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UConn James

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Posts posted by UConn James

  1. 5 hours ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

    The salary cap ruined sports.  Thank God Major League baseball doesn't have one.  The cap just protects the large market teams from their ownself. It practically ruined hockey. 





    Meh. But they do have a pretty stiff luxury tax with some $ and signing rules penalties. And still, a team even like the Red Sox have a hard time affording to keep their home-grown guys who became stars — Mookie Betts (altho… no matter what he says to the contrary, just wanted out of Boston), and now possibly Xander Boegarts. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    And teams like the Yankees and Dodgers can buy wins.


    What MLB really needs is a salary floor. Some teams are literally jokes with a $25-30M payroll as the owner makes off with $100M net from teevee money even before any gate/concessions/etc. and they only serve as farm teams for the 15 teams that actually put resources into trying to win games.

  2. 1 hour ago, Augie said:


    The owners should be all in! An extra week of content and advertising. Make the season last longer, make more money. If it happens to be good for the players too? All the better! Just make the players feel like the owners did it for them, and file that “public chip”. 

    I get the sense that the owners are saving the second bye to introduce in conjunction with the 18th game, as a ‘favor’ / trade off to the players.

    39 minutes ago, Ethan in Portland said:

    18 games, 2 bye weeks, and no preseason games

    My guess is it’ll be one preseason game, two teams get a second for the Hall of Fame game, and leave it up to teams to conduct joint practices.


    Then again, we saw what the lack of all but like 5 minutes of preseason vs Packers last season did for Josh as he seemed pretty rusty to start the season.

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  3. Quote

    In the most recent episode of Kevin Hart's "Cold As Balls" show, San Francisco 49ersstar tight end George Kittle said that the NFL should adopt an extra bye week to combat the rigors players face with an additional regular-season game.


    "There's a huge physical toll," Kittle said, via NBC Sports. "And like, 17 games is a lot. It's a lot of games, with one bye, whether it's Week 4 or the bye is Week 11. I'm advocating for two byes.


    Absolutely going to be a necessary addition, especially when the owners go to 18 regular season games. It’s needed even now with 17.

    Wonder what the “upkeep” costs are that aren’t covered by the team / insurance….


    League year went into mid-February and the sky did not fall, interest did not decline, over-saturation was not a thing.


    Even during the Kelly years there used to be two bye weeks. Time to go back to that.




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  4. Again, with the news of using the leg, I stress trying the Cosequin joint health supplements. They help with pain, increase mobility, and reduce inflammation.






    My cousin's dog had the TPLO surgery and just a couple of weeks ago they had to go back in to remove the metal and screws because she was going after them. She's a small frame yellow lab and they were irritating her. Cousin said the vet reported that these are getting more common because dogs aren't being allowed to grow fully before they're spayed or neutered. Timeframe should be about 1 year, but many are doing it at 6 months, especially rescue places that have a mandatory s/n policy before they adopt pets to people. One cat rescue near me does s/n to 8 week old kittens! That's really not good for these animals' health.

  5. My GSP had a knee issue about two years ago, iirc. He was off leash in the yard during winter and came back to me hobbling, not putting weight on his rear left. Thought it was a sprain / strain as it had happened many times before on ice / snow. It improved and he could put weight on it, but was still limping and it was clicking. Vet did X-ray and said it was likely a tear of some degree of the meniscus and there was a shadow that showed fluid build-up. We did a watchful wait and limited his activity (difficult for a pointer!) and walks limited to about 1/4 mile a day down from a usual 1 1/2. So it was a quite awhile of that. His knee kept clicking, sometimes with every step and I cringed at every one but he largely seemed unfazed by it. Started giving him Cosequin tablets on recommendation of cousin who raised Fidelco German shepherds that had leg issues… 2 a day for first month it said and one a day afterward. It was awhile and in like March of this year I noticed, hey, no more clicking, and he’s back to running around when the shin suits him, although at 12 1/2 he’s slowing down a bit. The Cosequin was literally the only thing we changed.


    I mean… I had a partial tear of my own left meniscus when I was a teen and they only ordered physical therapy and it sometimes still clicks and I have some stability issues with that leg. Maybe *I* should take the Cosequin too!

  6. 38 minutes ago, njbuff said:

    Anybody have any idea what happened?

    Based on the “unexpected” wording and what has been revealed — that she’s been recovering well in the last few days — I would hazard a guess at a heart issue or a slimmer possibly of a stroke.


    She’ll share *if* she wants to at a time of her choosing, but the main thing is that she’s getting the best of care and will hopefully be back to rights soon.

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  7. I’ve done a daily multi for about 5 years now to pick up the slack of anything I might be getting in diet. I have been eating less meat and the last lab test a couple months ago showed lower iron so I started on that and it’s helped some very irritating leg cramping at night when trying to get to sleep. It surprised me to find that most multis don’t have iron. Who knew? … Also do fish oil with a D3, that some studies have said helps with autism symptomology.


    Ten years? I’m not a fan of doctors myself but you really ought to get the basics checked. At the very least do the blood work and routine physical once a year.

  8. On 5/16/2022 at 2:31 PM, Chandler#81 said:

    the apocalypse is upon us

    Maybe the Incan calendar thing wasn’t  wrong. The world started ending in 2012 and we’re just living in this hellish aftermath / free-for-all.

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  9. Hmm. I’m not quite sure if this thread is just one non seqitour after another or if it is indeed about shaving utensils, but I can share that I bit the bullet this evening and ordered a Braun series 9 shaver on the Zon. ~$220 after a $120 discount.


    The old series 3 was simply not doing it anymore, even after getting a new shaving head for it. The white whiskers are coming in with verve and I read on reviews that the 9 does a very efficient job on those, with higher power [Tim Allen grunt here] and five blades. That’s the propaganda, we’ll see in a week or two what the real story is.

  10. I went to high school with a gal who is now a fitness model and is still a good solid 9/10 at early 40s and got some attention some time ago for trick-shot videos of throwing footballs into basketball net from like 50 yards, and I think some golf things iirc.

  11. 7 hours ago, Freddie's Dead said:
    2 hours ago, SoCal Deek said:


    7 hours ago, Freddie's Dead said:

    I'd be sweeping the visitors locker room for bugs and cameras.

    Hell yeah.


    2 hours ago, SoCal Deek said:

    Looks like the Pats Ownership feel they need to lure fans to their over priced games now that they’re not a lock to win the division anymore. We’ll see if it works. 


    The article was kinda vague on what the interior space will be used for, but I imagine there’s going to be a large gambling devoted area similar to what the Pegulas et al have described for our new place.


    Gambling just seems to get butts in seats. I’ve never really understood the allure, an AP stats course hammered it into me that gambling isn’t a great use of money, nor have I ever really had enough money to just 🔥💰 / 💸.

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  12. https://www.bostonglobe.com/2022/05/11/sports/gillette-stadium-breaks-ground-225-million-renovation/



    The project will enclose the north end of the stadium with year-round hospitality and function space and a massive videoboard hanging over the field.

    The stadium cost approximately $350 million to build, with $300 million spent on renovations and $350 million for Patriot Place. The $225 million price-tag for this latest renovation lifts the Krafts’ expenditures to $1.2 billion on their Foxborough property.

    A 22,000 sq. ft. HD video board at the former open end and what looks like concourses / atrium space that will essentially finally enclose the field.


    Artist rendering:


  13. 7 minutes ago, Maynard said:

    Poyer is under contract. However, I think Hamlin is going to be a stud. 

    Someone else replied the same, but the league has shown us that there are times a contract doesn’t mean anything.


    I don’t think Poyer is the type who would hold out of training camp or beyond, but he was one of the very few who didn’t show up for the voluntary mini, his wife seems to be in the extremes of high-maintenance, and given a new agent we don’t know exactly what his thoughts are. So it’s a little up in the air at this point. Just was saying that the possibility exists.

  14. There are some sellers on eBay who make tackle twill numbers & NOB lettering, that are adhesive when ironed… but really have to be stitched for permanency. I did a Red Sox jersey from a blank with my own last name — because I can’t be traded or sign with another team — and it came out great. Sewing it all on as well as some extra stuff was $70 (I think I got gouged there but 🤷🏻‍♂️). If you know someone who can sew that makes it all the more economical and anyone halfway talented can make it look no different from factory finish. I got a crash course in sewing a few months ago from a neighbor, using my mum’s old and sturdy Singer sewing machine, to make a repair on an LLBean dog bed that had a wear hole in one spot.

    And screw anyone who says this is being “cheap” because it’s literally part of the three Rs ♻️. Fashion & textile waste is a sizable % of landfill. Make do and mend, as the old phrase went.

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  15. On 4/12/2022 at 3:19 PM, Nextmanup said:

    I was born and raised in WNY, and am first and foremost a Bills/Sabres fan for life.

    But I was also raised a Red Sox fan, which was convenient as we never had a MLB team in Buffalo.


    So yes, I've seen both extremes.  The feeling that we are cursed and can never win, followed by the realization that yes we can win.


    I've mentioned this before in similar threads, but I was forever changed as a Red Sox fan in 2004 with that first World Series victory (in modern times!).  


    It is now IMPOSSIBLE for me to get upset or frustrated over the Sox.  I'm at 100% at peace with the whole thing, as we (Red Sox) got our victory (and then a bunch more) and no one is ever taking it away.


    If/when the Bills win a Super Bowl, a LOT of Bills fans will be changed forever.  It won't be "life or death" anymore, and you won't be nearly as emotionally involved in the team.


    It's good and bad.



    Same with the Red Sox. I live in northeast CT but my mum’s side was / is from WNY so I’m a Bills & (casual) Sabres fan.


    I had just gotten (back?) into watching baseball after graduating from the U and 2004 was just an AMAZING postseason for Boston. I was not nearly as invested as folks who had suffered through so much sports heartbreak. So for me that was a yay rah rah / woohoo experience rather than weepy tears of joy. The other World Series championships since have been great too, but yeah, they are less emotional. When I hear the replay of Joe Buck’s call of “CAN… you BELIEVE it!??” that’s pure nostalgia now. And almost 20 years ago itself, now. Wow. It feels like that just happened.


    Otherwise, UConn has any number of college basketball 🏀 national championships, women’s more than men’s. TBH I have watched the women’s far more than the men’s games over the years. I sat right next to Sue Bird and like half the women’s team in a French culture gen-ed class in their perfect year of 2000. So that was cool. Again, just a woohoo experience. My mum worked at the U and would watch a lot of the womens’ games with a neighbor down the street, and they have now both passed from cancer, and I like to think they’re still watching from above, so I now sometimes get a bit 🥹 when I think of that.


    How would / will I react at a Bills SB win? I have no idea. It’s probably going to run the whole gamut of emotions. Been a fan since 1990 started with watching the SB XXV with my older brother who introduced me into it and made me a Bills fan too, which was only reinforced when I eventually did summers at the family farm in WNY helping hay etc. and would watch preseason with cousins up there. 

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  16. 12 minutes ago, SlimShady'sSpaceForce said:

    WTF is with WTH?




    They all seem to have the eyelets at the back 

    Yeah, I think that’s the overwhelming / standard way that graphic designers do that.


    TonyP, just to be clear, you’re looking for one where the buffalo is headed into the flagpole? That would be like putting in a newspaper photo (I did copy editor / layout focus in j-school) or a FB picture that looks toward the left — off the page — and that just isn’t done as it looks extremely odd for visual flow. … In this case, it would be that the buffalo is free to run to the right, rather than the flagpole blocking its way. … It’s almost akin to asking / wanting the US flag to have the blue field of stars on the top outer edge when facing right; a lot of people are sometimes confused when they see the flag 🇺🇸 inverted horizontally on police / military uniforms when that badge is on the right shoulder, but it’s because the field of stars are always supposed to lead the way.


    As Simon suggested, if it bothers you that much, grab a grommet set. 🤷🏻‍♂️ 

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  17. 4 hours ago, What a Tuel said:


    300 million over 7 years doesn't seem like a lot and i doubt that is even net income. Projected over 30 years it might barely cover a new stadium? 


    Meanwhile they keep the team here and NY/Erie County rake in the tax revenue from players contracts, coach contracts, organizational payroll, ticket sales, merchandise sales, etc etc etc. 


    The fairest way is a split between public and private funding which is what they did. Yes the state paid a bit more but they dont have the leverage being a small market team.

    To say nothing of the construction businesses’ and workers’ taxes.

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  18. 20 hours ago, TBBills said:

    Yea baseball is losing out on these moments b.c the season is too long. Shorten the season, pitchers pitch less games and can go for longer. Season should be 100 games max.

    In 1892 & 1904, MLB teams had 154 games. There were fewer here and there in between maybe due to the number of teams that folded(?). But if they were playing that many way back then, 162 games in the modern day with faster transportation and training & medical, then I see zero reason to contract the season like that. Baseball lives in tradition and that’s a big part of its appeal, at least for me.


    It’s kinda a catch-22 for all the reasons cited. If I’m Kershaw and a fan, I’d probably be upset / disappointed, but… 🤷🏻‍♂️. It’s a judgement call at this point of the season and given the givens. I would’ve let him continue because how often does it happen. 

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