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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. Admittedly, after the Wombach header, I was like "!@#$ YEAH!" and then a few seconds later, it was like... .
  2. Well, I put a lot to the "left it simmering" part. The culture of D.C. is the stove/flame. I was thinking of when you put milk on low heat, and it'll scald and reduce; put it on high and it'll get all over the !@#$ing place. To not have expected that likely end is like not expecting, as you put it, for ObamaCare to eventually spell disaster for timely and/or cost-effective medical treatment. (It may do this on its own, or likewise poking and prodding from Congresscritters or alphabet-soup agencies).
  3. In which sense are you using the word "Donnie"?
  4. Yep. One kind of wants to avoid a situation like CNN's descriptor of "African-American" youths who were protesting black/minority employment levels in France a few years ago.
  5. Hmm. Victor explained that people would assume he was a "lookie-loo" but yeah.... As for use of spoiler tags, it is the longstanding rule in other show discussion threads here (e.g. LOST) that any descriptions of and comments about an aired episode are fair game for normal typography. People should be reasonably aware when clicking on a thread about a show episode that has aired, even out-of-time-zone, that they will be seeing discussion. I get that a lot of people DVR, stream, etc. these days. But the burden should be on those people to avoid the thread if they aren't caught up. Anything that goes beyond "Well, X might happen in the next episode because..." needs to be yellow-fonted or use the spoiler tag. E.g. future casting details, snippets from sites such as SpoilerTV, etc.
  6. Looks like the midfield logo and one BILLS wordmark are in. Link. Not bad for a week's work, and for the sake of this guy's business, I hope this stuff really impresses other teams.
  7. Also, WRT the "Lab Notes" it seems possible that they'll find those and might think that Gale was Heisenberg. At least for a while.
  8. Coburn to unveil $9 Trillion Deficit-Reduction Plan They're not against cutting tax loopholes to increase receipts. They just don't want to do it absent real spending cuts that will do something about the debt --- because otherwise, it's just more money for the government to piss away on such things as studies on how to get Chinese prostitutes (in China) to stop drinking alcohol while they're "working." At least if a company is allowed to keep that money through a loophole there's at least a chance it might go into R&D, dividends that make further investment more attractive, or some other actually useful thing for the business and therefore useful for the country. You can go to a crack addict's house and clean up, do their dishes, scrub their shower, and figure out how they can save $200 a month by combining their cable/internet/phone bills. But without getting someone un-addicted to crack, what the !@#$ does it matter? The only thing you've done is free up some resources for them to buy more crack. POOF! Up in smoke. Perhaps you're not seeing it because your mind is so closed to the idea that Republicans actually do want to bring down the deficit. Your Confirmation Bias is set to high dudgeon.
  9. Yep. The order of tiebreak methods is serious ed. Play the two 15-minute periods of extended matchplay. Then go to a 30-minute Golden Goal. And only then should they go to PKs. I really don't get why the Golden Goal has gotten the cold shoulder. Sepp Blatter and FIFA would rather have the biggest games decided by discrete 50/50 odds of a goalkeeper diving in the right direction than actual team play. Not to mention that the U.S. was the last team to qualify for the tournament. Just like Japan, they got where they did by grit, determination and teamwork... not because they had special talent.
  10. Well, a number of the things that initiated the crash were started by liberal feel-good policies that wanted to get people into homes they couldn't afford. Clinton put that pot on the stove and left it simmering until it finally boiled over in fall 2008. But I'll also say that producer confidence / "the rich" started tightening their grip on their nickels when it became obvious to anyone with a pulse in ~May-June 2008 that Obama would win the presidency. The slow-down of money circulation (because "the rich" were/are scared shitless about aggressive "progressive" spending sprees and workplace mandates (see: Obamacare)) is what's really hurt the country. And while you and the rest of the Democrats can point index fingers and say that "the rich" aren't spending their money (or, according to Michael Moore, "our money"), is it any wonder that they saw the writing on the wall and didn't/don't want to contribute 80% of the ingredients to a pie they're only going to get 40% of? The math and logic isn't that difficult. Also, leave it to Democrats to get totally caught up in a turn of phrase. If you think McConnell would shut down legislation that he was confident would put millions of people back to work, then you've crossed into cynicism. That legislation isn't coming to the Senate floor anyway because Democrats are **** out of ideas other than another stimulus.
  11. Damn! I can't figure out whether Gus killed that guy because he touched the lab equipment or if it was merely a shock-and-awe moment designed to scare the sh-- out of everyone there, including Mike (as hard as it would be to shock Mike...) in a 'You may very well be next and you're not going to see it coming' kind of way. Probably a little from column A, and a lot from column B. Nevertheless that was an awesome use of silence for ~5 minutes +. And again, the cinematography and artistry of the camerawork with this series is second to none. Another episode title --- "Box Cutter" --- where it means next to nothing going in. But after the episode, it could be three years later and just mentioning it, you know exactly what that episode was about and/or what happened. I love that. Skyler is now waist-deep in all this and she's still worried about appearances and thinks she's above it all. True to form, she puts on a show to get other people to do the dirty work. And the huge robe she was wearing, fluttering around like she's royalty.... I just don't like her character. Did Saul hire the mouth-breather and sweep his office for bugs b/c of Gale's murder, or something else? As they said in some preview material, Saul is the kind of guy who's just going to disappear some day. (On edit: just to be clear this is not spoiler material, they were just talking generally... that he is that type of guy). Whether it's nefarious or hopping a plane to a non-extraditing country, people will show up to his office and he'll just be gone like a fart in the wind. I hope that doesn't happen anytime soon, as he's one of the few sources of comedy (as a true sleazeball, mind you) in an otherwise dark show. Here in the lulls of summer, it's awesome to have something to look forward to on teevee.
  12. What saved it for Japan was the take-down of Alex Morgan on what was going to be a dead breakaway and a sure goal. A red card and a free kick at that moment was cold comfort. That's one of the things about soccer that really frustrates me. The penalty doesn't nearly fit the crime there. After an obvious take-down foul, they legislate a 75% scoring chance into a 15% one. WTF is that?!? An arbitrary distance really shouldn't matter there.
  13. ... with a nice set-up from Alex Morgan and her hot pink sports bra.
  14. Alex Morgan ... and her hot pink sports bra!!!
  15. Wow, this is a teevee Sunday.... Women's World Cup final (U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!) PBS's Masterpiece: Mystery series Zen starring "Pillars of the Earth"'s Rufus Sewell Breaking Bad Good thing that load of sand to finish re-leveling the sidewalk hasn't come yet!
  16. Harry Potter 7(b) --- I've never read the books... just watched the films, so a certain part of this film had me a little . Wow. What a way to send it out! This was a top notch production from the first to the last. So many stars put a turn into this, and several got their beginnings. Nice to see it come full circle and with an immensely positive ending. After LOST ended last year with Jack Shephard dying with Vincent at his side ... but simultaneously all of the characters re-uniting past death and being re-absorbed/? together into the Source/Heart of the Island/Light that's inside each person/?. I'm almost expecting the worst and the best from any series I put time into. After about a night of reflection on LOST, I was absolutely OK with how it ended. It totally fit that series, and totally fit the self-sacrificial nature of Jack's character that had been shown all along. Likewise, the ending to HP was so fitting to where it's taken us. No doubt that kids are going to be watching (and, hopefully, reading) this series a hundred years from now and still marveling at the world J.K. Rowling created and that the movies brought to life. Thanks, Harry, Hermione and Ron --- it was a hell of a Nimbus 2000 ride.
  17. Well, I guess you can try to put a lot of crap in front of any outlets. And then as the guy says in "The Hunt for Red October"... "make like a hole in the water." Don't bring it up, and if s/he does say something, say you hired someone at Home Depot, you don't remember their name, and they told you they pulled the permits. Are you in an area that is very tightly wound about this stuff? We finished our basement DIY a couple years ago bit by bit, no permits, and the town just did a revaluation and they said nary a word. For inspectors, you're in the boat of they're either nosy parkers or they're just there to do that specific item and could give a whit about anything else. And in my experience, unless someone's REALLY anal, they don't have schematics on each home's panel wiring, because that would be overkill and REALLY not worth the time spent on it, for any fines they might collect for unpermitted work. First, though, I'd call the pool company and find out from them if a final inspection was done and if they say yes, whether they have paperwork on it to back that up. Not that city/town inspectors have ever f----- up paperwork!
  18. I remember hearing about this story quite some time ago. The dates on that have been changed so as to recycle a Web 2.0 viral story.
  19. Players' secret lockout insurance could have sparked talks This is probably the second or third article I've actually read on the NFL lockout. It just hasn't interested me up to this point, and probably won't whenever they do agree on a deal. I don't really want to listen to the legal bull---- being hashed. But this caught my eye in light of one of the pro-union peoples' arguments against the owners... that last year they purchased an insurance policy to cover there being a lockout in 2011. De Smith did the same damn thing at about the same damn time. So it was 'dirty tricks' when the owners did it with public acknowledgement. But the players get a pass... because "That's different!" Just shows once again how there is no one to root for in this stuff.
  20. I'll just say that when Mitt Romney became Mass. governor, he wanted to fire the head of the MTA who oversaw the Big Dig for this and other reasons. Contemporary NYT article This is only part of the reason that I'm voting for Romney in the Republican primary. He has a knack for entering situations that are FUBAR, identifying what's wrong, deciding what needs to be done to remedy it, and then get out of the way. I was impressed with how he handled the 2005 "hundred year" flooding that saw a major dam collapse near a sizable city. In trying to fix the Big Dig and change the culture of the DOT/MTA, he got stalled at every turn by the supermajority Democrats, who were overjoyed to play politics and maintain a non-accountable system even after a woman was crushed in a panel collapse. (Moreover, Amorello was a former Republican state senator, which made me even more impressed with Romney. He doesn't put up with failure, no matter the politics.) The legislature controls the turnpike authority and Amarello was like a cockroach who could survive a nuclear blast. In no way shape or form did they want to give Romney a "win" on this, so they stonewalled him at every avenue in trying to get rid of this dude and fix the MTA. Romney took it to the court system, where he was denied. He tried to demote Amarello (ostensibly to hire someone else as the director) which was met with a 'Nope.' He tried to shame the legislature in the media, which didn't work because they're shameless. He tried seven ways to Sunday, and nothing worked. He was constitutionally unable to do anything about an incompetent department head, and the Democrat legislature refused to do anything about the incompetence until after a woman was pulverized. Amarello finally resigned a couple of months after the collapse. Panels checks and repairs were made and iirc the Big Dig firm was held liable. Romney was given a small measure of control via the DOT and hired a guy who streamlined repairs and instituted a "Fix it First" policy. When Deval Patrick (D) was elected governor, he magically was able to toss Romney's guy and get his own man to head the MTA. (He also magically recovered the ability to appoint an interim U.S. Senator after Ted Kennedy died... an authority the legislature had taken away the minute Romney had been elected.) Doesn't surprise me a bit that this culture is back (if it ever left among the lower tiers of management and DOT workers). Mass Democrats: POLITICS over public safety.
  21. Per the Bills Facebook page (picture included), Jim Kelly completed the first touchdown pass on the new turf this morning.
  22. I see that they love to play catch and release, and that Justice is blind, deaf and dumb in Canada, too. And, unfortunately, that's often what happens when you have a phone dialed to 911 during a gun & knife fight. Because when every second counts, police are just a few (or, here in NE CT... 20) minutes away.
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