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UConn James

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Posts posted by UConn James

  1. 2 hours ago, Don Otreply said:

    There might be required additional chest plate padding, but that’s likely the extent, but even that is unlikely. 

    🙏 for DH


    10 minutes ago, BADOLBILZ said:


    The league might insist on some pad changes to protect the chest a bit more.     We were actually talking in pregame about how little padding coverage most players have now.    I heard a medical professional say this was like the odds of being struck by lightning.........and yet, when there is lightning sports teams are pulled off the field in sports at all levels...........   


    That was definitely on my mind last night soon afterward. The minimal amount of padding — especially among WRs and DBs — compared to even 10 years ago is kinda insane.

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  2. Remind me again why Josh isn’t our Walter Payton MOTY nominee?


    All credit to Dion, but I don’t think I’ve heard / read his community involvement anywhere near as much as Josh’s. Of course, that may be the nature of being a star QB. And it might be that TPTB (or maybe even Josh himself) want to spread around the accolades.


    Regardless, this is a team full of great guys. 

  3. Dang, they can just confiscate anything?


    I have a few baseball jerseys that I’ve customized, and I’m in the process of customizing an old ‘90s Jim Kelly authentic whose numbers came off in the wash. Customizing or making for personal use / wear is OK; buying/selling it isn’t.

    This is the same reason why the govt had such a beef with the mob for booze (during prohibition, with the added ‘it’s against the law!’ wink wink), gambling, marijuana — they just want the tax monies from a $300 sale instead of a $30 one. Government doesn’t like when someone else tries to get in on their racket.

  4. 15 minutes ago, AlfaBill said:

    Why would there be? Josh’s injury wasn’t due to a dirty hit. 

    I’m not saying it wasn’t clean. Not saying anything we did today wasn’t clean. But it seemed like to me our guys were gunning for White with extra verve. Clean hits but HARD. It just seemed like a bit of payback. Or like a hockey enforcer who goes after the guy who hurt their star guy — sends a message. 

  5. IIRC the commentators were speculating that it may have been something to do with avoiding Elam hitting the ‘rookie wall.’ The zone/man thing makes more sense, but maybe it was a combination of a number of factors. Elam will have had 18 days bw games so it’s a bit of a rest for his body that was only used to 10-12 games per season.

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  6. If you’re in a profession where this kind of side hustle is verboten, I don’t understand why she wouldn’t blur her face or have some kind of disguise. Especially when the face isn’t all that great looking to start with.

    But one could argue that it was by design, because these ones who are found out and get in the news get a lot of free publicity => clicks => money.

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  7. 13 minutes ago, Solomon Grundy said:

    I’d rather them stop giving the opposing receivers 5 yd cushions 

    Bills have been doing that for a very long time, through multiple GMs, coaches, owners, and even when we had Clements and Winfield. There’s always 5-10 yards of free space for WRs / TEs whenever we line up. I’ve seen other teams cover closer before the snap, but even when we would get dunked and dunked on quick outs in that gap space, we’d keep doing that. I dunno. 

    As for the OP topic, I rarely see the blitz actually work in the McD-Frazier D. If it’s Edmunds, he just runs directly into a blocker… like he’s LOOKING to engage rather than actually get PAST them. And then the QB often hits a pass in the middle where he would have been. It really boggles the mind. There are times in the past two years where we literally blitzed 8 guys and still got stood up by the opponent’s OL and a chip from a RB. Granted our DLine last year and before was 🐕💩, but one might think 8 blitzers could get home, but they wouldn’t. ESPECIALLY when it was against Ratrick kittyfoot Mahomes

  8. 1 minute ago, chongli said:


    Got it! Thank you. I don't know if this could be fixed, but @SDS probably isn't aware of this.

    Isn’t that what shows up when one uses the emojis on your device’s keypad rather than inserting them by the pull-down menu for emojis on the posting format on-site here?

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  9. I root for US, Netherlands, and France since I live here, my mum’s side is from Friesland in the Netherlands (she was born there, emigrated age 6), and my dad’s side is French-Canadian and I did 4 years of French in high school.


    If forced to choose one… I think Netherlands / Nederland. Been learning more about and embracing the Dutch side more since my mum passed. It’s a tie to / way to remember her. In the WC Final they made in 2010, she got REALLY into it.


    But, also, I don’t watch other than WC. I think it’s because it’s so long between anything actually happening, the faking injury drama / waaay over-the-top diving and crying in pain when someone touches their shoulder, and because usually when anything does happen it’s called back on an onsides call. Really just don’t understand Offside. I mean… I know what the rule is, but I just think it’s stupid, just like the three-line-pass rule was stupid in hockey and made games so unwatchable and half of them 0-0 ties.

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  10. 36 minutes ago, Since1981 said:

    BUF gets a sh#t ton of snow, wind. Seriously, if you haven’t traveled, you’d not realize. German snows rarely and snow a couple weeks. Buffalo has to build much more strength into coverings. but Munich look is a good goal. 

    Are heated roof elements not a thing that would melt snow on contact and be led through a series of drains?


    Like the things to prevent ice dams that are shaped like VVVVV?


    They’re installing heating elements underneath the field to help the grass and melt snow. Why not the roof?


    I refuse to believe that it’s a problem that couldn’t be solved.

  11. Knox was open in the flat on a pass play, and Josh ignored it and went deep right, incomplete. Didn’t keep notes but it was in the second half. Some terrible decisions by QB1 today. Tried to go for the home run throw too many times rather than taking what was there.

  12. I’m guessing it’s for Mo-vember, which highlights men’s health issues and during which some guys grow a mustache.


    It really doesn’t look good and superstition is a real thing. Use that neon green silicone strip Gillette and shave that shizz, Josh


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  13. 1 hour ago, zow2 said:

    Look. it will be nice to have a new stadium with modern infrastructure and amenities.  No complaints. Let's go.


    But if i want to nitpick, it's a missed opportunity....25 years from now people will still lament that the stadium is sitting in the middle of nowhere when it should be downtown,, and they should have spent the extra $ to put a retractable roof on the thing.  Even one of the two would have made this spectacular.  


    1 hour ago, Buffalo_Stampede said:

    No. Because it’s not a final design. 65% is unacceptable. 80% was reported a few months ago.

    This is 40-50 year stadium. They have to get it right.


    I put it at 30 years before the concrete starts failing. Acid rain and ever-increasingly wacky-weather wear are going to take a toll. The concrete from the 2013 renovations at the current stadium was already crumbling, as shown in the BN pictures awhile back.


    Tennessee design info said they were putting the clear roof on to minimize weather damage and the expensive upkeep that causes.

  14. As for why there were different styles at the same time, my guess would be that there were leftover 2s and as the equipment guys had to change out worn numbers — they were HTV (heat transfer vinyl) then — they just used what they had in stock, or were told to / had a tacit understanding to do that from above before new #s were ordered.

    So, yes, it was literally a “Ralph is cheap” deal.


    By the by, I’m trying to do a jersey rehab on a 90s Jim Kelly jersey, as some of the layering of the numbers peeled in the wash. Ordered some new adhesive backed tackle twill iron-and-then-sew-on numbers on eBay. Getting that vinyl off 30 years later is a £€^%ing bear! Even with acetone, it’s extremely slow going.


  15. It was tough following the Bills just in Connecticut(!) in the early 1990s — can’t imagine what it must have been in Italy. I did summers in WNY at the maternal family’s dairy farm helping with haying & firewood and spending time with cousins, so that’s how I started my Bills fandom. Back in CT, it was the rare game on broadcast television… vs. the Patriots* or when they got prime time on the schedule. The rest of the time was just spent watching the ticker and praying for a larger number for our boys the next time it came around, and halftime & postgame highlights. Then getting the newspaper on Monday to pore over the box score statistics and maybe three sentences in a game recap.


    We were so at the mercy of so many overlords for just getting basic access or information in those days. The internet and faster data transfer changed everything so much for the better… maybe most of all finding this place from its earliest days and following through all of the times it changed venues until SDS cemented TBD as its own entity.


    Through the drought, I can’t begin to say how much effort and frustration it was to find games online once internet 2.0 video was a thing. And now with the age of HD streaming it’s like there’s no comparison. I just watched a UConn men’s hockey game last night on ESPN+ and it’s like… wow. Unless the power goes out or the rare time when Internet is down, kids today will never know the struggle of fandom from a distance.


    Great to have you here from 🇮🇹!

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