from where he intended. He seemed to create a partial constant (if such a thing can exist. humor me), such that it didn't kill him, just rendered his memory completely spasmodic... not unlike how the island travels willy-nilly through space and time. One moment, 32 minutes behind the real world as with the payload; another moment, a couple of days ahead, as with the doctor floating ashore with his throat cut. And how, when he got back to the Island, Dan's consciousness returned, but didn't give him full knowledge b/c it might upset his plans, whatever those were. Definitely something to think about. It might also explain a screen-capture I saw the other day. I forget where. But it was when Flocke said, "I'm very disappointed... [and it showed his finger at that moment pointed at Lapidis, followed by a slight pause, then continues] In all of you!" More may come to me to reinforce this theory or knock it over. Anyone have anything else? ON EDIT: I can't recall offhand... Does anyone know if there were any Monster sightings during the time Faraday was on the island? ... Ooo. Wait. Ben summoned it to kill the mercenaries. Hmm. But the monster was strangely inactive during that time period. Or was Dan at the freighter at that moment --- technically off-island? What about Flocke saying that "Of Mice and Men" was after his time? That's a bit of a bullet to the balloon. Hmm.
  10. Well, the Monster is pretty good at clearing trees....
  11. Another difference from the original timeline to sideways world: Charlie's brother, Liam, is not living the clean & sober, married-with-child life in Sydney. Doc Jensen's "Recon" round-up. Uhh... What is Bernard? Chopped liver? ... (Well, if he and Rose are Adam & Eve.... eek. As I wrote before, I think that may be Faraday and Charlotte).
  12. But seriously, back to the discussion.... In the video section of the pre-show write-up, Jensen and ... the other guy were talking about whether MIB/Smokey/Flocke is inhabiting Locke's body in the sideways flashes. And they also put the question out there whether Locke has always been inhabited, at least partly, by Smokey... or at least inhabited by him (again, at least partly) since the 815 crash. That's something I was keen on right after the S5 finale. It was just something about the way he said, "You have no idea what I've been through to be here." I just didn't get the sense that he was talking about the last couple of days of possessing Locke's body from the Ajira flight. This theory is kind of rough around the edges because of the whole "Can't be in two places at the same time" thing, but does this rule apply, for sure? It seems like these beings might be able to imbue certain of the Lostaways with some of their "powers" e.g. how Hurley can speak with the dead, how Miles can download a person's final thoughts similar to how the Monster took virtual pictures of people's memories. Do we know for certain that a certain something didn't co-habitate Locke's body from the time of that "Walkabout" scene?
  13. True that! I can't for the life of me figure out how he can make so many tangential extra-textual references in such a short turnaround. You know, it was a little fun a couple of seasons ago. Now, speaking just for myself especially as we approach the home stretch, it's just not helpful or particularly amusing. I want the straight dope, not a straight dope. Ehhh.... Shannon was the one who needed one in S1. Charlie more or less kept Claire in line. Except for that time Locke had to lay down his fedora and conduct some business when he thought his sub-pimp was on the H. Flocke : Pimpin' Castaway Hoes Since Ab Aeterno.
  14. Worlds. Three worlds. He's suggesting that there's the original timeline, the sideways world, and some world we perhaps haven't seen yet (or have only seen glimpses of).
  15. Charlotte was told top right drawer for T-shirts, and iirc, she went top left. Wouldn't involve Miles with anything at this point. Archaeologists/Anthropologists are just naturally curious about people, and they dig. Or, at least, Charlotte does.
  16. Quite possible that Flocke was purloining details of Locke's life with a "crazy [adoptive] mother" (e.g. believing that a dog was Locke's foster sister, Jeannie) and "growing pains." Pretty scarce and vague --- as ever --- material that we've been given. For the record, Flocke has not been truthful. He uses expedient truths and exaggerations/lies to get people to do what he wants done... in addition to saying that he doesn't have time for answering questions when anybody asks one that hits the heart of things, and with a side order of making a lot of promises that it's yet to be determined whether his ass can cash. He tells Claire that the Others have her baby, b/c Claire 'needs somewhere to direct her hate'??? This is not the sign of a beneficent being. He says he wants to leave the island... yet he needs to kill a lot of people (maybe everyone) first. I think Flocke killed the Ajira passengers. "That's terrible!" Locke says when Sawyer tells him the news. Methinks he doth protest too much. Unlike his namesake, (Jack in S1: "... And some people you just can't read at all.") Flocke has plenty of tells. And it now seems apparent that the Widmore group is who shot at time-flashing Sawyer, Juliet, Miles, etc. while they were paddling in the dugout. I was thinking that Zoe looks quite similar to Cassidy Phillips, the woman Sawyer conned and knocked up. Be careful making assumptions about the sideways world. We know very little other than that the island is under ~20 ft of water c. 2004, and that Ben and his father were there and left. ----- News that ABC and the LOST enterprise is going to be publishing a 400-page LOST bible/encyclopedia, due out in August, probably to coincide with the S6 DVD release. This may be the avenue where the food drops and some other things are explained. ----- Doc Jensen had an interesting idea in his pre-show Tuesday column (this week is his last entry of the pre- column). I simply find it hard to believe that the sideways flashes are where it's all heading... that these podunk lives are all that's waiting for characters that we've come to know and like. To anyone keeping track, the sideways flashes are not some destination where the Lostaways find redemption, have a higher purpose, fulfill happiness. To be quite blunt, their sideways lives have been pretty ****ty. Worse than being "stuck on Craphole Island." Where is the sense that Sawyer had in S4 that he was on the island for a purpose and that the world he'd been trying to get back to wasn't that great for him anyway? The Sawyer who just watched Kate deliver Aaron during the flashes, and not say anything. Did that blow up with Juliet? Irreparably? Now, he wants to get on the sub again. Accuses Jack of always having the same doomed plan of going back to the beach, and Sawyer's foil to that is boarding the sub.
  17. IT'S CALLED "CONSEQUENCES"!!!! Most people who don't live in Oz have to deal with them. "Hey, I can steal from the government and, if I get caught, my sow and brood are still taken care of. Sweet deal!" If I build a house for someone, I don't get paid bonus money for every year it's standing. If the house falls down b/c of shoddy work, I can expect to be sued, rather than still collecting such a bonus. How about Chris Spielman returning his checks to ESPN while he was taking care of his wife during breast cancer? Foreign !@#$ing concept to these people. Instead, "I want more money for work I didn't do!"
  18. Rebecca Mader was listed in the co-star credits, so I knew this last week. Just, I expected her to be on Widmore's sub. Interesting continuation with the mirror/reflection theme in the sideways flashes. This week, Sawyer doesn't flick at a scab he'd never seen before, doesn't feel guilty about stranding a pregnant chick in Watts or something, didn't breathe a loser-ly sigh. (Sayid's reflection in Nadia's door lacked any reaction worth noting, and I don't remember what Locke's was). Sawyer... err... James Ford... punched the mirror, mirror on the wall. But back to the main issue. The sideways flash focused on (we need to get used to this...) James' deviation from the original timeline from one side of the law to the other. Rather than being the grifter, he takes down the grifters. But, he's got this private sneaker of a case where he aims to get revenge, vigilante style. His parents still both died in the murder-suicide in the alternate story, and Anthony Cooper (despite being in a framed photo on Sideways Locke's desk) was still the con who initiated the deaths. He and Miles apprehend a fleeing Kate late in the episode. Again, was that a hint of recognition from Sawy James? Things seem to be converging toward the police station. Back to following the original timeline.... Sawyer is sent by Flocke to Hydra Island. Looked like there was some damage to the Ajira plane, but probably airworthy. After willingly walking into the Widmore group's ambush, James strikes a bargain with Charles to deliver Flocke so Widmore can kill him. Man's not stupid, folks. Hedging the bet, so to speak, seems pretty safe. If Flocke/Smokey wipes out Widmore, they go home. If Widmore is able to contain and kill the Flockeness Monster, they go home. What could possibly go wrong? And yet... on this island, any offer of help, any promise made has a caveat. You do get a promise, but you don't get the whole promise, and there's always blow-back and repercussions. Any deal to escape has always led back to the island. Sorry, James. Even with Jacob dead, running will do no good. Widmore's group was setting up a mini-version of the pylons. Which invites the question of alliances. Might Widmore now be affiliated with the remnants of DHARMA / Ann Arbor? If he wants to kill Flocke, and Ilana's group wants to do something not especially nice with Flocke, it would seem to fit in the whole "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" way of seeing the world. But, unfortunately, that was not to be. "Proceed as planned," said Widmore. Outside of this one common goal, Widmore's wider interests lay at odds with Ilana's/Ben's/Jack's. Something in the sub's cargo lockers merited some serious security.... Hmm. So, we see Claire grabbing Kate's hand like they're BFFs one second, then holding a knife at her throat the next. Flocke B word-slaps her and sets his B word right, like a good pimp does. "Crazy mother," sayeth Flocke? I think he's on to something. The glimpse of Smokey/MIB's mother, taken another way... it's as if the island needs someone in the crazy jungle-mother role. Would it be safe to assume that MIB's family lived on the island? I got the hint that Jacob and he were in the same family unit, as well. And something their mother did, or the way she left them, caused the conflict between them. Could the said craziness have something to do with the bloody "Mysterious Boy"? Probably. One thing's for certain. We are all waiting with bated breaths for next week's Richard-centric ep, titled "Ab Aeterno." Latin translation: "from the beginning of time." OK, I admit to a tiny bit of reading ahead. Couldn't help myself. In the preview: "All this... is not what you think it is." Jacob will apparently provide an explanation for what the island is. Whether this explanation will be vague to the utmost or surprisingly specific is anyone's guess. Uhhmmm, my money is on vague.
  19. Hey, the guide listing is my job! . . jk I like to post the episode numbers just to keep track of where we are. I'm a little Aspergerian that way. "Dr. Linus" repeat | 6.07 "Recon" | 6.08 | The Locke-Ness Monster sends Sawyer on a mission.
  20. A couple of bits from what I've read.... As stated by Cuse in a S3 DVD commentary and since, word is coming that the food drops will be explained, but they will not be explained on the show itself. I would guess that it'll be a thing similar to the podcasts, mobisodes, etc. In retrospect, I guess it's not very important to the larger themes. They've also said that the character of Annie (the girl who gave Ben the wooden doll in "The Man Behind the Curtain) will not be revisited. Really, she was someone who got ~ 1 minute of screen time, and whose appearance only served to help frame Ben's relation with women (i.e. His mother, Annie, then Juliet). To anyone disappointed by this, well, you can be disappointed, but it's just not necessary. Then, upon seeing a photo of Matthew Fox's wife.... Holy crap, I think can understand him wanting to get some strange. Not that I hold movie stars up as beacons of morality, but he should have used more discretion. Especially when there's kids in the picture.
  21. Interesting article in the Hartford Courant today.... If Big Ten Calls, UConn Has Reason To Jump
  22. Are you on "The Man From Tallahassee"? Not bad progress.... The Television Without Pity forums --- and that's a place for serious television discussion --- have "LOST" ranked as the #1 show of the decade. (That includes cable, etc.).
  23. I'm cutting and pasting this from a theory/spoilers (no, there aren't any included here) site. Written by user, "The Graphite." Wow. With all I know, and from my quirky observances, this is an excellent metaphor.
  24. If that's so, and the candidates can't be killed (very easily, at least), shouldn't there be some left from previous groups? What would be the odds of getting all 6 in this last batch of castways? Is Richard a candidate... or was he a candidate whose candidacy ended... or was he not a candidate at all? I'm not going to discount it entirely, but I do believe that Jacob is looking to pare it down to just one of them. And it seems like Jack is his favorite among the 6. I have also heard that several deaths are forthcoming.
  25. Don't they have an obligation to the minority, just as well? Do gays and their families not pay taxes that support school functions? Shouldn't matter what the majority of a school board, parents or even a whole town want. It's about doing what's legally and morally right. This is a South that only a couple of years ago featured similar circumstances b/c of inter-racial couples attending proms. Should they all have just gone with similarly skin-toned partners and then danced with who they wanted to dance with, just to appease some bigoted school board members? No, that's wrong. Should it be allowed for the administration to pretend that homosexuals don't exist and that there's something dangerous/disgusting/taboo about them? No, that's wrong. Time to enter the 21st century.
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