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Everything posted by Noogie75

  1. No he has not. He is a better athlete but I don't think he's better. He does not sustain drives he doesn't get key first downs. Ones you make TT pass to get back in it. You might as well say we lost.
  2. TT made everyone leave. They rather play with a legit QB. We let go of them and kept Taylor.LOL
  3. Yes, he is. He can actually throw.
  4. this I why I thought Cardale was better for it but didn't get the chance. They gave up on him too fast. If anything he deserved a shot before Yates. But life goes on.
  5. To me he, has had enough chances to be not good but great. This year 3 as the starter and year 8 in the league. How much more???. What you're saying is that everything around his has to be perfect? No, the first year starting 8-8; excuse- well it's his first year he's gonna get better.( He had every weapon) Second year, it's the defense and no Sammy.(excuse) This year great defense,(excuse) well our offensive line is not playing well plus no Sammy. Listen, he is not getting better, he is getting worse or the same but definitely not better. 125 yards is better. 15 in the first half. LOL. That excuse attitude is what makes the bills sorry.They love him too much personally. But this is a Business.
  6. yes they were better but not good enough to win consistent.
  7. In parts I agree. Maybe the system has taken a bit of a toll on the running game. Now it is important to have a running game, that is correct. Now in the NFL game sometimes a team's running game may not work at times. However, the other option is to pass the ball to open up the run. Now if you can't even pass the ball with 9 in the box then you're in trouble. Just like you can rely on the run to set up the pass. As far as TT. Last year they would run early in the game and succeed. Then when better teams figured out how to stop the run game and make him be a qb, we usually lost the game. Because you have to make the defense be honest. Also 3 or 4 yards in the air to extend drives is needed to keep your defense off the field. Now TT was also a captain of three and outs. By no means I'm saying that Rex's de was the best. But I will say the played a lot of plays in which they were exhausted. Then when the team is behind with the game on the line the qb has to be sharp. TT continues not to do it when it matters. Even if the o line is not perfect because he is 3 million miles from perfect specially with the game on the line. So quit sharing the faults. He is just not good enough period.......
  8. to run play action you have to be able to run the ball.
  9. people that are blind to see the reality have to make up excuses all the time. Last year he had Woods and the speedster and Charles Clay. Why didn't we win? Even with a bad defense there were games we could have won if we had a QB.
  10. you were in favor of him staying.
  11. you thought I was crazy this summer. You supported TT a lot now you come to realize the truth.
  12. This is what I knew as soon as they resign him. Everyone in the league, the fans, were all hyping him. All defending him. All so sympathetic. The no receiver excuse. No no no you are right I don't care if we bring back Sammy and Beckam with TT we will stink. because they score a million against sorry teams.
  13. you thought I was crazy when I said TT would fail. I remember.
  14. I said that over the summer. He can't passss the ball.
  15. I don't wanna get into that now. But TT has no excuses. None what so ever. 125 yards. It's like high school. Now buy the way he did loose his staring job in college but when he started the games he started he won a national championship and did not loose a game. Yes, he got benched for a better Barrett. And they lost to Michigan State. Barrett is starting for his 3rd straight season. And has not won a championship. Though there is still hopes of OSU winning it. They better not loose another game because the Cardale will be the best man standing at OSU. We then can say, he was benched but they couldn't win without him. For yo info.
  16. Prove to me that I'm wrong. Meanwhile what I'm saying and what I've said holds water. You guys were so happy when he plays good against once again and again sorry teams.
  17. therefore we will continue to be a sorry team.
  18. Player please. After TT performance you haven't got out of the covery room by thinking he gives us the best chance to win. LOL!!! He gives us a better chance to pick high in the draft next year. And that goes for all of you TT supporters.
  19. hey, he is making everyone that supports him look bad specially McD.
  20. I agree. That's our best case scenario.
  21. Better than TT higher ceiling than TT. I rather see a player that is expected to make mistakes. Than to pay 10 mil to a I that should make those nonsense throws. And that TT supporters like yourself really do not have room to even be here. TT has been babyed and excused for playing sorry. Yes, I can tolerate a younger player.
  22. we just need a better QB Excuse me. The west coast is design to run, short passes to set up the long pass. TT could hit either. a little. You still have to be able to passss....
  23. You 100% correct. I've said it all along. That's why I say we should of kept Cardale.
  24. no no no. He could have done better than 125. It comes to show he doesn't have what it takes. Like I've said since we kept him. I do not care what weapons he has. He holds on the the ball too long and he can't throw. Can't extend drives. Now tell me our defense is at fault.
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