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UConn James

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Posts posted by UConn James

  1. On 9/4/2022 at 1:28 PM, Shaw66 said:

    I'm going to Shea's on Thursday night.   I hope other fans will show up there, too.   It would be good to have a big crowd, if a big crowd of Bills fans is even possible in the center of Connecticut. 

    I’m kinda torn here. It’d be so nice to finally meet up with fellow TBDers, but I also got a new big teevee a few weeks ago and have been anticipating christening it with this TNF opener.


    Is there like an expectation of ordering steady drinks / food there (at that, I don’t do alcohol, so it’d be ginger ales / water for me)?


    On 9/4/2022 at 5:27 PM, Mynamemike said:

    Sorry to hear you’ll be in Connecticut.  

    😄 Come for the uhhhmmm… the nutmeg 🤷‍♂️(??), stay for the 6.35% sales tax.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  2. I’ve been doing the better living through chemistry (the legal Rx kind) thing for anxiety the past couple of years. I have a few supplemental doses per month the doc prescribed for extra heavy days.

    Even the AFC Championship game 2 years ago, it kinda seemed like it came and went with a blur, speaking time-wise.


    When I was younger I would literally get sick with anxiety and what might now be called panic attacks (and for those reading the thread on OTW, I’m also on the autism spectrum, where anxiety is kinda part & parcel).

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. 8 hours ago, buffaloboyinATL said:

    No, that’s an old placeholder render, but the meat of that article is very interesting in making a mesh exterior that if I understand it right will kinda *absorb* the wind rather than just deflect it so it just flows in another direction… e.g. above & around & even over the facade and affecting the field.


    I’m expecting a lot of folks have see. those plastic wrap signs that have semi-circles cut into them and wind blows right through. One that has no perforations becomes a sail and is heavily effected / blown away in higher winds.

    Wonder how this is going to play out for the design in OP. is it going to be a mesh and then a solid wall on the interior of that, with a channel for wind to follow and die out? Kinda like those Solo branded outdoor firepit things that’s double-walled with aeration holes and claims to not create as much smoke as regular ones?

    • Like (+1) 1
    • Thank you (+1) 1
  4. Wow. More CT representation than I thought here.


    I didn’t know about Tavern House Grill in Tolland, and it’s like 20 minutes away. Alas, the FB says it went belly-up in 2019.

    Shea’s in Manchester is now the sanctioned bar, last I’m seeing.

  5. 7 hours ago, nucci said:

    good thing I watch with volume off. But I'll miss 5 guys in studio talking, 3 in booth and 2 sideline reporters with riveting information...repeating the same cliches all game long. There is enough info on the screen and the refs are mic'd up. No need for announcers to tell me what I'm seeing

    I watched a couple U.S. Open 🎾 matches, including the Benicic (Switzerland) - Cirstea (Romania) 😍, this afternoon on the ESPN+ app and they didn’t have any commentary. Just the court sounds (neither of these gals are grunters / screamers) and it was amazing. Just like you’re there in the crowd, but with the best angles and replays.


    Wish they could have that option / to turn off the commentators for football. I don’t need all the glad-handing and to know that Ryan Fitzpatrick went to Harvard etc.

  6. 13 minutes ago, Gugny said:


    That poor dude.


    A ruptured achilles HAS to be one of the most painful injuries on can experience.

    And for a guy who brings home the bacon with his legs, maybe a career ender.


    I’m seeing that over 30% of all players in the NFL who suffer an Achilles never play in a game again.

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. I’ve never posted a lot, with the possible exception of the epic “LOST” episode threads on OTW, but I’ve been around on the SDS-led boards since the D&C days, probably 25 years(?). Geez, when you say it like that… a quarter century! 😲



    ___inOhio (?) who used to wish us Merry Natal Anniversary on our birthdays — a phrase I’ve taken up on the FB as a way to break up the strings of plain ol’ “Happy Birthday.” I think someone asked about him once and someone said he’d passed.



    ajzepp, who I’m FB friends with, but he hasn’t been active on that either 😕. Hope he’s OK.



    I think Crap Throwing Monkey was DCTom’s alter ego. 😋 He and Alaska Darin mostly kept to the dark side of the site, PPP.

    I even — just a little tiny bit, mind you, miss ICE and his Boomer Sooners and whatever was “giving [him] the red ass” that day/week.


    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 11 hours ago, D. L. Hot-Flamethrower said:

    Jones seems to have some kind of halo effect with some in media, especially old timers. It seems like they view him as the perfect old school cerebral accurate QB. Personally I find it laughable. Kind of like longing for the days of the Model T with these guys like Charlie Weis and Mike Tanenbaum.

    Have any of these people seen a Mac Jones interview? The guy seems to be perpetually stoned. Literally sounds like and resembles Sean Penn’s Spicoli in “Fast Times…”


    Cerebral? Only if they’re talking about cerebral *damage.*

    • Haha (+1) 1
  9. 2 hours ago, YoloinOhio said:

    I saw that too, it is being lumped into all the “revenge” games - Wilson vs Seattle, Baker vs Cleveland, Deshaun vs Houston. It’s tone deaf and stupid to coin that game that way. This whole thing is a brownsy distaster headed up by the lead circus clown jimmy Haslam. 

    Anything to set up situations / storylines to try to boost viewer ratings. Shameless.

    • Agree 2
  10. My shoes are almost exclusively crocs-type (in black) and Uggs type (with tough male boot treads, I’ll have you know!!!). It’s a nuanced but important transition between the two in the spring and later fall. My feet had never EVER stayed warm during the winter after five minutes outside before the Uggs-type and now my toes are always comfy cozy.


    I mostly go barefoot in the house and in the yard.

  11. 2 hours ago, K-9 said:

    Belichick’s puss suggests he’s in mid-season curmudgeon form already. 

    That looks like a big cold sore on his upper lip. #TheHerp

    30 minutes ago, Haslett_Stomp said:

    The game is not even on local TV here it CT, which speaks volumes.  They used to televise Brady getting a cup of coffee.

    🤨 Uhm… It’s on WCCT 20 - Hartford.

  12. 8 hours ago, Solomon Grundy said:

    Marv and Brady with same born day😳😱


    6 hours ago, sunshynman said:

    Sharing my bday with Marv. Season 7 Reaction GIF by The Office


    and Brady! Season 5 No GIF by The Office




    Tell me more.. Are there websites dedicated to honor this day?!

    It’s my natal anniversary as well! 

    Happy Birthday to us!


    (Martin Sheen, as well.)

    • Like (+1) 1
  13. 11 hours ago, PromoTheRobot said:

    I've looked into taking the train from Massachusetts to Buffalo, but the train merge in Albany adds too much time to the trip.


    But I do have a day trip to NYC set for October from Boston for the AES/NAB Convention. Leave in the morning and ride back by midnight. 

    As a teen in the mid-‘90s, I would take Amtrak Lake Shore Limited from Springfield to Rochacha to help haying at the maternal side dairy farm and spend time with cousins… and become a Bills fan watching in black & white on my grandparents OLLLLD console teevee that would take 20 minutes to warm up before it got a picture.


    It was ALWAYS delayed in Albany. One time that was 6 hours. SIX. HOURS. In Albany. Which is what the whole trip should / was scheduled to have taken. Got a $50 voucher toward a future Amtrak ticket for that, whoopdedoo.

    Simpler times.

  14. Godspeed for recovery, Mazie 💛🐾!


    The Berneses, being a large breed, have a shorter lifespan. Best friend’s ex-gf had a string of them and the oldest got to ~8 1/2. But those were males weighing 120-130 — really big boys. Her last, Hunter-Boo, was a lovable oaf who had one incident of knocking down a neighbor kid & grazing with a claw while playing ball and immediately knowing & having that look on his face of ‘oops I just messed up 🥺

  15. He seemed to just implode at critical times, and rather than focusing on whether he thought his coach/family box was cheering loudly enough for him, MAYbe he should have gotten prepared on getting just one more point when he had *several* situations of being up 40-0 on Djokovich and then losing.


    Another case of multi-million dollar talent, and a 10 cent head.

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