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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. I've seen worse. I mean... I have seen better. But I've definitely seen worse.
  2. I don't mean to sound callous, but it didn't exactly take Nostradamus to see this coming.... Link. Sad to see someone who's very talented (I've never listened to her music, but apparently a lot of people do) just self-destruct of their own volition. On edit: bbb beat me to it. I clean up my own messes, but there's no 'Delete' tab in the edit post functions.
  3. IINM, I believe that the sideline wall is plushed padding... probably some kind of vinyl/plastic coating. (Think the type of stuff that... who was it? Mark Brunell? Anyway, a Redskins QB who was celebrating a TD and he went over, headbutted the wall (that had minimal padding) and promptly reeled backward and fell ass over teakettle, and concussed himself. Oh, wait. Doubtful it's the kind of thing that's painted rather than replaced. On edit: And if you look in certain spots in the large-file photo eball linked to, there are sections where the "wall" is wavy so as to suggest it's a thin veneer of vinyl/plastic signage. That stuff doesn't cost terribly much, and needs fairly frequent replacement anyway.
  4. Just saw these and thought I'd share the link.... Link For any other teams that you may be a fan of, you can cycle through this thread.
  5. If these pants kept letting loose his $ and knife from the pockets, "cut"/chafed/squashed his nuts, and were too tight in the waist, why in the hell was he ordering from the same tailor? But then again, LBJ was a very odd one. His initials were LBJ, his wife's initials were LBJ, and he named each of his children to have the initials LBJ. By accounts, once when asked why wars start, he unzipped his fly and pointed. He was a control freak --- everything from turning off the lights to his micromanagement of Vietnam that directly or indirectly led to the deaths of so many soldiers. And I really wouldn't put it past him to have been behind the JFK assassination (in cahoots with the Mob) in a whole "Macbeth"-like way. My uncle, who was serving in 'Nam ~1/2 mile south of the DMZ on the day of Tet (Pictures and several relics to prove it. He got a radio call that said, "Eight divisions of NVA headed to your 20!") has said that before he dies, he wants to travel down to Texas, eat a bunch of Ex-Lax, sit on LBJ's headstone and just have it ooze down. Some libtards call Bush II a warmonger/war criminal --- Bush is small !@#$ing potatoes compared to their own man!
  6. There are witness reports of a second shooter. Witness reports being what they are, that's questionable but still very possible. Link Point the First: The adage is an adage for a reason. When every second counts, police help is just minutes 30 minutes away. Amazing how bold criminals can be when they know no one can/will be shooting back at them, huh? But keep trying to take law-abiding citizens' guns away, Dems! That way we can be just like England, Canada (I read they're apparently going to get rifles and shotguns back under PM Harper later this year) and other socialist paradises where violence never happens and self-defense is never necessary , huh? Point the Second: This was at an event where the Prime Minister was to attend later that day. There were no police or security in place there?!?! (Armed, at least?) Did they believe this was an impenetrable liberal Utopia?! I don't know what's feasible as for the 6 tons of fertilizer. The suspect was apparently a farmer. For mass purchases over a certain tonnage, would it be egregious for the sales company/retailer to have to witness/inspect the fertilizer application to fields? Yeah, it's relatively rare, and yeah it would obviously add to the cost of doing business, but.... Just asking here. What would be the feasibility of that?
  7. And yet... that's democracy at work. They were voted in by their districts to reign in federal spending and the deficit and that's exactly what they're making a stand against. Without significant cuts, no ceiling increase votes. Don't like it? F--- off.
  8. And just to be serious for a moment, this heat is especially hard on animals. Dogs, for example, don't sweat as a means of cooling --- they cool by intaking cool air and/or water. NEVER leave a dog in a car alone, even in much cooler temperatures than this. There was a segment with Sam Champion, ABC's "Good Morning, America" weather correspondent where on a ~80 degree day, the interior of a car got up to over 100 degrees in a matter of minutes, just from passive sunlight. I don't care if you justify it to yourself that you're "only going to be in the store for a few minutes" or you crack the windows (which doesn't help much). This, obviously, also goes for children. Every year, we hear about canine or infant fatalities from being left in cars. Either leave them home with appropriate care, or take them inside with you. Again... 100+ degrees in a matter of minutes on an 80 degree day.
  9. Just a thought... do they still have the old padding?
  10. It was blatent home-state politicking on the floor of the House, in a non-election year, behind his back. There's usually a mostly collegial manner of discourse (you know, besides that time a dude actually beat a guy to the point of death with his cane) on the floor. There were a LOT of people in support of the bill. She singled him out. Why? That was a political shot across the bow, given the givens. And, as GG pointed out, with logic from Bizarro-world. They're there to work on a budget deal, not to start an overt campaign. Make no mistake, she was taking a potshot at his seat, hoping that busy people will remember it, rather than a display of the facts come election time. Time and place, Debbie!
  11. I think it's been shown that the guy makes his problems exponentially bigger on his very own... without getting Poojer more involved than he is. Unless Pooj wants to be on "Maury!" or one of those shows. I guess it needs to be asked --- is the au pair keeping the baby?
  12. It's so hot... Satan went home until it cools off. It's so hot... Rosie O’Donnell is selling shade. It's so hot... Burger King is saying, "If you want it your way... cook it yourself!" It's so hot... I saw a funeral procession pull through a Dairy Queen! It's so hot... I saw two fire hydrants fighting over a dog. It's so hot... the ice cream man is now only selling milkshakes. It's so hot... every gay person who's ever come out of the closet has gone back in. It's so hot... L.A. Dodgers fans were seen removing the paper bags from over their heads. It's so hot... you've been getting hot flashes --- and you're a man! It's so hot... Paris Hilton has sworn off making sex tapes until we get a cool snap. It's so hot... I saw a dog chasing a cat --- and they were both walking. It's so hot... Al Sharpton came over to swim at Don Imus's pool party. It's so hot... people driving their Mustangs with the top down and seat belts on have "FORD" branded into their hips. It's so hot... cows are giving evaporated milk. It's so hot... digital thermometers have a reading of “Are you friggin' kidding me!!?” It's so hot... birds have to use potholders to pull worms out of the ground. It's so hot... you've experienced condensation on your rear from the hot water in the toilet bowl. It’s so hot... you can wear wrinkled clothes outside, and get them steam-pressed. It's so hot... chickens are laying boiled eggs. It’s so hot... even the sun is looking for some shade. It’s so hot... not only can you fry an egg on a sidewalk --- you can cook hash browns to go with it. It's so hot... the retirement center is having a wet T-shirt contest. It's so hot... the fish are sweating. It's so hot... Jehovah's Witnesses started tele-marketing. It's so hot... hot water comes out the 'Cold' tap, and steam comes out of the 'Hot.' It's so hot... I saw a turkey praying for Thanksgiving. It's so hot... you need a spatula to remove your clothing. It's so hot... your kids' braces are giving third-degree burns on their lips. It's so hot... the strawberries are ripe and the cab drivers are riper. It's so hot... the ducks on the lake come in "original recipe" and "extra crispy." It's so hot... your car overheats before you start to drive it. And it's so hot... How hot is it? It is *so* hot... Democrats are taking their hands out of your pockets to fan themselves.
  13. Yes. Because the whole 'police yourselves --- if you wouldn't show it to your mother, don't use it as an avatar' policy failed... or some people here have a very weird relationship with their mothers. On a site that wants to remain family- and fan-friendly, some posters pushed the envelope too far to see what they could get away with. There were several instances of Seinfeld-ian "I think I see a nipple!" and borderline pornography. And so, SDS and the mods felt they had to take corrective measures. It's their show. Don't like it? You don't have to post here. If one wants to see that kind of stuff, there's plenty of places to find it online. And, true to form of people who can't or won't follow the rules of TBD, this should have been put on the Customer Service board.
  14. You call that getting the crap kicked out of him? He got a little scuffed. My dad could expect a lot worse than that if my grandfather had found out he stole. When he delivered a correction, they never did it again and when he told them to do something, it got done. One anecdote often told was that a nun at grammar school rapped my dad on the knuckles for lying when he said he'd been on the USS Nautilus while it was being built. It was the truth. My grandfather drove rigs for Roger Sherman trucking company and, well, I'm not bragging to say he was the best driver they had. The historic houses at Mystic Seaport? He drove most of them there. Guys would get in tight spots they couldn't get out of, they'd call him. Anyway, my dad had been with him during the summer when he made a delivery for the submarine yard for it. The commander was there and gave him a tour of the ship (except for areas that are still classified) and gave him a sterling silver tie-clip of the Nautilus with a 'GD' mark on it. This was a special one, as the ones they had for the general public to buy didn't have this mark, which stood for General Dynamics, which built the Nautilus. It's also my dad's initials. Anyway. Long story short, the nun hit his knuckles with a ruler, my dad called her a "!@#$ing B word" and he got sent to the principal's office. When he got home, he expected to get it. He was French-Canadian, and the French historically hit their kids as discipline. And just to note that during the Depression, my grandfather was a boxer on the side... He wasn't a known name or anything, but he was never knocked out. As my dad says, "The old man gave me a wallop for calling the nun that. I was expecting another, but he said he couldn't punish me for lying when I hadn't lied. He was a tough SOB, but he was fair." Time was in this country where that kind of treatment would be a kid gloves version of what many parents would do in addition.
  15. I guess it wasn't sewn in yet, and they had to take it off for some reason. No need to Photoshop. That's the design the NFL used for the Super Bowl fields (all of them, iirc). The white with red border is roughly the same concept as the numbers in the home jersey redesign. I'm actually surprised they didn't do a navy border instead of the thin white stripe. If this field is supposed to last 12 years, that might say something about how devoted they are to the navy trim. (Which is a positive, in my book. The navy is totally unnecessary.)
  16. The writers post material attributed to Hank on the AMC site for the show, as an extra. No spoilers there, just a little more insight on his character. Hank's Blog - The Overshare
  17. By the by, here's some video of the infill removal from the other week. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwkD9_JXGzg&NR=1 Right. As I understand, this company didn't touch any below-grade materials (asphalt, drainage system, sand, rubber padding) that were installed when the turf was last changed in 2003.
  18. Oh, my bad, I didn't mean to make that question to pertain to re-inforcement at the base of the lettering. The sewing with heavy stitches does that. That stitching just seemed to be the last thing Chris Brown said was left to be done on the field. I then repeated my question about there being a rubber infill, as that would ostensibly be the final step in installation. As to the staking, I would imagine that's to confirm measurements and keep the lettering in place as the blue turf is cut into (before removal and stitching). It's also serving in a taut string line along the bottom and top edges of the lettering.
  19. RIP As an aside, just wondering what kind of arrangements are going to be made.... If the calling hours and funeral (assuming they're not family-only) are held before the CBA is lifted, what's the deal with the no-contact order between ownership/coaches and players? Is it not applicable here? If it does bar players from attending, that'd be pretty sad.
  20. Does anyone know whether this system uses the rubber pellets, that we frequently saw a spray of in game photos? Brown's blog entry implies they just have to cut and stitch the lettering and then will be done. There's not going to be any re-enforcing material at the base? (Note: I'm not asking this in outrage mode. Just an engineering question.)
  21. Rangers to raise railings after fan death
  22. Yeah, don't get me wrong... even tho I find her really annoying, she's necessary to the show. But the more she gets involved in Walt's covert activities, the greater the likelihood that she faces certain repercussions. A lot of people connected to Walt have borne the brunt for his choice to cook meth rather than accept the help from his former business partner. Hank said, "It's a mineral... and I'm bidding on it" in response to Marie's "That's a pretty rock you're buying." He's trying. But, naturally, he's also depressed and impatient. I wouldn't read into anything about it being a crystal. It's a hobby. You don't read anything into him doing home-brew beer (well, besides seeing the line of comparison where Walt went in on his own home-brew scheme...). When it hits him, it's going to come like a ton of friggin' bricks. Right now, I don't think he's thinking too much about the case, because he's too busy being depressed/angry and trying to distract himself. It would make no sense for the writers to have him try to connect the dots of everything that's happened in the first episode of the season. But, how it's all coming together will be interesting how Hank and Marie handle it if he does connect the dots. And I don't think for a moment that Skylar made this arrangement without it coincidentally being a backup plan for if Walt is discovered. Hank has now been receiving profits of a drug producer to pay for his medical bills. Hank will be implicated if Walt is caught; he hasn't done anything wrong, but it would be the appearance from a compounding of facts (viewed with hindsight) that would certainly do him in. Nevermind Marie's shoplifting... Walt and Skylar have them both by the short and curlies. If they Walt goes down, they go down.
  23. Einstein's theory of relativity at work, folks.
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