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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. Minor nitpicks on them... A) Blue socks paired with blue pants (shown on Chris Kelsay in the middle of this picture of the screencaps) looks terrible. If they are dead set on blue pants, they ought to at least make a corresponding white sock set, as they used in the OJ era. It's too much white-top, blue-bottom. Should be more balanced. It would look even better to just go with white-on-white, as they've done the majority of time, even with the '02 set. Maybe only break out the blue pants for divisional away games. And for chrissake, don't even mention blue monochrome --- that might've been something with a red helmet, but with a white helmet, it'd look like complete crap. 2) Do the stripes on the pants match the stripes on the helmet? No clear image of the helmet. All in all, this is something you'd expect from a 96-year-old owner. Basically, getting things down from the attic, using some scissors here and there. Won't have to buy different sets of helmets, facemasks, stickers, stadium signage etc. But even for that, this is a decent set. Easily went from worst unis to top 10, if they use the right combinations. Well, according to what some players and teams were saying they'd be doing today after the ruling, I don't see why they'd need to wait for a new CBA, unless there is an injunction to continue the lockout until it's appealed. This may not have been entirely accidental. Sometimes, teams float a weather balloon. Take, for example, that new Wonder Woman show's promo pics --- the designers made several changes once the consensus online was that the initial set looked too much like a streetwalker with the light blue vinyl pants, and the absence of the trademark stars --- and the subsequent changes were very good. It can really help designers avoid that kind of off-putting/de-railing criticism before it's too late to make small changes on things they hadn't noticed were either there or missing.
  2. A close friend from grade-->high school was in "Valkyrie" with him. They were living in the same area and drove to the set together. He wrote in an email that he nearly crashed a few times b/c Izzard would go into something until his eyes were watering from .
  3. Nice catch, Fluffhead! Yep, those are gray facemasks. The only other way I would be able to explain would be EA doing a mash-up of a predictable look. I haven't seen the gameplay of Madden since '03, but I believe that since then, one can do a pick-and-choose for the uniforms in set-up from among current and historic garb. As such, the home set looks very much like the throwbacks, only with helmets from from the 70s-80s design. Even the socks are the ones used with the throwbacks. As for the road set, it doesn't have near as much detail.... It may just be a prediction on EA's part --- then again, they were the first leak of the '02 redesign --- but it's the first light in a dark room. If this is it, it doesn't look bad at all. I would be in favor of using white pants with the road jerseys. It's just a cleaner look, IMO.
  4. George Will: Kansas Schools Prove Money Isn't Everything Much the same thing happening in Hartford and Bridgeport --- they've gone on an upward curve the last 20-30 years, spending almost 75% more than other cities/towns per student, and their test scores have actually gotten worse. The only thing that raising school budgets will guarantee is more money in administrators' pockets and graft, or $ spent on worthless projects or programs.
  5. If everyone but the Cowboys hadn't been in kahoots on the motorbike challenge, it probably would've been a lot different. I also wonder what would've happened if Jet had stayed with Greg rather than taking off. That right there screwed them, but to their credit, they kept at it and almost caught the Globetrotters. As much as Zev and Justin labored over the fondue, Jet and Cord walked out of there with smiles. They knew they were done, and likely took that last challenge in, and took their sweet time. I really enjoyed their game. No surprise that they were a lot of peoples' favorites. Jet took the blame for having done badly on the bike thing, and Cord refused to let him accept it --- they entered as a team, they lost as a team. A man could do a lot worse than have people around him with that attitude. A lot worse, in this case, is Kent --- a whiny little B word of the first order. I don't harbor nearly as much resentment toward Vixen; she's been a tough cookie from the start. But a lot of the interest in watching this show now is going to be rooting for them to lose. I don't understand how anyone could be around him without punching him in the face every 20 minutes.
  6. There's also three seasons of "The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles" on Netflix. I barely remember them from the early '90s.
  7. I actually caught "The Impossible Astronaut" via earlier today. I realize The Doctor changes with each iteration --- that's a main part of the fun of the series --- and that David Tennant is gone. But I'm still trying to get used to Matt Smith as The Doctor, and having to gird up for the season-long arcs under Stephen Moffett (this opener seems to be going that way as well), as opposed to the more stand-alone episodes.
  8. Yar! I've had to resort to meself, a'times! Netflix, unfortunately, doesn't carry everything. My most recent has been the current run of "Doctor Who." All caught up with it as of today. I might try "Breaking Bad" next.
  9. I do remember contestants saying that after the reward challenge binges, it all went out really fast. I imagine that's especially the case for the greasier foods like the burgers Steve and Phillip had.
  10. CBS.com: Rob Cesternino's Survivor Blog
  11. Well, it's whitey getting it, so that doesn't count. Ask Reginald Denny. What's most sickening is the McDonalds employees who're just standing around watching it happen, and then realizing that this is probably what they've been trained to do.
  12. Don't you mean, gorilla-sh--? As I wrote, I think that may have been Phillip's strategy this week. Be the crazy dude that Rob (or whoever) wants to take to the final two. Then hope that the jury will have something else to consider by that time when they're making their votes. And speaking of the jury.... Anyone wonder what happens when players are in the limbo world of the jury? There's some video of David's first day at Ponderosa. I don't know about the Matt-Andrea connection. She voted against Matt; it was the one that sent him. That's probably a big part of why he was so shocked. How does he trust her again? At this point with all of the religion-talk --- Hey, we all get it. He's down with Jesus. That's cool. But why it literally have to be everything says? --- and when he said he doesn't really want to be in the game anymore, I'm really rooting for him to get his wish / God to deliver. Grant, above anyone else, will have the most to be pissed about if/when Rob's idol makes its appearance. That may be the tipping point. Unless Rob gives it to someone else, which would mitigate it a lot and buy some major loyalty, it's got the potential to be a albatross for him WRT the jury vote. Even if he lies flat-out, imagine Rob goes up to Grant and says, "Hey, I've been hearing your name being whispered. Now, don't get mad, but I've got something here...." And then he, Grant, and Natalie would, say, pick off Andrea. I think this would probably be the best use of it.
  13. Touche. Like I've said, this is the first Survivor I've watched since its second season. I also watched one season until Rupert was axed. So it looks like, if it's played, it'll probably have to be at the first cut among the former Yellows, unless Steve or Ralph win an immunity or two. Definitely a possibility. They may go for Phillip first, just to get him out of there (or perhaps Andrea, if Rob can convince the others to do his bidding since he found out about her disloyalty), but once the remainder Purples are gone Rob has a big target on his back. His alliance with Natalie is going to be key; he needs to keep that strong. And one of them has to win immunities --- and so far since the merge, they've both been right there. Natalie has surprised me in that regard.
  14. Or we could, you know, sign the actual Kevin Boss in free agency and not have to say "could be." (Despite the Giants' token tender, with four seasons, Boss will be an UFA when the new CBA is reached).
  15. I think that final three may be what he's saving the immunity idol for.
  16. What was Bashear trying to accomplish by showing a photo of Obama on a monkey, that was done by a person Breitbart, at least from his answer, has zero connection with? Ought they show pictures of Stalin's gulag when Obama is on and ask him about it? WTF? Besides that, Bashear can't conduct an interview to save his ass. He's supposed to be the moderator, and there he was talking over the dude half the time. One part especially, made some accusation, then told Breitbart to go ahead and answer, and then a second later Bashear starts in repeating the same accusation three times while the dude was trying to answer. Why the f--- does anyone on the right even bother going on MSNBC?
  17. Not the Onion's best effort.... But really, I'm not sure why some Republicans are quite so rabid about it. The facts are that the Massachusetts legislature was going to pass a statewide near-universal health insurance bill with or without his input. His participation injected some fiscal stipulations that made it better. Not perfect, but better. He didn't agree with everything in it, nor does he wholly agree with how the administration of it has been tweaked under Deval Patrick, that has caused costs to increase. The system as originally designed was just about fiscally negligible. To reiterate, this was a state program, based on the conditions in Massachusetts. Romney never said this was a model for a national program. In fact, he said that it wouldn't work nationally, and that each other state should do what works for them based on their own conditions. I don't get how such a "state's rights" stance could be called un-Republican. He's called for a "repeal and replace" of the national system pushed through by the Democrats. If there is some blame in it, it's that Romney gave the left an inch and, predictably, they took an ell.
  18. Well, I think Phillip is going to come back and have to start calling a lot of people racists for calling him crazy. Like many relationship issues, this all emanated from a small germ --- rice, in fact --- of miscommunication and the lack of communication. I sure as hell wouldn't want to mix good rice with questionable rice. I don't give a **** whether Ometepe members picked through that rice grain by grain, which they didn't. If the fungus/rot spreads, then all the rice is bad. Philip's own words: 'It's going bad on the blanket as we speak.' That was the time for Steve to say, "If it's going bad, then we're not putting it in with the good." That's not a chance you can take in a food scarcity situation. This was not Steve's argument, tho, at least from what was shown on camera; he said to wait until Ralph got back, then had the audacity to call Phillip crazy when Phillip was acting crazy and just wouldn't let it go. No one proposed to store the questionable rice in the cooking pots when they weren't being used. This could have been a practical argument, based in rationality, and it wasn't. Phillip claimed rationality, and well, I suppose he might have been if he had stopped at proposing to blend bad rice with good.... but he was also dead wrong. Then he took the "crazy" comment to its extreme and then injected the N word into it. Phillip's example of the WNY shopkeeper calling his father "boy" in 1968 is one thing --- clear racial disrespect that's meant to provoke. A grown man with a son is not a "boy." Steve's assessment isn't far off of the general consensus of Survivor watchers, and was a subjective and evidence-based valuation. Steve was in just about the most situation one can face.... Where everyone else doesn't want to call a spade a spade (e.g. Natalie: 'Well, I'm not a black man, so I couldn't say') lest they bring the spotlight on themselves. No one in an elimination game wants to do that. And the dude who's being called a racist now has to defend himself, usually with something like, "I have many black friends!' Nothing really settles once you're called a racist; it's like a fart waft that lingers around. Trying to prove a negative (in this case, that you aren't a racist) is an uphill climb. I can't say that I blame Steve here. It was a lack of communication, but against a person like Phillip, there's not much that arguing is going to do. Meanwhile, Rob again showed his puzzle prowess. Redemption's rules have changed with a triumvirate of competitors and eliminating one of the three each week, presumably until two are eliminated and the winner is merged back. Rob's gotta want to get rid of Matt and Mike in the worst way. Out of this week, tho, you have to think Rob might now be considering bringing Phillip to the final two. Phil just burned a lot of bridges tonight. He's unpopular among the remnants of Yellow, and he's now despised among the remnants of Purple. What's his angle? Maybe this is Phillip's strategy where he can get to the final three with Rob, then pick off Rob and hope that the third person becomes unpopular and this crazy episode is set aside.
  19. As someone who just started watching "Doctor Who" last month and has loved every minute of it, I was really stunned by this yesterday. But... as a time traveler, her linear path has come to an end, but her story isn't over. She'll be fighting Daleks and Cybermen to save the universe in the 33rd century and a billion years from now. RIP. Cancer sucks! They really seemed to wrap up those characters' plotlines in the final David Tennant appearance, i.e. he saved Sarah Jane's son from being hit by a car, he bought Donna a winning lottery ticket. It seemed like they went for closure there. I'm still in the middle of last season, so I don't know if she made a cameo with Matt Smith's 11th Doctor.... But I'm sure there will be something done for the season premiere on Saturday. This close to airing, though, it might just be a note and a picture at the close of the ep.
  20. Hmm. Looks like Andre got bumped. They now write that he will be announcing the 2nd round pick. No mention about the #3. Methinks Goodell probably wants the stage presence. Link
  21. I'm antenna-only, but there's not a lot of congruence with the Patriettes* games this season, which the local carriers are contracted to show. So, while time-slots dictate that there is now a chance they'll show Bills games, there's also a very good chance the local broadcasters go with Ravens-Colts, etc. This may be the only way to see 'em outside of the pub for those of us without DTV, as the NFL and the govt have cracked down on streaming. But hey, if they're not on, I've got plenty of other things to do. I don't watch pre-game, and skipped probably 6 games last year, and you know what, I felt fine. Made it a little easier to let go of something that with players in headlines today is harder and harder to support. See, that's the thing with exclu$ivity. Make people not watch your product, and they won't watch your ads either. Or buy your clothing, or video games, or ....
  22. ... But there is the specter of being called "President The Donald." That second video is . Beyond telling OPEC that their "fun is over," what is he going to do? What is he going to do? Even with the U.S. military at your command, you can only deliver vagueries for so long before someone calls your bluff. And considering our position at the moment, that will be the second sentence from OPEC. Commandeering Libya's oil fields is such a colossally stupid idea I cringe just typing it --- and to "reimburse ourselves" for what? $1.5 trillion would rebuild our country? Uhm... no. Nevermind the fundamental question why the rebels that are tentatively being supported in Libya would just give us their oil to cover our costs for Iraq. That's like me helping someone carry a couch in their house down the street, and then expecting them to pay for the fridge, stove and dishwasher I bought for my my house four years ago. Who the hell is The Donald's adviser? Look, Obama's in over his head and out-Jimmy-Cartering Jimmy Carter. Most people can now see that. But Trump is just flailing here.
  23. Uhm, that's a picture I first posted in this thread a little after the initial announcement. It is not a leaked photo of the design. It was created by someone on the Chris Creamer sports logos message board. That person does not have any affiliations and said so when they posted it; they simply made a mock-up based on the descriptors and hints in the Bills' announcement. Just looking at the graphic quality, one can tell that it is by no means professional. That said, the broader design isn't bad. And it is certainly 98.7 percent better than the current unis (then again, a 1/8" layer of dog poop would be a 77.9 percent improvement on the current unis).
  24. The Super Bowl champs host opening night.
  25. I don't get why Trump is talking about "success at building a company." Then relating that to the U.S.'s current problem and what it needs in a president --- someone who can build a company. The U.S. isn't a start-up. The structure's in place already. It's an old company that got royally f---ed up by politicians of the last 60 years. We need people who can come in, cut a lot of largesse and reset the course to profitability, remove some of the fear instilled by policies, and get citizens to want to do things (read: spend money) again. Right now, everyone with an ability to change the direction of the economy is on their back heels, waiting to see what the hell is going to happen. I don't think Trump's argument that Mitt Romney didn't "build" companies from the ground up hurts. It's rather a credit. Romney stepped in at the Salt Lake City Olympics that was besieged with graft, corruption, missed construction deadlines, etc. and pulled off a decent Games. He finally said something about getting the Mass DOT head removed for incompetence (which constitutionally had to be done by the legislature), and stepped in at the Big Dig with the tunnel collapse. He directed resources with the epic dam flooding in 2005 and got out of the way. This country doesn't need a leader who reinvents the wheel. It needs someone who realizes the wheel of the economy is pushed easier when it's on its edge than when its lying flat on the ground. Trump is all about bravado and balls. I'd rather have someone with a brain.
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