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Everything posted by Noogie75

  1. You have to make that throw to win. It's what it takes in the NFL. Is called clutch...
  2. No how about the Panthers game? Even when we've won he has been average at a very best. Just made a few good plays and got us by. It will not cut it when we play good teams. Face it he is not good enough. I agree we could of won without Clay or Mathews. It's just TT can't play clutch. There is always an excuse. No No No, he can't hang with the pressure when the game is on the line. So we don't need him. Jimmy Johnson quote.
  3. Yes, he was. You can't blame it on the D. A QB makes good with what we has. Everyone is always making excuses for him. At least Dalton passed for over 300 despite all.
  4. A good QB does.
  5. I've said it all along he can not lead us to a 4th quarter victory.The team with suffer because of him. Believe me.
  6. It is sad. For a defense that forced 4 turn overs then loose because of Tyrod.
  7. I don't we should of got rid of him IMO.
  8. He lost us the game. I told you guys he is not clutch.As long as he's the QB we will not win close games. We are in trouble if you think that the defense is gonna win us every game. They are gonna figure things out and make TT beat them. Which he can't. He does not have what it takes. Live by it.
  9. This is why he is still sorry. Defense forced 4 turn over. Now what?
  10. Hey I'm here. He is playing better but he still not great. The defense has kept us in it not TTs play. The ball should have been in the end zone last possession. Not a field goal. Thanks God we won, we stopped them on third and short. Then on forth and short. Now, if they would have scored it was over. But they didn't thanks D.
  11. Hey he will be in LA for a while. What I am gonna say they actually did him a favor. Makes 500 thou a year 26 in Southern California. He is backing a true QB. I would hold that clipboard with pride knowing it's a real QB who's in front of me. He's hanging out with Sammy and Rob. An he's away from the scrub team he left.
  12. Bingo I think he needs 5 min.
  13. I'm not don't crusade I just make my opinion based on the facts. The results of what is happening and what I have said all along. A lot are mad because they are looking real bad with the results. I'mma give yall he's better than my boy. Then why are the bills not winning? It ain't the D as they claim the passed two years.
  14. I don't think so but he is suppose to be. No da 8 years in league.
  15. you are just mad because TT can't hang.
  16. I just don't understand why you bag on CJ when he is 2 nd year man. TT is an 8 year vet and he's still playing sorry.CJ with three important games plus sat out and still got drafted in the 4th. TT played 4 years at VT and was drafted in the 6th. Yes, 8 years later he is still struggling. I could take the growing pains from a second year man who is 6'5" and has full potential. You have no reason to hate on CJ. Because you sure seem like it. TT is what his records shows 8-8 QB. That won against sorrier teams mostly. You along with the coaches are proving me right. He can't play qb for an 8 year vet. As of now everything I've said has been backed up. You are just mad because your are getting proved wrong. That is why if you were a coach I would love to play against your talent so I can expose you like they are doing with the Bills. Stack the box because he can't throw. Once again 125 passing LoL. My point is that he was going to fail this summer. He had a terrible training camp. But you do back him. Buy the way Garret is better than CJ. He better get drafted higher according to you. Now back to the Bills. We are gonna keep loosing until they change the QB position period. When you say things back it up. Because nothing that you have said about who's better has never proved the results yet. Meanwhile, until you learn about talent don't even compete with me because you don't know football. Argue with a person that loves loosing talent because it seems like it's ok with you. I back up good football talents not scrub talented players like the ones that play not to loose, they are not winners. Back it up or don't try an hang with what I know.
  17. Meanwhile an 8th year veteran had a 125 yards passing in a whole game. But he gives us the best chance to win. I see people saying I'm crazy. It was pathetic last Sunday. I don't think he should even be in the league. I'm even embarrassed to say we have him as a QB. Everyone around the league is already talking so much trash. Then again, to most people is natural to loose. I can't believe that there is absolutely no reason why they let go of an second year project to defend a QB that done ran out of excuses to be great. Although having 8 years in the league. Saying" we have to execute". Yeah right, starting with you. Fans have been defending him forever, even after lousy performances. Specially against good teams. Over the summer someone said he would throw for 4000yards and 30 TD. Right, Maybe if we played the Jets 16 times. And I still don't think so. One day the Bills will win without y'all know who. My prediction this week. TT 341 passing yards 4 TDs,0 int. 103 QB rating. Happy everyone. Please believe me.........
  18. I will because I see you can't haaang.
  19. I thought you said he was that good and a bag of chips. Has he succeeded so far? Well you know the answer LOL. Just a month ago you were all over Taylor. Like I told you I was gonna say," I told you" he would fail. Now it ain't the D. So what is it? Buy the way he had the ball in his hand with more that two minutes left ??? All his weapons on the field??? Oh plus 125 yards passing- 15 in the first half. In one quarter in his first game ever CJ had more than that??? I Love laughing at people that say things about football that they don't know. One other thing, prey that OSU does not loose any more. Because then I could really say they couldn't and they can't win without CJ. So everyone in the OSU universe will remember a winner when it counts, now explain or go research your intellectual excuses because it's all you have. Sad story isn't it.
  20. Eventually we are gonna suffer because of TT. I guarantee it. It all starts with the QB play and he just can't play. The coaching staff just don't wanna look bad. They don't wanna realized that TT was a mistake. But the results do not lie. You are what your record shows.With TT we are an 8-8 team at a very best. Coaches sometimes think they are genius by thinking the can change a player. 125 yards passing and he is still the starter. This is why you have Bilichek, Jimmy Johnson and Bill Parcels. The rest are just... These coaches never take nonsense. Their attitude is, I will work with you if you can get it done but not in three year. If you can't do it in the clutch I don't need you. That is the way it should be with a QB period. Yes, when Bledsoe was not making plays he was gone, no if. When Berlin didn't make plays gone, no ifs. Even when Jimmy was at the U. Kraig Erickson won a national championship and still had to compete for his job the year after. No nonsense that is why they are in the HOF. Not by sticking to a QB that can not win in clutch. They found HOF QBs. Aikman, Simms, Brady.
  21. if he's seeing what we are seeing then yes. Let go of second year CJ. Over reps over Yates. Come on Yates... Trades away Watkins. He better be right.
  22. It is his fault he does not make the team better by throwing 30 incompletes a game. Plus holds on to the ball too long and panics under pressure. Good receivers get sick of looking bad when they are talented. Every receiver that has left from TT. Has gotten a better contract for one. For two they are way happier having a better Qb. Hogan Woods, Watkins, etc. Now I live in LA. I hear the jokes they both insinuated about TT's game. He continues to prove that no matter if you get the best NFL stars he is gonna play sorry and fustrate them.
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