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UConn James

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  1. I dunno about Ty being an every down back, but in his role, he’s great. Not just made many plays. Made many CLUTCH plays.
  2. Honestly… it’s like something my 7 year old niece used to do in Minecraft. 🤨
  3. Well they tried this with Pass Interference review when it wasn’t called and the refs (no doubt with ref union urging) gave everyone a huge middle finger every time. They WILL NOT relinquish any bit of control they have over the outcome of the game. And why is that…?
  4. Yep. I’m not sure what others are saying upthread that Martin was pretty good / had a good 2024. Was I watching the same games? Martin’s motion was sloooowww, and it cost us the Rams game with the block & TD. There were a few others that were very nearly blocked too. Only concern is the holding duties for Bass, but TBH a new guy might be an upgrade there too.
  5. Better than how the whole Sabres team ate 💩 out on the ice all night long. Adams had better be fired following the season. A mannequin would have done more. He talked this team & city down in the ‘no palm trees or sunshine’ presser which was just… unconscionable. But it all comes down to paying for players — I don’t know if it’s a directive from Terry P but payroll is near the floor, right? — and not keeping around dead weight. Several prospects in the pipeline that are still developing but for a few of them, it’s time to sh— or get off the pot. And, I hate to say it, but UPL hasn’t looked very good most of this year.
  6. This was quite a late all star break going by past years, when it has traditionally been in late January - very early Feb. Sabres have 26 games left of an 82-game season.
  7. Wow. Heck of a comeback. But as someone on the Sabres FB page wrote: No lie detected.
  8. A place near me invented the sour cream base, red potato, bacon, broccoli pizza. That’s a favorite. They also have a California pizza with sun-dried tomatoes and artichoke hearts that is awesome. I’ve made pizzas at home since I was a teen. Usually would go with pepperoni, black olives and onion back in the day, but have been trying different things like the above inspirations in more recent years (I use ricotta as the base for the potato-bacon-broccoli one tho. It’s just better.)
  9. “The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face” is one of THE most beautiful songs, ever. If I were on a deserted island and had an iPod and solar charger with 5 songs, that would be one of them.
  10. I mean… are they just gonna be back on Monday? Because if so, they just got a long weekend out of sexual harassment and that gal should maybe look into legal options / HR. Are the guys like day laborers, tradesmen, union? Did the boss at the very least upbraid them?
  11. I thought the dead cap hit was $8M last season iirc. It’s less for this year, but still not nothing.
  12. Yep. Bachelor here coming up on 45. My two brothers’ marriages & their ends ain’t been the best example for me to want to do that to myself. I’m also on the autism spectrum and tried dating a few times but never really had a relationship. I don’t think I’m entirely Aro in the feels, but functionally I am. In this day and age, marriage is just a piece of paper that allows someone to take 50-75% of your stuff when the odds are quite high that they’ll divorce you.
  13. Esp. when releasing him would come with a cap hit / dead money. If we can move on from Sam Martin, however, do it tout-suite. The punt block-TD cost us the Rams game and his slowness to kick very nearly resulted in more blocks. A new punter would mean a new holder for Bass, too. Which to me wouldn’t be a bad thing, because WRT to Martin… slow is slow.
  14. OK. Reeeally mis-remembered that one! 🤦‍♂️
  15. They did “Homeward Bound” and “Here Comes the Sun” and it was fantastic. All four of the Beatles coincidentally happened to be in NYC that night. This was the night that Lorne offered $1M if all four showed up to reunite and play. Only George came — a testament to his willingness to put aside whatever arguments and just play and be together. They didn’t need the money. Anyway, after George showed up, Lorne & Paul Simon did a short improv scene in the backstage where Paul acted as if he were upset that he was being upstaged. Funny stuff. I’m not sure if they knew each other prior, but they laughed and got along famously and Paul & George duetted together. It was a really beautiful moment of two giants sitting down and making music. Their harmonies / backgrounds are wonderful without having much or any prep time. Was this the one with Jason Segal (? from How I Met Your Mother) as the host? Florence’s voice was pretty shaky to start on “Shake it Out” as it seems nerves got to her. Improved as she went on. But, I dunno. I liked how emulated the lyrics of the song, to keep on going through a rough patch. Downloaded it to my library and it was a bit anthemic for me through a rough patch of my own.
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