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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. Like the Democrats who are living it up in the Heritage Suites in Harvard, Illinois, those qualities aren't mutually exclusive.
  2. Not to mention that the primary dates have been moved back to where they were before the '08 election. Everyone was in such a mad rush to declare early and (and there were plenty, no doubt, who were seeking to marginalize Dubya) what did it do? Created an artificially long election season that tired everyone out, and drained a lot of resources. Pawlenty might declare in the next month. Word has it that Romney is probably going to wait until April (some are saying, 15 April itself --- tax filing day) to declare. Starting a campaign means spending a lot of money on staff and offices, and spending that money this far out probably doesn't help. What they're doing currently --- writing op-eds, book tours, building up their "war chests" and the like --- is the natural course of it these days. Huckabee is rumored to be on the fence still, but more likely to run if Romney runs. Huckabee just seems to have a sore spot there. Personally, I thought Huckabee would have the decency to stay out since a string of convicted rapists/murderers that he gave FULL PARDONS to (on the advice of his preacher friends who said these inmates had 'found Jesus') as governor were released and went on to .... surprise, surprise.... rape and murder again. Including one guy who killed 4 Arkansas police officers last year. Just on this alone, I don't want Huckabee anywhere NEAR the presidency. If Willie Horton was reason enough not to elect Michael Dukakis, then Maurice Clemmons should keep Huckabee out of the White House.
  3. Pop! [sound of balloon deflating]
  4. You're attributing more intelligence to the average Somali pirate than is owed. The great part of it is, the American taxpayer now gets to spend $30M trying these cretins in American courts, then, if convicted, feeding and housing them for a while, and then when their sentences are up, I have absolutely no doubt they'll be allowed to stay here. Whereupon they can apply for free federal housing, food stamps, and Social Security.
  5. I was warmed up to Natalie last night. That's a nice yellow bikini.... I was a little worried when she lost their lead in the immunity challenge. But, then again, her part with opening the locks was a matter of pure luck. Matt was totally blind-sided last night. Looks like the orange tribe is content to ride on Rob's coat-tails. Flubber-t*ts used her idol last night, so unless Phil goes totally wacko (this is entirely possible!) she's next on Rob's hit list. But the most important development of the night happened in the other camp, as the hairy farmer guy found the idol even before Russell spent a lot of capital denying that he stole the clue. With HFG having the idol and if the others find out Russell tried to screw them, I think they may pick off the biggest target first. And I think they may lose immunity on purpose just to do it. The next-week teaser featured one of Russell's girls saying 'this is going to be the biggest blind-side in the history of Survivor!' Just wondering what that means --- if that group of three is so cocky when they don't even have the idol, or if Russell's girls are going to blindside him. The latter would be totally awesome. Just waiting to see what the parameters are for Redemption Island. Several of them have said they might actually prefer to be there, but I really think they're talking out of their *s. They have no idea what it's going to be. Your situation might come more into play especially as it gets further along in the game. Imagine, after a merge, it's still in play and Rob forms an alliance to send Russell there, then elects to go there himself to knock Russell out, then only has to go against the weaker players the others send packing. As I wrote upthread, it's been a long time since I watched more than one episode per season when nothing else was on. It may be cast-contingent, but I think it's now in the guilty pleasure category. Same goes for Amazing Race.
  6. I'll demur. But do inform the board if/when this airs. How about the hydrogen fuel cell? No, really. It was invented in 1839.
  7. NYT: Indiana Democrat copy Wisconsin legislators for Union Vote Best part is, these 'tards probably think these tactics are actually going to win them votes. They all would make great Monty Python knights: "RUN AWAY!! RUN AWAY!!!"
  8. I don't mean to be nosy (OK, I do) but is this connected to CC's new Civil War-era project? Still at BR?
  9. And what galls me is that they say it as if appliance repairmen, ditch diggers, department store cashiers, and airplane pilots don't "serve the public."
  10. Let's hope so. I don't care what other people do with their lives, but that doesn't mean that I want to see the equivalent of the Pixyland guything guy on my teevee screen every week. Tho, I was sorry to hear that his father died earlier this year.... It's true, as the girl said, that when you're facing something unpleasant, you get through it by thinking about the people you love and that you're doing it for them. That basically sums up the whole of the human existence when you think about it.
  11. I'd have to say... the Bunkers. "Arrrchhiiiiieee!!!"
  12. Walker's refusal to talk/negotiate? That's rich. Who's that group holed up in that bunker of a Chicago hotel?
  13. This. My father witnessed a guy putting items in his jacket pockets at Lowe's a couple of years ago. We shop there a lot, and he knows the people who work there, and he told one of the managers. They watched as the guy put more items in his jacket and then left the store. Town police pulled up shortly after and spread-eagled the guy. One of the few times in my experience where cops actually showed up before it was all over.
  14. While some people are castigating CBS for not releasing more details, I think they've done a fairly good job of trying to protect Ms. Logan's privacy. Respectable news outlets don't identify sexual assault victims at least, against their wishes. If she wants to discuss it at some point, fine, but give her that choice. Whispered accounts are no better than the people who stood by and took pictures. The gaping maw of people who need to know everything (and feel they have the absolute right to peep into other people's private moments) these days is particularly saddening. Compassion is dead.
  15. That old phrase, "Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6" is apparently going to be put to the test.
  16. Yep. You find out really fast if you can get along adequately or if you'll just exasperate/hate each other.
  17. I missed it last night (watched "L'Illusioniste" and "The Hurt Locker") but will make sure to catch it as long as they've got it online. Anyway, tho, I don't care what you say. Jaime Edmundson is HOT! so she's allowed a little leeway.
  18. Alphaville - "Forever Young"
  19. Hmm. I'm almost certain I've seen pictures that showed that turf --- including the red endzones --- went to a high school for use on their field.
  20. IIRC, the Steelers' #2 TE, Matt Spaeth is also an UFA. It would be nice to address this in FA and finally have an established TE who doesn't need 3-4 years to "develop" and then not pan out. TE should be an area that, as much as the guy can catch passes down the seam, he needs to be able to block. It's very underrated how much the TE can make an average OL function a lot better. For WAY too long (since Metzalaars) this team hasn't had a guy who can do both phases well. Now would seem the opportune time with a guy like Boss. This is a situation where throwing some money at the problem would allow them not to have to worry about it for a while.
  21. I don't so much mind taste/texture, though some whole wheats I tried in the past are particularly nasty and they go bad a lot faster than white loaves in my experience (maybe it just seemed that way b/c we just didn't eat them). And I know it's "healthier"... but my stomach doesn't seem to like whole --- or any kind --- of wheat. Several family members have the same issue. I make a lot of French bread, and recently I've been making some cinnamon-raisin, onion or garlic loaves in the food processor dough function, then bake in the toaster oven if I'm not running the full oven for something. Oh, and King Arthur flour is the best. In a pinch when nothing's made, I buy classic white, and stock up on unseeded rye and pumpernickel (my favorite, especially for egg salad or pulled pork) for a little variety.
  22. Actually, iirc, the underlayment is concrete, a sand/dirt mixture, a few inches of a rubber surface, the AstroPlay, and then they swept in small bits of pelletized rubber that you'd see spray up every so often in photos. I just don't see how they could do natural grass in that weather and not be playing on bare dirt and mud in Nov.-Dec.-Jan. They've had to re-sod Lambeau (either totally or down the mid-field b/w the hash lines) every year. That costs through the wazoo --- $100K-$150K a pop. Over 8 years, you've got the initial cost plus repairs and maintenance with chemicals, equipment and labor, then add in that $1M for sodding. And at that, you'll never have consistent quality and will lose the ability to host other events (read: make $) b/c of turf conditions. Just not worth it.
  23. According to the link on the main TBD page, they are only replacing the artificial turf surface, not anything wrt the sub-surfaces. It also says that 8 years was the natural life of the AstroPlay. Has there been any word on what the "natural life" of Field Turf is? Doing some quick searching, the field in the Rogers Dome was redone in 2002 and it's reported that it will be replaced next year, two years ahead of the normal schedule. Of course, that's under use for 80 baseball games and more events. But, as such, 8 years for the AstroPlay surface in RWS wouldn't be a significant difference.
  24. I haven't watched this series in a while, but there I was.... For someone claiming to be a former special agent, Phillip certainly left nothing on the table in the secrets department. CRAZY. Does he think anyone is going to tell him anything from that moment on? Natalie is hot.
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