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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. Pretty much NSFW, b/c it'll give most anyone the wrong impression. (They are actual name actresses Adrianne Paliacki (who was going to be the new Wonder Woman) and Emmanuelle Chiriqui most notably from Entourage). This is either from "Women in Trouble" or "Electra Luxx" (can't remember), two very fun films that I recommend. Joseph Gordon-Levitt has a character in these. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43Whl44v_zM Like one of the comments below this video on Youtube, I believe this scene has turned me into a lesbian.
  2. LB is always a need position in the 3-4. It's just the nature of the position that guys are going to get injured. They're smaller/leaner and they're hitting against guys who've built up 5-10 yards of speed/force velocity. What was it... the Giants game the year after Mitchell signed here, three of our LBs were injured in like one drive and they were literally putting scrubs in there, whereupon we lost that game. Our defense is in the transition of switching out one fat guy for one leaner guy. So that's now 4 LBs that they'll have to develop depth for. And when two of those starting LBs is pretty much expected to be Poz and Merriman... yeah, we're gonna need LB depth.
  3. With all the TE talent out there and this team's inability to draft well or develop complete TEs since Metzelaars, if we don't at least make an overture to any of these guys, I will be seriously pissed. Boss, Miller, Spaeth, Scaife, Heap.... If it is Heap and his tank is depleted, he could at least produce for a couple of years while Nelson (or someone else) develops and hopefully learns something from an elite TE... similar to how Stevie really seemed to benefit from having T.O. around.
  4. Hell, I went to J-school, and I speak from experience that for most of the people there, journalism and English were not strong subjects for them! If anyone still hired copy editors, stuff like that has a much smaller chance of passing muster and writers would at least seem as though they had two brain cells to rub together....
  5. Granted on the first count. But the thing is, we're just hearing this? It took Ron Paul tilting at the windmill for a long time to even get an accounting of how public $ are being used. Considering that the federal govt's annual outlay is ~$3.5 trillion last I checked (not counting war spending, i believe, which is what... $1T - $1.5T a year?). We would have to halve the federal budget, and we still wouldn't be there. And that doesn't even solve the problem, it just gets us adequate footing to be able to pay the debt. On top of that, the number that should make everyone **** bricks is the $62 trillion for Social Security / Medicare. Where the !@#$ is that going to come from? The Lydon Johnson Ponzi Scheme is finally going to collapse, and Democrats have more of the same 'Tax private jets!... Tax sex! Tax air!' Like an abscessed tooth without dental insurance, this is going to cost a deal and it ain't going to tickle... or, more likely, Washington has and will just take some painkillers, delay treatment and wait until the whole body is in sepsis. Which won't be long now.
  6. Don't Get Caught Holding Dollars When The U.S. Default Arrives And the thing is... Greece is tiny and needs a small miracle. When this financial tsunami arrives in full force, we're going to need a HUGE miracle. Sorry to be quoting so much of it, but if you don't, it doesn't get read or discussed. But do click the link, b/c there's more.
  7. Old Man Wilson would have everyone climb the stairs and jump. Why waste good money on razor blades?
  8. Or maybe they'll just re-sign Jon Corto for 6 years, $42M. This team's management of the money it does have to spend is . Yeah, I guess so.... But I have every inkling that I've seen this movie before. Namely, the organization trying to make chicken salad out of chicken sh--, and then marketing it as chicken cordon bleu. He's not as out of the loop as you might think. He's written things pre-draft the past couple of years that have turned out to be spot-on in hindsight. e.g. the selection of a "scatback" and this year that they'd be going heavy on defensive picks. Does the NFL's equivalent of the Kansas City Royals really need to play its cards close to the vest?
  9. That's not going to be a Get Out of Suspension Free Card, according to Goodell. Nevermind that this doesn't exactly ingratiate him to the organization... and especially with the team quite suddenly having some depth at WR, there's every chance he'll be gone.
  10. If I were Mr. Wu's 'longtime friend / campaign donor,' I'd be consulting Medieval torture methods....
  11. It's been awhile, what didn't you like about the ending? Were you one of the ones who were pissed that it didn't end with Jack and Sawyer sitting on the beach as the new Jacob/MIB? Or that Jack died? Or something else? Did you not like the 'absorbed into the light' wrap-up? For me, its strength has only solidified in the past year as I've digested it. If you look at it in Buddhist terms, which it borrowed from heavily, these people were put on the path ("Dharma" translates to "the path") they had to take right up to the starting point of S6. And it was there that the sideways flashes started, where each of the characters had to struggle to find or awaken to Enlightenment (Buddha is called "the Awakened/Enlightened One") before they could move on to what could be called Nirvana in Mother's explanation of the Heart of the Island as the Source of "life, death, rebirth. A part of it is inside each man, but they always want more." The recent one-year anniversary columns by Doc Jensen helped sort some things out, especially WRT Desmond in S6... he does not have kind words for Mr. Hume in the second part. I think they're worth a read. Part 1. Part 2. There's also a pretty cool rundown of the show in terms of scientific explanation --- light-time, electromagnetics, water refraction and the mechanics of the 'Frozen Donkey Wheel', etc. here. Has anyone gone back and watched all the episodes yet? I still haven't. I haven't even watched S6 a second time through. Partly, I've been busy and partly, I just want to keep the feeling that I still have something to look forward to.
  12. The Democrat idea of compromise is like a Real Housewife telling her husband that in order to pay off their maxed out credit card... if he works 20 hours of overtime per week, she'll stop buying a Mocha Grande Cappuccino at Starbucks before going to the mall every day.
  13. I was told by a younger cousin who went to Simmons that when Scott Brown was campaigning last year for "the Teddy Kennedy seat," there were rallies at Boston area colleges that had attendance no one would have dared think of before, especially in Massachusetts. It may not be widespread across the demographic, but the fiscal ruination the Democrats are perfectly content to leave them is sinking in bit by bit.
  14. I watched Russert every week. Watched the tribute show after he died. Eked through with Tom Brokaw. Watched the first David Gregory broadcast and haven't watched since. He is a sh-- reporter, gets caught in the weeds of personality politics and doesn't have a real sense of how Washington really works. I'm not saying that a MTP mod has to have worked in a Capitol Hill office like Russert, but I think it can help to have a view other than the outside looking in.
  15. Update: It took 90 minutes for police to arrive. Link. !@#$ing... an hour and a half. Why'd they even bother showing up at all? They have modern transportation in Norway, right? And again, this is a place where the PM was going to be later in the day. Nice !@#$ing security there, Olie!
  16. You're right. The Democrats aren't holding the economy hostage. They raped and murdered it already. They aren't pointing anything out... other than that they want the federal credit card back and the limit increased so they can keep charging HDTVs, BMWs, and designer jeans that hang in the closet. Newsflash --- THIS COUNTRY IS DROWNING IN !@#$ING DEBT!!!! THE ABILITY TO BORROW AND SPEND MORE ISN'T GOING TO HELP US GET OUT OF IT!!!!!!!
  17. Link 1 Link 2 It seems to have died down pretty quickly. Damon's immediate Twitter comebacks were friggin' . And, I'll note, that in these links and elsewhere, GRRM uses "But" at the beginning of sentences overmuch, which makes for very odd configurations.
  18. Oh good lord. You're turning an Amy Winehouse death thread into a PPP thing? Seriously?
  19. Further to my response in the LBJ pants thread.... And shortly afterward, Bobby got to taste hot lead, too. Coincidence? Maybe.
  20. Trying tell Tom... and everyone else... something we don't know. This was addressed in another thread just recently. Point is that the recession had its genesis with the liberal feel-good policy of putting poor people in homes they couldn't afford, and hoping that the high concept of home-ownership would somehow/magically make them less poor. Further point is, government should not be in the business of owning the markets, setting prices, etc. Way too many people of all stripes know exactly how to game the system to either get receive things they don't pay for (read: things that other people then have to pay for via taxes). And in addition to that, the government will often tell people exactly how to game the system.
  21. By the by, this is a particularly clever reaction to the simmering Damon Lindelof - George R.R. Martin (writer of "Game of Thrones") feud... which started when Martin took a potshot at LOST because he didn't like how "The End" ended the series, and he thought Jacob and MIB should have been introduced earlier. This video was certainly done with tongue firmly in cheek, but it's also a not so slight rebuke along the lines of 'WTF! If we had introduced them any sooner, it would've killed any of the suspense regarding what the series was about!' ****, did Martin et al. come right out and say who the ruler of the Seven Thrones would be at the end of this first season? Who the !@#$ does he think he is to try to tell other people how to write their script? Not to mention that LOST had more literary quality in the Nikki and Paulo episode than anything Martin has ever put to paper.
  22. Yeah, it's best to use quotes around that. This guy is every bit as Christian as my dog is a charcoal grill. And yet, the MSM will continue to identify him that way. It's one thing for them to identify people as "Islamic terrorists." The -ic covers a lot, and there is plenty of wiggle room within the Islam faith/Quran for a follower to justify killing or supporting jihad. There is absolutely no room for Christians to claim that they're killing as prescribed by their faith. If your religious values are to kill, you are not a Christian --- you are 180 degrees from Christianity. Describing someone like this as such is a complete misnomer. There is no wiggle room in the New Testament.
  23. LOL! I almost shat my pants thinking there was going to be a new movie or something.
  24. Gene, you're just embarrassing yourself. (Well, to a further degree than you already have. Which is tantamount to saying "Infinity plus 1.") What point do you think you're trying to make? That because terror comes from multiple sources/warped ideologies, that combating it wherever it appears is... what? Maybe you should try not attacking an extreme fringe from the opposite extreme fringe. All it proves is that you're an equal idiot.
  25. As was said yesterday, with a 2 hour + interval b/w the blast and the shootings, it's entirely possible that he could have acted alone. And like I wrote above, they are looking into witness accounts that there was a second shooter (witness accounts are, however, all too often unreliable).
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